Convicts applications to marry 1825-1851

PENTHAM, RichardHercules (2)Age: 35; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LWOOD, AnnCanada (2)Age: 45; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeWindsor28 Mar 1840STYLES, Revd Henry TNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.146]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
MCDOWELL, Thomas alias MCDOWELL, JohnFergusonAge: 26; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LJOHNSON, EllenRoslin CastleAge: 29; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: T of LWindsor25 Jun 1840BRADY, Revd JNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.163]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
SACH, JamesLord Melville (2)Age: 31: Sentence: 14 years; Condition: T of LBAKER, WinifredMargaret (3)Age: 21; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondWindsor03 Feb 1841STYLES, Revd H TNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.208]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
COGHLAN, JohnPrince Regent (3)Age: 44; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LFARREL, MargaretSusanAge: 28; Came free; Condition: FreeBathurst12 Oct 1840REILLY, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.188]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
ALLEN, ThomasStrathfieldsayAge: 24; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: T of LDUGGAN, RoseMandarinAge: 21; Came free; Condition: FreeSydney11 Jan 1845MURPHY, Revd FNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.203]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
KINSHELLA, TimothyEarl GreyAge: 30; Sentence: Life; Condition: BondSCANLON, ElizabethMargaretAge: 26; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondParramatta16 Jan 1841BRENNAN, Revd MNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.204]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
MURRAY, GeorgeMoffatt (2)Age: 23; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: T of LCAMERON, MargaretSt GeorgeAge: 21; Came free; Condition: FreeGoulburn26 Jun 1841HAMILTON, Revd ThomasNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.238]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
WARBURTON, ThomasAlbion (2)Age: 38; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeSMITH, Matilda-Age: 16; Came free; Condition: FreeQueanbeyan20 Apr 1841SMITH, Revd ENRS 12212 [4/4513 p.223]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
COLVILLE, JohnWaterloo (3)Age: 25; Sentence: 14 years; Condition: T of LCOOK, ElizabethMary (5)Age: 30; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: Bond-20 Aug 1840WOODWARD, Revd CharlesNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.176]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
KENDELL, RobertHopeAge: 24; Sentence: Free [sic]; Condition: FreeEVANS, AnnPyramusAge: 22; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondSydney28 Aug 1840MCINTYRE, Revd WilliamNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.177]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 14,327 results

of  1433

These registers record key details about the parties applying for permission to marry including: their names; their ages; the date of permission or refusal; ship of arrival; sentence (for the party who was the convict); whether free or bond and the name of the clergyman.

There are seven registers in the series, some of which have overlapping dates.

Six registers have been indexed, covering December 1825 to March 1841; August 1837 to February 1851 [4/4508-4511; 4/4513-4/4514].

A further register, covering January 1831 to July 1837, is still in the process of being indexed [4/4512].