Tottie's diary: 1893
Sunday January 1st 1893
I wonder what the new year has in store for us. Thank God we do not know but He knows & may it be a year of great blessing to us all went to hear Mr Bruce liked him fairly well rained heavily so we did not get out in the evening.
Monday 2
We were to have gone to Mr Jackson farewell tea meeting at Berry today but it rained I made a blouse for myself, Mr. Mason came in the afternoon his foot was very sore & he had to go to the Dr. Kate Mother & I went to the prayer meeting in the Wesleyan Church I did enjoy it so much
Tuesday 3
Alec McGregor & Bert Dey came to dinner they made me go with them to tennis had one game. The boys stayed for the evening Mr. Mason is still with us
Wednesday 4
Kate drove me home this morning Jess was not sorry to see me back.
Thursday 5
Jess got half a holiday so we went to Nowra & had our photos taken came home to tea Belle & Mr. Mason were here & stayed all night. [That photo is here, also the one with Polly M.]
Friday 6
Belle & Mr. Mason went home early Polly Ebb Bert Dey. Mr. & Mrs Brennan were up to tea & we spent a very pleasant evening Bert stayed all night
Saturday 7
As usual we went to Nowra & I played tennis. Pretty late home.
Sunday 8
Uncle & I were late up, enjoyed Mr Robertson very well at Aunties to dinner Frank Booth addressed the S. School Children Mr. Par preached. I wonder if this is my last Sunday at Fairfield we stayed for tea at Aunties & I sang hymns for them.
Monday 9
Up early very busy. Mr. & Mrs. Baldy came & bought cot bed Uncle & Auntie Sam came to dinner & seemed to enjoy themselves.
Tuesday 10
Warm day Uncle went to Nowra & I spent the day with Mrs. McLaren came to church at night Mr. McIntyre preached & I enjoyed the service very much.
Wednesday 11
Nine years to day since Mag was married Mr. Bruce came to tea Mother & Geo came up & stayed all night enjoyed church again very much.
Thursday 12
Bert Dey came in the morning to say good bye to us. Geo & Mother went home in the afternoon I stayed with Jess.
Friday 13
Busy in the morning with Jess in the afternoon had a game of tennis & Jess & I went to Brenans to tea.
Saturday 14
Wet day but we went to Nowra & found Effie Leslies brother there I was very glad to meet him & to hear about the Melbourne people & I liked him very much came home late Alec came as usual.
Sunday 15
Nice cool day, enjoyed Mr Par service in the morning & Sunday School in the afternoon was exceedingly nice Belle & Mr. Leslie came up in the afternoon & Alec & Uncle were here & we spent a very pleasant time together & it may be the last Sunday here.
Monday 16
Lovely day. I went with Mr. Leslie to the top of the Mt & Uncle rode we had a good chat enjoyed our lunch etc. Mr. Leslie was delighted with our Mountain. I felt sorry to see him go. Uncle & I walked home I felt very tired Belle & Kate had tea with us went down & came home with Jess.
Tuesday 17
Uncle packed the books & I was cleaning out boxes etc spent the afternoon [‘with Jess’ crossed out] at home & Uncle to hear Mr. Clouston I sang "always persuaded" very nervous. like Mr C very well. late home
Wednesday 18
Jess stayed at her own home I was alone Alec came to dinner Belle Geo & Bruce came & they left Bruce with me for company.
Thursday 19
Busy in the morning Alec Graham sent me by Bruce a very nice handkerchief & glove box from Sid & himself of which I am very proud also a letter thanking me for all my kindness to them which seems to me very little, the gift was in memory of happy days at Fairfield & also it marked my leaving Fairfield for home, felt rather bad. Jess played for us in the evening, & we had a good feast of fruit.
Friday 20
Belle brought Mr. Storrier up for a little while to see us, we were glad to see him again. Bruce Jess & I went to Pollys for tea retired early that’s news.
Saturday 21
Rather warm Uncle Bruce & I went to Nowra got two singlets from David Jones. Jess came down in the afternoon & Jess & I spent the evening at Bruces & enjoyed ourselves. Alec came up as usual.
Sunday 22
Up late Mary Bink stayed for dinner went to S. School poured rain, no church at night Uncle Alec, Jess & I had a nice tea together Jess played & sang for us, then Alec Jess & I sat & talked for sometime & Alec & I wound up by speaking of their present to me & also of Alec future whether he will go in for the ministry or parliament.
Monday 23
Wrote to Lil dull day, went down to Jess in the afternoon & at 6 we went over to the farm & stayed all night & enjoyed ourselves
Tuesday 24
Came home in the afternoon went to church in the evening liked Mr Pincombe letter from Sid might be down this week
Wednesday 25
Busy, in the afternoon Belle came up & a little later Miss Sinclair, they had tea with us
Thursday 26
Went to Nowra to the Tennis match between Nowra & Kangeroo Valley Nowra won came home in good time
Friday 27
Up in good time & did a lot of cooking when in the midst of it Sid popped in & gave me a great surprise in the evening we went to the store & gave Alec a great surprise it is nice to have Sid again
Saturday 28
Sid shot parrots & a curlew went to Nowra in the afternoon & to tennis. I went home with Miss Sinclair had tea there, & a nice chat with Miss Sinclair. Not well. Sid Uncle & I left Nowra at nine oclock Sid brought Alec up with him Jess was here it was so nice to be all together reminds me of the old times. J. Dicks birthday
Sunday 29
No church until afternoon had a very pleasant dinner together Uncle & Jess went to Meroo we to Mr. Pincombe. Polly & Ebb came home with us for a while had a very nice tea, & after that music
Monday 30
Wet day, in the afternoon Sid & I went down town to see Mrs Booth then to Uncle Sams for tea & the evening, which passed pleasantly
Tuesday 31
Busy in the morning in the afternoon Sid & I went for a ride over to McGregors & had a good time there. Alec came up & they had a great time scones & blackberry jam for supper. [I remember this, because I saw them coming up the hill, and dodged back to the house but they saw me, and I was well teased about it.]
Wednesday February 1st 1893
Sid & I went to Nowra in the morning & Belle Geo Sid & I went out in the boat in the afternoon as far as Salt Water Creek had our tea there the evening was beautiful & the row home delightful saw the moon rise most beautifully Sid & I were home at 10 oclock. Jess & I got our photos they are good.
