Van Diemen's Land population records

Covering 1811-1821

Muster and census records

The following records are from NRS-1261

1811 Population muster

[4/1233], Reel 156

Hobart Town, Port Dalymple and Norfolk Island.
Arrangement is alphabetical and then sub-divided by location:

  • Hobart Town: male and female convicts
  • Port Dalrymple: male and female convicts
  • Norfolk Island: male and female convicts

1818 Population muster

[4/1235.2], Reel 1254

Muster - Hobart Town - Free persons Arrangement: men, women and children.

Taken between 7 September and 2 October 1818.

1819 Population muster

[4/1235.4], Reel 1254

Arrangement: men and women; however, there is no discernible order within these groups.

Taken between 11 Oct and 16 Nov 1819.

1819 Population muster

[4/1235.6], Reel 1254

Port Dalrymple - Civil officers, their wives and free persons. Arrangement: men, wives of civil officers; settlers and free people; children or free people.

Taken between 11 and 15 October 1819.

1819-22 Land and stock musters

These returns are for Hobart and Port Dalrymple, and they give more information than the mainland returns. In all cases they give the following information: name; grant or lease; by whom granted, leased or located; number of acres of - wheat, barley, peas and beans, potatoes; total number of acres held; number of horses (male, female); horned cattle (male, female); sheep (male, female); grain on hand in bushels - wheat, barley; whether the following were victualled from the stores or not - proprietor, wife, children, government servants; number of free men employed; total number in family; remarks.

  • Hobart Town, 1819 [4/1235.3] Reel 1255

Arrangement: by district with no discernable order Districts: Hobart Town, Coal River, Clarence Plains, Pitt Water, Elizabeth Town, New Norfolk, Herdsmen's Cove.

Taken between 11 October and 16 November 1819. Index at 4/1235A.

  • Port Dalrymple, 1819 [X740] Reel 1255
  • Taken between 11 and 15 October 1819.
  • Port Dalrymple, 1820 [4/1235.9] Reel 1255

Taken between 6 and 15 November 1820.

  • Port Dalrymple, 1822 [4/1235.12] Reel 1255

Arrangement: No discernable order.

Taken between 31 October and 11 November 1822.

1820 Population muster

[4/1235.7], Reel 154

Hobart Town. Convicts

Arrangement: men and women; however there is no discernable order within these groups.

Taken between 9 and 20 October 1820. Index available in the reading room.

1820 Population muster

[4/1235.8], Reel 1255

Port Dalrymple. Free People and convicts

Arrangement: free men, free women, free children, convict men, convict women, children of convicts (excludes military personnel).

Taken between 6 and 15 November 1820.

1821 Population muster

[4/1235.10], Reel 1255

Hobart Town. Convicts.

Arrangement: by male and female, and then by district. The districts are: Hobart Town, Clarence Plains, Pitt Water, Coal River, Bagdad, Jericho, New Norfolk, Macquarie District. Taken between 8 October and 1 November 1821.

1821 Population muster

[4/1235.11], Reel 1255 & COD 493

Port Dalrymple. Free People and convicts.

Arrangement: free men, free women, children of free people, male convicts, female convicts, children of convicts. Taken between 8 and 17 October 1821.

NRS-1271 1820+ Land holdings in Van Diemen's Land (after 1820)

[4/1236.1],Reel 1255

Arranged by district. The districts are: Buckinghamshire - Kingboro, Queenboro, York, Clarence Plains, Gloucester, Sussex, Cambridge, Harrington, Argyle, Glenarchy, New Norfolk, Macquarie, Melville, Shangford, Jarvis, Drummond, Forbes, Ulva, Ormaig, Staffa, Caledon, Pitt, Green Ponds, Sorell, Murray, Amherst, Bath, Methven, Lennox; Cornwall - Richmond, Lake River, Bathurst, Norfolk Plains, Morven, Breadalbane, Launceston, Western River, George Town.