Subjects A-Z
Browse our alphabetical list of research topics
This Subjects A–Z listing directs you to guides, indexes, articles and webinars on popular research topics. You can search individual indexes related to a topic here. Search all the indexes at once in the State Archives catalogue.
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Access to the records
This covers a variety of topics including information on open and closed periods and where copies of our records are held in our community access points and regional archives centres
Architecture & design
Records from the Colonial (Government) Architect; photos of public buildings in NSW, hospital buildings records relating to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House
Inmate records for the Infirm and Destitute Asylums and where to find them
Bankruptcy & insolvency
Insolvency - inability to satisfy creditors or discharge liabilities Bankruptcy - similar but also involves the sequestration of a person's assets when they are unable to meet the demands of creditors
Births, deaths & marriages
Please visit the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages website for copies of birth, death and marriage certificates registered in NSW and NSW historical BDM indexes.
Cabinet documents
Public release of NSW cabinet papers
Care leavers
Records relating to orphans, foster care, State wards, adoption and other out-of-home care
Census & musters
Population muster and census records, 1788-1901
Child care & protection
Records and indexes relating to child care and protection; child / youth migration from the UK; Randwick Asylum; Scheyville Training Farm
Citing & publishing
Information on how to request permission to publish and how to cite records accurately
Colonial Secretary
The correspondence of the Colonial Secretary is one of the most valuable sources of information on all aspects of the history of the Colony and the State of NSW
Conservation & preservation
Conservation treatments and tips, including caring for your family photos
How do you know if there was a convict in your family? Find out where to start and how to research our vast selection of convict resources including transportation records, assignment, tickets of leave, pardons & more
Find out how copyright affects your use of State archives
Courts (Higher)
Court of Quarter Sessions, the District Court and Supreme Court
Courts (Lower)
Bench of Magistrates, Governors Court, Justices of the Peace, Vice Admiralty Court
Sources in our collection that relate to divorce and procedures for accessing Divorce Case Papers
Donating records
Estrays are official, government records that have somehow been moved out of official custody. These records often end up in local museums, historical societies, libraries or in private hands. We are pleased to accept donations of estray records for inclusion in the State archives collection
Family history
It is always easier to work from the present to the past when tracing your family history. Find out more in our Guide for Family Historians
The federation of the six Australian colonies into the Commonwealth of Australia took over fifty years from its beginnings in the 1840s
Female factory
A brief historical overview of the Female Factory and a list of the main record series
First Nations
Resources to help you access archives relating to First Nations people
Getting started
Find out where to start your online research using the NSW State archives and and how to prepare for a visit to the reading room.
Government publications
Including Government Gazettes and Police Gazettes
Immigration & shipping
Find the key records and indexes for passengers 1788-1922
Inquests & coronial inquiries
Inquests are conducted by coroners and are held to investigate the manner and cause of death, fires
Local history
We have number of resources to help you trace the history of a place (rather than focusing on individuals)
Maps & plans
Government Architect, Surveyors, Land Grants, Crown Land, Conditional Purchase
Naturalisation & citizenship
Naturalisation records are a good source of information for tracing details of an immigrant's arrival and native place. The key records in our collection relating to naturalisation cover 1834-1903.
Penal settlements
Penal settlements were places of incarceration and punishment for convicts who committed serious offences after reaching New South Wales
Probates and wills
Records in a Probate packet include the last will and testament
Railways & railway workers
Access railway records, including employment, locomotives, photos, plans
Responsible government
Responsible government shifted responsibility from the Imperial Parliament and its colonial representatives to local decision making
Our guarantees of services
Students & pupils
Education records in NSW 1788-c.1979 plus the main records, indexes, photos, teachers
Sydney Opera House
Records cover all aspects of the Sydney Opera House, from design and planning, construction, contracts and specifications, the official opening and later productions, and the management of the House
Taronga Zoo
A brief overview of the major sources in our collection relating to the opening and operation of Taronga Zoo at Mosman
Water Board
Detail Sheets created by the Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board (MWS&DB) c.1904-1945 and how to access them