
page from an 1836 bundle of correspondence
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Languages alive 2024

In the second annual NSW Aboriginal Languages Week, held on 20–27 October, we celebrate the determination and courage of First Nations peoples to maintain and revitalise languages

Detail view of Edge of the Trees installation, Museum of Sydney

Languages Alive, Culture Thrives

An engaging panel discussion highlighting the importance of access to archives for First Nations people in revitalisation of Aboriginal Languages across NSW

Thursday 17 October 5pm–7.30pm
Silhouette reverse painted on glass

Mrs Simpson's legacy - in conversation with Edward Simpson

Join us to explore some of the highlights of Mrs Caroline Simpson's unique cultural gift and discover the story of the woman behind the collection

Tuesday 29 October 6pm–7.30pm
Letter containing a statement of absolute pardon for Samuel Henry Horn (more often known as  Horne), dated 1830 and signed by Governor Richard Bourke in 1832

Convict turned constable

A recently donated letter, signed by the governor of NSW in 1832, offers a tangible connection to the story of Samuel Horne, a convict who rose to the rank of district chief constable in the NSW Police

Address presented to Lord Carrington Governor of NSW from the Murrumbidgee P & A Association, 1890.
Special event

Lord Carrington’s illuminated addresses

Join us for a special Rare Book Week event showcasing the Carrington Albums, a jewel in the State Archives Collection

Thursday 24 October 10.30am–12pm
The polychromatic ornament of Italy / by Edward Adams, architect.

A designer’s inspiration: 19th century ornament source books

Lavishly illustrated Ornament Source Books provided creative inspiration to 19th century designers. A wide variety will be on view for this Rare Book Week event

Wednesday 23 October 2.30pm–3.30pm
A large register sits open showing handwritten entries of wages paid to orphans
Latest News

Wages Paid to Orphans – a regional tour

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our recent Collections on Tour program on Wages paid to orphans, 1849-1851

Cover label Small debts registers [Newcastle Court of Petty Sessions]
Latest News

Archives for Everyone

The Archives for Everyone project has seen us partner with 14 groups who have nominated Small Debts registers from Courts of petty sessions throughout NSW

Painting of 3 masted cutter [no date]; [alternate title 'Copy of painting of unidentified schooner. This is possibly from the Dufty Collection']
Online talk

Assisted immigrant records

This webinar will provide an overview of our assisted immigrant indexes and the digitised passenger lists

Friday 6 December 10.30am–11.30am