Tottie's diary: 1896
Wednesday January 1st 1896
Rather warm wrote to Alice Mr Garling also writing his report in the afternoon Netta & I watched the Golf played for a while came home & made Mr Garling sing had tea & we all went down to the station to see him off sorry he is going all miss him Will took us for a nice drive
Thursday 2
Still warm read & slept & went for a drive in the cool Mr Inglis & Mr & Mrs Stafford came in the evening
Friday 3
Had a note from Don glad to get it also my watch cant feel I have left Naranderra, sorry. Enjoying myself here all so kind went out for a drive in the afternoon picked up Mr S Garling & took him for a little drive Canon & Mrs Betts came in the evening
Saturday 4
Very glad to get a long letter from George very warm wrote home Will Mrs. Matthews Miss Done & I went down town for a drive had lemon squashes all round
Sunday 5
Still warm stayed at home all day resting & reading Mr Stewart Garling & Ken came up & stayed to tea Will Ethel Mabel & I went to church
Monday 6
Dreadfully hot 92 at 8 oclock in the dining room 96 later on until nearly bedtime 106 in the shade hottest day we ever felt Will Mrs Matthews Miss Done & I went for a drive in the evening came home & found Mr Inglis Mr Stratton here
Tuesday 7
Still very warm but not quite so hot as yesterday in the evening Netta & I went for a nice ride had melon & iced lemon drinks for supper.
Wednesday 8
Still warm had a letter from Louie I enjoyed two visitors. Miss Done & Mabel went to Sydney.
Thursday 9
Mr Garling Mr Inglis & I went for a ride too hot to enjoy it Mrs Matthews Netta & I went to Bessies to tea
Friday 10
Billious, in bed nearly all day had a lovely thunderstorm Mr Poulton went to Sydney Ethel to Temora
Saturday 11
Very warm Mr. Garling came up. We all went down to the Station in the evening to see Eth & Bessie off to Sydney Bobbie drove us home
Sunday 12
Very hot rested all day Dr Hull & Mr Garling came up in the afternoon. After church Mr Boake Mr. Stratton & Mr Bavage came up.
Thursday 13
One of the hottest days I have ever felt hot everywhere. Mr. Kendall came in the evening went for a drive down town & had lemon squash, sat outside to get cool.
Tuesday 14
Little cooler Mr Garling came up & took Netta & I out to give us a lesson how to play Golf I got quite interested & got on very well. Mr G. stayed to tea we had some music Dr Hull came for Mr G.
Wednesday 15
Hotty all ironing Mrs Miss Boake called & Mr Garling came we drove him home Mr French came in the evening he sang two songs. I did my share tired.
Thursday 16
Warm had a letter from Jimmy McKinney & a [UNCLEAR] cloth of which I was glad to get Mrs Matthews & I took Mrs. Rogers out for a drive.
Friday 17
Awfully hot 101 in the dining room at 7 in the evening we all went out for a drive late in the evening Mr Stratton came up in the evening hottest day I have ever spent.
Saturday 18
Cooler Mr Garling came out with us for a drive Ethel came home & I went down town with her in the evening met Mr Inglis & he drove us home
Sunday 19
Nice & cool went to church in the morning Mr Garling was there came up in the afternoon he stayed to tea & Dr Hull came for him Mr Whiting have also came up.
Monday 20
Nice day Mrs Matthews gave me a very pretty muslin for a blouse we have a woman in to sew all helping her. Mr Garling came up & gave Netta & I another lesson in golf says I get on well. I like the game Mrs M & I walked down town in the evening met Robbie who came home with us found Mr Kendall here, very glad to get a letter from George
Tuesday 21
Very close sewing part of the day Mr Garling came to dinner very hot. After afternoon tea I sang for Mr G & Netta Mrs. Matthews Will & I drove Mr Garling to the train & saw him off to Mittagong quite sorry to see him go. came home, feeling glad there were no visitors.
