First Fleet Ships

At the time of the First Fleet’s voyage there were some 12,000 British commercial and naval ships plying the world’s oceans.

The fleet of 11 ships that made its way to Botany Bay was comparatively small given the nature of its mission. The establishment of a new penal colony on the remote coast of New Holland would provide relief for Britain’s crowded prisons and stake a strategic claim in the Pacific ahead of Britain’s rivals.

At dawn on 13 May 1787 HMS Sirius gave the signal to weigh anchor and the First Fleet embarked. The convoy consisted of two naval ships, six convict transports and three storeships to carry the food and supplies necessary for establishing a settlement. Crowded on board were some 1500 people – marines, officers, seamen, their wives and children and at least 775 prisoners of the Crown. The departing convicts fretted over ‘the impracticability of returning home, the dread of a sickly passage, and the fearful prospect of a distant and barbarous country’ (Watkin Tench, 1789). They were unwilling participants in this colonial enterprise.

Altogether they formed a little squadron of eleven sail

Arthur Phillip, first governor of New South Wales, 1789

At journey’s end, eight months and one week later, the successful arrival of the First Fleet in Botany Bay was cause for celebration. Travelling on the Supply, Governor Phillip arrived in Botany Bay on 18 January, closely followed by the rest of the Fleet which arrived over the next two days. Phillip wasted no time in judging Botany Bay an unsuitable location and on the 26 January the Fleet departed Botany Bay for Port Jackson - present-day Sydney. But to the Aboriginal peoples looking on, the arrival of the ships marked the beginning of an invasion that would catastrophically affect their lives.

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Visitors looking at the First Fleet Ships display

The First Fleet

In August 1786, the Royal Navy captain Arthur Phillip received official instructions to prepare a convoy of ships for the ‘conveyance of seven hundred and fifty convicts to Botany Bay, together with such provisions, necessaries and implements for agriculture as may be necessary for their use after their arrival’

On This Day

20 Jan 1788 - First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay

On 20 January 1788 the last of the eleven ships of the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay

First Fleet Ships


The First Fleet voyage took between 250 and 252 days to complete, with 68 of these days spent anchored in ports en route

[First Government House, Sydney] / watercolour drawing by John Eyre
Museum stories

First encounters

The Museum of Sydney is built on and around a site that links us to the very beginnings of modern Australia