Tottie's diary: 1895
[NB- Diary begins with April]
Tuesday April 23rd 1895
Went to tennis & to practise the "Merry Men of Sherwood" in the evening
Wednesday 24
Practise & tennis in the afternoon Miss Elworthy came to tea, Service of Song Wee Davie at the church helped with the solos fair audience
Thursday 25
Tennis again had some good play
Friday 26
I went to tennis Kate & Jess paid calls Kate Miss Elworthy & I went to Mrs Heaths to tea then to practise
Saturday 27
Busy Mr Piddington called for us to go to tennis Dr came in the evening
Sunday 28
Jess had to play in church, Don preached splendidly Cye Cully at church Dr very amiable Cye came to tea & went with Kate & I to the C of England went to Ellworthies for a while on our way home
Monday 29
Busy day rained dressed for Cantata which was put off, got a surprise blue sash
Tuesday 30
Lovely day Dr Fox came to tea Don & I had to go to the Cantata Jess Kate & Dr teasing us about being such toffs. Not [UNCLEAR] people out
Wednesday May 1st 1895
First day of the races, went to the Flower show at night enjoyed ourselves, met Mr Gray & Mr Gibson
Thursday 2nd
Kates last day. K. Miss Kempson Dr Fox & self went to tennis Mr Grey came in the evening stayed late
Friday 3
Kate went round saying good bye Dr came up to say good bye. All went to the Station met Mr & Willie Andrew. In same carriage as Kate, awfully sorry to see K go. Came away like bears with sore heads, went to tennis, house seems deserted. Jess & I went to the Cantata at night full house
Saturday 4
Very busy went to tennis in the afternoon. I wrote letters at night & pictured Kates tongue going at home
Sunday 5
Got up at 10 felt time long without Kate Miss & Mr Ellworthy came in the afternoon & took me for a walk. Went to church at night Don preached well
Monday 6
Flew round in the morning Jess & Annie drove me up to the train arrived at Whitton about half past one saw Mr McKinney at a distance Mr Rose met me & we arrived at Gogelderie about 4, & started talking straight away
Tuesday 7
Passed the day very pleasently begun the Ascent of Man Mrs Pierson & I reading it time about enjoyed the evening by the fire Mr & Mrs Lindsay came to Mr Waughs
Wednesday 8
We went up to see Mrs Lindsay liked her & asked her down to afternoon tea had our usual read, I as happy & contented as possible
Thursday 9
Very glad to get a letter from Kate to hear how she got home & how all were there. Mr Pearson away all night, we enjoyed ourselves by the fire talking of course
Friday 10
Wrote to Jess spent the day in the usual way
Saturday 11
Mr Mrs Pearson baby & I went to Tubbo arrived in good time a Mr Smithie from Kulkie was there, the garden looking lovely & everything very nice nearly lost ourselves in the big rooms Mr Sinclair kindness itself enjoyed ourselves very much
Sunday 12
Lovely day Mr Kelly & Mr OKeefe arrived quite a large party of us sat on the verandah read & talked left for home after dinner glad to be in our own house again I wrote to Kate
Monday 13
Not very well loafed all day had a good read. Mr Rose came in in the evening when we did not want him.
Tuesday 14
Lovely morning usual reading passed the day in the usual way.
Wednesday 15
Nothing strange or startling went for a walk down the river.
Thursday 16
Mrs Pearson made Melon Jam. had our usual read of the Ascent of Man enjoyed the evening at the fire
Friday 17
Getting on well with Berts handkerchiefs Mr Waugh took Mrs Pearson baby & I for a nice drive to the Waragul yards
Saturday 18
Don Jess baby & Annie came and gave us a pleasant surprise glad to see them left for Tubbo after 3 o'clock
Sunday 19
Dull day had a good read Mr Scot was here to tea
Monday 20
Lovely day Mr Waugh took baby & I out for a drive which we thoroughly enjoyed
Tuesday 21
Mr Pearson went to Hay we had our usual walk & read & sat talking late at the fire.
Wednesday 22
Began to rain so we stayed in doors reading & sewing enjoying the 'Ascent of Man' muchly
Thursday 23
Wet and very dull spent the day in the usual way
Friday 24
Queens birthday wet all day
Saturday 25
Lovely day made scones & cakes busy day enjoyed the evening by the fire
Sunday 26
Lovely day no visitors, high dinner all to ourselves. Went for a long walk retired early.
Monday 27
Got up a little earlier Mrs Pearson baby & I drove into Whitton enjoyed the drive met Mr Pearson and a Mr Moffitt (who came home with us) met George and Jimmy McKinney at the station gave us a photo of the buggies had a letter from Kate very pleasant day altogether.
May Tuesday 28
Rather busy morning. In the afternoon we went up to the house and sat on the verandah. Retired early.
Wednesday 29
Made preperations [sic] for Mrs McGan but she did not come however we enjoyed the day. Mr Pearson home again.
Thursday 30
Had everything nice in case Mrs McG came but she did not so we went out for a walk in the afternoon as usual, & spent the evening very happily at home.
Friday 31
Mr Pearson away all night, I do enjoy the days & evenings here no cares or worries very happy
Saturday June 1st 1895
Letters from Jess Ma [Gracie Dymock crossed out] & Alec Graham & Florrie, enjoyed them all. Mr. Mears came home all glad to see him brought a nice box of sweets which did not last long.
Sunday 2
Mr McKinney and Jimmy came enjoyed the day Jimmy gave Mrs Pearson baby & I a ride in the buggy, enjoyed the evening. Jimmy brought photos for us of the buggies etc.
Monday 3
Lovely day Mrs Pearson & Mr Mears very busy. Had no time for our usual read today.
Tuesday 4
Mrs Pearson baby & I drove to Whitton, lovely day enjoyed the drive muchly letter from Kate which was most welcome. Had a read of "Round the red Lamp" both enjoyed it.
Wednesday 5
Had some visitors in the afternoon Mr Pollack home to afternoon tea, enjoyed the evening very much. Mr Mears weighed me I have gained 6lbs in a month 8 st 3 like Mr M very much
Thursday 6
Awfully cold. Mr Pearson and Mr Mears went out to the Waragul yards lamb marking Mrs P. and I sewed in the morning went up to the House with baby in the afternoon & had afternoon tea had a good read of the "Ascent of Man".
Friday 7
The day passed quietly as usual.