Thursday 2
Sid & Uncle went up the Mt & I stayed at home & did some cooking. Sent a photo to Jim Dick for his birthday also one to Miriam. Polly & Miss. Sinclair came to tea after Alec McGregor Alec Graham & Ebb we spent a jolly night lovely moonlight I suppose it is the last evening we all shall spend together at Fairfield.
Friday 3
Uncle Sid Katie Sinclair & I went up the mountain Katie was delighted with the Mt we had a lovely drive up had our lunch at Fairy Glen then went to Mrs. Baldys. Alec came we had afternoon tea there & started to meet the coach, had tea on the top of the Mt & then saw Sid off by the coach (feeling very sorry) we waved him out of sight & then came home found the tea ready (Jess) & Mr. Bruce resting on the verandah we retired early as we were so tired.
Saturday 4
Uncle Katie & I went to Nowra watched the cricket match had a letter from Jim Dick & one from Mr. Leslie Jess came down & came home with us, did not enjoy tennis match, as usual Alec came up
Sunday 5
Damp morning Jess went home Alec & I wished her back with us we spent the day quietly & missed Sid ate peaches apples plums mandarins & grapes Alec read part of the Presbyterian to me had a nice tea after which I sang for a long time then we talked for a while & Alec went home
Monday 6
Busy all the morning wrote to Miss [UNCLEAR] went with Jess in the [afternoon crossed out]evening Belle & Kate were up to tea Will Matthews came
Tuesday 7
Still wet went with Jess in the afternoon had tea at Brennans, had a practise when we came home. Letter from Sid
Wednesday 8
Uncle went to the show. Nothing unusual happened Sid sent me the Kerry dance very pretty, went to Uncle Sams for tea.
Thursday 9
Very warm day. Jess & I went to the Berry Show met Mr. Dymock & Nellie & had a good look at Lord & Lady Jersey had billy tea in the pavilion with them Jess & I were very glad to get home
Friday 10
Dull busy all the morning wrote to Sid went to Nowra Will Matthews was there
Saturday 11
Went to tennis & in the evening Will took Belle Bruce & I to Worths circus which we enjoyed very much
Sunday 12
Dull Kate Mother Bob & I went to church in the afternoon Mr Robertson came & persuaded Kate to go to Sydney with him they started for Kiama about half past two. Will drove me home the two Alec's were here having a good time.
Monday 13
Very busy put everything into order
Tuesday 14
Went to Nowra this morning very hot its very nice having Will with us Mr. Weston came to tea we have a long talk about religion
Wednesday 15
Show day. Louie Hall & Mrs King came last night we were kept busy all day with visitors Kate & Mr. R came home it was so nice to hear about Jim & Bert again Kate had a grand time.
Thursday 17
We went to the show in the afternoon Will left us this evening we were very sorry Kate & I went down to Glanville for a while
Friday 18
Went to Pincombes in the afternoon to have a practise Jess came & brought me a letter from W I M which made me feel very very sorry & miserable
Saturday 19
Rained heavily I did not come home but had a better time Kate & Annie Glanville to tea the letter troubling me
Sunday 20
Still damp went to church in the morning & to see Mrs. McKay in the afternoon sang in the evening
Monday 21
Came home by the early coach & spent most of the day with Jess in the evening Answered W I M letter, found it very hard to write
Tuesday 22
Jess Uncle & I went to Nowra in the evening & had a good practise stayed all night at Meroogal.
Wednesday 23
Jess & I came home by the early coach, busy all day had a most unselfish note in answer to my letter, which made me feel most miserable & hate myself Wrote to Mr. Leslie
Thursday 24
Went down with Jess in the afternoon had tea at Brennans Jess got a nice note from W I M came home after 8 & found Bruce & Georgie here
Friday 25
I went to Nowra in the morning Jess came in the evening & we went to the Cantata "Under the Palm, Jess was principal Alto & I principal soprano we got on very well very thankful when it was over. Bob came home from Sydney & gave us all the news about Jim Dick
Saturday 26
Spent a lazy morning enjoyed tennis fairly well in the afternoon Uncle & I were rather late coming home Alec came up as usual
Sunday 27
Actually a fine day Mr Pincombe preached I had to take the big girls at S. School Uncle Alec & I came straight home from church Alec made the fire & we sat & talked until tea time had a nice tea & spent the evening quietly.
Monday 28
Fine very busy all the morning Jess came up at 6 & I went back with her went in to see Mrs Booth Kate Sinclair came up
Tuesday March 1st 1893
Did some washing in the morning very hot went to church in the evening. Uncle & Alec brought a big melon & we enjoyed ourselves put things in order & retired feeling well pleased with the evening
Wednesday 2
Very hot Pa came to tea & Ma stayed all night we retired in good time
Thursday 3
Busy all the morning then Ma & I had a good rest & did some sewing Jess & I drove Ma home
Friday 4
Nothing in particular
Saturday 5
Went to Nowra as usual & to tennis Kate came home with me it poured rain Alec did not come up as usual he sat up with Jordan
Sunday 6
Poured rain all day Alec came up in the morning. Kate stayed in bed nearly all day
Monday 7
Fine again Kate went home & I went to the Valley to see Florrie, we had a great talk the house was full
Tuesday 8
Spent the day just loafing talking etc
Wednesday 9
Another lazy day Made soda bread for Jo
Thursday 10
Showed Florrie how to make hemstitched handkerchiefs still raining.
Friday 11
Came home in the morning as it was very wet stayed with Jess until afternoon.
