Tracing NSW Gaol Inmates: Researching criminal offenders in the State Archives Collection

Gaol records can provide so much detail about your ancestors - where they came from, what they looked like and some of the things they did. In this webinar we will show you how to use the State Archives collection to trace your ancestors through the NSW prison system, uncovering their crimes and incarcerations.

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No. 659 Matilda ‘Tilly’ Devine. Photographed 27 May 1925, State Reformatory for Women, Long Bay. Gaol photograph, Prisoner photographic index

Gaol inmates & prisoners guide

Find out what types of prison records are available and how to access them

Mugshot of Lottie May Little, 1917

Gaol photographs

We have indexed and digitised this collection of photographs of men, women and children who were incarcerated in the NSW prison system c1870–c1930

  • Friday 27 September 10.30am–11.30am