John Graham

Arrived 1825

Escapee, rescuer

Escaping and living with the Aboriginal people was one way to avoid the drudgery of a life in custody. Graham used his knowledge of Aboriginal ways to achieve his liberty.

Irish convict John Graham arrived in the colony in 1825 with a seven-year sentence for stealing hemp.

Graham befriended Aborigines in the Parramatta area, becoming familiar with their culture and skilled in their fishing and food-gathering ways. A conviction for theft saw him sent to Moreton Bay (now Brisbane) in 1826, but he escaped and lived for several years with the local Aborigines.

A decade later the brig Stirling Castle was wrecked on the Great Barrier Reef and Aboriginal people held the survivors captive. Graham volunteered to rescue the party, which included the captain's wife.

After he was transferred back to the Hyde Park Barracks, Graham petitioned the Governor to reduce his sentence. Along with a ticket of leave, he was rewarded with £10.

Other convicts might have described Graham as: croppy, prig, scurf’d, boned, done, grab’d, nibb’d, pulled up, sevener, bolter, ticketer. See our glossary of Flash language (convict slang words) to find out what these words mean.

Convict reenactors at the Hyde Park Barracks Museum
Convict Sydney

What was ‘flash’ language?

Convicts transported to NSW brought a lot of different things with them. In some cases this included their own slang language, called ‘flash’

Read what John Graham said to the Governor when he pleaded for his sentence to be reduced as a reward for good behaviour.

…Your petitioner having his four Christians safe in the Boat, they left the inhospitable coast and landed them safe at Moreton Bay to the great joy of the Commandant who again assured your petitioner that no effort should be wanted on his part to induce your Excellency to befriend your petitioner who had risked his life for the sole purpose of saving the above named Christians 'Your petitioner therefore most humbly prays your Excellency to take his case into your humane and early consideration and grant him such relief as to your Excellency shall seem meet. 'And your petitioner will ever pray & etc,

'John Graham, 29 December 1836.'

Source: ‘The humble petition of John Graham’, Dixson Library, State Library of NSW, DL SP 196

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Convict Sydney

A world of pain

The combined aims of the assignment system, from 1826 onwards, were to equip farmers with cheap convict labour, to disperse convicts away from towns (and other convicts) and to keep an eye on each worker’s whereabouts and treatment

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Dr Fiona Starr

Dr Fiona Starr

Former curator

Fiona claims her love of history is hereditary – passed on by her mother and grandmother, each interested in Australian history, genealogy and world history, with a passion for visiting and learning about heritage sites around the world. Her interest took root with degrees in historical archaeology and museum studies, and through internships at the Museum of London and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris. Work on archaeological digs, with museum collections and on numerous exhibition and site interpretation projects inspired her PhD research into encouraging the private sector to help conserve cultural heritage sites. As curator of the Hyde Park Barracks Museum and The Mint (Macquarie Street Portfolio), Fiona combines her curiosity for colonial and convict history with expertise in managing and interpreting archaeology to help bring the fascinating stories of these sites to life for visitors.

Convict Sydney

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Convict Sydney

Convict punishment: the treadmill

As a punishment, convicts were made to step continuously on treadmills to power wheels that ground grain

'Sydney Cove, Port Jackson. 1788' / W. Bradley
Convict Sydney

Molesworth report

The findings of the 1837 Molesworth inquiry brought about the end of convict transportation to New South Wales

Dennis Dogherty, per Aurora
Convict Sydney

Dennis Dogherty

Not even men in uniform were spared the gruelling punishment of transportation. Desertion from the military was regarded as a serious crime, as Irishman Dennis Dougherty found out

Road-Building Gang on Gadigal Country model
Convict Sydney

Francis Macnamara

With their ‘flash’ slang words, convicts could undermine the control of the authorities. The rebellious verse of Macnamara, who clearly had the gift of the gab, must have struck a chord with his fellow convicts

Road-Building Gang on Gadigal Country model
Convict Sydney

William Ockenden

Although the authorities frowned on it, gambling at the barracks and in public houses was common among the convicts. Ockenden seems to have made it an art form

St James’ Church Under Construction on Gadigal Country model
Convict Sydney

David Sturrman

Chief of the Khoi of the Cape of South Africa, David Stuurman (also Steerman/Sherman) was a resistance fighter who had been captured by the British

Convict Sydney

Charles Dolphus

Driven by the brutality of convict life and the will for liberty, plenty of convicts tried it, and some succeeded – including one-time Hyde Park Barracks convict Charles Dolphus

Convict Sydney

William Grady

Being connected with a notorious gang of London criminals known as the West End Mayfair Gang, or the ‘Terror of the Metropolis’, 16-year-old William Grady was more than likely to end up being transported ‘beyond the seas’

Print from book.
Convict Sydney

Charles Anderson

Some hapless individuals experienced the full horrors of convict transportation. It was no wonder that some, like Anderson, endured periods of mental instability

Convict Sydney

Norfolk Island

A hellish prison outpost was established in two phases on Norfolk Island between 1788 and 1855