Tottie's diary: 1892
Friday 1 [January 1892]
Nice cool morning I cant believe it is a New Year I wonder what it has in store for us I hope we shall all be better than we have been in the past, the great comfort is that God is over all & He will order all for our good, Bert Kate Bob & I played tennis until dinner had a nice dinner slept in the afternoon all the McGregors came to tea & spent the evening so we were kept lively. This is Berts last night for us cant say how long we have enjoyed his visit so much & do not like parting with him poor Bertie he has plenty of work before & I trust that he will be very successful
Saturday 2
Bert went home this morning Kate drove him to the cross roads, we miss him dreadfully, turned out a very hot day, poor Bertie would have a treat played tennis Got cool after tea & we came home, I did not like coming home, felt so lonely & horrible & also ashamed for myself for feeling so.
Sunday 3
No church in the morning we all went to hear Mr Jackson in the afternoon Bert Day & Ebb & his Mother were there I enjoyed the service Belle & Bruce came up in the evening I was glad to see them & Ebb & Bert Day came at night This is the first Sunday of the New Year may it be a happy day for many.
Monday 4
Belle did not go home until evening & I went with her we went to tennis & had a splendid time came home & found Lils Thom had arrived I felt rather shy but managed to screw up courage to go there he is tall & fair & sturdy looking & I think I shall like him, he seems to look to me being Lills friend I must be very kind I to him, He brought present from the girls to us. & he also gave Geo & me a lovely vinegarette [sic] each which I thought exceedingly kind he has some music, & he played very nicely. Uncle & I had to come home. I went in to see Eve & Alec we are glad to have them back
Tuesday 5
Very close all day met Thom in the evening at the Nowra bridge had tea at Auntie & some music came home & talked late
Wednesday 6
Uncle Thom Eve Mary & I went up the Mt. Ebb came later on, the ferns were looking lovely & Thom enjoyed the Mt very much Mary Ebb Bert Day Frank Eve & Alec came up in the evening & we had a jolly time singing etc
Thursday 7
Uncle & Pa went to Moss Vale Grandpa Thom & I went to Nowra, played tennis in the cool of the evening then Bell Kate Thom & I sat on the grass & talk [sic] as it was his last night.
Friday 8
Thom left this morning we were sorry after dinner the Bruces & a few other & ourselves drove up the Mt it rained & we got a bit damp but we enjoyed ourselves, A lot of us met at Frasers in the evening Lizzie Kellet came home with me
Saturday 9
We slept late as there was only ourselves I did not go to Nowra got a telegram from Thom saying he was just leaving. Eve Bert Day & Ebb came up
Sunday 10
Warm morning Mr Robertson preached went to Eves to dinner, came on a terrific storm, we were so glad to see the rain Alec Frank & Eve came up to tea, sang hymns.
Monday 11
Rained to day, this rain has just come in time how very thankful we should be God is so good to us & just when we think He is not going to answer us, is the time when He sends us the abundant blessing.
Tuesday 12
Still raining, darning all the morning went to see Wesley in the afternoon found him better Jess came home early I am glad to have her
Wednesday 13
Still raining beautifully.
Thursday 14
Lovely day. Mary Matthews 21 today she had a lovely moonlight picnic at Meroo & we all went & enjoyed ourselves immensely.
Friday 15
Did the usual work
Saturday 16
Rather damp Bert Day came up to dinner & we went to Nowra in the afternoon the two Alecks stayed all night
Sunday 17
Wet damp & I was glad of Alec G company we had a good talk & sang hymns Jess & Dubbs came in the evening.
Monday 18
Washing day very busy & very tired.
Tuesday 19
Mrs McKay came up & little Nellie to stay for a few day [sic] Bert & I went to Nowra & I went out in the boat with the girls to the grotto enjoyed ourselves very much
Wednesday 20
Mrs McKay went to tennis with me. Kate Arthur Morton Mary & Bert came up to tea & we had a nice evening
Thursday 21
Not well stayed home & enjoyed the day with Mrs McKay Eve Ebb & Bert came up in the evening
Friday 22
Mrs McKay went home today & we were so sorry Bert came up & took our photos Jess & me & Alec & the pony. Jess & I went to Binks to tea
Saturday 23
Went to Nowra & enjoyed tennis very much
Sunday 24
No church until evening Mr Robertson preached enjoyed the service fairly well Alec came home with Jess & me & we talked late
Monday 25
Took Uncle to Nowra. Geo Belle & I had tea at Mr Bruces & Geo came home with me in time for Jess
Tuesday 26
Grandfather Jess Geo & I went to Nowra in the afternoon all the Bruces & ourselves went out in the boat had tea out & had a nice time
Wednesday 27
Rather damp morning brought Jess home & went back again Mrs Miller & Arthur came up to tea & Mrs M & I went to the prayer meeting & I enjoyed it so much Mr Bruce & Arthur went home with us & I stayed with Mrs M all night
Thursday 28
Took Grandfather & Mother to Dr Grants the Dr was delighted to see Grandfather
Friday 29
Mother came home with us in the afternoon
Saturday 30
Went to Nowra took Mrs. Bruce for a drive then Geo & I drove to tennis & enjoyed looking on
Sunday 31
No church until afternoon enjoyed Sunday School Mr King preached a splendid sermon on the Golden Calf, After tea I went to Uncle Sams Alec was there & we sang hymns & the time passed very pleasantly Alec came home with me
Monday February 1st
Took Uncle to Nowra cut bottles for Mr Bruce called to see Emma Grey on my way home
Tuesday 2
Grandfather & I went to McGregors early in the morning I helped with the work, it was pleasant to be there because they seemed so glad to have us
Wednesday 3
Came home in the afternoon & went to tennis Belle & Arthur Morton came up to tea, we had such a jolly time, all seemed so happy I am always glad when people enjoy themselves
Thursday 4
Preserved peaches Emma Grey came up & we enjoyed the morning together After dinner went to Nowra & had a good game of tennis. Mother came home with us. Alec came up for the night late
Friday 5
Very warm day Alec stayed for breakfast I got a lot of little things done today enjoyed the day so much at home.
Saturday 6
Went to Nowra as usual & to tennis
Sunday 7
Enjoyed the service Mr Bruce preached & addressed the Sunday School
Monday 8
Went to Nowra came home & went to tennis meeting stayed alone with Grandfather
Tuesday 9
Busy went to church in the evening
Wednesday 10
Went to Nowra with Grandfather to stay until Saturday preserved plums made jam Alec came to dinner went to tennis in the afternoon.
Thursday 11
Arthur took Belle Mr Bruce & I to the Berry show, we enjoyed the outing very much had tea at Mr Jacksons
Friday 12
Very busy in the morning called for Mrs Nesbitt in the afternoon home for the evening
Saturday 13
Nice day & nice tennis home late
Sunday 14
Mr Par preached in the morning enjoyed the sermon very much after Sunday School went with Polly for a while, came home enjoyed hymns after tea
Monday 15
Nowra in the evening up to Browns Mt in the afternoon with Jess & Mr Bruce enjoyed the service got wet coming home Mr B stayed all night
Tuesday 16
Mr Bruce went home early wrote to H. Hunt & Miss Caesar Mr King Wes Minister called to see us Went to church in the evening
Wednesday 17
Very warm Polly came up to make some scones. I went home with her Alec stayed with us as Jess went to Nowra
Thursday 18
Busy did not go to the show
Friday 19
Grandfather Jess & I went to Nowra stayed at Meroogal until after dinner Alec Graham had dinner with us enjoyed ourselves Gracie & Lindsay Dymock were there Alec had tea with us & stayed pretty late
Saturday 20
A lot of us went to Glandvilles at Wagami [sic] in the dray to tennis & had a lovely time there, the place looks lovely & they were all so kind we spent a very happy time Uncle & I were very late getting home
Sunday 21
Very hot enjoyed Sunday School. Mother is with us Mr Bruce came about 5 oclock had some grapes then tea & went to church Mr Bruce preached such a nice sermon. Grandfather walked to church Alec came with us & helped him home
Monday 22
Not well, went to Nowra glad to see Kate & Marion Kate brought me several presents, very nice to have her home.
