Children in care in the 19th and early 20th centuries
The NSW Government has played a role in the care and protection of children since the early days of the colony.
This webinar explores the records of the 19th-century institutions, schools and asylums that housed orphans and destitute children, the juvenile reformatories that cared for children found guilty of punishable offences and the introduction of the 'boarding out' system in the early 20th century.

Child care and protection guide
Major sources from the collection relating to child care and protection, in the 19th and early 20th centuries

Child & youth migration in the 20th century
A chronology of child youth and migration from the United Kingdom and an overview of the related records series
Care leavers guide
This page provides information to assist Care Leavers to locate and access records of their time in out of home care in New South Wales, and adoptees to locate New South Wales adoption records

Child convicts of Australia
For more than 50 years, convicts were transported from Britain to New South Wales. These included children as young as nine years of age