Wednesday 22
Warm sewing all day Mr Kendall came we went for a little drive & got a lovely melon I sang a little enjoyed the evening
Thursday 23
Very hot 102 in the dining room Mr Kendall kept us lively all day poured our tea in our saucers & did all kinds of rude things because it was so hot Mr Whittingham came to tea After tea Mrs Matthews Ethel & I drove Mr Kendall down to the station & were very sorry to see him off. Very surprised & pleased to see Effie Hannah at the train, & to hear some news of Narrandera, sorry to hear Mr Tyler has Typhoid fever Ken brought his girl up.
Friday 24
Very hot all the morning, letter from Jimmy to say he is coming in the morning Lovely thunderstorm & rain in the afternoon, wrote to George. Mr. Inglis & Mr Stratton came up.
Saturday 25
Lovely morning quite cold drove down to the station to see Jimmy glad to see him train only stayed 10 minutes so we did not have much time to talk Wanting me to go back to Narrandera soon but dear know when I shall, sorry to say goodbye. Did a little cooking & sewing in the afternoon. Ethel & I went out for a drive which was most enjoyable & after tea we all went down town in the phaeton. had a long talk to Mr Whittingham.
Sunday 26
Lovely cool morning no visitors all day wrote to Don, Mr Mears, went to church at night dont like Canon Betts preaching
Monday 27
Lovely & cool more sewing Mrs Matthews not well all went for drive in the evening
Tuesday 28
Still nice & cool got a letter from George Mr French came up in the evening Netta came home
Wednesday 29
Cool Mrs Matthews & I did a little ironing Mrs Betts came in the afternoon went for a drive.
Thursday 30
Lovely day took our tea out on the hills Mrs Matthews Netta Ethel & I Miss Florence & Boake the brothers Bobbie Mr Stratton & Mr Doyle liked the latter Mr French came home with us, Mr Doyle Bobbie Mr Stratton came also had some singing & enjoyed the evening glorious moonlight Glad to get a letter from Don
Friday 31
Wrote to Bobbie & Jess Mr Inglis got a notice of removal to Walcha it will be nice for him Tom being there Mrs Matthews & I called at Mrs Strattons got a letter from George saying he is not coming thro until Monday night Bobbie drove us round the town
Saturday February 1st 1896
Glad to get a home letter Bobbie Barnett 12 months old today Ethel & I went to tennis in the afternoon Bobbie & I played against Mr French & Miss Boake, we won Ethel & I drove down town in the evening met Bobbie & Mr. Doyle.
Sunday 2nd
Lovely day, Mr Stratton & Mr Inglis came to tea also Rev Wilkinson Alecs friends & Mr Morgan we all went down to church together Mr Inglis came home with us.
Monday 3
Ethel & I helped to pack Bobbie things in the evening Will Ethel & I met the train & George came home with us brought me a box of grapes we had a good yarn & I was glad to see him. Jimmy sent me a splendid photo of himself sang a good deal for George & sat up until after one talking as he was going by express at half past 3. sorry to say good bye
Tuesday 4
Busy preparing for the evening which passed off well I enjoyed myself, Mr & Mrs Stratton Miss Barnes Boake & Connie Betts [UNCLEAR] & Mrs. Betts Mr Boake, Ken, Eth. Bobbie Mr E. Stratton Mr Whittingham, Hardy, French, Morgan had a lot of singing.
Wednesday 5
All tired Miss Florence Mr Garling came in the afternoon also Mayor Daley. Just met him. Went down town in the evening for a drive met Mr Newman at the railway station also Bobbie Mr Doyle & French took Mrs. Stafford for a drive
Thursday 6
Very glad to get a home. Letter & one from Alice. thoroughly enjoyed them Mr Inglis came & spent the night with us.
Friday 7
Netta went to town letter from George saying Kate & Jess had been to see Mrs McGan at Manly
Saturday 8
Drove Mrs. Matthews to the Hospital, then went to tennis played with Mr French against Miss Boake & Dr Brennan & won Mr E Stratton took me for a ride in the evening
Sunday 9
Ethel & I went to Kirk Mr Edwards of Burrowa preached, Dr Hull Mr Garling came in the afternoon & Eth & Mr Inglis for tea went to church at night.
Monday 10
Little rain which we appreciated Mr M & I drove down town for Ethel.