Saturday 8
Mrs Pearson baby and I went out to the Warragul yards & had lunch there saw Mr Pearson and Mr Mears, Mrs P read some of the stories out of Round the Red Lamp, coming home, enjoyed them muchly, Mr Mears came home glad to see him, enjoyed the evening, had toffee
Sunday 9
Spent the morning near the fire as my eye was sore. We all ate a good supply of toffee. George McKinney came & brought a note from Mrs McGan asking us down on Sunday & me to stay a few days, Mr Mears left for the back hut so we were alone again.
Monday 10
My eye still sore very dull day, we both felt the day a bit long first since I came.
Tuesday 11
Still dull spent the day sewing and reading Mrs P. doing all the reading took baby for a little walk.
Wednesday 12
Mrs P. and I went out to the back hut saw Mr Pearson and Mr Mears, enjoyed the drive very pretty. Mr Waugh came down in the evening. We finished The Ascent of Man.
Thursday 13
Rather dull. Note from Jess and Bert enjoyed the day. Mrs P very busy.
Friday 14
Mr Mears and Mr Pearson came in from the back hut and Jess Don and baby and Annie came, had nights music here very glad to see them.
Saturday 15
Don and Jess and baby went to Kooba early. Mrs P and I were very busy enjoyed the day. Mrs P had a bad cold went to bed early. Mr Mears and I sat at the fire talking and winding wool.
Sunday 16
We were to have gone to Kooba but could not go, Mr Binnie and Mr Geet came and spent the day.
Monday 17
Lovely day spent the day in the usual way enjoyed the evening.
Tuesday 18
Another lovely day not very well went for a little walk with baby. Mr Mears and Mr Pearson came home for dinner.
Wednesday 19
Baby Jess and Don arrived after five oclock great clack. spent the night with us again.
Thursday 20
Jess and Don went home early, the day flew Mr P and Mr M finished lamb marking we are all glad, enjoyed the evening.
Friday 21
Raining all day. Mr M did a good many little things for us Had our usual read. Our day seemed to fly. A sign of enjoyment surely.
Saturday 22
Still raining Mr Mears and Mr Pearson at home all day, which passed very quickly and very pleasently. (Toms birthday)
Sunday 23
Cleared up today, we were to have gone to Kooba today but the roads were too dirty. Enjoyed the day at home. Mrs P Mr M and I sat around the fire and talked when it got dusky
Monday 24
Lovely day in the afternoon Mr Mears drove me to Kooba, enjoyed the drive down very much, had a nice talk drove the new Ponies Great fun arriving and expecting a look. Mrs McGan seemed pleased to see me. Mr McKinney and George were at home enjoyed the evening
Tuesday 25
Mrs McGan and I sat and talked all the morning after lunch Mr Mears left for home and Mr McKinney went away for the night so we sat in the dining room for the evening talking and knitting.
Wednesday 26
Wrote some letters and passed the morning at the fire reading knitting and talking Played tennis with George in the afternoon & enjoyed it Mr McKinney and Jimmy came home glad to see them enjoyed the evening. like Mrs McG very much.
Thursday 27
Mr McKinney and Jimmy were out in the morning came home in the afternoon and Jimmy and I played tennis. In the evening we had singing and Jimmy played the violin and I played the piano enjoyed myself muchly.
Friday 28
Mr McK was home all day busy preparing to go to town. George and I played tennis the afternoon, afternoon tea as usual had a great nights music Mrs McG writing home letters while we were having a jolly time I like them all very much and feel very contented and happy. They are all so kind to me.
Saturday 29
Mr McK wanted me to stay longer, he left for Sydney. Jimmy and I played tennis and had music in the evening as usual.
Sunday 30
Damp morning all stayed beside the fire. Mrs McGan Jimmy George Jack and self, we took turns of reading aloud after dinner. Jim George and I went out for a little walk after afternoon tea Jimmy and I went down to the engine shed after tea we (Jim George and I) sang hymns in the evening and sat over the fire talking and enjoying ourselves.
Monday July 1st 1895
Cold but a lovely morning they all wanted me to stay longer but I could not so Jimmy drove me back to Gogelderie in the morning, nice little buggy with a good pair of horses we both enjoyed the drive and did not hurry sorry it was not longer, arrived for lunch very glad to see Mrs Pearson baby and Mr Mears again. Enjoyed my stay at Kooba very much. Great talking. Jimmy left for home about half past 3 hope he gets home safely roads bad.
Tuesday 2
Mrs P and I drove into Whitton awfully cold enjoyed the drive. Mr Mears had a lovely fire on when we came home, enjoyed the evening great fun over the supper.
Wednesday 3
Cleaned Mr Mears hat made scones. Mrs P and I gathered a large bunch of violets for me to take home regretting my going all day. Mr M came in time for afternoon tea our last tea alone which I enjoyed and felt sorry it was the last night. We have spent a most lovely time. Had hot orange drink for supper and scones. Mr Mears weighed me 8st 6lbs gained 10 lb in 2 months.
Thursday 4
Great bustle packing up and getting ready to come home. Mr Mears lent me his bag. Mrs P gave my hair a great crimp also gave me 2 bottles of jam feel very sorry leaving. Mrs P and Cuthbert waved me out of sight. Mr Mears drove me to Whitton with the ponies enjoyed the drive so much and like him very much. Jimmy McKinney was there to see me off, had to wait sometime for the train so we sat and talked. Jimmy got my ticket and saw me into the train etc and then we steamed off. The day was lovely but I did not care much for the ride. Jess was at the station to meet me met several there I knew, also Cye Cully, felt quite strange coming back to the town. Found baby quite big. He laughed most heartily at me everything looked nice and clean Jess and I went to a meeting in the Wesleyan Church.
Friday 5
Got up about 11, in the afternoon Jess and I went to Mrs Ellworthys and Mrs Gardiners, all think I had got fat. The Jew called at Mrs E and seemed pleased to see me. Met Dr Watt
Saturday 6
Jess and I did a lot of sewing, very dull in the afternoon, so we stayed at home and sewed, enjoyed ourselves beside the fire. Made cakes and scones.
Sunday 7
No church in the morning so Jess and I did not get up until 12 oclock. Wrote to Mrs Pearson went for a walk over the bridge with Miss Ellworthy met the Jew who gave us a most pleasant smile. Don came home from Conabee bringing a leg of mutton, he preached well at night enjoyed the service.
