Rouse Hill Estate

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Rouse Hill Estate – what’s been going on?
The conservation works are up and running at Rouse Hill Estate! The scaffolds are up, allowing the team to look closely at windows and roofs

Permanent display
Rouse Hill Estate in LEGO® Bricks
Featuring amazing models of the iconic Rouse Hill House, outbuildings, stable and barns constructed from LEGO® bricks
Sunday 1 January

Layered histories: refurbishing the visitor centre at Rouse Hill Estate
Refreshed and renewed, the refurbished visitor centre at Rouse Hill Estate, on Dharug Country, offers visitors an invitation to explore the property and discover its richly layered history

Rouse Hill conservation works 2024–25
After detailed condition inspections of the state heritage–listed Rouse Hill Estate, MHNSW’s Capital Works and Heritage teams have begun a large-scale conservation project that will sensitively address a range of identified issues at the site

Latest News
Conservation works at Rouse Hill Estate
After detailed condition inspections of the state heritage–listed Rouse Hill Estate, MHNSW’s Capital Works and Heritage teams have begun a large-scale conservation project that will sensitively address a range of identified issues

History with flavour
Good food and generous hospitality were part of the rhythms of domestic life at Rouse Hill House. A collection of cookbooks and handwritten recipes accumulated over more than a hundred years remains in the house, and provides a taste of the family’s culinary repertoire through times of boom and bust

Rouse Hill Estate: a preservationist approach
Six generations of one family occupied Rouse Hill House from its construction until the late 1990s when it opened as a museum. Each generation added another layer of belongings, improvements and memories

Furnishing textiles in Australia: 1850-1920
The Caroline Simpson Library holds numerous examples of textile furnishings provenanced to NSW homes dating back to the 1850s

When masks were compulsory
When thinking about the impact of COVID-19, it’s timely to reflect on an earlier pandemic that affected every aspect of life, including at our places