Tuesday 11
Still raining spend the day sewing etc Glad to get a letter card from Kate & one from Mr Meares which I enjoyed also
Wednesday 12
Still inclined to rain no visitors.
Thursday 13
Fine but very warm nothing new happened.
Friday 14
Very heavy storm Ethel went to Sydney Miss M & I went to the Catholic bazaar Ethel went to school
Saturday 15
Mrs M & I went to the Hospital, then to tennis after tea went down town felt it quiet without the children
Sunday 16
Nice day Mrs M & I went to church in the morning not charmed with Canon Betts preaching. In the afternoon Mr & Mrs. Rogers came up, also Miss Florence Dr Hull Mr Garling Mr Inglis & Mr Stratton these all stayed to tea, like the Dr he has been to Nowra & knows Dr Pickburn & Brereton I enjoyed the company.
Monday 17
Lovely day Will went to Sydney by express. He was elected Mayor of Cootamundra
Tuesday 18
Netta & Edie came home very glad to have them home great talking Edie not well Bobbie Inglis came up to stay with us Mr Ernest Strattan came up & spent the evening.
Wednesday 19
Mr Garling came to see the girls. Mrs Stratton & Mrs Heywood called no visitors at night only Mr Inglis
Thursday 20
Netta & I went to Dr Florence to tea, then Miss Florence went with us to the train to see Mr Inglis off to Walcha good many to see him off. Mr Miss Boake & Miss Florence came home with us we went into Mrs Boakes & had a lovely iced lemon drink Mr Garling came to stay with us.
Friday 21
Mrs. Matthews Mr Garling & I drove down town left Mrs M at the cottage & Mr G & I went for a drive enjoyed the talk.
Saturday 22
Netta & I went to tennis. Net did not play. I stayed at Bessies to tea
Sunday 23
We stayed at home with Edie Ernest Stratton came to tea Mr Garling after tea.
Monday 24
Miss Boake Netta & I played Golf & enjoyed ourselves, singing in the evening as usual Went to the train to meet Don going thro to Sydney very glad to see him & had a good chat gave me some Narandera peaches Miss Sawyer came we called for Mr Garling
Tuesday 25
The day was lovely & wet Mr Garling had to stay with us all day. The girls went for a drive I stayed home & Mr G read to me
Wednesday 26
All went down town for a drive left Mr Garling at the Dr. No visitors
Thursday 27
I drove Mr Garling round town & left him at Dr Hull in the afternoon Netta & I went to the Flour Mill while Jessie & Mrs M payed a called. [sic] Ernest Stratton showed us all over the mill I thoroughly enjoyed it then he took us for a nice drive & brought us home. Edie & I went for Mr Garling Mr French & Ernest came up, plenty singing as usual enjoyed the evening.
Friday 28
Lovely day Miss Boake Mr Garling Netta & I played Golf in the morning. Miss Boake & I went had a rest after dinner then Edie Jessie & I went down town for a drive exquisitive night Mr Boake & Miss Boake came up I had to sing Scotch song as usual, enjoyed the evening Mrs. Matthews & I walked down the avenue with them
Saturday 29
Went to tennis in the afternoon Mr Boake & I played Mr French & Dr Brennan we won Mr Garling gave me a lesson on Crib in the evening. In the afternoon Mr Garling Netta & I helped to decorate the C of E for harvest festival.
Sunday March 1st 1896
Lovely day all went to church in the morning I sat in the choir to help with the singing. We had a good rest after dinner Mr Wittingham came Dr Hull & Mr Garling came & stayed to tea enjoyed the Dr company Edie & I went to church & the Dr walked down with us sat in the choir again Miss Florence Miss Boake Mr Boake, came home with me. exquisitive moonlight
Monday 2
Lovely day Mr Garling & I went out for a lovely ride passed the race course enjoyed it muchly. passed the evening quietly had a yarn with Netta
Tuesday 3
Lovely morning Netta Miss Boake Mr Garling & I played Golf in the morning went to the train & saw Mrs Peddington going thro to Narandera. Mr Garling & I played Crib in the evening Letter from Kate saying I could stay longer
Wednesday 4
Will came home by express very glad to have him home. Mr Garling gave me his photo poor fellow its sad to see him ill he went back to Dr Hulls. Will told me Bert was no better no never will be, awfully sorry. Wrote to him, Will & Mr Matthews gave me a very pretty gold brooch which was exceedingly kind of them & I do appreciate their kindness to me Wrote to Bert Dick
Thursday 5
Mrs. Matthews & I payed some calls, Mrs Boakes, enjoy the visit there I went to Miss Conier & practised The Sea of Glass with her for Band of Hope. In the evening Netta Miss Boake & I went to the excursion train, I was very glad to see Mr & Mrs Armstrong & Cye Cully they thought I looked well & were surprised to see me
Friday 6
Payed more called. [sic] took Mr Garling & Bessie up to Milton & back for a drive Netta & Edie came to Band of Hope with me
Saturday 7
Very warm Mr Garling came for a little while in the afternoon. All went down town in the evening.