Monday 8
Jess went down the town in the afternoon. Jess baby and I went up to Mrs Heaths after tea. Jess read aloud to Don and I "The Land and the Book"
Tuesday 9
Lovely day m the afternoon Mrs Thomas and Mrs Ellworthy, Mr. and Miss Podmore called. I went for a walk with Mrs E. Don went to practise, I wrote to Florrie
Wednesday 10
In the morning Jess and I went up to the train and met Mr McKinney had a good talk, he seemed very pleased to see us and we enjoyed the time with him he promised us his photo also told us he was coming to the show he looked splendid. After we left him we went round the town met the Dr at the Post office. Don and I had a game of tennis, we all went to Gardiners in the evening quite a treat to meet Mr Warden there, Dr Fox Mr and Mrs Reddington were there, enjoyed the evening.
Thursday 11
Busy sewing all the morning made a pair of bloomers we went to tennis in the afternoon, enjoyed it very much, found the bloomers a great comfort. Jess and I enjoyed the evening at home. I trimmed 2 hats.
Friday 12
Miss Elsworthy Miss Conolly Drs Fox and Watt and I were to have gone for a ride, Dr Fox called to say it was posponed [sic] so we went to tennis instead.
Saturday 13
Busy in the morning Jess and I went out in the afternoon & did some shopping I took Baby for a walk Very sorry to hear of Mrs Kinross’ death.
Sunday 14
Nice day. Went to Church in the morning. Jess went to Mimosa with Don, Annie kept baby! I went to Miss Elworthys Miss Brown & I went for a walk stay [sic] for tea and enjoyed myself.
Monday 15
Washing day. Busy stayed at home all day
Tuesday 16
Lovely day finished my blue blouse. In the afternoon Miss Elworthy came to tell me we were going for our ride. Dressed went down there had afternoon tea then we started Miss Elworthy Miss Conolly Dr Watt Dr Fox and I and rode Dr Fox Banjo and liked him very much. We all enjoyed the ride, I did very much, went to Bundajerry. Wrote to Mrs Pearson.
Wednesday 17
Jess and I went out shopping in the morning Don left for Kooba Went to tennis
Thursday 18
Sewed in the morning Jess and I in the afternoon called at Mrs Mitchells Mrs Williams and Lees and then went to Mrs Cullys Lew was there and in good spirits enjoyed a chat. In the evening read and talked of old times.
Friday 19
Covered a chair etc. had a letter Polly very sorry to hear that Lill Tweddle is very ill poor old Lill I do hope she gets better. Jess and I feeling dumpy. Very glad to get a letter from Mrs Pearson. Jess and I went to Mrs Heaths for a walk. Spent the evening at home. Saturday 20 Busy sewing all day went to the post office for a walk.
Sunday 21
Jess and I went up to see Mrs Heath spent the evening quietly at home.
Monday 22
Met Mr Browning at the train liked him. Did some cooking in the morning and sewed.
Tuesday 23
More cooking went to tennis in the afternoon had a good game
Wednesday 24
Made more cakes busy sewing Thursday 25All busy got box from home, lovely hat for me great excitement Dr called
Friday 26
Still cooking Dr Cunningham friend of Dr Fox spent the evening with us, Played and sang for us enjoyed his company
Saturday 27
Very busy, very sorry to hear of Lil Tweddles death, cannot believe it. Mrs Pearson and Cuthbert came very glad to have them retired early
Sunday 28
Lovely day Mrs Pearson Jess and I went to church in our new togs. Dr Fox sent his trap up in the afternoon Mrs P Cuthbert and I went for a lovely drive to Bundajerry and home in the evening Dr Fox and Cunningham came and we all sat round the fire and had a very happy time Jew in excellent humour Monday 29 Busy Jess Mrs P Baby and I went down town and did some shopping
Tuesday 30
Lovely day Mrs P and I drove out to the race course to see the Polo, drove round the course. In the evening Don’s annual meeting came off. We were very busy as we provided all the refreshments. George McKinney and Mr Tyler helped us grandly. Dr Fox and Cunningham spent the evening home. Mrs Hannah Mr Hannah and Etta called very tired but enjoyed myself. Baby sick, had Dr Fox
Wednesday 31
Lovely day George McKinney came up to the morning and I walked out to Polo with him, met Mr Mears and Mr McKinney there Mr McK George and I sat in the grand stand and watched the play Kerarbury against Narrandera Nar. won Mr McKinney walked home with us Mr Mears George Dr Fox and Cunningham came in the evening (Mrs Heath Mrs Hannah and Miss Cook came for a short time) We spent a most enjoyable evening had music etc. Mr Mears and I got the supper
Thursday August 1st 1895
Many visitors in the afternoon. Mr Mears drove Mrs Pearson George and I to the show met some that we knew. Enjoyed the show fairly well Mr Mears drove Mrs P home early came back for us and Mr McKinney also came. Mr Mears and George stayed to tea Mr McKinney & Mr Pearson came up after tea and we all went to the play. So crowded we could not all sit together enjoyed it very much Mr Mears and I got the supper again he is so good in the house.
Friday 2
Lovely day Mr Mears and George came up in the morning Mr Grey and Mr McKinney also came to say good bye Mr McKinney got lovely lollies for me. Mr Mears drove Mr Pearson Jess and I down town paying calls etc. Dr Cunningham came up to say good bye sorry he is going. In the afternoon Mr Mears and Mrs Pearson and Baby went for a drive George Jess and I went to tennis but it was very slow. Mr Pearson Mrs P Mr Mears George and I went to the play enjoyed it all came home to supper very tired.
Saturday 3
Mr Mears & George came in the morning Dr Fox called to arrange to take us for a ride, Mrs Pearson also came all stayed to dinner enjoyed there [sic] company wrote to thank Mr McKinney for the Lollies Mr P Mr Mears and George left for home Miss Ellworthy came, all very tired.
Sunday 4
Nice day in the afternoon Mrs Pearson and I and Cuthbert went to Mrs Ellworthys and in the evening I stayed at home with the babies and let the others go to church Dr Fox came in with them after church
Monday 5
Glorious day Dr Fox Mrs Pearson Miss Ellsworthy and I went for a lovely ride out the Nudgeon way Mrs P rode Annie Rooney. I Banjo. Enjoyed ourselves very much
Tuesday 6
Dr called to see how we were after our ride I went down to Ellworthys for a walk no visitors as it was wet
Wednesday 7
Cuthbert ill got Dr Fox had to keep him in the study
Thursday 8
Cuthbert still ill Dr came morning and evening feeling anxious about him
Friday 9
Cuthbert much better Dr came to see him again
Saturday 10
Nice day. Went for a walk in the afternoon Dr Fox came in the evening
Sunday 11
Mrs Pearson and I went to church in the morning, glorious day. Went for a walk with Edie Ellworthy, Dr came up early in the evening, we enjoyed his company
Monday 12
Dr Fox took Mrs Pearson for a ride to Mrs Baylis Cuthbert very cross All tired went early to bed
Tuesday 13
Dr called in the morning rained hard I went down to Elworthys for a walk No visitors as it rained
Wednesday 14
Lovely day Dr Fox came in the morning to ask Mrs Pearson and I if we would go to the races left us tickets for a concert in the evening by Philarmonic [sic] Society. In the afternoon the Dr drove up and we went to the races. Mrs P and I went up to the Grand stand did not enjoy the hurdle race one bit, but the next race I did enjoy, still I dont think it is really a fit place for ladies not as the races are carried on here. Alice and I drove home early & enjoyed the drive. After tea the Dr came for us and Alice Jess and I went to the concert with him, he sat between Alice and me the concert was not much good and we were not very sorry when it was over.
