Indigenous colonial court cases 1788-1838

NameOffenceDate of TrialPlace of TrialSentenceVerdictAgencySeriesItem NoPage NoRemarks
Edward LutrellCharged with assaulting Tidbury, an Aboriginal person at Parramatta13/03/1810Parramatta Court of Criminal JurisdictionCourt of Criminal JurisdictionInformations, Depositions and related papers, 1796 - 1812, 1816-24[5/1146]65See also [5/1119, Reel 2390, p. 1] and [5/1152, Reel 2392, p357 & 379]Details
Broger (Aboriginal)Murder of John Rivett with a tomahawk at the Shoalhaven20/08/1830Supreme CourtDeath, ExecutedGuiltySupreme CourtInformations & other papers, 1824 - 1947[T31]See also Clerk of the Peace: Depositions [CP T146; 28] See also Supreme Court, Miscellaneous Papers [5/1161; COD 294A, Bundle 49, p272-3]Details
Six Aboriginal peopleSent to Sydney to Gaol16/02/1835Brisbane Water, Bench of MagistratesCourts of Petty Sessions, Gosford (Brisbane WatersCopies of Letters Sent[4/5526]3Details
Losco JonesFraudulent and cruel acts committed on New Zealand natives, proferred by Samuel Marsden12/04/1815Bench of Magistrates, Sydney DistrictNo verdict apparent on face of Bench booksBench of MagistratesMinutes and Proceedings[SZ775](Master of the King George)Details
Charlie Musch (Muscle?)Stealing at Brisbane Water11/02/1835Supreme CourtNot GuiltySupreme CourtInformations & other papers, 1824 - 1947[T41]See also Supreme Court, Miscellaneous Papers [5/1161; COD 294A, Bundle 49, p272-3]Details
John KirbyMurder of Bunagan, Chief of the black native tribe at Newcastle22/11/1820Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, SydneyDeath and the body afterwards to be dissected and anatomizedGuiltyCourt of Criminal JurisdictionInformations, Depositions and related papers, 1796 - 1812, 1816-24[SZ792]496Returns of prisoners tried [X725; Reel 2652]Details
Depositions of witnesses concerning the murder of two natives24/09/1799Court of Criminal JurisdictionCourt of Criminal JurisdictionMiscellaneous Criminal Papers, 1788-91,1798-1800, 1802, 1805, 1807-16[5/1152]5324th and 25th September 1799Details
Declaration by Charles Cross re killing by natives. Hearsay evidence of Mr Alt who Cross travelled with who believed that a recent killing had been by natives he had met between Prospect and Parramatta12/01/1792Bench of Magistrates, SydneyCourts of Petty Sessions : Judge Advocates BenchProceedings, 19 February 1788-1821[SZ 765]367Details
Richard Beckley killed by natives at Port Stephens24/01/1824Colonial SecretaryCorrespondence[4/1810]21Details
MajorDepositions against1/11/1834Maitland Quarter SessionsClerk of the Peace: Quarter SessionsDepositions and other papers, Sydney and Country[4/8411]9Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 66 results

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