Hospitals & sanatoriums

Cultivating a therapeutic landscape
Tracing the evolution of the Parramatta Female Factory to a hospital

Out of the Shadows c.1945
A film produced by the NSW Department of Health for the purpose of recruiting nurses for NSW Mental Health hospitals

Convicts and scorbutus at the General ‘Rum’ Hospital
Convicts who were lucky enough to survive the transportation voyage, often arrived at Sydney Cove suffering infectious disease or other illness, and were admitted directly to the colony’s General 'Rum' Hospital

How the ‘Sidney Slaughter House’ got its name
During archaeological excavations at the Rum Hospital south wing (now The Mint) on Sydney’s Macquarie Street in 1980-81, a few small traces of the site’s dark and often painful past were discovered

What was the ‘Rum’ Hospital?
Between 1816 and 1848, the General Hospital on Sydney’s Macquarie Street, provided medical care for the colony’s convict workforce