Captured: Portraits of Crime 1870-1930, Jim Skidmore

Jim Skidmore, a 34 year old station hand from Sydney, was photographed at Broken Hill Gaol on 31 May 1927 while serving a sentence of six months hard labour for the illegal use of a motor car.

Skidmore and his co-accused, Roy Davidson, aged 39—also a station hand—appeared before Tilpa Police Court on 25 February 1927...the two men had driven the car—a Buick—across the Darling River and were trying to change gears when intercepted.

Touring exhibition

Captured: Portraits of Crime, 1870 – 1930

Now on tour

Saturday 1 April

Archives behind the scenes - gaol photos

In this episode we show you the very popular Gaol Photo Description Books. The photos (or mugshots) of prisoners are from gaols right across NSW and date from 1870-1930

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