Formerly the ‘Rum Hospital’ – oldest surviving public building in Sydney’s CBD

Built for a cost of 45,000 gallons of rum, The Mint is rich in history. It was originally part of Governor Macquarie’s ‘Rum’ hospital for convicts and later became the first branch of the Royal Mint outside London. Today The Mint is home to Museums of History NSW’s head office, the Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection, Bullion café and a spectacular series of venue hire spaces.

10 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000

The Mint

Gadigal Country

10 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  • Cafe
  • Wheelchair accessible
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View of first floor verandah from ground level
Latest News

Rum Hospital verandah conservation update

Remediation works have seen four original columns spliced, 17 joists replaced, seven bays of balustrades repaired, gutters and downpipes remediated, and a new fascia, perimeter floorboards and soffit boards installed


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Large 2 storey building with deep verandahs, steps leading to lower verandah and bushes and driveway in the foreground.
Museum stories

A rum deal

When Lachlan Macquarie began his term as governor of NSW in 1810, Sydney was in desperate need of a new hospital

The Mint
Museum stories

The changing face of the Mint

As photographers documented the evolving face of the Mint, they recorded changes to the site and streetscape

Drawing room, Deputy Mint Master’s quarters, the Mint

Unexpected views

Over the decades, photographers have captured unexpected glimpses of the Mint’s history

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