Saturday 12
Went to the Farm instead of going to Nowra came back in the evening & Tom came but he went to McGregor, we were very glad to see him again Alec came as usual & we had a big melon
Sunday 13
Lovely day prepared dinner for Tom but he did not come Alec & I had to do our best to eat it after which we sat down & enjoyed a good rest & chat Tom & Belle came later on & after tea Uncle & I went to Nowra & Tom preached, I enjoyed the service very much it stirred me up. Mr. Mason was at Meroogal when we got home
Monday 14
Belle took Tom to Dr. Grants I went down town to see Katie Sinclair found her out
Tuesday 15
Tom went up to Barr Hill & was away all day. I did some sewing in the evening I had a good talk to Tom & got some good advice
Wednesday 16
Tom left this morning all wishing he could stay longer busy sewing in the evening went to the Congregational meeting Finished my brown dress
Thursday 17
Mrs Nesbit came in the afternoon & at night we all went to a play in the School of Arts
Friday 18
Belle & I came back to Fairfield this afternoon Uncle away so we enjoyed ourselves
Saturday 19
Belle & I went to Nowra & in the evening I came home in time for Jess. Alec came as usual
Sunday 20
Lovely day. Alec Jess & I enjoyed the day in the afternoon Katie Sinclair & Mr. Bruce came & had tea with us & we all went to church together
Monday 21
In the afternoon went down to see Mrs Grey at Jessie McLarens. while I was there Mrs. Grey died, felt very sorry for them,
Tuesday 22
Called at McLarens on my way to Nowra spend the day in Nowra, helped Belle with the Bazaar things
Wednesday 23
Wet day went down to Jess. had tea in the office after which I went to Mrs. Booths & nursed Jack for her
Thursday 24
Went to Nowra in the evening to the bazaar enjoyed myself fairly well late home
Friday 25
Busy cooking all the morning took Mrs. Booths baby out for the afternoon came home with Jess & retired early
Saturday 26
Went to Nowra watched the cricket match Alec was at Meroogal for dinner Florrie Mitchell came in the afternoon & we went to tennis & enjoyed ourselves. After tea we all went to the bazaar. Florrie & I came home in good time & Jo Nugent & Alec came, of course we retired late
Sunday 27
Nice day Jess very bad with neuralgia Florrie Jo & I went for walk. Polly & Ebb came to tea Ebb took Jo home Florrie & I talked late.
Monday 28
Florrie & I went to see Jess & Alec & Auntie Matthews in the afternoon at six Jess & I took Florrie to Nowra & left her at Mrs. Roberts & we went to Meroogal & had a great feast of grapes & plenty talk, poor Mrs. McKay very ill & we all feel anxious about her
Tuesday 29
Jess & I came home early not very well had a good rest
Wednesday 30
Nothing unusual happened, Alec came up in the evening & Jess & I sat up late with him trying to help with his work we were wondering if it would be our last night together here
Thursday 31
Rather tired went to see Jess in the afternoon & met Gracie Dymock & Miss English, later on Mrs. Willie Matthews Edie, & Ken came, Jess & I went up to see them & had a good yarn
Friday 3l [sic] March
Lovely day. Jess & I drove over to Torresdale in the afternoon Mrs Willie Matthews, Uncle, Edie & Mary came also Belle & Mother & we had a jolly time, Jess & I came home early & Mrs. Matthews Polly Ken & Ebb came up
Saturday April 1st 1893
Uncle & I went to Nowra in the morning had good tennis in the afternoon the Matthews were all down.
Sunday 2
Stayed at home with Kate in the morning in the afternoon Mr. Clarke Mr. Cummins & Mr Gillam came stayed a short time, Kate Bruce Edie & I went for a walk over the suspension bridge. Church at night poor Brucie had to go home
Monday 3
Wet day. I set to sewing & made a dress body for myself which look very nice, we were alone & retired
Tuesday 4
Did a lot of sewing in the afternoon Mrs Matthews & Edie came. Kate drove me home Jess & I went in to see Mrs Booth & helped a bit
Wednesday 5
Lovely day busy in the morning went with Jess in the afternoon nursed Foster Booth for a good while said good bye to Florrie Alec like a bear with a sore head Jess & I came home early
Thursday 6
Went to Nowra to church. Mr. Frackelton preached & I enjoyed the service very much in the afternoon we all went out in the boat & had our tea out
Friday 7
Mrs. Matthews Kate Edie & I drove down to Numba Jess Ma Maggie & Elgin came for dinner & there was plenty of nice. Mrs. M. & Edie left for Gerringong in the afternoon we were sorry to part with them Mrs. M is so very nice Kate & I went down town in the evening called to see Miss Foster who is just home from Sydney, very glad to have her home again
Saturday 8
Went to church again this evening Mr. Fracketon is just a delightful preacher we enjoyed tennis in the afternoon very much
Sunday 9
Sacrament Sunday the service was very nice & I enjoyed it very much indeed the service at night was delightful I went home with Emma Grey, & we had a good chat
Monday 10
Lovely morning it is very pretty at Greys. Emma & I came [UNCLEAR] to morning service Mr Bruce preached I came home in the coach Jess & I came home at 8 & Alec came later on as we were alone
Tuesday 11
Uncle away all day I went down with Jess in the afternoon had tea with Mrs. Brennan & got all the Sydney news
Wednesday 12
Uncle away again went with Jess in the afternoon had tea & spent the evening. at Auntie Matthews
Thursday 13
Jess & I went to the Farm in the afternoon & Belle came too so we had a lively time stayed all night.
Friday 14
Came over with the children in the afternoon Jess & I came home early & Jess gave Martha Binks a lesson while Jane Mary & I passed the time talking
Saturday 15
My birthday went to Nowra & had very jolly tennis Mother & Geo remembered my birthday Geo gave me a “hanky” came home & Jess came too she gave me a silk hanky it was good of them to remember me Jess & I had a good toast at the fire & retired
Sunday 16
Jess & I did not get up until late we enjoyed being in bed very much. After dinner I went to Sunday School Alec came up & the three of us spent the time until tune talking etc. Had a nice tea & Alec Jess & I went to church but I did not care much for the service, something in myself perhaps.
Monday 17
Alec McGregor 21 today, very busy all day
Tuesday 18
Busy all the morning Uncle & I went to Nowra in the afternoon & had a good game of tennis Kate & I drove down town to meet Thorn & Lil Tweddle. We were very glad to see them again & oh how our tongues did wag it very nice to have Lil again. They look very happy & are very sensible.