Tuesday 23
Very warm preserved peaches & made jam
Wednesday 24
Went down to Nowra to the laying of the foundation stone of the new manse Dr Steel laid the stone, the tea meeting passed off very well but it was so hot Mary Belle & I had a rest at Dr Kings
Thursday 25
Made jam & was kept busy all day Georgie & Uncle came rained
Friday 26
Beautiful rain all day did some ironing & some sewing etc wrote to Lizzie Kellet
Saturday 27
Cleared & Uncle & I went to Nowra & had splendid tennis & a good meeting afterwards
Sunday 28
Rather dull Mr Booth gave the children a short address Mr King preached, rained I was alone for sometime & enjoyed the quiet so much
Monday 29
Busy all the morning went for Jess in the evening Alec came part of the way home with us
Tuesday March 1st
Very warm in the morning cool in the afternoon 18 of us went up the Mt in the dray & two buggies had a lovely time Mr Blackmore brought me home & stayed all night Mrs Boulton Eve & Frank & Ebb were up
Wednesday 2
Tennis on the Cambe courts today about 30 people but I did not enjoy it very much
Thursday 3
Nothing unusual Alec brought Jess home I won 2/
Friday 4
Busy in the morning no visitors
Saturday 5
Went to Nowra to tennis Miss Glanville & Miss Lovegrove & Harry Morton were at Meroogal to tea Marion Lockyer came home with us
Sunday 6
All went to church got home just before a storm Jess came home & we spent the day quietly
Monday 7
So nice having Marion here we did some particular washing very hot day Alec came with Jess
Tuesday 8
Went to church in the evening did not enjoy the service very much
Wednesday 9
Marion Grandfather & I went to Nowra, Kate Harry & Arthur Morton & I went up to Glanvilles & stayed all night
Thursday 10
We came home early in the morning Alec came up to tea Marion & Uncle were late comming [sic] home Lils birthday
Friday 11
Raining we preserved quinces & made cherry jam letter from Harold
Saturday 12
Still raining I was busy most of the day feel tired had a letter from Katie Billis & Jessie Kinross
Sunday 13
Too damp to go to church Marion & Uncle went to hear Mr Jackson had tea at Ma's. Alec Frank & Eve came up to tea
Monday 14
Still raining Marion & I passed our time very well & enjoyed the rain
Tuesday 15
Raining passed the day in the usual way
Wednesday 16
More rain Aleck McGregor stayed all the week with us
Thursday 17
Alec Graham & Don came in the morning. Dubbs came with the cart Marion & Jess & I went home with him & stayed until evening
Friday 18
Still wet Marion Mary & I drove to Nowra & enjoyed ourselves nicely.
Saturday 19
Fine in the afternoon Uncle & I went to tennis Marion stayed with Grandfather
Sunday 20
Not well today weather damp went out to church at night
Monday 21
Beautiful day Up very busy in the morning Marion & I went out in the afternoon & enjoyed the lovely day.
Tuesday 22
Marion & Jess & I went Auntie’s to tea it rained very heavily & we stayed all night.
Wednesday 23
Still damp. Marion still with us
Thursday 24
More rain nothing particular happened.
Friday 25
Marion Mary & I went to Nowra & enjoyed the drive very much
Saturday 26
Marion went with us to Nowra & stayed I Missed her very much Card from Bert Robert Dick Mr. B
Sunday 27
Eve Booth & Miss Graham came up to tea & Alec Mary & Ebb came up after & we sang hymns.
Monday 28
Went to Eves & made a cake. Eve came home with me to tea
Tuesday 29
Went to hear Mr Kings farewell sermon & enjoyed it very sorry he is going.
Wednesday 30
Uncle Grandfather & I went to Nowra tennis in the afternoon I went to the prayer meeting & enjoyed it so much, after the meeting went to see Mrs Bruce & had such a nice time Mr Bruce brought me home
Thursday 31
Very wet so we stayed at Meroogal & I did a lot of sewing & enjoyed being at home
Friday April 1st
Kate & I went to Mrs Mortons in the afternoon I called at Bruces & Mrs McKays on my way home.
Saturday 2
Fine today after tennis had tea at Bruces & then came home
Sunday 3
Rather damp went to S School had tea at Pollys & went to church at night
Monday 4
Geo came up & I went to Nowra to tennis match & won.
Tuesday 5
Very busy today wrote to Bert to congratulate him & thank him for his card
Wednesday 6
Georgie & I went to Nowra & Belle came back in my place met Nick Lockyer, & liked him very much Florrie Mitchell came to Nowra with me
Thursday 7
Went to church in the morning liked Mr. Auld better than I expected Enjoyed tennis in the afternoon Marion went up to stay with Belle. Nick spent the evening with us.
Friday 8
Busy morning Florrie had to go home in the afternoon Kate & I went to church practice met Mr Robertson from Melbourne went to see Mrs Bruce
Saturday 9
Enjoyed church very much this morning very glad to see Mary Matthews join the church. Will & Mrs Matthews came to dinner very glad to see them had a houseful.
Sunday 10
Nice morning. Sacrament Sunday very enjoyable great many present Kate & I went to hear Mr Jackson also Mr Bruce at night all the services have been very nice.
Monday 11
Thanksgiving service this morning, very refreshing I came home in the afternoon, feeling that I had had a very good time & very thankful for such a time Belle & Marion in good spirits.
Tuesday 12
Belle went home Marion & I had a busy day. Toms wedding day may he be very happy.
Wednesday 13
Marion & I washed very tired after in the evening took Jess to Nowra had tea at Meroogal
Thursday 14
Thorn Tweddles & Harold Hunts birthday today hope they have a happy birthday Marion & I were awfully busy today. Tomorrow I begin a new year it make me feel very serious when I think of beginning another year I do hope if spared to the end it will find me better than it found me, we are looking forward with pleasure to seeing Sid tomorrow Jess went to Sydney today.
Friday 15
My birthday Marion decorated the dining room I felt her kindness very much & enjoyed my birthday & felt thankful for the many rememberance [sic] Sid came just for tea also Alec we were glad to see Sid he is just the same lively fellow.
Saturday 16
Sid & Uncle went out shooting. In the afternoon we went to Nowra & to tennis Marion stayed with Grandfather she has been so kind & I feel very sorry when I think of her going home Sid & I waited at Booths until Alec was ready to come home with us, then we sat by the fire & talked.
Sunday 17
Beautiful day Sid & Alec went for a walk, & in the afternoon to Polly’s to tea & after church they walked nearly home with us. Alec Sid & I had a good chat at the gate Sid & I sat at the fire for a while then retired.
Monday 18
Lovely morning Marion Sid Uncle, Ebb Alec Annie & the Frasers went up the Mt Sid & I rode & enjoyed ourselves grandly Alec drove Sid to the mid day coach all felt sorry to see him go so soon
Tuesday 19
Marion & I went to Nowra & spent part of the afternoon in the boat. Mrs Miller & Arthur Morton spent the evening with us.
Wednesday 20
Came home with Uncle felt very sorry to part with Marion after being so long with us Belle is going to town with her.
Thursday 21
Raining, quiet day but I was occupied preparing to go to Cootamundra
Friday 22
Kate rode up in the afternoon & I went to Nowra in her place Mother & I were alone for the first time since we went to Meroogal.
Saturday 23
Very nice day Tennis was very nice today Miss Foster & I played the final match of the tournament & I won the racket & felt very glad and thankful. After tea went to Mrs Bruces to say good bye before going to Coota, Bob came for me
Sunday 24
I came home Alec & Ebb came to see Kate, the new Wesleyan minister preached, cant say if I will like him as yet Alec came home & had tea with us, we are all to think of it next Sunday & remember where we are & what we have. Alec read a sermon to us. Kate & I returned in good time.
Monday 25
I took Uncle to Nowra, he is going to Sydney tomorrow hope he has a good time Geo came home with me
Tuesday 26
Did a lot of cooking, supply of cake to last while I am away Geo & I enjoyed ourselves together.
Wednesday 27
Mother & Kate came up in the morning Mother stayed Geo & I went to McGregors after dinner I went with Ma to meet Jess coming from town. I did like saying goodbye to Kate & Geo etc
Thursday 28 & Friday 29
Very nice day, left Cambe by afternoon coach for Cootamundra had a very pleasant trip to Moss Vale & arrived at Coota about 7 in the morning Will met me at the station after breakfast had a sleep & in the afternoon went with Mrs Matthews & Mrs Fred down town went to Bessie. Met Mr Inglis
Saturday 29
Raining did some cooking in the morning went down town in the afternoon sat round the fire in the evening, the air is so cold & beautiful clear.
Sunday 30
Rather a bleak day went to hear Canon Betts in the morning Mr Anderson Head Inspector of the Agricultural College was here for dinner & we enjoyed his company After dinner Miss Saunders Keir & I went to the Hospital it reminded me somewhat of Prince Alfreds Mr Tighs & Mr Vaughn were here when we came home had some singing remembered what we had for tea & though [sic] of those at home rather enjoyed evening service
Monday May 1st
Dull did some work in the morning went with Will for a nice drive in the morning Dr & Mrs Anderson came in the afternoon after which we went down town for a walk Will showed me his office had some music at night Will & Mrs M are so very kind and I like the [sic] awfully
Tuesday 2
Mrs M & I made sponge cakes this morning Will & I had a walk round the garden & some grapes I wrote to poor old Tommy went down town to Bessie & had fire works for Willies birthday
Wednesday 3
Lovely morning made scones & tartlets went down in the afternoon helped Mrs M to lay the supper table for a ball tonight. I did not want to go the ball but Will would not hear of it & asked me to go for company for Mrs Matthews so I went dreading it all the time however I enjoyed looking on & would not dance, my first & last ball I trust
Thursday 4
Wrote home Mrs Simpson came in the afternoon she is so nice Miss Saunders & I went down town for a walk.
Friday 5
We did some cooking this morning & as usual went down town.
Saturday 6
Made scones & tarts for afternoon tea went to tennis at the club & Had a splendid time Mr Vaughan & Mr Inglis were so kind, won every set I played in
Sunday 7
Church in the morning enjoyed the sermon , had a good read after dinner Mr Inglis & Mr Vaughan came up had singing etc & tea Mr I & I walked down to church & enjoyed the talk.
Monday 9
Cleaned up my dresses finished 'In the Golden Days' & then went down town & had a very giddy time with Mrs. Matthews & Mr T.
