Convicts applications to marry 1825-1851

JONES, JohnPortland (1)Age: 29; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LPAMPLIN, SophiaAbbertonAge: 21; Came free; Condition: FreeSt Andrews16 Jul 1840MCGARVIE, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.167]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
CONNOR, JohnAndromeda (1)Age: 31; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeFARREL, AnneMargaret (1)Age: 26; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondPatricks Plains23 Jul 1840HETHERINGTON, Revd INRS 12212 [4/4513 p.169]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
BRUNSDON, JohnGuildford (6)Age: 38; Sentence: Life; Condition: CPJOHNSON, HarrietElizabeth (5)Age: 30; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: T of LBerrima; Sutton Forest01 Mar 1841VIDAL, Revd GeorgeNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.214]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
GREY, ThomasMidasAge: 33; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeASH, SarahSarah and ElizabethAge: 25; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondPort Macquarie01 Mar 1841CROSS, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.216]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
MADDEN, ThomasSusan (1)Age: 22; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeGALE, JaneNumaAge: 29; Sentence: 14 years; Condition: BondMaitland29 Feb 1840BLAIN, Revd RobertNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.140]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
FOGARTY, PatrickGovernor Ready (2)Age: 41; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LTHOMAS, MaryNumaAge: 26; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondPort Macquarie05 Aug 1840CROSS, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.172]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
STOWELL, WilliamClydeAge: 28; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: FreeCONNORS, EllenDiamondAge: 24; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondSydney09 Jan 1841MCGARVIE, Revd JNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.203]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
MURPHY, HughRoyal AdmiralAge: 30; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: T of LSCULLY, MaryMinervaAge: 21; Came free; Condition: FreeCampbelltown12 Nov 1840GOOLD, Revd JNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.195]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
SANSON, HenryNorfolk (5)Age: 24; Sentence: 7 years; Condition: BondJOHNSON, MariaPyramus (2)Age: 30; Sentence; 7 years; Condition: BondPort Macquarie09 Dec 1840CROSS, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.200]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details
MAULDEN, WilliamAlbion (1)Age: 31; Sentence: Life; Condition: T of LTHEW, AnneAustraliaAge: 19; Came free; Condition: FreeSydney01 Mar 1841MCGARVIE, Revd JohnNRS 12212 [4/4513 p.214]; Reel 715; Fiche 795-799Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 17,997 results

of  1800

These registers record key details about the parties applying for permission to marry including: their names; their ages; the date of permission or refusal; ship of arrival; sentence (for the party who was the convict); whether free or bond and the name of the clergyman.

There are seven registers in the series, some of which have overlapping dates.

Seven registers have been indexed, covering December 1825 to March 1841; January 1831 to July 1837; August 1837 to February 1851 [4/4508-4512; 4/4513-4/4514].