Wednesday 19
We all spent the day at home talking by the hour the day passed very quickly
Thursday 20
In the afternoon Thorn Lil & I came up to Cambe had tea at Uncle Matthews Jess too came home at 8 oclock & Uncle made Alec come too we spent a very happy night Jess & Lil ending with a pillow fight
Friday 21
[I remember this quite well] Very late up had dinner & breakfast in one Lil Thorn Uncle & I walked over to the Farm in the afternoon had tea there & enjoyed ourselves. Lil & Thorn stayed with Auntie all night Jess & I retired early but talked late
Saturday 22
Uncle went to Nowra in the morning I had dinner at Aunties & took Lil & Thorn down to Nowra after dinner we all went to tennis Mr. Mason was at Meroogal so we had plenty music at night
Sunday 23
Lil Thorn Geo Bob & I went to church Mr. Bruce preached better that [sic] I have heard him for some time, I enjoyed the service. Had a sleep in the afternoon Jess & Alec were down all went out to the rocks with Kate & Geo, it was a lovely afternoon & everything looked beautiful church at night
Monday 24
They all went to Yalwal but Kate & myself, the day was lovely in the afternoon Kate & I went down to Terara to see Miss Armstrong & Miss Rickburn we had a grand time there. They were late returning from Yalwal, they enjoyed the trip very much
Tuesday 25
Lil & I did some washing in the morning we all had a gay time together. In the afternoon (all but Kate) we went up the mountain Annie Foster Mrs. Hamilton & Mr Bray went with us, we had a lovely time everyone in good spirits all but Geo went to the bellringers at night & enjoyed ourselves.
Wednesday 26
Too dull to go out so we spent the day at home feasting on grapes & talking Lil did some of her packing. Annie Foster came in the evening had some music Great fun. Going to bed Lil payed us a visit upstairs she is awfully nice & we like her very much & Thorn is a fine man.
Thursday 27
Lil & Thorn left for Sydney this morning very sorry to go. We will miss them for they have been so nice & we have all had a happy time together we all had a rest & in the afternoon Kate & I went to tennis & also spent the evening at Flats. I came home with Uncle
Friday 28
Wet morning got some sewing done wrote to Harold Hunt Jess came home
Saturday 29
Went to Nowra in the afternoon & had a very good game of tennis. Uncle & I came home at 10 & Alec came with us. We all sat at the fire & talked & had supper Don came dawn to day, so I suppose Jess is happy
Sunday 30
Lovely day went to church in the morning. Min Dubs Nell came home with me to dinner. Alec was only up we had a jolly dinner & all went to church in the afternoon Dub came back with us Mrs H Booth Miss Duke & Ebb came up for an hour & we had a great feast of sugar cane. Alec & Dubs stayed until after 10.
Monday May 1st 1893
Nice day. Geo came up in the morning & stayed until evening Katie Sinclair came & we were alone until 10 oclock Mr Bruce came for her we had a nice quiet time together after she went I was alone went to bed & had a good sleep.
Tuesday 2
Mrs H Booth & Miss Duke came up in the evening also Alec we spent a pleasant evening Alec stayed all night Uncle drove them home.
Wednesday 3
Nice day busy in the morning went with Jess in the afternoon had tea at Aunties. Came home at half past 8 & had a roaster & went to bed.
Thursday 4
Lovely day, wrote to Florie [sic] went to Nowra in the afternoon & had a good game of tennis spent the evening with Katie Sinclair at Mrs Bruces poor old Katie I feel very sorry that she is going away. I liked her so much
Friday 5
Nice day busy in the morning spent the afternoon with Jess had tea at Pollys
Saturday 6
Went to Nowra in the morning tennis as usual came home in time for Jess Alec came up after we had gone to bed. I expect this to be the last Saturday night at Fairfield. I feel sad when I think of the change because it reminds me of so many who were near & dear to me who have gone it seems like breaking the last link to the old days.
Sunday 7
Nice day We had a very nice dinner Jess had to go to Meroo & we went to hear Bishop Smith here, he preached a nice simple homely sermon it was a lovely afternoon Alec & I ate sorgum [sic] until Jess came. Jess & Alec had a good tea after which Jess & I had a fire in the parlor & talked & played & I thought much of leaving Jess poor old Jess many a happy day we have had together. Alec & Uncle had a long talk.
Monday 8
Lovely day busy all the morning in the afternoon took Mrs. Booth & the twins to Nowra for a drive Wesley Binks came up & had tea with us & we had roasters I had a nasty cold Jess Drd [sic] me grandly
Tuesday 9
Very busy today packing & getting the washing done. Uncle away all day In the evening I read a lot of old letters which brought me back to the old days with sacred & hallowed memories. Wrote to Katie Sinclair got a touch of bronchitis Jess doctored me.
Wednesday 10
Very busy today, Ma, Pa & Maggie came over & stayed all day, I was very glad of their company as I was rather bad with bronchitis Uncle went out & left me alone so I wrote to Jim Dick & Virgie Berrimem [Berriman?]
Thursday 11
Better today went down with Jess in the afternoon but came home early Ma, Pa & Nell came to tea & stayed until pretty late (we had a great feast of roasters), Ma poulticed both Jess & me.
Friday 12
Lovely day we had the house photographed Uncle & I standing together & Mother & Geo in the buggy with Lottie. Mother & Geo went home at 2 oclock & I went to see Mrs Sinclair & had tea with same, wrote to Lil [I found the photograph, hope it is still in existence]
Saturday 13
Went down to Nowra in the morning with Uncle my piano came down to day in Booth & Grahams waggon. [sic] We all went to the cricket match in the afternoon & Fred & Eth Matthews were there. Uncle & I came home early this is to be our last Saturday night at Fairfield Polly Ebb Eth & Fred came up & we spent a very jolly time talking of old times Alec came in good time & we sat talking at the fire for a while & then retired
Sunday 14
Rather dull morning I did not get up early Uncle & Alec only got up for dinner After dinner Alec & I washed up sat talking in the kitchen for sometime over my trip to Melbourne I enjoy talking over that trip again, we went round the orchard & down to the planter then up the creek to the Cabbage tree for the last time Alec cut a cross in the tree, then we got a piece of fern for Jess Alec & self to keep in memory of many happy days at Fairfield we enjoyed the last Sunday tea together & Uncle & Alec went to church, I sat & thought over leaving the old place it only made me feel sad thinking of all the old associations which must be broken. Made a fire in the parlor & lay on the sofa & went to sleep Alec came back with Uncle we talked for a time beside the fire & then retired.
Monday 15
Damp day Alec did not get up until dinner time because he wanted to best of the last time in the big bed After dinner Uncle went down with Min I did some packing went to see Mrs. Binks then went to say goodbye to Polly as she is going to Cootamundra tomorrow, spent a little while with Uncle & came home, had tea alone & stayed alone until Jess & Uncle came at half past 8.
