Finding resources about immigration
Finding when your ancestors arrived in NSW can be challenging. This webinar highlights some resources that can help you with this research.
Discover the key resources available to you in the collections of the State Library of NSW and the State Archives Collection.
Explore a diverse range of resource types including official State government records, published material and personal manuscript collections.
Learn how you can access and use these resources to enhance your research.
This session, artworks, film and sound clips are protected by copyright and may not be recorded, reproduced or used in any way without the express written consent of the State Library of NSW.

Assisted immigrants digitised shipping lists 1828-1896
If you know the ship your assisted passengers arrived on you can search, view & download the digitised shipping list
Immigration & shipping
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Immigration & shipping guide
Key records and available indexes, relating to passengers arriving in New South Wales, 1788-1922

Immigration & shipping
This webinar is an introduction to immigration and shipping records. Find out how to locate pre-1923 arrivals to Sydney including convicts, their families, free arrivals, crew and military

Family history guide
Tracing your family history is always easier working from the present to the past