Sunday 8
Very warm did not go to church in the morning wrote to Alice Pearson Mr Garling came in the afternoon & brought Mr Williams also Mr E Strattan the later stayed to tea went to church.
Monday 9
We made pineapple jam did a little sewing.
Tuesday 10
Did a little sewing in the morning Mrs Matthews not very well Miss Boake Netta Mr Garling & I played Golf in the afternoon Mrs Attwood & Mr Attwood came we spend a pleasant hour went for a drive.
Wednesday 11
Did some sewing no visitors only Mr Garling
Thursday 12
Sunny in the morning called at Mrs Turnbulls met two Miss McMullion one an American very quaint looking girl, called at Mrs Smiths.
Friday 13
Will & Mrs Matthews went to Keiths & left us alone Mr Garling came up & had tea with us & we had a game of golf. Then two McMullions Miss Boake & Miss Florence had tea with us & spent the evening we enjoyed ourselves very much Ernest Strattan came & put rather a damper in a way but we still enjoyed ourselves.
Saturday 14
Edie & I went for a nice ride in the afternoon I went to tennis Mr French & I played two sets won one & lost one. Will & Mrs M came home & we were very glad to see them got a box of flowers from home
Sunday 15
All went for a walk to the dam came on rain fine in the evening so we went to church.
Monday 16
Did some sewing nothing particular happened went for a drive. Spent the evening at Canon Betts enjoyed it.
Tuesday 17
St Patricks day Netta & I went down town & with Canon & the Miss's Betts following the procession to the station enjoyed the music & the crowd was most amusing, stayed on the Station & watched them off a fine motley crew of Irish Catholics came home Mr Garling Miss Boake Netta & I went out & had a game of golf Spent the evening at home
Wednesday 18
Made peach jam & cake Mrs M & Netta went down town Mr Garling came back with them. Netta & I went for a drive in the afternoon & watched Dr Hull & Mr Garling play Golf. Mr Baylis from Wagga came to tea he know so many people I know & we enjoyed a good chat Much amused to find he & also Netta know Becky Melville. Got the girls group.
Thursday 19
Mrs. M & I called at Mrs [UNCLEAR] & Mrs Turnbulls finished reading Catrione liked it very much had a letter card from Miriam.
Friday 20
Louie came home very glad to see her Mr Garling came up in the afternoon. Lou Mrs M & I went to Strattans in the afternoon had a nice drive, retired early.
Saturday 21
Lovely day did a little cooking in the morning Lou & I went to tennis in the afternoon Mr Boake & I played Miss Boake & Dr Brennan & won. Lou & I went down town in the evening with Will, walked back & had along yarn.
Sunday 22
Quite chilly Lou Mrs M Edie & I went for a walk in the morning & again in the afternoon, Mr Garling Dr Hull & Ernest Strattan came to tea enjoyed their company all walked down to church Dr Hull was most chattly.
Monday 23
We preserved peaches & made jam letter from home in the afternoon Miss Boake Netta & Mr Garling & I played Golf went all round the Golf links & had a good time Netta & I stayed in for the evening & had a long yarn.