Tuesday 16
Busy all the morning went down to Jess a while in the afternoon then Geo Kat & Annie Foster came, I came home with them & Kate stayed with Jess. Annie & I got some roasters & cooked them, later on Kate came also Pa & Ma. Kate Annie & Geo went home. It makes me feel very strange them all talking of the breaking up & lamenting it Jess had a letter from Jim Dick & the way he spoke of my going was almost too much for me in fact I can hardly bare any allusion to it what comfort would I have now if it were not for looking to a higher source for this change shows so plainly to me the changeableness of life.
Wednesday 17
Did a lot of packing this morning went down in the afternoon with Jess Went to Frasers to say goodbye Jess & I had tea at Mrs. Brennans after 8 went to see Mrs. H. Booth Alec brought us as far as the style
Thursday 18
Uncle went to Berry to Mr. McLeans induction I packed again this morning & was very busy. Jess & I had [UNCLEAR] at Mrs. Binks went with Jess went in & said goodbye to the twins & Mrs. Booth also Aunties spent the rest of the time with Jess & we went to Binks for tea I came home & Jess went to the office I cant believe that this is the last day at Fairfield Annie Binks brought Jess home Alec came about 9 & we all sat round the fire talking until half past 11 Uncle went to bed Jess Alec & I had a lovely fire & could not leave it so we sat there all rather silent then we went to bed for the last time at dear old Fairfield
Friday 19
Lovely morning Jess & I got up a little after 7 & Alec actually was up to breakfast at 8 the three of us went round the house gathering up things gave Jess many little things also Alec his tumbler & other small articles when we all sat down to breakfast I could not help feeling that it was for the last time & I had to clean out Jess & Alec went at half past 8 but I did not see them it is hard work trying not to think a body cant help feeling leaving an old place when there has been spent many a happy day mixed with not very happy ones. It makes me feel keenly the changeableness of life. Belle came for me in the afternoon I felt rather funny leaving but it was horrid leaving Jess, & I felt a bit sorry at leaving Alec All but Mother were at home. Got the photo of Fairfield today. Knitted round the fire in the evening.
Saturday 20
I felt it very funny today seems so strange not to have any care of the house on my shoulders went to tennis as usual in the afternoon Mr. Bray came home with us & stayed to tea. Seemed strange not to be going home with Uncle
Sunday 21
Went to Church Mr. Bruce preached Mr. Clarke came home with us to dinner Kate & I went to Meroo to church Mr. McLean preached & we liked him very much had a fair choir too Ma & Pa Mother & most of the youngsters were there also Alec, Kate Geo & I did not go to church at night.
Monday 22
Geo & I went up to Binks & Fairfield in the afternoon & got some of my things stayed with Jess a while did some shopping had a lovely drive home Bob brought Mr. Clark up in the evening.
Tuesday 23
Busy all the morning did my unpacking Annie Foster came up in the afternoon & Kate & I went to tennis with [UNCLEAR] Belle went up for Jess we were very busy in the evening getting the lunch ready. dark when Jess came
Wednesday 24
Kate Jess Barbara & Miss Grant Bob Mr Clarke & Fred Morton & I went to Yalwal had a lovely drive & the company was splendid, had a very nice lunch in the cottage & the drive home was very nice Mr. Clarke came home with us Belle & Geo had a nice tea for us. [Mr Clarke, manager of City Bank]
Thursday 25
Lovely morning Belle took Jess home Kate & I went to tennis in the afternoon
Friday 26
Did not do anything particular
Saturday 27
As usual we went to tennis & had some very good games
Sunday 28
Went to church in the morning & in the afternoon went down to see Mrs McKay Kate & I sang hymns at night
Monday 29
I was busy in the kitchen as Kate & Belle were dress making for Ma Belle & I went up to Cambe in the afternoon went to Binks & Fairfield spent a good while with Jess Mr Mason was here for the night
Tuesday 30
Still busy at the dresses got on very well finished the dress & cloak they look very nice.
Wednesday 31
Mr. Bray & Caldwell came to tea & spent the evening with us, their company was very pleasant Mr Caldwell played a lot for us which was most enjoyable Got a note from Bert saying he is coming down soon are Glad to know he is coming again
Thursday June 1st 1893
Lovely day. Kate finished my cloak went to tennis
Friday 2
Wet & very stormy this is the day for the opening of the railway not anyone of us went out got a telegram from Bert saying he is coming to day Geo & Bell went to meet him we were very glad to have him again After he had dinner Kate Bert & I went out & had a game of tennis. so far he seems more amiable [was subject to moods!]
Saturday 3
Did some cooking went down town in the morning Belle & Bert went to see Jess in the afternoon & Kate & I went to tennis there were a lot there we spent the evening round the fire Bert doing most of the talk
Sunday 4
Kate Geo Mother Bert & I went to church Mr. Bruce preached fairly well. Mr Clarke came home with Bob to dinner In the afternoon Belle Kate Bert & I went over the suspension bridge for a walk. Bert made the fire when we came home Kate Bert & I went to church at night Ma & Pa came
Monday 5
Ma & Pa went to Sydney this morning I finished my cloak Kate Bert & I went to tennis spent the evening quietly round the fire as usual
Tuesday 6
Bert & I were to have gone to Ma’s today but it was too wet Bert drew two teeth for me We sat at the fire in the afternoon Kate & Bert went for a drive.
Wednesday 7
Rather damp. Mr. Mason came in the morning & Dubs came in the afternoon Bert & I went up to the Farm Bert was not in good humour Jess & I had a good chat.
Thursday 8
We came home after dinner Berts last evening Bob & Alec both at home had some singing.
Friday 9
Bert went away by the half past 1 train we sent some scones & things with him Rained heavily so we stayed to town got my tennis shoes. Alec got them for me
Saturday 10
Still wet Kate & I went down to see Annie Foster had a good practise in the evening & a read.
Sunday 11
Too wet to got to church passed the day quietly at home
Monday 12
Still raining my week in the kitchen great excitement Pa Ma & Don came tonight from town Ma looks well with her new teeth Miss Foster & Miss Wilkinson spent the afternoon with us.
Tuesday 13
Pa & Ma Don went home after dinner Kate & I went to tennis Mr. Mason came in the evening.
