Museum of Sydney

Eora by Michael Riley
Now showing
Featured display

Eora by Michael Riley

Eora, by the late Wiradjuri/Kamilaroi filmmaker and photographer Michael Riley (1960–2004), is a 20-minute digital film that tells the story of Sydney’s First Nations people – before and after colonisation

Saturday 7 December
Hero image for Beauty Rich and Rare Exhibition.
Now showing

Beauty Rich and Rare

Immerse yourself in a 180-degree visual experience depicting Australia’s unique flora and fauna, collected by Sir Joseph Banks on HMB Endeavour in 1770

Saturday 7 December
Coomaditchie: The Art of Place marketing photoshoot

Museum of Sydney

Explore the character, cultures and soul of the city

Dr Aaron De Souza (standing, right), Research Manager at Museums of History NSW, presenting archaeological artefacts from the site of Australia’s first Government House
Latest News

Exploring the archaeology of the first Government House

Donors joined Dr Aaron De Souza, Research Manager at Museums of History NSW, for a fascinating bespoke talk and behind-the-scenes viewing of a selection of the more than 140,000 archaeological finds from the site of Australia’s first Government House

Edge of the Trees installation, Museum of Sydney forecourt
Permanent display

Edge of Trees

This site-specific piece commissioned for the forecourt of the Museum of Sydney at its opening in 1995 was created by artists Fiona Foley and Janet Laurence

Sunday 1 January
First Fleet ship models, Museum of Sydney
Permanent display

First Fleet Ships

This display explores the journey, arrival and first contacts of this fleet’s largely unwilling human cargo

Sunday 1 January
Coomaditchie: The Art of Place marketing photoshoot
First Nations

Do touch

We all know we can’t touch collection objects or artworks displayed in museums. However, the new display Cast in cast out by First Nations artist Dennis Golding at the Museum of Sydney includes a ‘do touch’ element

View of the archaeological dig on the site of the first Government House from the rooftop of Colonial Secretary’s building, photographer Lindy Kerr for the NSW Department of Planning, 28 October 1983.

Excavating Australia’s first Government House

Did you know that when you walk into the Museum of Sydney, you’re walking over the remains of one of the most significant buildings in Australia’s history?

Coomaditchie Lagoon
First Nations

Coomaditchie: The Art of Place

The works of the Coomaditchie artists speak of life in and around the settlement of Coomaditchie, its history, ecology and local Dreaming stories