Tuesday 10
Sewed all the morning Will & I went to tennis in the afternoon had splendid play & plenty of fun Bobbie was there walked part of the way home with us [(Bobbie Inglis) I fancy Lorrie M. became engaged to him]
Friday 11
Did more sewing this morning, in the afternoon Will drove the two Mrs Matthews & me to Mrs Corbys enjoyed the drive very much. Mr & Mrs Stafford spent the evening with us.
Saturday [no dates until 24th]
We did a lot of cooking in the morning & went to tennis in the afternoon & enjoyed myself very much the gentlemen were very thoughtful & kind & saw that I had plenty of play, went to bed early.
Sunday Lovely day, went to hear Mr Hutchison in the morning did not care for him Will & I went for a walk in the afternoon about 4 oclock Mr Vaughan Ken & Mr Manning came I found that Mr M knows Sid Skipper well therefore we enjoyed ourselves talking about Sid etc, I like Mr M. Miss Saunders Mr Vaughan Mr Manning & I walked to the Hospital went [sic] we returned Bobbie was here, we had some singing then tea & Mrs M Mr Inglis Mr Vaughan Mr Manning & I went to Church I enjoyed the service very much the sermon was splendid & I felt refreshed Mr Inglis & Mr Manning came home with us I enjoyed their company very much.
Monday Raining, we were busy in the morning Will took us for a lovely drive, to see the reservoir etc spent a quiet night otherwise
Tuesday Up early & went with Will to the station to meet Louie & Marion Horton did some cooking in the morning went to tennis in the afternoon had a good set After tea we went to the station to see Mrs Fred Will Mabel & Ethel off sorry to see them go, Mr Robert Waugh in the train talked to him for a few minutes & introduced Will all the boys came to see them off.
Wednesday Did all the cooking for afternoon tea a good many came to tennis more to tea Bobbie came about 10 to stay with us he is to be here until Will comes back. letter from Miriam Katie & Jess
Thursday Lovely morning Bobbie & I got up early to play tennis but it was too wet went to the club court in the afternoon & watched them playing matches.
Friday In the afternoon Mrs M & I went out to make some calls & came home by the tennis court
Saturday Cooked in the morning tennis in the afternoon Mr Vaughan & Mr Manning played for the Captaincy Mr M won little Jim came up in the evening & we had some music.
Sunday Lovely day Canon Betts preached a splendid sermon Bobbie came home with us to dinner Ken & little Jim came up in the afternoon sang hymns Bobbie Jim Miss Saunders & I went to church & enjoyed the service.
Monday Busy cooking etc I retired early
Tuesday 24
We all went to Mount Koglin for the day enjoyed ourselves Went to an evening at Mrs. Staffords & enjoyed ourselves fairly well
Wednesday 25
Tennis as usual crowd of which spent the evening at home singing & had a little hop.
Thursday 26
Mrs Matthews & I went to Nubba station to Mrs. Sinclairs Mrs S is so nice also all the family Mr Inglis came in the evening, we had nice music & enjoyed ourselves.
Friday 27
Rather damp, we did not go out the boys went hare hunting had a game of tennis & came home by train in the afternoon well pleased with ourselves, & our trip. In the evening Miss Saunders Louie Marion Bobbie & I went to Mrs. Landaus party in honor of Mr Vaughans 21 birthday enjoyed ourselves very well
Saturday 28
Did some cooking Mr Manning was going to take me for a ride this afternoon but it rained sang for 2 hours in the afternoon Bobbie came home in good time
Sunday 29
Lovely day went to church in the morning Uncle Sam went with Marion & Mrs Matthews had a good rest in the afternoon. Ken Bobbie Mr Manning & Mabel Betts were here for tea had some singing went to church at night.
Monday 30
Damp day made cakes in the morning paid a few calls in the afternoon Bobbie came home early & we had a good game of cards
Tuesday 31
Fine morning made more cakes wrote to Belle Retired early
Wednesday 1
Made puff paste in the morning went for a drive after dinner to bring Mr Dunlop & his mother up but it was too went [sic] Ken came with us. All of us went to Bessies to tea then went to the Haymakers which was not over good but we had some fun had a good talk with Percy & arranged for a ride on Saturday
Thursday 2
Fine day very busy preparing for the party tonight Mr & Mrs Sinclair Dolly Bob & Peter came in the afternoon also Mrs. Dunlop & Mr Dunlop Louie & I drove the latter home & Bobbie came home with us the guests arrived in good time & we had a good evening Peter & I currying the waltzes I enjoyed myself Percy & I had another talk about Mrs. Matthews & himself
Friday 3
All rather tired the Sinclair stayed until after dinner played tennis in the morning Marion & Louie went home with the Sinclairs Mrs M & I went for a walk met P. Bobbie came home early & we retired early.
Saturday 4
Lovely day did the cooking before dinner in the afternoon Percy took me for a lovely ride & we had a good talk, he stayed to tea & Mrs M & he made friends Bobbie Mrs M & I went down town & met Mr Manning sat over the fire & talked I enjoy the evenings by the fire so much
Sunday 5
Six years today since Mag died I cannot keep thinking of that sad time, six years since I became a Christian how time flies went to church in the morning only a lay preacher Mrs M & I had a long talk in the afternoon after which Bobbie Mabel Betts & Louie & I went for a short walk it was a most glorious evening found Percy here when we came back I had to sing a lot for them & again we had a talk, enjoyed the tea went out to church. Bobbie Mrs. M. & I had a long talk over the fire, which was most enjoyable.
Monday 6
Dolly Louie Marion & I went down to the town with Bobbie little J came out to see us Went to hear the Fishs at night B too enjoyed them very much indeed & had a jolly walk home.
Tuesday 7
Rather damp day. Louie & I went down town in the morning Bobbie Percy Ken & little Jim were here to tea & we all went with Lou & Marion to the train & saw them off. Percy came home with us & we spent a jolly evening.
Wednesday 8
Nice day good many came to tennis Percy & Ken stayed to tea it poured rain & P. stayed all night & we spent another jolly evening.
Thursday 9
Showery Dolly & I went down with Bobbie at 11 oclock Dolly left for home by the paper train we were very sorry to loose her Bobbie Mr M & I spent a quiet time at tea Percy & I went for a nice ride Mrs M & I went to Miss Ackermans lecture & enjoyed it very much Had roast potatoes for supper
Friday 10
Went with Mr Inglis to the post & in the afternoon little Jim took me for a long ride & she stayed to tea Mrs M Bobbie & I went to Miss Ackermans lecture Percy sat behind us & we had a very merry time we had roast potatoes for supper & enjoyed sitting over the fire talking
Saturday 11
Lovely day drove Bobbie down to the bank came home & did some cooking & took afternoon tea to tennis enjoyed tennis very much P & I played Bobbie Mrs. M. & I had a lovely time over the fire
Sunday 12
Lovely morning got up early Bobbie Mrs M & I went to the train to meet Mr Garling & Will awfully glad to see Will again first impression of Mr Garling were very good enjoyed Canon Betts this morning. We sat on the verandah in the afternoon Bobbie & Mr Vaughan came up after Sunday School they all stayed for tea & we had some singing Bobbie Mrs. M Mr V & I went to church Mr G & Will too tired.
Monday 13
Lovely day. Poor Bobbie left us this morning very sorry Mr G & Will went down town we did some cooking in the afternoon Mr Garling & I went out for a lovely ride enjoyed ourselves very much had a good. sensible profitable talk & I like him very much late getting home after tea I sang & then Mrs M & will played Mr G & me cards we had a good game did not retired [sic] until late.
Tuesday 14
Lovely day got word to go home all very sorry Mr Garling & I played tennis from 11oclock until dinner time both enjoyed it After dinner Mrs M Mr G & I went down town had afternoon tea at Bessie then went to tennis & had several good sets home for tea which was jolly. sang lots of songs & choruses & enjoyed ourselves until 10 oclock then sat round the fire & roasted potatoes I mended Mr G coat while he kept us going with his fun Mr G & I ate all the potatoes did not retire until nearly 12. our time is getting so short & we are making good use of it I have enjoyed myself so very much here
Wednesday 15
Rather dull morning we did the cooking after [UNCLEAR] After dinner Mr Garling read “Three men in a boat” to Will Mrs M & me we enjoyed ourselves very much Mr G is a splendid reader & a real wag & thorough man. About 5 Bobbie joined our circle & we read till nearly tea time ate bachelors buttons. After tea Will had to go out so Mr G Bobbie Mrs M & I played whist Mr. G & I were partners & we got on very well & enjoyed the games. Ette & Bessie came & we had some sewing; the boys making the usual row Bobbie Mr G & I had roast potatoes for supper & didn’t we enjoy ourselves grandly retired about 12 feeling the night was too short Bobbie stayed all night
Thursday 16
Rather dull, my last day here. I dont like leaving here at all, I have had such a delightful holiday Mr G & Will went down town after they returned Will & I drove out to the farm, home for dinner Mr G. down town for dinner it poured rain & we could not get down town until 4 oclock left Mr G at home went to Bessie to say good bye. Bobbie was there we had a cup of tea together went to Mrs Betts to say good bye got home about 5 Will Mrs M Mr G. & I sat round the fire & talked & made the best use of my last moments enjoyed our tea after which we departed for the station with many regrets at having to go Bobbie & Percy came to see us off I thanked Percy for his kindness Mr G came as far as Wallenbeen Peter Sinclair was there to meet him & brought & note from Dollie for me very sorry to say goodbye to Mr G he said he would come to Nowra to see us he is exceedingly nice I felt so sorry at leaving all behind me for one & all have been so kind to me. Miss Saunders Marion Finch & Lilla Barnes came down with me & we had rather a jolly time in the train
Friday 17
Arrived at Moss Vale three oclock rather cold came straight on by coach, sick. O but not sorry to get home all glad to see me, I wrote to Mrs W then had a good sleep I feel quite strange & miss the “Milton” folk. [(Matthews home at Coota). Notice how promptly arrivals were reported to those left behind, whether relatives or friends.]