Wednesday 14
Busy all day in the afternoon Kate & I went to see Mrs. Hamilton & I went to tea Bruces (Missed Katie very much) & after to the prayer meeting. Bob came home from town.
[Visit to Dymocks (Jamberoo)]
Thursday 15
Lovely day & a very busy one Mrs. P. Morton called had grand tennis Mr. Bray came to tea & stayed the night. The Miss Pincombes spent the evening with us.
Friday 16
Lovely morning left home for Jamberoo in the morning drove to Berry with Mr. Bruce came from there with Don in the train to Kiama went to Mrs. Burges & Gracie Dymock came for me got to Iona about dark, glad to see them all again
Saturday 17
Beautiful day helped a little in the morning went down town with Gracie in the afternoon came home & had a good read Retired after tea
Sunday 18
Lovely day went to hear Mr. Burgess in the morning enjoyed the service fairly well not so much as I should have liked Maggie & I Charlie went to the Wesleyan at night came home & Mr. Dymock sat at the fire & talked until after ten it is so nice to have a chat with him
Monday 19
Did some sewing for Gracie in the morning had a good read in the afternoon Gracie went to Marshal [sic] Mount. Tuesday 20 Gracie came home but was not very well Maggie & I drove down to Burnside for Mrs. Dymock I stayed with Mrs. Jack to help her with the children
Wednesday 21
Took Corrie & Margery out for a walk in the afternoon we sat & talked most of the time. Jack came home about 8 & kept us going telling stories of old times etc.
Thursday 22
I made drop cakes bachelors button & Scotch scones they were very much delighted with them Nellie came down in the afternoon & I came home glad to see them all again
Friday 23
Busy getting some of Maggies sewing done Maggie went to practise. Gracie not very well Mr. D & I sat & read & talked round the fire
Saturday 24
All busy today made scones & lemon tarts for Lindsay Mrs. L. Dymock Miss Nuns & Gracie & Mary came in the afternoon Lindsay came home we had a nice evening together everyone in good spirits.
Sunday 24 Rather a dull day went to the Church of England & enjoyed the service Lizzie & Jessie Kinross friends Gorden [sic] McKinnon McCullock Walace [sic] & Paterson were there all staying at Minamurra cottage & having gay times. Mr. Burgess preached at night & I did enjoy the service so much.
Monday 25
Tuesday went back to Berry damp day Nellie & I went to Kiama with Maggie spoke to Tossie Peckburn in the train After Maggie left Nell & I went up to Mrs. Burgess had a nice drive home.
Tuesday 26
Busy day. helped a bit made some cakes in the afternoon I took Gracie Mrs. Jack Dymock & the children out for a drive
Wednesday 27
Made scones. Went for Miss Jack D & the children brought them to Iona in the afternoon Jessie & Lizzie Kinross Miss Garden Miss Paterson Miss Wallace & Miss McCulloch came & had tea & spent the evening with us, we had a very jolly time.
Thursday 28
Mrs. Gallen & Mrs Boxsell came Nell & I went to Linburn [sic] for tea all all [sic] the other girls there were 16 girls & 3 gentleman we enjoyed ourselves immensely playing games etc all the girls walked home together
Friday 29
Gracie went to Sydney Nell & Mrs D went to Kiama with her I stayed at home & made preserved oranges. Only Mr Dymock & myself to dinner In the afternoon I went to see Mrs. Graham also up to the cottage to see the girls made some scones for them came home & had tea Mrs Dymock Nellie & I went over to Linburn
Saturday 30
Beautiful day made scones Nell & I went to tennis at Linburn in the afternoon. Someone sent me a packet of ginger from Sydney
Sunday July 1st 1893
Mr Burgess preached in the morning I do enjoy his services so much Nell & I went for a walk in the afternoon Mrs. Dymock visited the sick & was not home until late Nell played hymns for me
Monday 2
Made a night dress for Mrs D to give to one of her patients Had a game of tennis Mr & Mrs L Dymock & Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Mr. Burgess had tea with us I was very glad to see them Nell bad with the cold
Tuesday 4
Very blowy & cold Mrs. Dymock Nell & I went up to Mrs Jim Cole & enjoyed the day very much
Wednesday 5
Made orange jam in the morning for Mrs. L. Dymock Nell & I went down to Mrs. Jack Dymocks I stayed there
Thursday 6
Made some scones & preserved mandarines [sic] in the afternoon we went to see Miss [Anne] Waugh sat round the fire talking & sewing.
Friday 7
Mrs. Dymock Corrie & I went to Kiama enjoyed the drive Nell & Mrs Dymock came after we got home. I like Mrs. J. Dymock very much & enjoy staying with her we talked late over the fire.
Saturday 8
Not very well. Made scones & showed Mrs. D. how to make puff paste. Sorry to leave but came home in the afternoon with Mrs Dymock & Lin helped with the work & spent a very enjoyable evening singing for & with Charlie & Lindsay.
Sunday 9
Mrs. Dymock & I went to hear a funeral sermon at the Wesleyan church I enjoyed it the service I thought was very impressive Went to hear Mr. Lamont in the afternoon & also enjoyed that service All stayed at home in the evening
Monday 10
Busy this morning Nell came home from Marshal Mount we all went to Minnimurra [sic] in the afternoon it is a lovely old place, read in the evening.
Tuesday 11
Made biscuits in the morning in the afternoon Nell & I went out & got maiden hair ferns to send to Kinrosses We also had a good talk which we were the better of Had a great feast of Quavias [sic] Nell & I went to Linburn in the evening.
Wednesday 12
Mrs. Jack Dymock & the children came up Mr. Dymock went to Gerringong Mrs. Dymock Nell & I went to Mrs. McKinnon for tea & spent a pleasant evening Wrote to Harold Hunt.
Thursday 13
Wrote to Jess & Katie Sinclair Mr. & Mrs. Young (Assistant at the Hunter Bailie Church) came they know Don Nell Charlie & I had a jolly tea together we all went down to Mrs. Jack Dymocks & enjoyed ourselves
Friday 14
Twelve months to day since Grandfather died time has flown, lovely morning in the afternoon I went to Linburn & had a game of tennis & stayed a while with Mrs. L. Dymock they were very kind to me. We had a lovely evening for the last at Iona.
