Then and Now: Playing with the Past

About the program

Students investigate how home life has been changed by the domestic and leisure technologies introduced since the late 19th century as they explore Meroogal, built in 1886.

Inside this delightful old home, students learn about the daily lives of four generations of the one family who lived in the house as they explore the drawing and sitting rooms, kitchen and main bedroom. They experience aspects of the past by dressing up in Victorian children’s costumes, playing with toys and games, and winding up a gramophone to listen to a record.

Students explore 19th-century technologies by engaging with everyday household items. A chamber pot, meat safe and wood stove evoke ideas of what life was like in the past compared with their own lives.

Outside in the garden, students pump water from the well by hand before playing 19th-century games such as quoits, cup and ball, marbles and jacks.

Prepare your group for a visit with an 'Excursion Introduction' listed under Resources. These introductions are suitable for teachers of children with ASD in integrated classrooms.

Corner West and Worrigee streets, Nowra NSW 2541


Corner West and Worrigee streets, Nowra NSW 2541
  • Wheelchair accessible
Cost (GST free)
From $165 for up to 15 students.

See page for cost scale details

90 minutes
Session offered
Wednesday to Friday
Maximum students
30 per session
Supervision ratios

The supervision ratio is 1:10 for primary groups and 1:15 for secondary groups. Teachers and parents attend free of charge at these ratios. One carer per student with special needs will be admitted free of charge

Additional visitor costs

Each additional visitor will be charged at the concession rate of $12