Thursday 15
Nice morning I left with Don for Kooba sorry to leave Alice, but glad for Jess to have her Don and I enjoyed the drive and we read aloud in turns "Barabas" by Marie Correlli enjoyed it and made the ride seem short Arrived at Gogelderie for lunch sorry Mr Pearson and Mr Mears were away. Had a chat with Margaret and lunch with Mr Waugh. Left at 2 arrived at Kooba for afternoon tea Don went to the wool shed and held a service. Mrs McGan and I spent the evening quietly talking, knitting and reading
Friday 16
All busy with the shearing at Kooba Mrs McGan and I went for a walk round the garden etc in the morning and gathered eggs also again in the afternoon Mr McKinney came home in time for afternoon tea he is also busy enjoyed the evening in the usual way
Saturday 17
Lovely day went our usual rounds Don came to lunch and Mr McKinney Jimmy and George came home for afternoon tea very glad to see them all again. Mr Foster (nephew of Major General Hutton) was asked in in the evening (very much of a boy) I had to do a lot of singing which they all seemed to enjoy very much all very fond of "The Brook." Made Jimmy and Geo sing, the evening passed most pleasently, sorry when bed time arrived Weigh 8st - 8lb
Got Mr McKinney and Jimmy photo
Sunday 18
Lovely morning, went for a walk with the boys round the garden (exquisitive [sic] double violets) Mr McKinney took me to see his dog working sheep and to see his foals. had to sing for them in the morning After dinner we started for church after church spoke to all I knew and then said goodbye to Jo & Mrs McGan and waited until Don was ready with George and Jimmy Mrs McGan asked me to stay and the boys pressed me to stay also. Had a nice drive to Tubbo. Mr Sinclair gave us a warm welcome. Met Mr McPhail and a Mr Coobera just out from home and very delicate) After tea Don Mr Sinclair Janet Naudkin went down in the shearers hut where Don held a service which I enjoyed. There were about 100 men and very decent men too One gave us a box covered with a cloth to sit on the whole service was very nice and they sang most heartily. Glad to go to bed early.
Monday 19
Beautifully fine. At 9 Don Mr Sinclair Janet and I went down to the wool shed to see the shearing by machinery. Mr Sinclair showed us all and explained everything, it was most interesting, how quickly they do shear with the machines, and the fleeces are so beautiful Weighed again 8st l0 lbs. After a cup of tea and a hearty invitation from Mr Sinclair to come again, we left for home enjoying the drive and the reading of Barabas arrived home in good time and found the place nice and clean. Missed Alice, Jess and I walked down town for butter had a letter from Alice.
Tuesday 20
Wet day, made [UNCLEAR] and did lots of little things had a letter from Jim Dick which was most welcome No visitors
Wednesday 21
Jess and I went out and attended to some business had afternoon tea at Elworthys home to tea read in the evening Not very well
Thursday 22
Don went to Colinroobie Jess and I went up to the N. station saw Miss Campbell off then went to see Mrs Cully and the new baby and to Elworthies to tea and spent the evening which we enjoyed very much Had a lot of music Mr Elworthy danced the Skirt dance for us Altogether a very gay evening
Friday 23
Annie went out for the afternoon, Jess and I set to work and tidied up the garden etc, enjoyed being alone and baby very good no visitors
Saturday 24
Busy in the morning finished the garden and did some cooking after dinner and walked out to polo with Edie Elworthy Mrs Glaney and Mrs Manning. Met Mrs Marcus Jenkins and liked her very much indeed. Had a drive in Mr Cully sulky and a good view of polo. Dr Watt walked home with us Jess and I had tea at Elworthys and spent a musical evening Dr Watt Mr Bain and Mr Clancy were there Dr Watt brought us home
Sunday 25
Very windy day. Jess slept until half past 1 I read most of the day & stayed at home with baby at night while the others went to church
Monday 26
Busy doing all sorts of little things Jess and I went up to Mrs Heaths Mrs Elworthy and Edie came to tea had plenty music and enjoyed it
Tuesday 27
Busy again Dr Watt and Miss Andrew called Dr Fox came to tea and stayed until nearly ten, had a good sing amiable and nice letter from home
Wednesday 28
Very windy dust storm, Jess and I went for a walk round the town
Thursday 29
Lovely day. Jess Don Baby and I started for Hannahs had a lovely drive and Jess read "Barabas" to us. Arrived at Cowabee in good time pleased to see them all again. Met Mr and Miss Brown there from Maitland, also knew Mr Jackson and Mr Milne played charades
Friday 30
Mr Hannah and Miss Brown Mr Brown and I played tennis all the morning, Mr Brown and I won, in the afternoon Mr Miss Brown and Jess and I had a great chat Mr B asked me if I liked Nowra which amused me enjoyed their company very much sorry when they had to go Had a little game of tennis with Mr Tyler Spent the evening quietly
Saturday 31
Lovely day. Effie took Jess and I out for a drive with hoods on us enjoyed ourselves, in the afternoon Effie and I mounted the Manse horses and had a great ride Mr and Mrs Cook arrived
Sunday September 1st 1895
Lovely day Jess and I stayed at home in the morning with Etta then started for home with Don at 1 oclock, Don has service at Grong Grong we enjoyed the trip and Annie had everything nice for us when we arrived Letter from Geo. and Mrs Pearson went to church and enjoyed the service
Monday 2
Very busy getting Don off for Torresdale Dr came up in the evening Jess called to see him Very tired, preparing also to go to the Log Cabin
Tuesday 3
Poured rain in the morning cleared up about 10 and at half past 12 Drs boy put the horses in for us and we started very windy got on very well with the horses did the journey in 3 hours and a half Very glad to get to Mrs Pearson
Wednesday 4
Mrs Pearson Jess Baby and I went out to the wool shed had dinner there and enjoyed it Mr Pearson & Mr Mears were both there Jess and Mrs P went to Whitton and I kept Bobbie. Mr Mears took Jess and I to the wool shed to see the shearing with shears, I was glad to see it Mr M weighed me 8st 8 lb Just after starting for home something about the buggy broke and we had to turn back and Mr Mears mended it for us
Thursday 5
Nice day made cakes and scones we went up to the garden in the afternoon and took the babies
Friday 6
Jess Mrs Pearson and Bobbie and I drove down to Kooba I drove, Enjoyed the drive. Got to Kooba in good time had a nice time with Mrs McGan. Had a talk thro the telephone and Jenny and George wanted me to stay. Got home about 6 o'clock well pleased with the day.
