Dependent children registers 1883-1923

SurnameNameAliasDate of birthMotherFatherGuardian/Foster Parent
HEMSMaud--Emily StoreyAlbert HemsGuardian/FosterParent: J R Waite, Miss MurrayDetails
JOHNSONFlorenceJohnstone-Anne HitchcockFrederick JohnsonGuardian/FosterParent: E Lawson, H J Haggarty, Robert Jowett, Albert BruceDetails
MULLERAlice---Same as Margaret MullerGuardian/FosterParent: Mrs R BrannonDetails
HOLLEBONEmily E---Same as Ida HollebonGuardian/FosterParent: Ann BulmerDetails
MIDGELEYAnnieMidgely-Emily MidgeleyThomas MidgeleyGuardian/FosterParent: Catherine Collins, Oliver, Walsh, Annie M Brooke, Daniel Harrison, T Ingram, Conley , J Easy, W E Clapin, George BolandDetails
HOPKINSMartha---Same as Mary HopkinsGuardian/FosterParent: E E MackleyDetails
JOHNSTONMary----Guardian/FosterParent: Catherine McMahon, Emma Spies, J H Weingarth, Charles W McLeod, James Jackson, Denis MolloyDetails
ROSSBRIDGELottie---Robert RossbridgeGuardian/FosterParent: Mrs Latham, J Jopling, Lawrence, Mrs Church, Meikle, Herbert A Smith, Arthur ShannonDetails
PARKESHannah--Elizabeth Parkes-Guardian/FosterParent: Caroline Joel, Mullens, William W Holt, James D Macleod, Augustus JamesDetails
GUNNSusan----Guardian/FosterParent: Caroline Sheeky, P I MurphyDetails

Showing 1 - 10 of 28,910 results

of  2891

These records relate to children who were admitted to State care between 1883 and 1923. They record where the dependent children were placed (whether with foster parents or guardians). Some of the children were eventually adopted.