Our year in review 2023
Our work has always travelled well beyond our physical sites, but our fresh remit as Museums of History NSW brings new responsibilities and opportunities to connect with regional audiences and communities.
The MHNSW website is an immensely powerful tool for extending our reach and impact across NSW and beyond. Since its launch at the end of 2022, it’s hosted over 2 million sessions from around Australia and many other parts of the world. With its enhanced functionality, it now provides a robust yet flexible platform that enables deeper, more intuitive and more meaningful experiences for both audiences and content creators, wherever they may be.
Our touring exhibition program, regional archives centres and collection loans give offsite audiences physical access to our collection items and their stories. In 2023, we toured four exhibitions nationally and one internationally. The family-focused exhibitions How Cities Work and On the Move have continued to be popular, with critical repair work undertaken in May ensuring they can keep touring well into the future. A highlight of our annual Collections on Tour series – where original collection items tour with staff around regional NSW for talks and viewings – was the Carrington Album tour. In April and May, a selection of these spectacular bound volumes of illuminated addresses, greetings and photographs presented to Lord Carrington in 1890 as a memento/record of his time as governor of NSW toured to ten regional locations. Our network of regional archives centres provides ongoing access to records in the State Archives Collection of significance to those regions. Through our outward loans program, collection items also feature regularly in exhibitions and displays developed by other museums and cultural institutions within Australia and internationally. During 2023, collection items were on loan to Newcastle Museum, Shoalhaven Regional Gallery and Wollongong Art Gallery.
Our staff actively support the regional and broader cultural sector through a range of activities and collaborations, providing advice and expertise, hosting interns and visitors, and participating in forums and events. In April, staff took part in Let’s Get Prepared, an open day at the Woodford Academy in the Blue Mountains organised by Museums & Galleries of NSW where artists, private collectors and family historians can learn about object care and disaster preparedness from museum experts. Our conservation team continued their ongoing support of government agencies across NSW, providing advice on preserving and handling archives still in their custody.
Regional NSW

Regional Archives Centres
A network of Regional Archives Centres provides access to state archives of regional significance and to copies of key state archives
On tour

Past exhibition
Captured: Portraits of Crime, 1870 – 1930
Explore the stories of men, women and children who were incarcerated in NSW gaols from 1870 to 1930. The touring exhibition engages with photographic portraits and descriptions of prisoners sourced from the State Archives Collection of Gaol Photographic Description Books.
Saturday 1 April

Touring exhibition
On the Move
Grab your ticket and enter an interactive transport world created in collaboration with illustrator James Gulliver Hancock

Past event
Lord Carrington is coming to town
Discover one of the jewels of the State Archives Collection, as the Carrington Albums embark on a regional tour, hosted by Museums of History NSW
Monday 6 March

Touring exhibition
How cities work
Enter an immersive cityscape full of magical, tactile experiences to discover how the city works. Peek inside buildings, duck underground, and explore the streets to find out what’s going on above your head and beneath your feet
Virtually there

First Nations Speaker Series
The First Nations Speaker Series is presented in collaboration with GML Heritage, The University of Sydney and the Research Centre for Deep History at the Australian National University

Virtual excursions
Our interactive virtual excursions connect your class live with a museum educator and focus on specific curriculum content, concepts and skills. We currently offer virtual excursions for Stages 1 to 4

Historic colour in the home
The many sources in the Caroline Simpson Library that can bring colour to the homes of past, with Matthew Stephens

Probate packets
This webinar focuses on the sources for probate in the State Archives Collection and how to find them
Every day, our work is supported by a passionate group of volunteers, members, donors and others who contribute in countless ways to our operations ...
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