Pastimes & hobbies

Come in spinner!
Gambling in Australia is regulated by the state and some types of gambling are illegal. The game Two-up, with its catch cry of ‘Come in Spinner!’, is legal only on Anzac Day and only in some states

Sydney’s Pubs: liquor, larrikins & the law
Sydney’s Pubs: liquor, larrikins & the law explores the colourful and complex history of the city's watering holes

Lennie Gwyther
Lennie ‘the Legend’ Gwyther spent his childhood running around the foothills of Leongatha in country Victoria with his four younger siblings and his prize-winning pony, Ginger Mick

The story of how to move a zoo
In the early hours of Sunday, 24 September 1916, an elephant named Jessie walked out through the gates of the Zoological Gardens at Moore Park in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and began an extraordinary journey through the city

Up in smoke: clay tobacco pipes
From the earliest days of the colony, Sydney-siders smoked them, broke them, and discarded them into drains, rubbish piles, work sites and hidden cracks and crevices of buildings

Cupid camouflaged: a Red Cross silent movie
Cupid camouflaged is a lost film from the era of Australian silent movies, and was produced in 1918 as a fundraiser for the war work of the Australian Red Cross

Here and there: music at home in Sydney and London, 1830–1845
On the 28th of March 2017, concert goers at Elizabeth Bay House experienced a magical evening contrasting two different musical worlds

Songs of home
The Odyssey of an Early Australian Piano
Imagine for a moment if all the old pianos lying around Australia could speak. One can only guess at the stories they would tell