Tuesday 24
Busy all the morning tired Lou & I walked down town in the afternoon got a telegram from home saying to go home by Sydney awfully glad. Had a birthday party for Edie, heaps of girls, Mr Garling & Mr Stratten had a very lively evening Dr Hull could not come up sent word by Mr Garling to me that he was very sorry he could not come up to say good bye to me & that he regretted it very much very kind of him Mr Garling stayed all night.
Wednesday 25
Great excitement getting everything ready for going tonight to Sydney Mrs & Miss Boake came to say good bye also two Miss McMullions Mrs Nelson Canon & Miss Betts I decided to stay & go by excursion on Tuesday very sorry to see Mrs Matthews go without me. After she left the children & I came home & went to bed early.
Thursday 26
House seems quite strange without Mrs Matthews we made melon jam Louie & I went for a drive took Bessie Miss Florence & the baby. Played dominoes in the evening
Friday 27
Lovely day made tomato jam (Louie & I) also a supply of cakes in the afternoon Miss McMillan came up on her bicycle with bloomers. New Woman. I had a ride in the back yard got on very well. Louie & I went for a walk down town Miss Florence came home & had tea with us & spent the evening like her muchly.
Saturday 28
Got a letter from home felt sorry I did not go home with Mrs M lovely day packed up the jam went to tennis in the afternoon played with Mr Boake against Miss Boake & Dr Brennan went with Netta to Dr Florence to tea, then sang for them after which Mr Boake Miss Boake & Florence & I went to a tennis meeting.
Sunday 29
Lovely day Louie Mr Garling & I went for a walk round the Gundagi [sic] road thro the show ground in the afternoon Mr Garling Whittingham & Strattan came Went to church, the night was perfection.
Monday 30
Lovely day in the afternoon Mr Garling took Netta Miss Boake & self to Golf. Miss Boake & I won easily Addie Betts came to tea after tea Hilda Barnes & Mabel Betts came, I sang for them Netta & I had a yarn. Addie was telling her so many in the town expressed regret at my going which is most kind of them
Tuesday 31
Mr Garling came up to say good bye very [UNCLEAR] Ken Matthews wedding day busy getting dresses ready I packed up to go home feel sorry to leave them After staying so long & being so very kindly treated we all Went to the wedding which passed off very well at 8 oclock I left Milton for the station all the family came to see me off by excursion train the first train was packed so I had to wait for the next train Miss Boake Miss Florence & Miss McMillon Mr Whittingham & several others came to see me off. Will introduced me to Mr Gentle who was a fellow passenger. We had 7 in our carriage & all turned out very nice & we had quite a jolly time Mrs Medlove was nice they were most kind Everything looked so lovely from Moss Vale, so luxuriant
Wednesday April 1st 1896
after Inland arrived in Sydney at half past 9 had a wait for our luggage. went to Florries by train glad to see them had a rest wash & dinner started off & met Mrs Matthews in King Street Arcade, we went up to see Mr Blackmore then went out to Dick gave Maggie & Jim a great surprise had afternoon tea then went to Miss Hulands School & met Miss Joyce had afternoon tea then off we went to Clergy daughter School to see Ethel Matthews who was very pleased to see us had a chat with her Mrs Matthews went her way & I went back to Dicks enjoyed the evening Jack came. all thought I looked very well.
Thursday 2
Mrs Pain came in the morning I had a talk with Jessie Kinross then said good bye & went off into town met Mrs Matthews at half past 12 in the Arcade, went to the Bank & saw Mr Chester Garling then to the Strand & had a nice lunch then took ourselves off to the domain for a rest then took a cab & went out to see Mrs Garlings I liked her we gave her news of her son then we returned to town & waited for a train sorry to part with each other, I went to Florries Miss Stewart Mrs Stewart & her sister were there to tea Bob came & gave me a surprise after tea Bob Mrs Mitchell & I went in to Vances for a while then I went back to Florries two Miss Stewarts came & Mr Hickson & we spent a very pleasant time Florrie slept with me & I talked late.
Friday 3
Florrie came to the station with me Bob met me then got my ticket & luggage had a very good trip down in the train had a good trip down everything looked lovely no one to meet me at the station did not know I was coming so I came over in the coach & caught them nicely after being away a year & four months no one looked very robust The garden looked simply lovely of course our tongues went had a good sleep tired after the excitement & travelling. Letter from George McKinney
Saturday 4
Jess Ma Pa Mag & Bobbie came in the afternoon hardly knew him, he had grown so much quite a big boy glad to see them again Maggie grown very much, Belle went home with them
Sunday 5 Did not go out all day & no one came, heaps of talk Belle came home.
