A new way of living

When completed in 1950, Rose Seidler House was ‘the most talked about house in Sydney’; today it’s an architectural icon. Designed by the young Harry Seidler for his parents Rose and Max, the house overturned almost every convention of suburban home design to create a bold and optimistic vision for a new way of living. The house today remains one of the finest examples of mid 20th-century modern domestic architecture in Australia, and its furniture and fittings form one of the most complete post World War II design collections in public ownership.

71 Clissold Road, Wahroonga NSW 2076

Rose Seidler House

71 Clissold Road, Wahroonga NSW 2076Plan your visit

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Digitising the Rose Seidler House Collection

Over the past week, our Collection Digitisation Team has been facilitating an in-situ photoshoot at Rose Seidler House


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Deck and Harry Seidler mural at Rose Seidler House.

A new way of living

Once word spread about the newly built Rose Seidler House in 1950, it was the ‘most talked about house in Sydney’. Seventy years on, it's impossible to deny the strength and daring of Seidler's vision

Rose Seidler House, 1950: View from north-west

Mid-century modern

Rose Seidler House, built by Harry Seidler between 1948 and 1950 is regarded as an iconic example of Modernist domestic architecture in Australia

Rose Seidler (left) and Bea Evans seated in the living room, Rose Seidler House

Conserving Harry Seidler’s sofa 

A sofa Harry Seidler designed for Rose Seidler House was conserved and reupholstered, and the process revealed some unexpected findings

Black and white photograph of four men standing in front of tree in garden.

Eulogy Harry Seidler AC OBE 1923-2006

This is an edited version of a eulogy given by Peter Watts at Harry Seidler's Memorial Service at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, 6 April 2006

Cook & Curator

Translating tastes: the Rose Seidler recipe collection

Recently translated from the original German, recipes kept by Rose Seidler provide valuable insight into her culinary heritage and Austrian identity

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Iconic houses

Rose Seidler House

Part of the international ICONIC HOUSES network which connects architecturally significant houses from the 20th century that are open to the public as house museum. The network also focuses on conservation, management, policy and cooperation.