Colonial Life at Elizabeth Farm

About the program

As they explore the Macarthur family home, which dates from 1793, students learn about the lives of the family and their convict servants and the impact of colonisation on the traditional owners of the Parramatta area.

In the dim, low-ceilinged cellar, students imagine travelling to NSW in the hold of a convict ship and use percussion instruments to evoke a storm at sea. They visit the kitchen garden, wash clothes by hand and take a guided tour through the kitchen, main bedroom and drawing room of Elizabeth Farm to gain insights into the lives of both convict servants and the Macarthur family.

The students also discuss the concept of terra nullius and the effects of colonisation on the natural environment and the Burramattagal people. They examine a range of historical and contemporary sources to learn about traditional hunting, gathering and land management practices, and in a hands-on group activity, they discover how indigenous plant specimens were used for bush food and medicine and in making tools.

Prepare your group for a visit with an 'Excursion Introduction' listed under Resources. These introductions are suitable for teachers of children with ASD in integrated classrooms.

70 Alice Street, Rosehill NSW 2142

Elizabeth Farm

70 Alice Street, Rosehill NSW 2142
  • Wheelchair accessible
Cost (GST free)
From $200 for up to 20 students

See page details for the full cost scale

90 minutes
Session offered
Monday to Friday
Maximum students
60 per session
Supervision ratios

The supervision ratio is 1:10 for primary groups and 1:15 for secondary groups. Teachers and parents attend free of charge at these ratios. One carer per student with special needs will be admitted free of charge

Additional visitor costs

Each additional visitor will be charged at the concession rate of $12

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