[Last pages of this book are filled with lessons in grammar, algebra and addition] [She was getting lessons from Father for a time - as her schooling interrupted earlier in life]
[Also a list of expenses: February, March, April, May
£ S D £ S D
Gloves 5
Velvet 1 14 0
Nightdress 15 6
Shoes 12
Stays 5 6
Paper 1 9
Petticoat 7 6
Envelopes 4
Gloves 1 6
Preserves 7
Flannelette 2 6
Laces 3
Boots 7 6
Silk 1 9
Lining 2 6
Paper 1 3
Gloves 5 11
Hanky 9
Ribbon 1 10
Belt 1 9 6/8
Lining 1 2
Buttons 1 6
Lining 2 1
Ribbon 8
Goloshes [sic] 4]
[NB- loose sheet of note paper: Cootamundra holidayNotice how regularly Bobbie Inglis, and Mr Garling turned up! Also Percy, whoever he was and “little Jim” whom I thought might be a child, but he took her out riding, so am not sure! Will Matthews must have had his fun out of it all!!I think this holiday was needed because she seemed very depressed often when writing - wonderful the way the aunts and Grandma stood by, and every chance was given her - she mentioned in this book going to Meroogal where Grandma and she were alone for “the first time since coming to live at Meroogal! Wish she had mentioned when they came to live there, but must have been quite 70 years ago I think. She evidently went alone to M. Vale, but probably coach driver would see her onto the train, wh. Left about midnight I think - ]
[Inside back cover: Osborne HousePrinces StreetGrafton
WGBE Mantle
Education ParkAshfield]
[NB- new book started]
[Inside front cover: June 1892 Saturday][Grandfather MacKenzie died 14th July 1892][“Alec” is usually A. Graham and our “Alick” spelt with the K. often (but not always!)]
Saturday 18
Had a good sleep last night & feel better Uncle & I went to Nowra in the morning the girls thought I looked splendid after my trip. I felt a little strange & missed the Milton people very much. Went to tennis and the friends there seemed very glad to see me had tea at Meroogal Mr. Ewing Harry Morton & Sam Glanville were there also had some music & then came home
Sunday 19
Very blowy no church in the morning I went to Sunday School the children seemed glad to have me back it was so windy that we had to have church in the School of Arts Uncle walked to hear Mr. Jackson Alec & Ebb came up with me Alec [Graham] stayed to tea & we talked over my trip & his trip retired in good time
Monday 20
Dont like work very much but will soon get into it again wrote to Will went for Jess. Mary came home from Jamberoo today
Tuesday 21
Uncle & I went to Meroogal in the morning tennis in the afternoon Bell Geo & I had great games. Came home for tea Uncle went for Jess
Wednesday 22
Still blowy had a letter from Mrs Matthews & enjoyed it very much, she said she missed me very much it is nice to be missed Jess & I went to see Mrs Booth in the evening Alec came home with us & we enjoyed a long talk over different things
Thursday 23
Late up this morning. I went to see Uncle Matthews & gave him the Cootamundra news also called to see Mrs. Fraser Belle came up for me & took to [sic] down to Meroogal
Friday 24
Mrs. Miller & I went to see Mrs. McKay had an early lunch & Kate & Minnie & Mr Bruce & I went to Glanvilles at Wogamia had a good game of tennis had a nice tea, then some nice music & left for home at 9 oclock the Glanvilles were exceedingly kind to us & we enjoyed ourselves very much
Saturday 25
Made some scones in the morning & had a nice rest & sleep. Tennis in the afternoon enjoyed ourselves. Uncle & I came home before 9 oclock
Sunday 26
Nice day. Mother went to church in the morning I enjoyed S School very much also Mr. Parin the afternoon Polly Ebb & Alec came home with us had tea with us & we four sang hymns & had a nice time it is nice to have good friends
Monday 27
Mother & I very busy all the morning feel rather tired wrote to Uncle Tommy. Went for Jess
Tuesday 28
Busy as usual made melon jam wrote to Mrs Matthews Mother & Uncle out all day
Wednesday 29
Usual work Jess & I went with Polly & Ebb to tea sat over the fire & talked for a while, Jess & I went to see Mrs. Fraser Annie was there glad to meet her again, spent rather a jolly evening.
Thursday 30
Jess did not come home until 6 brought a letter from Bert which was much appreciated as usual I went for Jess & we spent an hour or so with Mrs. Booth.
Friday 1st
Very busy all the morning. Mother went home & I was very sorry. Belle Geo Minnie Miller came up & brought letters from Tom Mr. Galbraith & Jim Dick. Jim expects to be home this month how glad we shall be to see him again Alec Graham & Alec McG came to tea so we had a houseful. Geo stayed all night.
Saturday 2
Had a nice letter from Mrs Willie Matthews also from Mrs Fred & Dollie Sinclair Rev Richard Miller came to see us very glad to see him & we enjoyed his visit Polly & I went to see the football match & were quite interested Georgie did not go home Little rain.
Sunday 3
Rather dull went to church but Mr. Par did not turn up Geo & Uncle went to church to Meroo & from there to Nowra, evening Jess & I came home after S. School made a fire in the parlor & Jess played & sang, then we sat round the fire & had a good old talk of old times. After tea Alec came in again sat at the fire & talked over many things & the future. Thank God for good friends we are blessed with many friends real friends make life happier & better it is very sweet to have sympathy late when we retired. Monday 4Nice day Uncle away Lizzie Kellet came in the afternoon & stayed all night we went to see Auntie also to the store Jess Lizzie & I slept together and talked late [I remember the big four poster - plenty of room for 3]
Tuesday 5
Lovely day letter from Netta & Marion Uncle at Nowra Annie Fraser Lizzie Kellet Polly Mrs. McKay & Jessie Hunt all came together Mrs McK & Jessie are going to stay until Saturday I went to church Mr Robertson preached.
Wednesday 6
Dull morning made pineapple & melon jam, very good Mrs. McKay entertained us as usual I went for Jess & we stayed talking to Alec for some time.
Thursday 7
Nice Day but rather windy did a lot of cooking made jumbles for Bert went for Jess & sat with Mrs. Booth until time to come home Gave her some recipes.
Friday 8
Up early & got a lot of work done in good time. Uncle took Mrs McKay to Frasers & Matthews Belle & Tom Stafford came & gave me a great surprise George & Toms friend Mr. Morgan went to Aunties After tea we went to Auntie also Jess & Alec & we had a nice time Alec & Tom came home with us & we sat late everyone seeming in good spirits Alec especially as he would not go home
Saturday 9
Damp day I took Mrs. McKay to Nowra Polly stayed with Grandfather & had tea ready for us, we went to praise in the church. Alec went to meet Mr Skipper
Sunday 10
No church in the morning went to Sunday School Alec brought Mr. Skipper up to tea he seems very nice we all went to church & Alec & Mr. S. came home with us & stayed until 11 oclock Alec up to mischief as usual
Monday 11
Uncle went to Nowra Belle came up to stay Grandfather not well at all I went for Jess
Tuesday 12
Made jam & commenced my tennis dress Grandfather still very weak Jess & I had to go to the Orangemans tea to sing, passed off very well
Wednesday 13
Grandfather weak stayed in bed all day I dont like to see him so weak. Uncle away all day & Belle went down to see Frasers it is quiet with Grandfather in bed & feeling anxious about him
Thursday 14
Got up to Grandfather at 2 oclock he seemed very weak took a good drink of whisky & milk also a drink of cold water I felt to see if he was warm & asked him if he would like a biscuit he said yes & kept it in his hand I stood looking at him & thinking how weak he looked he lay & looked at me for some time & asked mewhat was the time. I tucked him in & went to bed but did not sleep for sometime he was coughing. Got up in fair time did not wait to finish dressing said to Jess I did not think Grandfather would be with us long. Went in to his room & found him dead went in his sleep his eyes closed, & just in the position I had left him in. It gave us a shock poor old Grandfather we shall miss him very much. Belle was here & Mr & Mrs. Binks came I fancy so often I hear him coughing. Alick was the first to come & I was so glad he came & stayed with us. The day was very long
Friday 15
Did not sleep well last night everything is so quiet I dont like being in the house. Belle & I went to the store, I came home for dinner & a great many people came I shall be glad when all is over but I don’t know how I shall pass the time without Grandfather
Saturday 16
Tom came & we were very glad we were kept very busy so many came to have a last look at Grandfather he looked just as if he was asleep so calm & peaceful Mr. Jackson & Mr. Bruce conducted the service but it was not nearly so nice as Grannys [would be Dr Grant then] The funeral was large & the wreaths very pretty Poor old Grandfather, we have done everything that we shall ever do for him & now he is at rest leaving the home very quiet I cannot realize that he has gone for ever. Tom stayed with us all night we were very tired
Sunday 17
Lovely day we were too tired to go to church & passed the morning quietly Arthur Morton came in the afternoon to say goodbye to us as he is sent to Forbes. Alec Ebb Belle & I watched him out of sight & waved it seems nothing but goodbyes. Alec stayed to tea & we had a nice quiet time. I so often fancy I hear Grandfather
Monday 18
In the afternoon Belle & I went down to see Tom Mr & Mrs. Bruce were there for tea. I had to sing for them altho I did not feel inclined Grandfather is rarely out of my mind. Belle & I were late home
Tuesday 19
Belle & I walked up the Mt Tom Mother George Ma, & Aleck were there & we spent a pleasant day together wondering if Jim Dick arrived in Sydney, we were all saying how nice it will be to see him again Said goodbye to Tom as he was leaving for Tenterfield next day
Wednesday 20
Jim Dick arrived yesterday he sent a telegram to Meroogal & they sent him a welcome telegram & it was the first he got Uncle & I went to Nowra played tennis Mr. Robertson & Mr. Mason were at Meroogal for the night I stayed all night
Thursday 21
Bob went to see Jim Dick Mrs McPaul came to wash so I came home early very busy all day & tired.
