Rose Seidler House

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Digitising the Rose Seidler House Collection
Over the past week, our Collection Digitisation Team has been facilitating an in-situ photoshoot at Rose Seidler House

Conserving Harry Seidler’s sofa
A sofa Harry Seidler designed for Rose Seidler House was conserved and reupholstered, and the process revealed some unexpected findings

Eulogy Harry Seidler AC OBE 1923-2006
This is an edited version of a eulogy given by Peter Watts at Harry Seidler's Memorial Service at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, 6 April 2006

Cook & Curator
Translating tastes: the Rose Seidler recipe collection
Recently translated from the original German, recipes kept by Rose Seidler provide valuable insight into her culinary heritage and Austrian identity

Cook & Curator
Eier auf Florentiner Art (Eggs Florentine)
This classic recipe is simple to make yet rich and flavoursome. Perfect for a weekend brunch or a light supper

An environment for living: Rose Seidler House
From the curtains to the coffee table and the cutlery, every object and fitting in the house Harry Seidler designed for his parents was of a functional and flexible design that reflected the modern lifestyle

Cook & Curator
Orange cake
The zest of citrus and a hint of whisky gives this cake a wonderful fragrance. Served for afternoon tea, it’s sure to become a staple in your household

Bischofsbrot (Bishop’s Bread)
Studded with colourful glacé fruits, Bischofsbrot, or Bishop’s bread, is an egg-rich, sweetened loaf popular in northern Europe

Cook & Curator
Äpfel im Schlafrock (Apples in their dressing gowns)
Baked apples wrapped in buttery pastry are sweet and simple. You can use store-bought pastry or try our classic recipe