Saturday 7
All busy in the morning went up to the garden in the afternoon with the children. Had afternoon tea on the verandah. Mr Mears came home very glad to see him enjoyed the evening reminded me of old times here.
Sunday 8
Very warm day Mr Pearson Mr Mears both at town Mrs P and I went up to the house where we met Mrs Miss and Mr Pitt from Sydney (Pitt Son & Badgery) Mrs and Miss came down to afternoon tea we liked them. Mr Mears and I gathered the eggs after tea he went back to the shearing shed and we passed our time writing etc.
Monday 9
Very windy Jess baby and I left for home after lunch had a very warm stormy drive and were very much relieved on arriving home safely found Annie busy
Tuesday 10
Very busy arranging flowers etc getting things into order for Min Mrs Piddington called in the afternoon after she left I did some shopping for Alice.
Wednesday 11
Nice morning had to fly round to get everything done we all drove up to the station to meet Don and Min. Min looked tired and glad to be here thought everything very nice our tongues went very fast, glad to get home letters, also gooseberry jam etc. In the afternoon Min had a sleep. Dr Fox called to ask me to go to tennis very gay Edie Elworthy also called, and we all went to tennis and had a good game. Dr Fox and I played Edie and Dr Watt. Don christened Mrs Cully baby
Thursday 12
Don went to [UNCLEAR] etc went to tennis again and had a good game. Dr called in the evening
Friday 13
Tennis again had tea at Elworthys Jess then came down after tea
Saturday 14
Very warm did some cooking in the morning Min Jess Edie and I walked to Polo in the afternoon very decent play talked sitting on the bed
Sunday 15
Rained a little went to church the Elders preached Prayers for rain everywhere. Read all day Min and Jess went to the Wesleyan church at night
Monday 16
Made a silk hood for myself. Don came home with Mr Moss's double buggy, so we can go out comfortably with Don. Don planted vegetable Baby rather inclined to be cross
Tuesday 17
Mr Thomas came to say good bye Mrs Eldrid called Min had a cold and went to bed Dr Fox came in the evening
Wednesday 18
Don and Jess went to the Hospital Min and I stayed at home all day
Thursday 19
Min and I went to Elworthies in the afternoon several callers there. Dr Watt amongst the number Edie Min and I went for a walk round the town Dr Fox went to Sydney
Friday 20
Very cold did some gardening did not go to the dance at Donaldsons
Saturday 21
Min and I did some cooking, in the afternoon Edie came for me to go to Polo with her in Dr Watts buggy met Mrs Marcus Jenkins and drove out with her enjoyed polo. Drove home with Edie and Mr Hume had tea at Elworthies
Sunday 22
Cold day. Great surprise Mrs Pearson Cuthbert appeared at the door very glad to see them. Cuthbert hurt his arm and she brought him to Dr Fox Had lunch there Mr Mears and Dr Fox came up afterwards, quite an exciting time, felt quite lonely when they left. Edie and I went for a walk over the river she had tea with us and went to church with us liked Don very well
Monday 23
Jess and Don went out to Bailises and enjoyed themselves very much Min and I stayed at home neither of us very well
Tuesday 24
Mrs Gardener called and Dr Fox came to tea enjoyed his company. Nursed Bobbie as usual Wednesday 25 Sick, billious attack Min also both very miserable indeed Thursday 26 Min and I both better letter from home also from Alec Jess and Don went to Berrimbed Min and I took baby down to Elworthies
Friday 27
Lovely day Min and I very busy. Bobby very good. Jess and Don brought nice vegetables and lemons from Berrimbed & were well pleased with their trip
Saturday 28
Min and I did a lot of ironing etc Edie came up so I went down with her to tea letter from Mrs McG to say she was coming on Tuesday
Sunday 29
Lovely day took baby to church in the morning had to take him out as he had too much to say. In the afternoon Min Edie and I went out to the rocks thought them pretty for here, got some ferns. Minded baby in the evening while the others went to church.
Monday 30
Busy as usual. Nothing strange happened paid some calls
Tuesday October 1st 1895
Harriet & Mrs McGan did not come all disappointed, had a good read, & were very glad of the rain
Wednesday 2
At 1 oclock Jess Min Bobbie Don & I left for Cowabee [UNCLEAR] The Mill of the Floss." arrived at 6 oclock Mr Brown was there 17 of a family
Thursday 3
Played tennis in the morning & afternoon until Min was stiff had a read & sleep music in the evening
Friday 4
Played tennis in the morning & in the afternoon Miss Hannah took Jess Min Mr Brown baby & I to the shearing shed saw the shearers & enjoyed the drive Saturday 5 Spent the day reading & playing tennis Mr & Mrs Cook came spent the evening in the usual way
Sunday 6
Left for home at 1 oclock had a little accident Dick kicked no serious results rained no service at Grong Grong. Jess & Don went in to see the Station Master while Min & I held the horses & ate our lunch, very glad to get home letter from Alice, enjoyed church at night Jess played
Monday 7
Busy at all sorts of things Jess Min & Don went to Nudgeon Baby & I stayed at home & had a sleep. After tea Jess & I went to Elworthys & Armstrongs
Tuesday 8
Lovely day finished Jess blouse Dr Fox came for me to go to tennis had good play
Wednesday 9
Nice day sewing again. Jess went out visiting I drove her round town in the morning Mrs McKay came in in the evening
Thursday 10
Jess Min Baby Don & I went to Berembed the drive was very pretty Berembed looking lovely the orchard & garden a perfect picture Hugh & Willie Andrew & Mr Ferguson were at home - had a very nice time Jess & I had to do a lot of singing.
