The great outdoors

Holiday travel & tours in NSW
The object of publishing this Holiday Tour Booklet is to place in the hands of the visitor… information that will be of practical assistance in the selection of a suitable holiday resort…

Burrinjuck Dam - A tourist's playground
A promotional film produced c.1950s/1960s by the Electricity Commission of New South Wales

Jean Robertson and Kathleen Howell
In the 1920s, female motorists were a rarity, but this didn’t stop friends Jean and Kathleen from setting off on four-wheeled adventures across Australia and the world

A pond in a privately owned paddock
Today, Sydneysiders would find it incredible that a century ago many of the harbourside beaches and parks to which they flock in summer were privately owned and not accessible to the public

Royal National Park
Many of the photos in this series depict recreational activities around Audley, showcasing people boating, playing sports, bushwalking, picnicking, and taking part in ceremonies