First Nations

Candle light tour, Elizabeth Farm
10 August, 6pm

A Winter's Night at Elizabeth Farm

Join us on a unique, informative, behind-the-scenes insight into life in the Macarthur home, at night-time

Saturday 10 August 6pm–8pm
Handpainted image from book of woman in canoe. Margins of page visible on left and right.
First Nations

A fisher woman of Warrane

Daringa’s short but fascinating life reflects the connection of coastal Aboriginal peoples to the water, and the key role played by women in the fishing economy

Aboriginal Resources: administrative history

An administrative history of contact between the Government of New South Wales and Aboriginal people

Aboriginal resources: a guide to NSW State archives

A listing and description of records in our collection which relate to Aboriginal people

Aboriginal resources: an overview of records

A brief overview of the State archives that document the NSW government's interaction with Aboriginal people from 1788 until today

A group of First Nations people in a garden

Aboriginal resources: chronology of significant events

This chronology gives an overview of significant events which have happened in Australia from 1788 to 1998, concentrating on the relations between Aboriginal people and the post-1788 immigrants

Four men on horseback

Aboriginal trackers & gaol photos

This webinar highlights records that Aboriginal people can access to discover more about their own family history on the colonial frontier

Sergeant Tracker Alexander ‘Alec’ Riley, standing in police uniform
Permanent display

Alexander Riley, legendary Aboriginal police tracker

The remarkable talents of Aboriginal trackers who worked for NSW Police in the 20th century are featured in a display at the Justice & Police Museum

Monday 18 September
Sergeant Tracker Alexander ‘Alec’ Riley wearing his police uniform

Alexander Riley, legendary Aboriginal police tracker

The remarkable talents of Aboriginal trackers who worked for NSW Police in the 20th century are featured in a display at the Justice & Police Museum