Friday 11
Came home in the afternoon letter from Kate & Alice very glad to get them, all tired & glad to go to bed
Saturday 12
Warm day more sewing made a pair of bloomers for self went down to Mrs Cullys in the afternoon & Jess Min & I went to Mrs Gardiners in the evening hotty day
Sunday 13
Min & I went to church in the morning Don preached well Jess & Don went to Mimosa & left Baby with us, wrote home
Monday 14
Bobbie behaving well last night in the afternoon Edie Jess Min Baby & I went to Mrs Heaths, I had tea at Edies
Tuesday 15
Lovely day all busy went to tennis in the afternoon played 4 sets with Mr Gardiner, again Dr Fox & Mrs Cully great joke.
Wednesday 16
Lovely morning Jess Min Bobbie & I left for Gogelderie after lunch, had rather a warm drive arrived at 6. Don went out to the shearers shed & held service Jess & Bobbie & Min went up to Mr Waughs I stayed with Alice they came down after dinner for a while
Thursday 17
All left for Kooba at half past 9 arrived in good time Mrs Thomas & Miss Hetherington were there enjoyed our little stay there, has [sic] some strawberries, left for Uri Park at 2 oclock very hot drive arrived in time for tea tired & very hotty retired early
Friday 18 Still very hot left for Kererbury after lunch with a good pair of fresh horses felt the day very warm, lovely & cool when we reached Kererbury Mr & Mrs Grey were at home & we had a very enjoyable time
Saturday 19
Mrs Grey gave Jess lovely oranges & lemons & a ham, left for Kooba about 10 after having a very nice time with Mr & Mrs Grey arrived at Kooba for lunch very glad to have a good rest after lunch had a lovely bath, Mr Brown & Mr Mullens came for dinner quite a large party for the evening all the boys were at home had music in the evening Don Jess & I had to do the lions share
Sunday 20
Very warm the maids went to church I helped to get the dinner Min George Mr Brown & I had a walk round the garden before breakfast Mrs Pearson & Mr Mears came, all went to church just awfully hot. I stayed in the buggy with Bobbie after church Don Jess Bobbie & Min went to Tubbo. We all returned to Kooba had afternoon tea & then Mrs Pearson Mr Mears & I left for Gogelderie the drive was rather pleasant glad to get to bed all tired
Monday 21
Mr Pearson & Mr Mears went out back to Warragul yards, we enjoyed ourselves at home Margaret went away
Tuesday 22
Mr Mears father came Mr Mears came home brought his father down in the evening also some nice sweets
Wednesday 23
Still hotty, had a good read also some sewing Alice gave me a blouse to make for myself
Thursday 24
Very lazy Mr Mears came in to see his Father nothing new happened
Friday 25
Still rather warm Alice busy sewing I made my new blouse Mr Mears came in again also Mr Pearson
Saturday 26
Very warm Cuthbert & I went out driving with Mr Mears to Warragul yards & to Whitton got us lemon squash & biscuits at Whitton enjoyed the drive in the evening old Mr Mears came down I made scones & cake in the evening Alice & Richard paid me several visits in the kitchen
Sunday 27
Warm made custards for dinner & Alice & I had a crimp etc. old Mr Mears came down to dinner [crossed out] rather a wearing day.
Monday 28
Mr Mears left for Clare Mr Dick Mears went out back & Mr Pearson was at home, Alice sewing as usual, letter from home & one from Jess saying Bobbie was ill, felt rather anxious about him, wrote to Jess at night
Tuesday 29
Very warm, wrote home feel troubled about Bobbie
Wednesday 30 Alice & I drove to Whitton "welly" warm had a chat to Mr Brown told me Mr Mullen was charmed with "Love lurks in a Laughing eye" at Kooba pleased to hear it Letter from Jess. Bobbie better felt much relieved & very happy enjoyed the drive home. Mr Mears home from the back run Enjoyed all being home very happy & contented here, time flying
Tuesday 31
Nothing strange happened Mr Mears & Mr Pearson home all day nice lemon drinks for supper in the pantry. Mr Mears busy making fire beaters
Friday November 1st 1895
All up early Mr Mears took the carpet up & we cleared out the room had a very wearing day but felt repaid everything looking & feeling so clean. In the evening Alice Mr Mears & I started papering the cottage kitchen
Saturday 2
Very busy finished papering the room & after dinner Alice Mr Mears & I decorated it with pictures & made it look quite decent turned it into a dining room. All glad to go to bed I often feel sorry when I think of not being able to come to Gogelderie have spent very happy times here
Sunday 3
Nice day rather tired seems strange no church etc. Alice Mr M & I went up to the garden & got a lot of loquats had tea Mr M & I sat out on the verandah & talked retired early
Monday 4
Still more to be done to dining room, busy all day, nothing new happened
Tuesday 5
Pleasant day Mr Mears home all day finished the bootees for Bobbie Sang a lot in the evening they all seem to enjoy my singing which is pleasant. Had the usual afternoon nap.