Friday 22
Belle & I went over to Mas & spent the day. Geo & Mother came. Came home in time for Jess.
Saturday 23
Belle & I were very busy In the afternoon I went to see the football match had tea at Frasers & went to practice & choose the hymns for Grandfathers funeral sermon tomorrow [I thought no one went out so soon in those days after a death?]
Sunday 24
Lovely day the church was full & I rather dreaded the service the table was draped with black & flowers & looked very nice the service was very nice After Sunday School Ebb Polly Mr Biddulph Alec Uncle & I went for a walk. had tea at Aunties & sang hymns. Alec came to the style with us
Monday 26
Nice day Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Georgie Kate & Polly came to tea & we had a most enjoyable evening with music all seemed to enjoy themselves
Tuesday 27
Dont feel very lively today, dull day went for Jess
Wednesday 28
Belle Jess Mary Ebb Kate Fraser & I went to Mrs. Booth for tea & had a very lively time Alec came home with us & we talked late, sitting by the fire
Thursday 29
Belle stayed at home & I went to Nowra with Uncle & to tennis in the afternoon stayed all night
Friday 30
Georgie drove me up in the morning nothing particular happened
Saturday 31
Went to Nowra in the morning tennis in the afternoon Belle had a nice tea for us. I stayed at home alone Belle went for Jess it seemed so quiet without poor old Grandfather
Sunday August 1st
All went to church in the morning & to Aunties for dinner Mary came home with me from Sunday School Alec & Belle came later on I went nearly home with Polly & we had a nice talk Uncle was away for tea so Alec Belle & I had a nice quiet time & Alec & I did a little singing
Monday 2
Went to Nowra to tennis match between the Ashfield & Nowra clubs enjoyed the afternoon. Went with Kate Glanville & helped her to get tea for the players then I went out to Wogamia to stay with the Glanvilles [Visit to Wogamia, Glanvilles]
Tuesday 3
Dull day but enjoyed myself very well the G are very kind we had nice music in the evening
Wednesday 4
In the afternoon Kate Glanville brough [sic] me home & I stayed at Meroogal all night went to the Prayer meeting with Geo & Mrs. Richards then to Phillip Mortons address
Thursday 5
I drove home this morning found Belle all right Jess has a bad cold
Friday 6
Showery today School concert to night turned out very damp but I went & sang Afton Water & Auld Robin Gray they say I never sang better was very nervous the concert passed off very well first Alec had heard me sing at & he was nervous too
Saturday 7
Uncle & I went to tennis as usual & had a very fair time Alec came up late & stayed all night.
Sunday 8
Nice day no church until night so we did not get up early & had an early dinner instead of breakfast I went to Sunday school Alec McG Ebb Mary came home with me the two Alecs stayed for tea Alec came home with us after church
Monday 9
I went to Nowra for the week only ourselves at home. had a fire in Mothers room Miss Foster was up in the afternoon Kate & I called for Mrs Hamilton & Mrs. Bruce retired early
Tuesday 10
Kate & I went to tennis in the afternoon Belle came down we had a great game Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller came to Meroogal
Wednesday 11
Did some cooking for the tea meeting went with Kate in the afternoon to cut up the cake etc Polly & I went to Church, where the opening ceremony of the Manse was conducted it was very nice I went home for tea & Mr. Milne Jess & Belle were there & we had a jolly time. After tea dressed for the concert I wore black velvet the Hall was full & the concert passed off well I sang He wipes the tear from every eye very nervous but they say I sang well but I did not think so Glad it is all over Jess stayed all night
Thursday 12
Went to see Mrs. McKay Jess came with us to tennis in the afternoon & we had a jolly game. Sep & I played Kate & Mr. Hamilton all went to Mr Milnes lecture at the School of Arts he sang two songs & so did I "Rocked in the Cradle of the deep" & Mary of Argyle Mr Milne stayed all night with us [Mr Milne now crops up quite a lot]
Friday 13
Mr. & Mrs. Miller & Mr. Milne left this morning. Kate & I went to tennis again Sep came home to tea with us. Mr. Robertson & Bob also came & we had music
Saturday 14
Nice day went to tennis as usual Mr. Waugh came we had splendid tennis. Kate & Mr. Hamilton played Sep & me again everyone looking on very exciting Sep came home with us also Mr. Waugh stayed to tea. I went to see Mrs Bruce & Uncle called for me & we came home
Sunday 15
Very windy Mr Pencombe preached in the afternoon Belle & I went to McGregors & stayed all night
Monday 16
Belle & I came home with Jess did some shopping nearly finished my dress. Went to see Mrs. Booth in the evening
Tuesday 17
Belle & I did a little washing went to Binks to tea Jess also & enjoyed ourselves
Wednesday 18
Belle Polly & I went to Nowra it rained & Mother came home with Belle. Mr. Mason (the silent man) came in the afternoon & spent the evening he was actually lively and we enjoyed his company. Polly & I slept together & talked late we understand each other better now & I think we shall be better friends
Thursday 19
Wet day Uncle came down in the morning & I came home with him in the afternoon, Belle had gone to the farm & I miss her so much especially as I expected to see her when I came home I miss poor old Grandfather the house seems empty & deserted & it is the first time Uncle & I have been alone Jess came home in spite of the rain
Friday 20
Still raining busy all the morning in the afternoon went to the School picnic held in the school on account of the rain enjoyed it better than I expected the two Alecs were there & made fun Nell Jess & I came home early
Saturday 20
Raining Jess came home early got a song from Sid Jess & I felt the time long went to see Mrs Binks Alec came up at night it is so lonely & the house seems so deserted without Grandfather
Sunday 21
Still showery. Alecs birthday Jess & I gave him a Bible Alec & Dubs came in the afternoon Dubbs went home Alec Jess & I had a nice fire in the parlor & enjoyed each others company
Monday 22
Dull still went down to Jess in the afternoon Aunties to tea & then spent the evening at Mrs. Booth Alec came home with us & stayed all night
Tuesday 23
Uncle went to Nowra in the morning Alec stayed to breakfast & went down with Jess it reminded me of old times Kate came up & I went to Nowra with her & had tennis Uncle & I were alone
Wednesday 24
Busy in the morning Jess came up to dinner & I went down to her in the afternoon had a letter from Sid & Lizzie, Min came over we had tea at Mrs. Brenans Pa & Ma were over & Min stayed all night I have been feeling so depressed & unsettled dread leaving here & yet I cant rest here
Thursday 25
Min stayed with me until afternoon then we took her to Nowra went to tennis & enjoyed ourselves
Friday 26
The usual work went with Jess in the afternoon, it was Arbour day at the School & Mrs Brennan persisted in making me go, got my feet damp & caught a cold Jess & I had tea in the office, & then went to the debate Jess had a letter from Jim Dick which we were very pleased to see
Saturday 27
Not very well went to Nowra & had good tennis Polly came home with me I felt very sick & my throat very bad, Polly doctored me & I was much better next morning
Sunday 28
Mr. Par preached in the morning enjoyed the service dinner at Pollys, enjoyed Sunday School after which the two Alecs Ebb Polly & I went for a walk Alecs & I went to the farm & had a pleasant evening, I stayed all night
Monday 29
Came over with Jess, did some sewing went in to see Mrs. Booth in the evening Alec came home with us we were all dumpy
Tuesday 30
Raining Belle & Elgin came in the afternoon, & Mr & Mrs. Bruce came to tea then we went to church & oh I did enjoy the service it was like balm in Gilead
Wednesday 31
Uncle went to Nowra Not well enough to go went down to Jess in the afternoon & Jess came home for tea & stayed, we had a lovely fire in the parlor & enjoyed music Jess & I talked very late
£2 Thursday [Wednesday crossed out] September 1st 1892
Went to Nowra in the morning they all went out Uncle Sam came up & Bob too & we enjoyed ourselves. I came home with Uncle & Polly Jess & I had tea there came home early & went to bed
Friday 2
Did a lot of cooking today wrote to Eve [Booth] went for Jess & we went in to see Mrs. Booth Belle & Min & Dubbs walked over & surprised us at the office. Had a letter from Thom today
Saturday 3 Went to Nowra as usual & to Tennis Harry Glanville is home enjoyed tennis very well Sally Lovegrove & Harry Morton came home with us & stayed to tea Mr. Robertson later on I stayed all night
Sunday 4
Lovely morning all went to church but Kate enjoyed Mr Bruce very much Kate drove me home for Sunday School went to Pollys Local preacher at night not very enjoyable Jess came home with me
Monday 5
Busy this morning, it rained so after tea I went for Jess
Tuesday 6
Uncle & I went to Nowra & in the afternoon Bob Miss Lovegrove & Kate & I went to the top of the Mt & to Mclntyres, the view was so lovely & we enjoyed the ride very much Sally had tea with us
Wednesday 7
I made a black skirt for myself Kate & I went to the church of England at night & enjoyed a good sermon.
