Schools & related records 1876-1979

SchoolDateRemarksItem No
Bagotville01.03.1938 - 20.09.1965Visitors' book[1/8774]Details
Auburn1933-1935Administrative file[5/14727]Details
Bellangry1923-1965Visitors' book[1/3724]Details
BackwaterPre 1939Administrative file[5/14748.1]Details
BaldersleighPost 1939Administrative file[14/7271]Details
Bellangry1966Punishment book[1/3721]Details
Barrington AboriginalPre 1939Administrative file[5/14815.1]Details
Balfour02.02.1965 - 16.12.1965Programme & Lesson register[1/4063]Details
Back Creek1956 - 1963Admission register[1/8722]Details
BannockburnPre 1939Administrative file[5/14799.2]Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 21,347 results

of  2135

The records indexed include Administrative School Files and records from individual schools such as admission registers, punishment books and inspection books. There are 30,000+ entries in the index.

building plan from the Broken Hill Public School file

Schools: what the files can tell you

School files very strongly reflect the growth or decline of towns and are an excellent source for your local history research