Colonial Secretary letters received, 1826-1896
The Colonial Secretary was the pre-eminent figure in public life in much of the 19th century.
The papers from this office are some of the most valuable sources of information on all aspects of the history of NSW after 1788 - from convicts and immigration to applications for burials, lists of First Nations people in particular areas and admissions of children in and out of orphan schools and industrial and training schools. This unique index to the letters received by the Colonial Secretary between 1826 and 1896 was compiled by Joan Reese, Linda Bowman and Aileen Trinder.
The webinar explores how to search the index, what you may find and how to access the records.
Behind the scenes

Archives behind the scenes - Colonial Secretary's correspondence
In this episode Martyn highlights one of the most valuable and iconic parts of the State Archives collection: the Colonial Secretary's Correspondence