Thursday 8
Lovely day Kate Bob & I went to the social given in return to the Mortons, we enjoyed ourselves very much, & danced a good deal
Friday 9
Tired this morning had a good sleep went to tennis in the afternoon Harry Morton & Sam Glanville came home to tea with us
Saturday 10
Another nice day had good tennis went to see the Bruces in the evening then had a fruit supper
Sunday 11
George brought me home in the morning. Local preacher in the afternoon not very enjoyable Alec came to Pollys until tea time, went home for tea Ebb Polly & I played hymns. Alec tapped on the window I thought it was Belle went out & made friends again. Very nice evening retired feeling very thankful
Monday 12
In the afternoon I wrote to Alex after tea Belle Uncle & I went to Nowra.
Tuesday 13
Bob Sally Lovegrove Annie Glanville Kate Harry Morton Sam Glanville & I went to Yalwal we enjoyed the drive very much arrived in time for lunch after which Mr. Robertson & Mr Mason showed us the machinery & the mine, it was very interesting. Harry & Sam had to come home but we stayed all night had a lively dinner adjourned to Mr Robertsons office had an argument on womens rights. Then some of them played nap. About 10 they all came up to the cottage with us & had supper we did enjoy the day so much & like Sally [Lovegrove, afterwards Mrs Cox, she made wedding dresses and much of trousseau for Jess] & Annie very much
Wednesday 14
We did not rise early Mr. Mason waited breakfast for us then we watched the gold going thro the different processes which was most interesting Mr. Robertson gave us a nice piece of gold to make something of in memory of our trip After lunch we left for home (Mr. Mason with us) very sorry to leave after having such an enjoyable trip & meeting with such kindness. The drive home was lovely the gentlemen gathered lovely wild flowers for us, we were rather tired when we reached home Mr. Mason stayed all night with us [at Meroogal and now appears frequently in the pages]
Thursday 15
Had a game of tennis in the afternoon came on a very big storm after it had cleared Miss Foster came home with Uncle & me also Jess
Friday 16
Busy in the morning Annie [Foster] & I went down to see Jess in the afternoon had tea & Polly went to the store then to the debate which was very good Alec Graham spoke very well & his appeal to the young men was just what was needed Alec came home with us & had supper. [Mr Bowtell]
Saturday 17
Had to go to Nowra in the morning plenty tennis in the afternoon Jess was down we went to see Mrs Bruce home late
Sunday 18
Mr. Robertson preached well this morning went to Uncle Sams for dinner, came home after Sunday School Mr. Robertson & Kate came up & stayed for tea Alec also came to tea they went home early & we had to go & get the milk [from Binks] then talked late sang hymns etc Alec stayed all night.
[NB- envelope addressed to Helen MacGregor and title page of book “The Philosophy of Beards.” Inserted between these pages]
Monday 19
The usual work. Uncle went to Nowra & I went down to Jess, stayed the shop tea hour
Tuesday 20
Went down to Jess in the afternoon it came on a big storm & we adjourned to the store. I did some shopping Mrs. Booth took us in to tea & we spent the evening very pleasantly with her.
Wednesday 21
Lucy Camps wedding day Jess & I had dinner at Binks I stayed with her all the afternoon & we went to Binks for tea to hear the news of the wedding Jess & I came home early & retired early.
Thursday 22
Don came this morning & stayed with us Maggie had dyptheria at Nowra, anxious about her Don & Jess stayed with us all night.
Friday 23
In the afternoon I went to the Farm & they were glad to see me especially as Pa & Ma were away it rained very heavily but Don & Jess came It was the coldest night we have had for a long time I could not help thinking of those at sea & feeling how thankful we should be to be in such comfortable homes. We are so ungrateful for the many many blessings we have.
Saturday 24
Still dull I did a lot of cooking for Min stayed until after tea & Dubs came home with me, I retired as Uncle was by no means talkative.
Sunday 25
Lovely morning Mr. Par preached such a nice sermon it was sacrament Sunday I went to Pollys for dinner it came on to rain but we went to S School & my boys provoked me dreadfully & I felt that I was not doing them any good & the sooner I leave Cambe the better for I dont seem of much use Came home after school & Alec came about four oclock we talked until tea time & had a very Pleasant time at tea I Uncle Alec & myself we washed up & talked of our leaving Cambe then retired to the parlour & spent a very pleasant time (Uncle in good humour) we have had many a happy hour in this old house & I shall be very sorry in many ways to leave it yet I know it is for the best
Monday 26
Busy all the morning went home with Jess & Don in the evening & had a good practise
Tuesday 27
Walked over with Jess this morning Georgie here in the afternoon we went down & I did some shopping ordered gloves & hats from Alec hope to get them before leaving
Wednesday 28
Don & Jess came & we had a good practise for the concert
Thursday 29
Pouring rain we had to go down & have a practise in the School of Arts Looks very bad for tomorrow
Friday 30
Nice morning Kate & Sep Morton came up before dinner & stayed until 4, enjoyed their company very much. Sep is very sensible Don & Jess came to tea & then the excitement of dressing for the concert Georgie went with us the concert passed off very well, & we got on very well with our part very glad it was over
Saturday October 1st
Rather tired & busy Walter Hodgkinson & Sep Morton rode up to see us in the morning also Belle in the afternoon Geo went to the farm & we went to tennis came home after tea Uncle called for Alec & he came with us. Jess & Don were here, We all talked until pretty late then Alec & I had a real serious talk which we both very [sic] much it did me a great deal of good, stirred me up, what I have been wanting for a long time. I should not have liked to have missed that talk I am only beginning to understand what a good true friend Alec is to me such friendship as ours last for live, [sic] for there is not anything but true friendship in it Oh how thankful we should be for such friends
Sunday 2
Lovely day late up. Not at all well Don & Uncle went to the Valley where Don preached Alec lay in bed listening to Jess playing in the afternoon Jess Alec & I went down to the creek & sat talking there until tea time, all enjoying the beautiful day. Alec said it was the most enjoyable day he has had for a long time we went to hear Mr. Bruce at night & enjoyed the service very much I feel so much happier than I have for sometime for which I am very thankful why dont we oftener have talk about religion, for it is the most profitable & most enjoyable of all
Monday 3
Georgies birthday. Don & Jess were here for dinner I met Geo at the office in the afternoon & we went to Pollys for tea Mr Allan was there also, we enjoyed the evening very much.
Tuesday 4
Made a skirt for morning & was otherwise busy. In the evening Geo & I went to Church & to see Mrs Booth
Wednesday 5
Made a blouse for morning & felt quite pleased with myself Took a walk down town, home for tea
Thursday 6
Passed the day in the usual way
Friday 7
Geo & I went down in the evening to say good bye to Mrs Kellet Polly was here to tea
Saturday 8
Went to tennis as usual & enjoyed the outing
Sunday 9
Went to hear Mr. Harris in the morning & enjoyed Mr. Pinkowle in the afternoon Alec came home with us. Uncle Alec & I had a nice talk stayed all night
Monday 10
Very warm day busy in the afternoon went to Jessie McLarens Sep Morton & Minnie Miller came for me & they had tea with Uncle & me then drove me down to Pollys & I stayed with her all night
Tuesday 11
Went to Nowra Mr & Mrs. Robertson & Sep Morton at Meroogal so we had a jolly time went to tennis had some music in the evening Sep & I got the supper
Wednesday 12
Mr. & Mrs. Robertson went to Sydney Sep & I drove up to see Mother & Jess went to tennis when it got cool
Thursday 13
I commenced a blouse for myself Mr Mason came in the afternoon & it rained but we went to tennis in spite of the rain played [UNCLEAR] & enjoyed the game very much
Friday 14
Mr Mason came up in the morning to play tennis but it was too damp so he went home. Tennis again Sep keeps us very lively
Saturday 15
Mr Robertson came back brought us gloves all round. Kate came to Cambe in my place & Sep went home so we were rather quiet
Sunday 16 Mr Robertson Bob & I went to church I enjoyed Mr. Bruce Bob & Mr. Robertson went away in the afternoon & Belle went to see Miss Foster so Maggie & I were left alone
Monday 17
Wet day I set to ironing in the afternoon Belle Maggie & I came up to see Mother & Kate.
Tuesday 18
Still damp went down to McArthurs in the afternoon Miss Foster & Mrs Bruce called Belle & I retired early
Wednesday 19
Sep came up this morning to stay until Saturday Belle Maggie Sep & I went up to McGregors as it was Dons birthday enjoyed ourselves very well, went home early & spent the evening quietly at home
Thursday 20
Sep & I drove down to Numba for his clothes as usual went to tennis & had a jolly time
Friday 21
I finished my blouse & we all went to tennis to practise for our matches.