Saturday 15
I felt sorry to leave them all Charlie drove me to Kiama Lin met me at Berry shortly after Belle arrived with the tennis players so we stayed at Berry until the match was over Very glad to be home Jess came down & we talked late
Sunday 16
So wet that I did not go to church spent the day at home with Jess. Mr. Bronosque & Kate Glanville came up for a short time
Monday 17
Belle & I sent to Nesbitts in the evening & spent the time very pleasantly
Tuesday 18
Kate & I went to tennis in the afternoon Mr Bray came to tea & Annie Foster & Miss Harlem after tea, so it was rather jolly.
Wednesday 19
Went to tennis again rather slow, went to bed early
Thursday 20
Dr & Mrs King Annie Foster & all of us but Mother went up the Mt had a very jolly trip. Belle & I spent the evening with Captain & Mrs. Buchanan. I sang about 50 Scotch songs it seemed a great treat to them. Lovely night
Friday 21
Lovely morning planted some ferns in the back yard Kate & I went to tennis
Saturday 22
Toms birthday Ma came in the afternoon & I went home with her in time to take Jess home
Sunday 23
Min Dubs & I went to church at Cambe in the afternoon Kenneth & Alec came & stayed for the evening.
Monday 24
Lovely morning went to the office with Jess went in to see Alec gave me my tennis shoes came home in the coach Kate had gone to Sydney in the morning Belle & I went over the suspension bridge & got some fig trees & planted them in our bush.
Tuesday 25
I was very busy went to see Mrs. McKay in the afternoon Annie Foster & I went with Alec to a concert at Terrara Mr Bruce & Mr McLean from Berry were there we enjoyed ourselves in spite of the wretched performers
Wednesday 26
Very wet day stayed home all day.
Thursday 27
Still very wet Belle & I went up to see Jess.
Friday 28
Raining still
Saturday 29
Cleared up & we got to tennis wrote to Kate in the evening.
Sunday 30
Beautiful day. I went to S. School & church at night
Monday 31
Lovely day our club played the Marrickville club & beat them Sally Lovegrove was there
Tuesday August 1st 1893
Damp day, another match between a Sydney club & our resulting in a win for our club.
Wednesday 2
Belle Geo & I got a sulky & drove up to see Jess, had a lovely drive Kate came home in the evening
Thursday 3
Great talking all day Mr. Bray & [sic] came to tea & the Berthams for the evening.
Friday 4
Jess & Ma came down in the evening.
Saturday 5
We went to tennis had a match between the Berry ladies & ours
Sunday 6
Went to church etc
Monday 7
Belle & I went up to see Jess
Tuesday 8
Belle & I went to Dr Kings to stay with Annie Foster while Dr & Mrs King were in town Dr Armstrong (an English gentleman) was there we found him very nice indeed & we thoroughly enjoyed his company. I sang & we talked all the evening.
Wednesday 9
We talked & took it very easy all day in the evening we played cards the Dr & Belle played Annie & me & we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves the Dr asked me in the morning to help him in the dispensary & I enjoyed it of course.
Thursday 10
Passed the day much as usual played cards again Mrs. King came home & Belle Dr & I were away we had enjoyed ourselves so much Dr would not hear of us coming home that night. Certainly we have had a very happy time.
Friday 11
Came home in the morning & in the evening Kate Annie Forster & I went to Bruces the Dr came late & they all walked home with us
Saturday 12
Went to tennis Belle took the Dr for a nice drive & we came to tennis for a little while
Sunday 13
Johnny Walters stayed last night & we had a jolly time Annie F. the Dr came up with me from S. School had after noon tea & went out onto the rock
Monday 14
I got up early & saw Mr Walters off to the early train in the afternoon Kate & I & the Dr & Annie went to tennis
Tuesday 15
Went to tennis again & asked the Dr to go to Yalwal with us on Thursday.
Wednesday 16
We did not go out Belle saw the Dr & arranged the time to go to Yalwal
Thursday 17
Bob Rachel Lovegrove, Kate Dr Armstrong & I went to Yalwal in the afternoon had a lovely drive & enjoyed ourselves immensely spent a very happy night in
Friday 18
Went over the batteries & mines in the morning had lunch & left for home feeling sorry we could not stay longer had a pleasant drive home Rachel stayed all night with us
Saturday 19
Went to tennis as usual & enjoyed ourselves.
Sunday 20
Went to church & Sunday School
Monday 21
Stayed at home in the morning sewing Kate & I went for a long drive in the afternoon
Tuesday 22
Busy all the morning went to tennis in the afternoon Dr Armstrong & Annie were there
Wednesday 23
Dr Armstrong came up in the afternoon & Kate & I drove down to Mortons for Belle the Dr seemed to enjoy the drive very much. Kate Bob Alec & I went to Mrs. Nesbitts the Kings Annie & Dr A were there we spent a pleasant evening
Thursday 24
Did not go to tennis as usual in the evening Dr Armstrong & Annie came Mrs. Bruce came to tea
Friday 25
Got a telegram from Bert saying he is coming this evening Kate & I went to tennis late Bert brought us a nice lot of fruit
Saturday 26
All went out to tennis I actually had two games with the Dr Bert kept us lively in the evening
Sunday 27
As usual went to church, also had dinner at McArthurs, did not go out in the evening
Monday 28
Dr Armstrong came up to stay with us, we went out to tennis & had a good game. Mr Bray came to tea it is his last night here & we all are very sorry, we sang played cards & talked Teddy stayed until half past 12. He was loath to go, Dr & us sat up until about one
Tuesday 29
Dr A went back to Kings in the morning as he was not well, we said good bye to him in the afternoon Kate Bert Belle & I went for a drive down to Mortons.
