A wayward prince

Investigating a possible imposter seen in a striking photo at Rouse Hill House, Dr Scott Hill uncovered a story of scandal

Fabricating heroes: Iridescent by Gerwyn Davies

Gerwyn Davies’s creations – from oversized queer creatures to fantastically costumed beings – invade our historic interiors and significant places

Title TBC (Justice and Police Museum)

Inspiring Iridescent: Justice & Police Museum

Find out more about the curatorial research that inspired artist Gerwyn Davies’s response to the Justice & Police Museum, featured in the Iridescent exhibition

Man in yellow costume sitting on a chair at Elizabeth Bay House

Iridescent by Gerwyn Davies film

Artist Gerwyn Davies discusses the making of the exhibition 'Iridescent by Gerwyn Davies, at the Museum of Sydney

Cropped version of photo portrait of bearded man, mounted on card.

Moonlite at the Sydney Mint

If you’ve ever visited The Mint on Sydney’s Macquarie Street, chances are you have walked in the footsteps of an infamous Australian bushranger, ‘Captain Moonlite’

Ngaya (I am)
Now showing
Featured exhibition

Ngaya (I am)

‘A cut-and-paste, punked-up look at my Country’ is how Peter Waples-Crowe describes his video installation, a self-portrait of the artist as a queer Ngarigo person from the Snowy Mountains region of south-eastern NSW

Saturday 16 March
Two women on the steps of a sandstone building. One is crouching and holding a wooden tool, an axe rests beside her. The other and one sits on the step at a easel, under an umbrella

Queering the Interior: London, New York, Sydney, 1882–1929

Design practices of five figures from queer history: Irish playwright and poet Oscar Wilde, American actress and interior designer Elsie de Wolfe, and Australian artists Eirene Mort, Roy de Maistre and Adrian Feint (1894–1971)

Title TBC (Elizabeth Bay House 1)

The inspiration behind Iridescent: Elizabeth Bay House

Find out more about the curatorial research that inspired artist Gerwyn Davies’s flamboyant response to Elizabeth Bay House, featured in the Iridescent exhibition