Saturday 22
Sep & I went to Numba again got some cream met Mr Riley & he came to tea at Meroogal Kate & I played Miss Foster & Miss [UNCLEAR] [Berthon?] & beat them. I came home but did not feel very happy over it
Sunday 23
Mr Par had a flower service & I enjoyed it very much. Pollys to dinner rained after Sunday School so I went to Frasers & got wraps. Came home & found Alec here & a nice fire on he had to go home for tea as Mrs Booth was alone. Mother & Uncle went to hear Mr. Jackson got a bit damp
Monday 24
I feel it so lonely & feel awfully depressed whatever is the reason I feel I cant stay here much longer. Six of the Binks came up to tea. The two Alecs came up late to tell me that the business had gone bung. I am so sorry Alec has left most of his belongings in my care, dear me how things change I suppose we shall all be scattered soon. Jess going home Alec going home & me going home too I shall be glad to get home for I seem to have lost interest in everything here
Tuesday 25
Had a letter from home saying Jim Dick is coming tomorrow, we are so glad. I went down to Meroogal in the afternoon to stay
Wednesday 26
Raining today, we are all looking forward to seeing Jim tonight, I wonder if 5 years has changed him. Kate & I went out to meet him in spite of the rain Met him at Meroo & he looks just the same & began to give us cheek at once. Belle & Bob & Sep were waiting tea for us all our attention was directed to Jim Sep went home & we all gathered round the drawing room fire & talked off [sic] old times & told Jim much that had happened while he related much of his travels.
Thursday 27
Still raining so we passed the morning pleasantly at home, in the afternoon Jim & I came up to see Mother Met Jess at the office she gave Jim a warm welcome & we had a jolly time then Jim of course giving us cheek. Mother & Uncle were very pleased to see him we had tea & I showed Jim his suit that I had kept for him also the skull in the card basket, we talked all the way home & I enjoyed the drive very much
Friday 28
In the afternoon Belle & Jim went up to McGregors Kate & I to tennis Jim thought Ma & Pa looked well & saw a great improvement in the children he enjoyed the visit & thought the place lovely [Torresdale, 1st time he had seen the “new” house]
Saturday 29
Have been troubled very much with indigestion, Jim gave me a dose the second night & sent for Belle it is good of him to trouble so much Went to Tennis & played our match with Annie Glanville & Sally Lovegrove & won Jim & Belle were there were delighted Jim looked splendid
Sunday 30
Lovely day Kate Mother Jim & I went to church in the morning, in the afternoon Belle Jim & I went for a walk over the suspension Bridge it was lovely Jim gave us a lesson on Botany. In the evening Jim Belle Mother & I went to Church enjoyed the service.
Monday 31
In the afternoon Belle Jim Kate & I got the cream ponies & went to the top of the Mt. it was lovely. had tea there Belle Jim & I walked to the top. Kate & I drove home & Jim Belle went to the Farm [Must have stayed all night, as they turned up at Fairfield next day]
Tuesday 1
Not well Kate & I played our last tennis match & lost I drove home to Cambe Don Jess Min Belle & Jim were here they were all disappointed that we lost both Kate & I are taking the pills Jim got for us & at tea Jim asked me if I had not given up tennis for this year & I said yes, so goodbye to tennis for a time until I get stronger Jim made Jess & I play over our old duets & sing & he said it was a treat Late retiring Jess Jim & I the last to go we were talking of old time & Jim was giving us cheek. [The aunts used to say that Dr D said Aunty Tot not really strong. She may not have been at that time.]
Wednesday 2
Very close morning I took Jim to Binks & he killed a snake on our way home we all went to Matthews for dinner & stayed until 5 oclock home for tea & enjoyed the evening at home Jim is so entertaining it is delightful to hear him tell of his travels, he is just the same Jim only nicer & much improved.
Thursday 3
Mother Jim & I went to church in the morning Mr Jackson preached & we enjoyed the service. I introduced Jim to him & he liked him, in the afternoon Belle Jim & I went to Dr Grants & enjoyed ourselves Jim as cheeky as ever. In the evening Bob Belle Jim & I went to the flower show in the School of Arts Kate was there selling we had some fun
Friday 4
Very warm Kate & Jim went out in the morning to gather ferns, in the afternoon Belle Jim & I went with Mr & Mrs, Bruce & Mr. & Mrs. Burnett up the river & had our tea out did not enjoy it much, felt out of sorts very much Jim decided to go on Monday
Saturday 5
Busy making boquets [sic] for the show Jim & I went to tennis for a while in the afternoon Mr Robertson Mason & Pethrick found us & came home to tea we all went to the flower show Jim & I went round the room & then sat by the gallery & criticised the people had a gay time the others found us there. I enjoyed the evening very much had a little singing after we came home
Sunday 6
Damp morning Kate Mother Jim & I drove to church. Sacrament Sunday Mother Jim & I sat together I was so glad that he came with us enjoyed the service Mr. Robertson Mason & Pethrick were with us to dinner but all went away in the afternoon we sat on the verandah & talked Miss Foster came up to tea all went to church at night & we persuaded Jim to stay until Wednesday & go back with Bob
Monday 7
Busy all the morning Bob Jim Kate & I drove over to Coolangatta in the afternoon lovely drive home for tea & spent the evening at home.
Tuesday 8
Jims last day. Bob & he went up to the Barr Hill & did not return until dark Jim & Kate had a lot chat while he was packing, he said he wished he was not going & could stay until Xmas we sat late talking & getting parting instructions concerning our health. I do hate people going away.
Wednesday 9
Bob & Jim went this morning Jim sorry to go & we sorry to see him go, the house feels so lonely & quiet & we hardly know how to pass the time, went out for a drive in the afternoon Belle & I went to see Mrs McKay in the evening
Thursday 10
Came back to Fairfield Uncle seemed glad to have Jess & I back things seem to have changed so much the last few weeks & I dont feel very lively or well
Friday 11
I did a lot of work this morning cleaning up, after tea went for Jess & we went in to see Mrs Booth
Saturday 12
Raining all day did a lot of cooking the day passed more quickly than I expected Uncle & I sat at the fire in the evening & talked over breaking up the old home he told me he intended giving me the piano (for which I am very thankful) if I had a place to put it, supposing I might be having a house of my own. Many thing [sic] crossed in my mind when thinking of breaking up, it speaks of the uncertainty of life & also makes me feel sad, life is not always easy Wrote to Florrie Mitchell & Marion Horton Alec came home with Jess & stayed all night we all sat round the fire until late talking after which Alec & I had a talk over Jims visit.
Sunday 13
Damp morning up late, Alec Jess & I had a chat in the morning. Ma came to dinner, I went to S School & enjoyed it all went to church but Mr. Par did not come Polly came home with me & Alec with Uncle Kate & Belle came up & stayed for tea & we all had a nice time together we washed up after they had gone & Jess Alec & I sat on the verandah sofa for sometime. Alec went home in good time Jim Dick sent me 4 songs awfully glad.
Monday 14
Uncle away all day Jess came up to dinner Jess & I had tea with Binks Mary & Wesley went to the store with us & Wesley brought us home
Tuesday 15
Busy preparing to go to Yalwal lovely day went to Nowra in the afternoon Mr Robertson Mr Mason & Mrs Bruce were there we went to tennis Mr R & Mr M had tea with us busy packing up after tea then had some music Mr Mason did not stay late & he knew we had to get up early
Wednesday 16
Up very early & got all our things together in good time at ten oclock Annie Foster Kate Belle & I started for Yalwal feeling very new fangled about the trip Mr R & Mr Mason followed in the trap, we had a lovely drive the wild flower were beautiful arrived about half past one had lunch with them at Mrs Allens then climbed up to the cottage on the hills set to work & soon got things into order. the walls were very bare Annie & I nailed tins round the walls & filled them with flowers Mr R & Mr M were backwards & forwards bringing us things, they came up in the evening & we spent a most happy evening.
Thursday 17
Slept late it was grand not to have to get up early oh how we enjoyed the day. In the evening Mr. Robertson Mr. Mason & Mr. Pethrick came up & had dinner with us we were short of dishes & it was fun getting up from the table to wash the dishes for the second course we told them to come in evening dress Mr R & Mr. Mason dressed nicely, especially Mr M & we thought it very respectful & nice of them if it was only in Yalwal everything passed off very happily played cards.
Friday 18
Up at 6 Had a lovely loaf all day. Mr Mason came up the afternoon with some boxes to keep our provisions in Mr R did not come up in the evening as he was busy. Mr M did. we played tiddlewinks [sic] & were very jolly Mr. M. took Kate & I to the top of the top most lovely view Saturday 19Rather warm I scrubbed the kitchen in my night dress great fun. Mr. Mason came up & had afternoon tea with us then both came up in the evening we had a ramble round the creek played old maid & grab, great fun Mr R keeps us lively.
Sunday 20
Up very late very hot, Mr Mason came early in the afternoon it was so hot Annie Belle Mr M & I went into the tunnel it was lovely & cool there & I enjoyed it. Mr. R & Mr M had tea with us out on the verandah we sat out there & had our supper there it was grand.
