William Dawes

Marine, astronomer, engineer

Arrived free 1788 on the Sirius

Miniature oil painting of Lieutenant William Dawes, 1830s, artist unknown Tasmanian Museum and Art GalleryOfficer of marines, scientist, astronomer, engineer, surveyor, teacher and administrator, William Dawes was the eldest son of Benjamin Dawes, clerk of works in the Ordnance Office at Portsmouth, England. Wounded in battle against the French off Chesapeake Bay, he later volunteered for service with the First Fleet to New South Wales.

A competent astronomer, Dawes was supplied with instruments and books to record the sighting of a comet expected in 1788. From March 1788 he was employed ashore as engineer and surveyor and shortly after commenced work on an observatory on the headland overlooking Sydney Cove, now Dawes Point. Unfortunately the comet did not appear. In the meantime, Dawes focused his attention on the local Aboriginal people and made detailed written records of their language and traditions.

His engineering efforts included the design of batteries to protect Sydney Cove, the establishment of a government farm, and the first streets and allotments in Sydney and Parramatta. In December 1789, with the governor’s approval, Dawes led a party into the Blue Mountains across the Nepean River, penetrating only 15 miles (24 kilometres) in three days because of precipitous ravines. With Watkin Tench he trekked through the upper Nepean, plotting the way to the Cowpastures.

Approval for his appointment as engineer was received in October 1791 but, since the marines had been ordered home, Governor Arthur Phillip offered him a position as an ensign in the New South Wales Corps, and imposed the condition that Dawes apologise for his conduct on two matters. The first was his purchase of flour from a convict which Phillip claimed was part of the man’s rations, and therefore he was not allowed to trade, though Dawes maintained it was the man’s earned property. The second occurred in December 1790 when Dawes refused to join a punitive expedition against Aboriginal people in reprisal for the fatal wounding of the governor’s gamekeeper. As such, Dawes is the first European on record to defend Aboriginal rights.

Dawes refused to apologise and, despite his wish to remain and settle in New South Wales, he sailed for England in December 1791. Unfortunately, successive requests on his part to return to Sydney were declined, leaving his deep commitment to the colony and his scholarly and personal interest in its Aboriginal people unrealised.

Convict Sydney

The Convicts’ Colony

Part one starts in 1788 with Sydney established as a British convict colony on the clan lands of the Gadigal people

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Dr Fiona Starr

Dr Fiona Starr

Former curator

Fiona claims her love of history is hereditary – passed on by her mother and grandmother, each interested in Australian history, genealogy and world history, with a passion for visiting and learning about heritage sites around the world. Her interest took root with degrees in historical archaeology and museum studies, and through internships at the Museum of London and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris. Work on archaeological digs, with museum collections and on numerous exhibition and site interpretation projects inspired her PhD research into encouraging the private sector to help conserve cultural heritage sites. As curator of the Hyde Park Barracks Museum and The Mint (Macquarie Street Portfolio), Fiona combines her curiosity for colonial and convict history with expertise in managing and interpreting archaeology to help bring the fascinating stories of these sites to life for visitors.

Convict Sydney

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Convict Sydney

James Hardy Vaux

Some convicts were transported more than once. Vaux was sent to the colony three times, each time arriving under a different name

Convict Sydney

1801 - Day in the life of a convict

In the young colony, there was no prisoner’s barrack - the bush and sea were the walls of the convicts’ prison

Convict Sydney

The Governor's Domain

The settlement of Sydney was less than a year old when an experimental crop of corn was planted on the banks of a freshwater creek flowing into a little cove to the east called Woccanmagully, soon to be renamed Farm Cove

Convicts embarking for Botany Bay
Convict Sydney

Why Sydney

No-one knows for sure why Britain chose Sydney to send convicts to, or exactly what they wanted from the colony. There is no clear answer, only competing theories