Wednesday 6
Mr Mears went to Whitton we made lunch for his Father Mr M & I sat on the verandah & talked for a while in the evening
Thursday 7
Getting rather warm sewing the order of the day I quite enjoy Mr Pearson & Mr Mears coming in in the evening
Friday 8
Mrs Pearson back very bad spent the day in the usual way Mr P & Mr M home for afternoon tea Alice went to bed early. I sang a lot for Mr Mears & we got supper as usual
Saturday 9
Very warm Alice ironed I made cakes were altogether busy Mr Mears late home for dinner Sorry it is my last night have enjoyed myself well like Alice Mr P & Mr M all very much, better even than last time. All retired in good time & all tired
Sunday 10
Lovely day Mr Mears had his breakfast with Alice & I got our work done early & all had a read Dick & I had a chat of course Mr McKinney & George came to dinner & at half past three Alice Dick Cuthbert & I left for Narandera, I feeling sorry to leave Gogelderie we had a nice drive & arrived for tea, all glad to see us. Don came home so we had quite a nice little party. All glad to go to bed. Dick & I got the supper as usual
Monday 11
Lovely day very busy in the morning Dick helped me to wash up etc. Dr Fox called in the morning to tell us we could have his trap very very sorry to hear he is going away made us all feel bad at 2 oclock Alice Min & Cuthbert (in Dr trap) Jess Mr Mears & I went to the Polo sports. I enjoyed them we were very pleased to see Annie Rooney win & also the Dr the tandem race Alice & Jess came home early Mr M & I drove round the course with baby then we took Min round & eat our lunch of cakes Min then went with Don in the Dr buggy & Mr Mears & I stayed until the sports were over & then had a lovely drive home he helped me wash up. Dr Fox came & we spent a very pleasant evening together Dick & I got the supper had some singing I sang "Will he no come back again" which they say was most apropriate [sic] Very late retiring
Tuesday 12
Alice Min & Mr Mears left for Gogelderie about 12 oclock felt sorry to see them go Mrs Marcus Jenkins called. I went to see Mrs Elworthy retired early very tired
Wednesday 13
Jess & I busy all the morning, Don Jess Bobbie & I left for Gogelderie at 2 oclock, had a lovely cool drive arrived in good time Don & Jess went up to the house to dinner & to stay, I also went up at bed time & slept there Alice Min Mr Pearson & I had dinner together Mr Mears came home later I got his dinner, stayed while he had it, in the evening we had music Dick & I got the supper very sorry when bed time came about my last night at the Log Cabin
Thursday 14
Lovely morning went down to the Cottage early Mr Mears gave me his photograph, a splendid one we all left for Kooba Min also in good time had a nice cool drive arrived in good time for lunch, had a rest in the afternoon. All the boys were home for dinner had singing in the evening Mr Johnston from Hay friend of Dons was there, & we had a lively time, he is Mrs Walters nephew. Gave us all a pressing invitation to go to Hay
Friday 15
Min & I found the loquat tree & enjoyed ourselves Jess went with George for a drive in the afternoon, more singing in the evening
Saturday 16
Baby & I drove with George to the Point wrote letters talked thro the telephone to Mr McKinney. Jimmy took our photographs warm evening sat on the verandah with the boys chair for a while then had some singing
Sunday 17
All went to church but Jess & Baby had a lovely fast drive home then Georgie Jimmy Min & I went for a walk. Mr Mayer & Mr Leaworth came, we sang hymns for about two hours
Monday 18
George drove home Jess Min Bobbie & I to Gogelderie where we all had lunch Min stayed & we came home. All tired & glad to retire early
Tuesday 19
Busy getting the house into order Mrs McKay called in the afternoon
Wednesday 20
Got things into good order Jess went out visiting in the afternoon All went to Mrs Cullys for the evening but did not enjoy ourselves so much as usual. Miss Simpson & Miss Hull were there also Mr Hull, McPherson, Sye Cully, Dr Fox & Dr Watt Mr & Mrs Gardiner late home Sye brought me home
Thursday 21
Jess & I went to Mrs Elworthys in the afternoon Mr Marcus Jenkins & a Mr Forbes were there came back to tea
Friday 22
McCracken girls came Don away so we spent the day at home
Saturday 23
Very glad to get a letter from home Jess & I & Baby spent the evening at Mrs McKays
Sunday 24
Don came home glad to see him. I stayed at home with baby while they went to church
Monday 25
Very busy preparing to go for Min tomorrow Edie came up Don & Jess started Choir practise
Tuesday 26
Up very early Jess Baby & I started for Gogelderie at 7 oclock had a nice drive & arrived a little after 10 found Min & Alice sewing plenty talk Mr Mears away for which I was very sorry. Min & I slept up at the house
Wednesday 27
Spent the day until 3 oclock with Alice very sorry to leave her there drive home was a bit long very glad to get to bed all very tired
Thursday 28
Don left for Cowabee not well Jess Min Baby & I went to Mrs McKays for tea after tea Miss Proctor came, all liked her very much. Mr Quirk also came, had great feasting of fruit Min & I went home with Miss Proctor
Friday 29
Mary Fletcher came Min Jess & I went to Elworthys to tea Mr Ernest Elworthy was there came home early
Saturday 30
Very hotty Jess Min & I went down town in the evening & had some fruit came home & sat on the steps & talked & got cool. Mrs McKay came over for a while
Sunday December 1st 1895
Cooler not many more Sundays in the [sic] part of the world for which I am sorry Min & I went up to the Cemetry about six oclock saw Mr McGan & Mr McKinneys headstone, very nice Glorious sunset we all went to church in the evening
Monday 2
Very hotty day stayed at home all day letter from George McKinney saying Mrs McGan is going on Wednesday & also wanting us to go down
Tuesday 3
Cooler Mrs McKay called Don went to Hay after tea Minnie & I went down to Elworthys it was a glorious moonlight night Mrs Marcus Jenkins was there also Mr Ernest Elworthy, Willie amused us very much & we enjoyed ourselves well
Wednesday 4
Dr Fox called to take parcel to Alice very warm duststorm Jess Minnie & I trudged up to the train with afternoon tea for Mrs McGan which she & Mary enjoyed very much & we had a very pleasant half hour together, Mrs McGan brought us some fruit which we thoroughly [sic] Met Sye Cully at the Station he took me for a nice drive in the sulky. Jimmy McKinney sent us some photos & a note in the evening. Mrs McKay Mrs & Mr Kelly & Miss Procter came
Thursday 5
Don came home brought us lovely figs Min & I went to Mrs McKays & Mrs Cullys in the afternoon played tennis quite a gathering Sye & Mr Cully Mr Mann Dr Fox & Watt Mr & Mrs Elworthy & Mr Clayton enjoyed ourselves Min & I spent the evening at Mrs Armstrong had lovely ice creams there & brought some for Jess & Don, woke them up to have them
Friday 6
Dr Fox called with [UNCLEAR] I went to tennis Just Sye Dr Fox Mrs Cully & self. Jess came later on had our last game with Dr Fox. Jess came later on & we sat talking for sometime. Dr Fox came in the evening we all sat out on the steps & talked, very giddy letter from Alice & Mr McKinney
Saturday 7
Busy all day in the evening Jess Min & I went down town met the Armstrongs went home with them & had cold drinks
Sunday 8
Very warm all went to church Dr Fox there for the last Sunday, we spent the day lolling about it was so hot Took Minnie to hear Mr Eldrid
Monday 9
Very hot day 104° in the shade Jess & Don went up to the Station to say good bye to Dr Fox in the evening Minnie & I went up to see Mrs Heaths found her ill in bed so hot at night we could not sleep all met on the verandah at 3 in the morning trying to get cool
