Australian Railway Supply Detachment 1914

A EBEllPrivateFourth Row 6th from right17420Details
R BAHRENFElDPrivateBack Row 5th from left17420Details
F AANTIllSergeant - MajorThird Row 7th from left17420Details
EMCDONAlDPrivateThird Row 2nd from left17420Details
C WTURKPrivateBack Row 6th from left17420Details
H JLOWEPrivateFourth Row 5th from left17420Details
V CWOOTTONPrivateFront Row 4th from left17420Details
L PLYNEHAMPrivateBack Row 7th from right17420Details
H PREEDPrivateThird Row 1st from left17420Details
V OSAMUElSPrivateSecond 3rd from left17420Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 65 results

of  7

A complete index of a single photo from the State Rail Authority Archives Photographic Reference Print Collection, now in the custody of NSW State Archives. The 65 names have been transcribed from the back of the photograph.

  • Record series in the index: NRS 17420 (Photo No. 1331)
  • Entries in the index: 65