NSW Government employees granted military leave

NameSurnameDepartmentCitationBranch OccupationEmployment Status (if Temporary)Military UnitStatus Decorations Remarks
Wallace WAGERRailways and TramwaysC, p.3085Electrical, TramwaysLabourerDetails
SADDENTONBoard of Fire CommissionersE9Details
J SAITKENThe TreasuryP4, p.58Government Printing OfficeFeederTemporaryTemporaryDetails
BruceACOTTRailways and TramwaysC, p.3068Locomotive, RailwaysCleanerDetails
L MADDISONDepartment of Attorney General and of JusticeI3, p. xxiRegistrar of ProbatesDetails
P EADDISONDepartment of Attorney General and of JusticeP1, p.60Kiama Petty Sessions OfficeClerk of Petty SessionsDetails
R CACKLANDChief Secretary's DepartmentE1; P1, p.57Head OfficeJunior ClerkDetails
K EABRAMSGovernment Savings Bank of New South WalesB, p.5Details
W CABBOTTMetropolitan Board of Water Supply and SewerageS, p.14Details
RACTONPremier's DepartmentP3, p.67Premier's OfficeClerkDetails

Showing 1 - 10 of 20,000 results

of  2000

This index includes the names of over 10,000 NSW Government employees reported to have been granted military leave, or to have enlisted as nurses and military or navy personnel during World War I, 1914-18. Please note it is not a complete list of all persons employed by the government of NSW who enlisted for war service during WWI.