[No entries 30 Aug - 11 Sep]
September 12 1893
Bob & I came up to Sydney. Alf Blackmore met me at the station & I came home with him
Wednesday 13
Jess came out to see me in the morning in the afternoon we went to see Mr Paterson & made an appointment with him
Thursday 14
Jess & I went to Hordens shopping
Friday 15
Went to the dentist & shopping also out to see Marion & found she had left Woolarha [sic]
Saturday 16
Got a letter from Jim asking me to go out there which I did in the afternoon Maggie was out Jim showed me round the house & we went for a walk. Maggie came home when we were at tea I stayed all night & enjoyed myself very much
Sunday 17
Lovely morning Maggie & I went to church, I took Sacrament with her Jim was too busy to go to church we had a lovely sleep in the afternoon after which Jim Maggie & I went for a walk to the Centennial park. Maggie & I went to church
Monday 18
I had to be in town at 10 enjoyed myself very much at Jims like Maggie very much Jess & I did more shopping went to see Sid got a nice welcome home met Mrs. Sinclair from Cootamundra very pleased to meet her
Tuesday 19
More shopping called to see Florrie walked with Alf from Sydney home retired early
Wednesday 20
Went to the dentists then out to Jims. Bert was there we talked for a good while Jim came in later on we enjoyed ourselves muchly - Maggie Jess & I walked to Coogee. Came home & had a good tea & more talk spent a very happy time stayed all night
Thursday 21
Lovely morning Maggie took us to Manly had a good time got home for tea Sid came to see me in the evening.
Friday 22
Jess & I [UNCLEAR] down town & met Mrs Sinclair we stayed at the Arcade for sometime had a great talk Mrs S treated us we went to the dentists again Jess came out to tea & spent a lively evening
Saturday 23
Stayed all home in the morning. Jess Miss Blackmore & I went to the Medical School & Bert took us thro the University Macleay Museum & Medical School & gave us nice afternoon tea Jess & I went to Florries to tea
Sunday 24
Nice day went with Mrs. Blackmore to the Wesleyan Church had a good sleep in the afternoon Jess came out to tea & Alf went with us to the Hunter Bailie church did not like the service
Monday 25
Went to the dentist in the morning Sid took us to lunch went to Horderns & finished our shopping got my teeth
Tuesday 26
Went in to town after lunch met Sally Lovegrove in the Arcade had a good yarn then went out to see Maggie Dick she was in bed. Jim took us over his new house home for tea
Wednesday 27
Jess & I went down town in the morning Mr. Blackmore took us to lunch & in the afternoon he & Alf went to the Gardens & Art Gallery with us we enjoyed the afternoon
Thursday 28
Went out to Jim Dicks & Jess came home Maggie servant had left so I was of some use. Stayed nearly 5 weeks there, moved into a new house while I was there enjoyed my holiday very much indeed, it seemed strange coming home again.
This is December & I have been too lazy to keep up My diary.
December 16 Saturday 1893
Georgie Kate & I at home went to tennis as usual. Alec Graham came to tea & for the evening. Late retiring
Sunday 17
Warm day went to church morning & evening Mr. Bruce was very nice Tom has a daughter today
Monday 18
Kate & I were up early got our work done early Geo & I went for a drive in the afternoon
Tuesday 19
Lovely day Kate went to Cambe Mother as usual with Mrs McKay Geo & I went to see Mrs. Wade (Minnie De Mestre) Wednesday 20 In the afternoon I went up [sic] Miss Gaden & Sep Morton up the Mt. Sep & I went over to see Jess Polly & Alec were there Sep Jess & I went for a little drive then drove Jess & Alec to their gate Sep & I had a nice drive home Geo & I went to the congregational meeting
Thursday 21
No one came today until Ma Jess & Alec Graham about 5 oclock Jess & Kate went to the Cantata Belle down town. Geo Alec & I went over the suspension bridge. Late retiring
Friday 22
Belle drove Jess & Alec to Cambe. Alec left Cambe for Sydney for good Belle went out collecting in the afternoon & I went with her. Kate went to Bazaar
Saturday 23
Very hot Kate & I went down town did some shopping Sep drove me to tennis After tennis we went to the bazaar
Sunday 24
Very hot again Mr. Bruce preached slept as usual in the afternoon too wet to go out at night
Monday 25
Xmas day. Georgie Bruce & I went for a drive to Cambe to see Jess spent the day very quietly Kate & I spent the evening at Nesbitts Dr & Mrs. Samuelson were there.
Tuesday 26
Spent the morning at home. Kate Bob & I went to tennis in the afternoon & had splendid play Glanvilles were there Belle went to Jervis Bay for a drive Bruce & Geo went over the Suspension Bridge
Wednesday 27
Don Ma & Jess came down to dinner stayed to tea Don looks well I went to see Mrs. McKay. After tea Kate & I went to tennis & had a good practise.
Thursday 28
Stormy day. Mr & Mrs. Bruce came to tea & Mr Clarke after tea, Mr. Bruce & Mr Clarke played their violins for us, & we rather enjoyed the music
Friday 29
Polly came down in the morning & just after dinner Nellie Maggie Gracie Dymock Lizzie Kinross Silvia Waugh & Miss Fidler came I was very glad to see them & enjoyed their company very much they always seem such true girls, we all had afternoon tea & then went over the suspension Bridge, they were charmed with the place. Then we walked 2 & 2 down town & got some fruit, then got into the big coach & had a lively drive to the station to see them off. Polly & I came home well pleased with the day
Saturday 30
Poured rain in the afternoon but cleared in time for tennis which we had a good share off Kate wrote to Sally & I wrote to Florrie Mother bad with the cold
Sunday 31
Last day of the old year. How the time has flown. Mother Belle & I stayed at home in the afternoon Geo Bruce & I went to hear Mr Burnett at Meroo. After tea Kate & I went down to Mrs. Richards to say good bye to Mrs. Wade. Retired early.
[Inside back cover: Miss C. M. SinclairStevens StHighgate HillS. Brisbane
Clergy daughters
C o W Boulton
Education Park
AshfieldH Hunt
Via Dandaloo
April May
February 1893 March
Turkey Quill 4
Cashmere 9 6
Stays 9 6
Stockings 1 6
Feathers 8 3
Velvet 2 6
Flannelette 4 3
Gloss 6
Amonia [sic] 3
Braid 6
Boots 14 6
Flannel 9
Envelopes 4
August Sept October
Cashmere 3 yds 9 9
Gloves 1 9
Lining 1 3
Stays 5 6
Print 2 6
Muslin 2 4
Flannelette 2 2
Wool 10
Hat 3 0
Silk 3
Stockings 2 9
Gloves 4 6
Ribbon 1 5
November 1892
Ribbon 1 9
Lace 1 5“ 11 8 6
Dress 17 10
Cotton 3
Muslin 1 3
Calico 6 1
Shoes 13 9
Lining 2 0
Buttons 1 02
Stockings 4 9]

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
Published on