Monday 6
Belle went out saying her good byes we stayed at home & rested & talked of course.
Tuesday 7
Belle packed up, did some ironing in the morning old Mr Blackmore came, Georgie & I went up to say good bye to Jess & Bobbie seems strange not to be living with them very sorry to say good bye, Mr Mason and Mr & Mrs Vyner came in the evening.
Wednesday 8
Bob went to Sydney Belle busy getting ready to go to Narandera with Jess got away about half past 10, glad to have her go for a good trip & yet sorry Bob Williams drove her to the Kangeroo Valley hope they have good trip.
Thursday 9
Our day at home Mrs & Miss Moss & Miss Blackmore came
Friday 10
Nothing new happened busy getting Bob things ready to go to England Went up to Pollys
Saturday 11
Long newsy letter from Belle. Georgie & I went down to Vyners in the evening
Sunday 12
Mrs Langley came home to dinner we liked her. Bob went to say good bye to some of his friends went to church tonight everyone says I look very well
Monday 13
Busy getting everything into order for Bob. Kate & Mother went for a drive Kate not well again. Box of grapes & a hat for Kate
Tuesday 14
[‘Geo & I went to see Mrs Morton she came to see us in the evening. Bobs last night’ crossed out] Polly & Auntie came down
Wednesday 15
Letter from Alec. My birthday Geo & I went to see Mrs Morton & she came over in the evening Bobs last night at home
Thursday 16
Busy helping Bob pack up in the afternoon we all went to Bobs presentation the Nowra people gave him a handsome travelling bag. Robert got great praise & responded very well he hired the coach & we all drove over in it also the Meroogal & Torresdale buggy & several others quite an imposing procession, at the train three cheers were given for Robert & he steamed off, all sorry to see him go & yet glad that he is to have such a good trip, it seems strange at home without him hope he gets on well & comes home safely
Friday 17
Lovely day Kate not up to the mark. I went to see Mrs Glanville & Mrs Nesbitt in the evening Geo & I went to Dr King to get a dose for Kate which did her good
Saturday 18
Lovely day letter from Tom & Mrs W Matthews the later [sic] saying she cannot come down very sorry. Geo & I went up for Ma. Kate better Bob left Sydney at 1 oclock today by Ariyata for England seems strange to think of him going so far
Sunday 19
Ma & Mother & Geo went to church Ma & I went at night
Monday 20
Spent the day in the usual way. Mr & Mrs Vyner came up in the evening
Tuesday 21
Ma & Geo went out paying calls
Wednesday 22
Ma & I went to Mrs Vyners for the evening
Thursday 23
Kate not well Mrs Morton & Mrs Hamilton called
Friday 24
Florrie Mitchell & Miss Stewart came great talking took them out for a drive spent the evening talking etc. all tired
Saturday 25
Florrie & Miss Stewart went away in the afternoon Kate went to Dr King
Sunday 26
Lovely day communion Sunday. Geo & Mother went I stayed with Kate. Jim & Nellie came letter from Bob from Melbourne, not sea sick went to Church at night enjoyed Mr Ewins preaching very much
Monday 27
Geo & Mother went to Church, all went for a drive Geo & I called at Mrs Nesbitts very tired, Sir Henry Parkes died Telegram from Bob at Adelaide
Tuesday 28
All went out driving Mother & Geo payed calls Dubs came in the evening
Wednesday 29
Kate went out for a drive Geo & I went to Mrs Hamilton in the afternoon Letter from George McKinney
Thursday 30
Mrs Dr Matthews came also Mr & Mrs Nesbitt enjoyed their visit
Friday May 1st 1896
Mother & I went over to Bolong to see Dr Grant spent a very pleasant time there, the Dr looks very feeble Geo & I went to Vyners in the evening
Saturday 2nd
