The Walsh Street House epitomises daring and modernist 1950s architecture. While architect Robin Boyd experimented with a distinctive Australian design, this house also embraces a Japanese simplicity of style.
Robin Boyd (1919-1971) was a leader in Australian architecture as well as an author, critic, and public educator in the 1950s and 1960s. Boyd designed the house for his family in 1957 and it is his most well-known work. Tony Lee and Stephen Hare established the Robin Boyd Foundation in January 2005 to increase individual and community awareness, understanding and participation in design.
Boyd may have felt disappointed that his career did not embrace large-scale commissions but in many ways he played an even more significant role in the development of Australian architecture. He acted as the gatekeeper for aesthetic standards and played a crucial intermediary role, through his writing, between the profession and the public.
Karen McCartney, 50/60/70 Iconic Australian Houses: three decades of domestic architecture
In December 2022, Phyllis Murphy AM generously donated to the Caroline Simpson Library more than 3,000 wallpaper samples. While the bulk of the donation consists of wallpaper rolls, lengths and sample books, it also includes two printing rollers
Forgotten for decades, the archive of building contractor Alexander Mackintosh was rediscovered in a roof space in the 1990s. It includes more than 270 architectural drawings and reveals information about the work of many of Sydney’s leading architects of the early 20th century