Tuesday 10
Raining in the morning In the afternoon Jess Minnie & I went up to the Station to see Alice & Mr Mears & took them afternoon tea & sat in the carriage & talked as hard as we could very sorry to see the train steam off with them, as we don’t know when we will see them again came home & [UNCLEAR] set to sewing. I went down to tennis Mr Elworthy Dr Watt Edie & I had 3 good sets had tea at Elworthy came home just before a very heavy storm Mr & Mrs Annand spent the evening with us
Wednesday 11
Nice & cool, in the afternoon Jess & I went up & met Mr McKinney at the Station, then called at Mrs Arthur Robertsons & met Miss Morgan like them very much came home & Min & I went up to see Mrs Heath back for tea Mr McKinney was here to tea after which Don Jess Minnie Mr McK & I went to hear Trial by Jury enjoyed it pretty well Mr McK walked home with us. Bobbie not very well
Thursday 12
Lovely morning Don Min & I set out driving for Kooba. Jess & Baby went by train had a nice drive to Gogelderie did not enjoy going there when Alice was away had lunch at the House then went down to the Cottage & had a chat with Mr Pearson who seemed very lonely & the place awfully deserted. Got to Kooba about half past 5 Jimmy & George were at home & gave us a great welcome. After dinner we sat on the verandah with the boys then had some music
Friday 13
Mr Jimmy had to come to Narandera much against his will. Baby still not well George took me for a ride to the Woolshed & to Darlington Point very tired in the evening sang a little for George & Jack. Rather anxious about Bobbie
Saturday 14
Lovely day. Baby no better, Jess decided to take him home to the Dr so George drove Jess Baby Min & I into Whitton had lunch at the Cottage Met Mr McKinney & Jimmy there, Jess came home & we went back to Kooba. George & I rode for the mail. I left him with Mr McK & Jimmy then Min & I stayed Don came in time for dinner sat out on the verandah in the easy chairs with the boys for a while then went in & had some music Jimmy brought me chocolates & a pair of gloves also had cherry plums
Sunday 15
Warm George Jimmy Min & I went round the orchard & had some fruit sat in the summer house. After that I sang all my sacred songs for them Left for church after dinner sorry to think it the last visit to Kooba. Jo Jimmy Min & I went in the dog cart enjoyed the drive Geo & Jimmy sat with us at church Jimmy gave me a pencil case After church said goodbye to the Rosses & others they all expressed a hope that I would come back again many were the invitations Min & I bother [sic] very sorry to say goodbye to the Kooba boys both felt a bit sad. We got to Tubbo about six getting the usual welcome there after dinner we all went to the service in the hut
Monday 16
Up for-breakfast at half past 6 & left for home at half past 7. Mrs Sinclair exceedingly kind to us. Got home for dinner found baby had been very bad but was better, very tired. Note from Alice & freckle ointment from Dick Min sat up with baby until nearly 3 then I got up for the remainder of the night
Tuesday 17
Baby much about the same Dr Watt called in the afternoon Edie came for me to make a fourth at tennis Jess up until late with baby Min got up half past 4
Wednesday 18
Very busy sewing Baby no better rather anxious Minnie & I sat up with him until 3 oclock sewing
Thursday 19
Letter from Mr Mears also one from Jimmy in the afternoon also proofs of photos Baby little better Did a lot of sewing & retired earlier Effie Hannah came glad to see her
Friday 20
Baby much better very glad Min & [sic] at the sewing. Effie came for tea & we went up with her to see Mrs Heath
Saturday 21
Baby still better, finished my sewing Mrs McKay had lunch with us had a nice letter from George McK in the afternoon Min & I went down town in the evening the windows all gay for Christmas
Sunday 22
Lovely day all had a good rest burnt old letters etc. Min & my last Sunday in Narandera both sorry. Wrote to Jimmy & George, all went down to Elworthys for a little while, then Min & I walked up to the reservoir & had a good look round Jess & I went to church enjoyed it then I walked up to the Hospital with Mrs Cully Miss Cully & Mr Sye Cully
Monday 23
Minnie & I went up to the Station in the morning & met Mr Meares sat in the carriage while he gave us all the news, he & I made a bet about Mrs Pearson coming back he said in May, I later, pair of gloves or a tie said good bye to him & trotted home busy all the rest of the day Min & I went up to say good bye to Mrs Heath Mrs Mitchell was also there
Tuesday 24
Very warm all very busy Baby improving Mrs Cully & Mrs Gardiner came, also Mr & Mrs Annand. Min Jess & I went round the town in the evening, it looked very gay & festive, glad to get to bed all weary
Wednesday 25
Very warm & all very busy Baby better wondering what all at home are doing Don Jess Min Baby & I spent the day at home in the evening Jess Min & I went down to Elworthys had supper received a card from Mrs Cully & Jo Nugent, wonder where we shall all be next Xmas Not very well
Thursday 26
Hotty Bobby much better Jess not well Min & I very busy such a packing up. Mrs Armstrong came to say good bye. After tea Min & I went out to say goodbye & only found Mrs Gardiner at home took us out round the garden & gave us angels food out in the garden enjoyed both scenery & food very glad to get to bed
Friday 27
Hot up early all busy wish we were away, dumpy of course 102° in the shade. Min & I went out & said good bye to Mrs Cully & the Elworthys. After a good deal of bustle etc. we started for the Station arrived early found Jimmy McK at place he had a nice carriage for us very glad indeed to have him with us felt very sorry to leave poor old Don believed could not feel that we were leaving Nar. for good. Jack Andrew came as far as Grong Grong with us Min & I took a last look round Jimmy brought my photos we sat together & had a good talk etc. he was awfully good to us, & it was a comfort to have him at Junee he took us all in to have some dinner felt sorry to part with them all at Coota Jimmy wanted me to go to town etc. Glad to see all the Milton people again. Tired & glad to retire. Anxious for how the Baby will stand the journey home pictured them all travelling
Saturday 28
Nice & cool Mr Garling Miss Done & Mabel came in the morning in the afternoon Louie Netta & I went to tennis which was slow then to meet Mr Garling at the Station Drove down town in the evening
Sunday 29
Lovely cool day had a good rest & chat pictured poor old cant believe I am away from Narandera Another Mr Garling came in the afternoon went to church and at night Mr French came home with us had some singing
Monday 30
Another lovely cool day made some scones & soda bread sang for the girls in the morning had a rest in the afternoon, beginning to feel better after the journey. Wonder how poor old Don is Bobbie Inglis & Mr [blank] came up in the evening & we had singing as usual Mr McCray came up to tea
Tuesday 31
Warm made a New Years cake had a good sleep in the afternoon before tea Mr Garling & I had a good practise singing his brother came up to tea Mrs Matthews Miss Done & I went out for a lovely moonlight drive Dr Hull came up all played cards while I sang at half past 11 Mrs Matthews Miss Done Ethel Mr Garling & I went to the midnight service, the night was perfection, but the service was not so nice as it might have been, after coming home sang Auld Lang Syne & retired. Wondering what all our friends & relatives were doing.

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
Published on