Kate went to see Dr King improving again Geo Mrs McLelland & I went over to Mrs Mortons Mrs Harry & Harry & Mr Alec Hay were there Geo & I wrote to Jess & Bell Alec came home from Sydney & told us Bert Dick had gone to China & Teddie Bray to South Africa
Sunday 3
Geo & Mother went to church in the morning Mary Hunt came to tea Mother & I went to church at night
Monday 4
Kate & I went out for a drive in the morning Geo & I took Mrs Nesbitt out in the afternoon then called to see Kit Glanville
Tuesday 5
Did some sewing Mrs Vyner & Mrs McLelland came in the afternoon
Wednesday 6
Kate Geo & I went to Mrs Morton Mrs Vyners was there she came home with us. George McKinney sent me a nice lot of violet roots. Miss Grant & Barbara came to tea enjoyed their visit very much Geo & Mother went to the prayer meeting with them Mr Mason came in
Thursday 7
Our day at home, Mr Robertson came also Mrs Bruce & Miss Whitson Miss Foster & Kit Glanville
Friday 8
Mrs Bice came to see Kate went out for a drive
Saturday 9
Got new shoes & stays. Took Mrs Hamilton for a drive I went up to McGregors Min & I talked very late went over our Narandera trip
Sunday 10
Stayed until 4 oclock Min Nell Mag Elg came for a walk with me to the road enjoyed the drive home
Monday 11
Jess birthday in the afternoon did some business in the town Geo & I had afternoon tea at Mrs Vyners & took her for a drive letter from Belle
Tuesday 12
Made my skirt Mother went up to McGregors to stay. Geo went up to Llanthony Louie Hall was there
Wednesday 13
Lovely rain, did some sewing. Went to the Station & got a parcel. Pa & Min came down
Thursday 14
Up early & got Pa & Min off to Sydney. Kate & I covered the sitting room furniture. Louie Hall came in the afternoon enjoyed her visit. Still beautiful rain
Friday 15
Finished the furniture & not sorry. Geo & I went to see Mrs Vyner in the afternoon wrote to Bob. Geo stayed all night with Mrs Morton
Saturday 16
Lovely day Kate went out I stayed at home Miss Moss & Mrs Carson came, Sam Glanville came in the evening
Sunday 17
Geo & I went to church in the morning had a good rest in the afternoon
Monday 18
Busy morning. Went to the Bank & to Mrs Bruce & Mrs Nesbitts in the afternoon Kate went to Mrs Nesbitts also. Mrs Vyner came in the evening & Mother came home from Cambe
Tuesday 19
Made a blouse Geo & I went to Mrs McLellands
Wednesday 20
Miss Garden & Mr Bruce came in the afternoon. Mother bad with the cold
Thursday 21
Letter from Mrs Pearson Belle George McKinney Gracie Dymock glad to hear from all of them very sorry to hear Belle had been so sick. Geo Mrs Vyner & I went to Mosses.
Friday 22
Lovely day nice letter from Mrs Willie Matthews Kate & I went for a drive
Saturday 23
Dull day Polly Bert Dey & Mr Gill came down in the afternoon & I went to tennis with them enjoyed the outing & a good chat to Bert
Sunday 24
Wet day went for a walk in the afternoon was to have gone to Pollys only for the rain
Monday 25
Lovely day Mr & Mrs Robert Miller & Mrs Cook & Harry & Tilly's baby came for dinner & went away by the afternoon train Min came home from Sydney
Tuesday 26
Min & I went down town Geo & I went up to the Matthews & Frasers in the afternoon enjoyed the outing
Wednesday 27
Mary & Nell came down & went with Geo & I to The Pirates of Penzance given by the Nowra Amateurs & enjoyed it very much indeed
Thursday 28
Lovely day Mrs Vyner came glad to get to bed early after the dissapation of last night
Friday 29
Not very brisk, Kate & I called on Mrs Owen & Mrs Thornton then went for a drive Saturday 30 All went for a drive in the afternoon I went up to Pollys with the Brennans talk a lot as usual
Sunday 31
Went to church with Polly & Auntie Mr [UNCLEAR] preached rained so I stayed all night
Monday June 1st 1896
Showery Bob Williams came for me Kate finished my dress. Letter from Jess which I enjoyed
