Lord Carrington’s illuminated addresses
Join us for a special Rare Book Week event showcasing the Carrington Albums, a jewel in the State Archives Collection.
These remarkable volumes, compiled during the tenure of Lord Carrington as Governor of New South Wales from 1885 to 1890, contain illuminated addresses, greetings and well-wishes from residents, towns and associations from across the State. While the richly illustrated addresses are a tribute to Lord and Lady Carrington, they also capture - through art and text - the emerging national identity.
Join us for this special event which includes a talk, guided tour of the Western Sydney Records Centre and viewing of select Carrington Albums.
This event is offered in partnership with Sydney Rare Book Week.
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Past event
A designer’s inspiration: 19th century ornament source books
Lavishly illustrated Ornament Source Books provided creative inspiration to 19th century designers. A wide variety will be on view for this Rare Book Week event
Wednesday 23 October 2.30pm–3.30pm
State Archives Reading Room
161 O'Connell Street, Kingswood NSW 2747- Wheelchair accessible
- Thursday 24 October 10.30am–12pm