Our year in review 2023
This year, we’ve embarked on some exciting new partnerships and strengthened many established ones.
We began a partnership with the NSW Aboriginal Languages Trust to improve First Nations communities’ access to records in our collections and support the revitalisation of First Nations languages and cultures. We also launched a new partnership with Museums & Galleries of NSW to support the Storyplace Roadshow project, which centres on working with regional museum staff, volunteers and the museum collections to achieve learning-focused outcomes. The partnership will deliver a series of professional development workshops across regional NSW as well as instructional videos on topics such as curriculum-linked learning, and collection assessment and storage.
We also continued a range of valued business partnerships, including with our media partner Time Out, beverage partner Brix and community partner BizCover. Making possible our ever-popular Sydney Open program, we welcomed new partners Government Architect NSW and South Eveleigh to join with Architecture Australia, City of Sydney and the many individual owners/managers of buildings in the program. GML Heritage and the Research Centre for Deep History at the Australian National University continued their support of the First Nations Speaker Series, while a major partnership with Ancestry has enabled the digitisation and indexing of an important set of 19th-century immigration records, providing a remarkable range of information about immigrants and the schemes under which they emigrated. A partnership with Aboriginal Affairs NSW and the Department of Communities and Justice enabled the digitisation and re-indexing of over 1,700 files from the former Aborigines Welfare Board and the Department of Housing. This project supports Recommendation 25 of the Report into reparations for the Stolen Generations in NSW and will continue into 2024.
Partnerships highlights

Latest News
Improving First Nations community access to archives
We acknowledge the incredible work local communities are doing to reclaim and revitalise Indigenous languages across NSW

Latest News
More immigration records online
We are delighted to announce that our partner Ancestry has digitised, indexed and published an important set of 19th century NSW immigration records held in the NSW State Archives Collection

First Nations Speaker Series
The First Nations Speaker Series is presented in collaboration with GML Heritage, The University of Sydney and the Research Centre for Deep History at the Australian National University

Past event
Finding resources about the history of a house
Property records can be complex and confusing, but very rewarding. This webinar focuses on some key sources that can help to search for the history of a house
Wednesday 22 November 10am–11am
Commercial operations
Our commercial activities performed strongly, generating over a third of our income and providing often powerful touchpoints to our places and collections, and to the broader history of NSW ...
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