Tuesday 2
Took ourselves out for a drive Potted some maiden hair ferns
Wednesday 3
Went for a walk down town, nothing new
Thursday 4
Alec Graham came very glad to see him, had afternoon tea went back to Cambe for tea still wet
Friday 5
All went for a drive in the afternoon Kate & I went to Vyners & walked home with us
Saturday 6
Letter from Belle, Jess & Don gone to Orange for a trip Geo & I drove Kate up to McGregors. Mother went out visiting. Geo & I spent the evening at Nesbitts
Sunday 7
Mother Geo & I went to Church wore my new dress, so it rained, Geo & I went for a long walk in the afternoon
Monday 8
Wet day. Mrs [UNCLEAR] & I cleaned up the dining room pantry Geo & I went down town in the afternoon I went to the Bank & to Mrs Bruces then came back to Vyners for Georgie Read Guy Mannering at night
Tuesday 9
Still raining we cleaned the Stair pantry, letter from Marion wanting Geo to go to Sydney too wet to go anywhere
Wednesday 10
Finer Mother went out visiting Geo & I went to Mrs McLeans read Guy Mannering in the evening
Thursday 11
Kate came home from McGregors Letter from Belle Geo & I went down town shopping
Friday 12
Geo & I went to Mrs Kings in the afternoon nothing news [sic]
Saturday 13 Poured rain last night & this morning. Went for a drive in the afternoon
Sunday 14
Nothing new happened all went to church in the morning very windy. Kate & I went for a walk in the afternoon
Monday 15
Went to the Bank as usual went to Mrs McLellands to afternoon tea
Tuesday 16
Kate went out collecting Mother visiting Geo & I went to Mrs Nesbitts
Wednesday 17
Will Matthews came by the late train glad to have him & to hear all about the Milton people Geo Mrs Nesbitt & I went to Mrs Whittels in the afternoon
Thursday 18
Polly Auntie Will Mrs & Alice McArthur came Will stayed all night Mrs McLelland & old Mr McLelland came to tea enjoyed the evening Geo went to Torresdale
Friday 19
Will went away by early train poured rain went down to see Mrs Vyners. Enjoying Darkness & Dawn by Farrar
Saturday 20
Stayed at home all day Polly Mrs Vyner came
Sunday 21
Lovely day I got the dinner did not get to church
Monday 22
Poured rain letter from Netta very comfortable beside the fire Mother Kate & self
Tuesday 23
Finer, Kate & I went for a drive to Mrs Mortons Mother also went visiting, too cold driving for her
Wednesday 24
Mrs Vyner came up & we went for drive Mr Vyner came & they stayed to tea. Kate making a blouse for Mrs V.
Thursday 25
Delighted to get a letter from Bob & that he is well & enjoying himself also letter from Bell describing her first trip down to Gogelderie Kooba & Tubbo. Very glad to get Mr Sinclairs photo & Dr Foxs from Mrs Pearson
Friday 26
Went to see Mrs Morton
Saturday 27
Kate & I went to Mrs Nesbitts for the evening Kit Sam & Harry Glanville were there also Mr Drummond & Miss Newton Annie Foster enjoyed the evening very much Min came down
Sunday 28
All went to church but Kate & Min. Min & Geo went at night
Monday 29
Min & I went up to Torresdale glad to see us Tuesday 30 Nothing new, passed the day quietly
[Inside back cover: Stevens Street
Highgate Hill
J. S. Browning
Miss Dove
Underwood St
Mr Ballantine
Babys Boot
45 Stitches
1 rib
1 plain for the tops
Then plain & pearl
Divide into 3 parts 15[UNCLEAR] knit 9 rowsthen knit sides (9) then take up the toe.
Bauerambah Station
54 stitches
34 ribbed
21 Plain
4 ribbed
19 shoulder
6 on each side of the shoulder
make the 6 on each side [UNCLEAR] to 12
138 stitches
10 rows plain & pearl
37 rows plain
About 16 plain & pearl
Half packet each [UNCLEAR]Juice one lemon in A glass of hot water.
Red wigrain Cotton]

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
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