Monday 21
Still loafing, passed the day reading & sleeping etc. the usual visitors in the evening. Annie tells us plenty stories.
Tuesday 22
The days fly, we never feel them long Mr. R calls often as he passes the cottage sometimes we go with him for a walk we have taken to sitting outside in the evenings the gentlemen amusing themselves smoking
Wednesday 23
Here a week today & still enjoying ourselves asked them up to dinner again tonight & they seemed to enjoy themselves very much & so did we.
Thursday 24
Letters from Jess & Bob & a telegram saying Miss Jackson is dead, we were sorry to hear it deeply grieved for poor Mr. Jackson I wrote to him. How uncertain life is but when one is prepared it is much better to depart & be with Christ we all felt a bit dumpy went for a walk to the town, as usual Mr R & Mr M came up.
Friday 25
Passed the day in the usual way very lazy Mr. M. gave us a ride in the truck which we enjoyed sat outside talking etc [‘Mr Pethrick came’ crossed out]
Saturday 26
Very warm day Mr. Mason came up before we finished tea, we went for a stroll round the hill after which Mr R & Mr Mason gave us a ride in the truck to the top of the tunnel Mr. Pethrick came & we had a great argument upon religious subject & I dont like him, [Spiritualist] I cant like a man who does not believe in the Bible Mr. M. had to sit on a box which he did not seem to object to.
Sunday 27
Dull day in the afternoon Mr. Mason came up & Kate & Annie & I went with him for a walk up the Mt Mr R & [sic] went for a walk later on. Mr M & I left the others behind & got home early & Mr M made the fire & I got the tea he then told me a little about himself & that he was getting [words crossed out] (I treated him badly I think & felt sorry afterwards) after tea was over [UNCLEAR] of us went out onto the [UNCLEAR] & had a little talk I felt so sorry for him we did not have a chance of being much together that night & they left early & we all seemed rather quiet about going away tomorrow & I was unsettled.
Monday 28
Up in fair time packed up & cleaned out the cottage Mr. R. came a little after 11 & we picked up our traps & went down to have lunch with he & Mr. Mason found Mr. M in the office he weighed us, we sat a long time over lunch then went back to the office Mr. M showed us some of his photos, gave me one which is very nice at 3 oclock the buggy came we walked to the town Mr. R & Mr M came with us that far said good bye all looking sorry & waved them off I wonder what will come of that trip it was such a pleasant one enjoyed so much by all we enjoyed the drive home Mother was there to meet us we did not like home much & wished ourselves back in Yalwal.
Tuesday 29
Warm day in the afternoon Belle & Kate drove me to the office we enjoyed the drive immensely the evening was so beautiful Jess was very glad to have me back saw Alec for a while. Polly & we went to church Jess & I talked late about what had happened at Yalwal.
Wednesday 30
Spent the afternoon with Jess, Alec came up at night & we had a long talk about the Yalwal trip etc
Thursday December 1st 1892
Uncle Jess & I went to Nowra in the afternoon & to Mr. Hughes lecture in the evening Jess & I sang, the lecture was very enjoyable & instructive.
Friday 2nd
Raining went down to Binks in the evening also wrote to Miriam & Jess came home & we had mulberrys for supper.
Saturday 3
Still raining did some cooking, made mulberry pies Ebb came to dinner went to Jess in the afternoon & to Pollys for tea Polly came home with me & Alec McGregor & Alec Graham came up & stayed all night Polly Alec & I talked pretty late.
Sunday 4
They all stayed for dinner went to Sunday School & enjoyed it Belle & Mr. Mason came up in the afternoon also Alec I did not enjoy myself very much being troubled Belle & Mr M. went home about 8 oclock I dont feel very bright & happy these times.
Monday 5
Busy in the morning, went down with Jess as usual
Tuesday 6
Uncle & I went to Nowra & stayed until after tea I wrote to Jim Dick
Wednesday 7
Very busy Ma & Maggie came & I went home with them in the afternoon & came back in time for Jess.
Thursday 8
Lovely day wrote to Maggie Dymock did the ironing etc as usual, went with Jess to Nowra had a lovely drive Jess & I sang at the silver reading stayed at Meroogal all night.
Friday 9
Jess & I came home early this morning I did a good clearing up. Jess & I went in to see Mrs. Booth in the evening
Saturday 10
Uncle went to Kangeroo Valley to a tennis match I went to Nowra had a nice letter from Jim Dick did me good, took afternoon tea to tennis & came home with Ebb & Auntie & had tea there Jess came home with me I sat up late for Alec & we had a good talk Jess, Alec & I are dreading me leaving here, we have had so many happy times together
Sunday 11
Late up. Mr. Robertson preached enjoyed Sunday School also Mr Par in the afternoon Josey Hunt & Belle came up & Jess & Alec G perhaps this will be our last Sunday together in the old home after tea & the others had gone Alec Jess & I sat on the sofa & talked
Monday 12
Lovely morning up early & did some work early Mrs. Binks came up in the afternoon to look at some of the things she bought a good many I do feel wretched when I think of breaking up, poor old Jess its horrid leaving her we have been so much to each other & Alec too poor boy, we have all been so happy together such changes are hard but they must come, & they warn us that this is not our rest
Tuesday 13
Beautiful morning Jess & I got up early & did our ironing Uncle went to Nowra, I made the Xmas cakes, the last I shall make here I have been thinking a great deal about all the old associations here Granny & Grandfather, Mag & Jessie & many others Jess & I had dinner together Alec G. came up to tea & stayed for the evening we talked until pretty late had some music
Wednesday 14
George & Mr. Galbraith came this morning all glad to see them Mr. G looked splendid they had breakfast with us & we all went to Aunties for dinner it is nice when Mr G with us again Belle came up with the buggy in the afternoon & we went to Nowra with her spent a very happy evening the Captains tongue going all the time
Thursday 15
Kate & the Captain [Galbraith] went out to pay some calls, I did some sewing in the afternoon Belle & the Captain went to McGregors Mr. Mariott & Mr King (warden) came to tea & Harry Morton later on
[Mr Galbraith had been to Scotland and brought me a silk hanky of Macgregor tartan which I gave to June when they left for overseas.]
Friday 16
Mr. Galbraith went away in the afternoon Mother Belle Geo & I went to the little meadow with him, & we were very sorry to part with him, I came home & Mother went to McGregors
Saturday 17
Wet day Uncle went to Nowra & I to the office Bert Day was there & Lizzie Kellet pleased to see them Lizzie came home with me & stayed a few hours, Minnie came Alec came up late he is dreading the closing of Fairfield
Sunday 18
Wet no church we spent the day quietly at home Alec got up in time for dinner Minnie did not get home until after tea I played while Alec & Uncle had a good talk then Alec & I sang hymns for the last night at Fairfield. I could not sing. Farewell faithful friends it seemed to bring everything back to my mind Alec sung it. (I felt greatly relieved after) Alec decided to stay all night after rolling in his bed & making it hard thinking he would not be sleeping in it any more talking for half & [sic] hour or so for the last time in the old place. I am beginning to feel more resigned about leaving it seems horrid tho to make the rooms bare I shall be glad to be at home,
Monday 19
Nice morning went to see Maggie McPaul married Ma came home with me stayed until after tea Uncle drove her home Jess & I went up to Uncle Sams for a while Pollie gave me a nice pincushion letter from M Dymock
Tuesday 20
Very busy all the morning Pollie Jess & I went to Nowra & got our photo taken together Mr. Mason came down & stayed the night at Meroogal we had some music Jess & Uncle & I did not stay late
Wednesday 21
Lizzie Kellet came also Polly Ebb & Bert Dey to tea we had tea outside Minnie Dubs & Alec came later on we spent a very enjoyable evening
Thursday 22
Lizzie stayed until after dinner it was today we went to Nowra not Tuesday Alec came home with us & stayed all night
Friday 23
Lizzie & I went over to McGregors came back in time for the debate Alec came home with us to Fairfield as we believe for the last time, as he goes to Sydney in the morning he got up to his usual larks & kept us late
Saturday 24
Uncle & I went to Nowra & to tennis in the afternoon but I did not play I stayed all night Kate & I went down town at night everything looked gay for Xmas
Sunday 25
Very hot Kate Bob & I went to Church enjoyed the service fairly well. Bert told me Frank Booth had [UNCLEAR] sorry to hear it we spent the day very quietly.
Monday 26
Kate & I came up to Cambe in the afternoon I did some sewing & we watched the cricket match for a while.
Tuesday 27
Nothing strange happened Mr. Mason & Mr. Pethrick arrived in the coach from Yalwal after a rough trip Mr. Mason came to Meroogal & gave us an account of the trip.
Wednesday 28
Mr. Mason stayed with us & Mr. Pethrick came to see us in the afternoon M & I had a long talk in the evening.
Thursday 29
Mr Mason went to Yalwal Geo drove me home & in the afternoon Polly Uncle & I went to McGregor. Bert [Must have been Bert Dey] was there also Don We had our tea out on the hill stayed until nine oclock Don sang for us Nell came home with us letter from Lill
Friday 30
Raining, wrote to Alec
Saturday 31
Uncle & I went to Nowra & to tennis Sam Glanville Harry & Sep Morton came to tea after tea Harry & Annie Glanville came & the Glanvilles & ourselves saw the New Year in we were sitting at supper how quickly the year has gone.

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
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