Jørn Utzon

Sydney Opera House drawings
An International Competition for the design of a National Opera House at Bennelong Point was held in 1956. We hold the original drawings submitted by Jørn Utzon and other competition records

Sydney Opera House - the 'Red Book'
This 1958 report (known also as the 'Red Book') was presented by Jørn Utzon to the Premier and the Sydney Opera House Committee in order to give … a project which realizes in practical form the vision of the competition

Sydney Opera House - the 'Yellow Book'
This 1962 report (commonly known as the 'Yellow Book') comprises plans submitted by Jørn Utzon and consultants

Sydney Opera House - the 'Gold Book'
The printed booklet, commonly known as the 'Gold Book', was issued to accompany the “Ceremony to Commemorate the Commencement of the Sydney Opera House” on 2 March 1959

Sydney Opera House - the 'Brown Book'
Conditions and Programme for an International Competition for a National Opera House at Bennelong Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Sydney visionaries
Cities are collective enterprises that reflect the decisions, dreams and lives of innumerable citizens, past and present