Sarah Wentworth

Promised in marriage, courting in Colonial NSW
Free men and women who courted were considered to be ‘promised in marriage’. When a promise of marriage was broken—or breached—the offending party could be pursued through the civil courts for the value of ‘lost expectations’

The leprechaun in the garden
Most of us have some childhood memory – or something half-imagined, half-remembered – of a garden of seemingly infinite adventure, far from the reasonable world of grown-up things

Reviving Vaucluse House
The drawing room refurbishment draws upon authentic sources and traditional trades to re-create a room that the Wentworths might have known, while the orientation room has been redesigned to enhance visitors’ understanding of the site’s complex history

Museum stories
Not a lovelier site
‘There is not a lovelier site in the known world’, wrote the Sydney-born barrister and novelist John Lang about the Wentworth family’s estate of Vaucluse

My Fathers Were But Strangers Here
William Charles Wentworth was a nineteenth century hero in a land still described by twentieth century commentators as possessing no heroes

Eavesdropping on the Wentworths
A new self-guided audio tour is available at Vaucluse House, revealing what it was like to live and work there in the middle years of the 19th century