1987 Cabinet papers

The year of new directions

The inaugural public release will focus on selected NSW Cabinet Papers from 1987. The following subjects have been highlighted from an examination of the Cabinet Papers from this period.

Essay by historian Professor Paul Ashton
If you’d like to read more about the Cabinet Papers and the Year of New Directions here is the essay prepared by historian Professor Paul Ashton.

Dual occupancy and the quarter-acre block

  • Dual Occupancy and the Quarter Acre Block - Cabinet Minute No. 76-87 (see pages 106-177)

In 1987, Cabinet approved a radical change in the provision of housing in the State which allowed for ‘more flexible controls’ around the development of single dwellings. This ushered in dual occupancy and the start of urban consolidation.

The Sydney Harbour Tunnel

  • Sydney Harbour Tunnel - Cabinet Minute No. 127-87 - part 1
  • Sydney Harbour Tunnel - Cabinet Minute No. 127-87 - part 2
  • Sydney Harbour Tunnel - Cabinet Minute No. 127-87 - part 3 (see pages 2-445)

A decision by Cabinet in 1987 marked a shift in the State’s approach to funding new infrastructure by having the Harbour Tunnel privately funded.

The Bicentenary

  • The Bicentenary - Amendment to the Darling Harbour Authority Act - Cabinet Minute No. 145-87 (see pages 366-384)

Preparations for the Bicentenary in 1988 were identified as a ‘major issue’ throughout 1987. The Cabinet Papers include changes to legislation which facilitated the construction of the monorail for the Bicentenary.

The City of Sydney Council Bill

  • City of Sydney - Cabinet Minute No. 85-87 (see pages 581-596)
  • City of Sydney - Cabinet Paper

1987 marked the fourth time in history that the State Government sacked the Sydney City Council.

The University of Western Sydney

  • University of Western Sydney - Cabinet Minute No. 68-87 (see pages 465-504)
  • University of Western Sydney - Cabinet Minute No. 74-87 (see pages 461-502)

The institution we now know as Western Sydney University was established in 1987 as Chifley University College.

The First Casino Tender

  • The First Casino Tender - Cabinet Minue No. 148-87 (see pages 72-105)

During 1987, Cabinet considered tenders for the establishment of Sydney’s first casino.

Chelmsford Private Hospital

  • Chelmsford Private Hospital - Cabinet Minute No. 21-87 (see pages 538-539)
  • Chelmsford Private Hospital (see pages 127-177)

Cabinet deliberations in 1987 eventuated in the creation of a Royal Commission into Chelmsford Private Hospital and its practice of ‘deep sleep therapy’. The Royal Commission was initiated by the Greiner Liberal Government the following year.

Workers’ Compensation

  • Workers’ Compensation - Cabinet Minute No. 161-87 (see pages 21-234)
  • Workers’ Compensation - Cabinet Minute No. 353-86
  • Workers’ Compensation 31 March 1987 NRS 12082 21 [738] whole file

Reform to workers’ compensation approved by Cabinet in 1987 had a major impact on litigation and workers’ compensation insurance. New legislation introduced automatic coverage of people injured at work.

The Judicial Commission

  • The Judicial Commission - Cabinet Minute No. 63-876 (see pages 430-444)

While the Judicial Commission was established in late 1986, 1987 established the Judicial Commission as a corporation which had the power to employ its own staff.

List of cabinet decisions

Jan to 1 Sep 1987