Tottie's diary: 1891
Thursday January 1st
No up early after seeing the New Year in Katie Tom & Uncle went to Berry Lil Grandfather & I stayed at home Lil & I had a grand talk. In the evening we went to see the factory & Mrs Binks Uncle brought me a box of cherries from Mr. Galbraith which I thought exceedingly kind of Mr. G. Ebbie & Aleck came up & helped us to eat & pick them.
Friday 2
Very warm morning Lil & I preserved the cherries & I gave the house a good clean up & Lil helped me, after dinner we lay on the bed & talked Lil is very nice indeed she told me a lot about Thom (her boy) after tea Lil Mary Ebbie & I crowded into our little buggy & had a grand drive to Nowra Lil & I stayed all night Wrote to Florrie M. & H. Hunt
Saturday 3
After breakfast Lil [Auntie Jessie’s sister] & I went down town & had a walk round & saw Jessies house [Uncle B’s 1st home with Auntie Jessie] we passed the time until afternoon in rather a lazy fashion Belle Tom Katie & I went to tennis & enjoyed ourselves there Kate & Lil went for a drive & called at Mortons Don & Jess came down & as there were so many Belle & I went to Minnie Millers for tea. Minnie was exceedingly kind to us & we felt it a pleasure to be there we went up to Meroogal about half past 8 had some music & a good feast of fruit
Sunday 4
[Note how the men friends attended church]Tom preached this morning. Mother Belle Bob Tom Katie Lil Mr Galbraith Mr. Blackmore & I went to church I enjoyed the service very much seems to & felt the better of it one seems to need stirring up so often, I am so tired of being luke warm. Mr. Storrier [?? Geologist & friend of Uncles] came home with us & stayed all day, it was a horribly hot day. & Tom had to preach at Pyree Katie went with him he preached in Nowra in the evening Lil & I sat together & enjoyed the service & a good talk on our way home it was so hot we did not go to bed early Katie Lil & I slept together as usual terrible night with heat Katie told me something Uncle said about me
Monday 5
Very hot morning up early & rode Stella home, felt very sorry to leave the girls in the afternoon Uncle & I took the Christmas tree down & got it ready for the S. School children in the evening Mr. Blackmore came up with the magic lantern & we had a very good evening the children enjoying themselves very well
Tuesday 6
Looking for the girls all the morning but they did not put in an appearance until nearly tea time. Lizzie Kellet came to see me & stayed until about 7 oclock I was sorry she came when the girls were here because none of us could have a good talk I went with Katie & Uncle in the buggy as far as Heads corner & Lil & Tom went in the other buggy. Katie hung a carnation in our kitchen & Lil a stick at the door dont I wish they could stay long, the house seemed so quiet after they left I can hardly believe it was their last visit I am thankful we have had such a good time
Wednesday 7
[All these visits and excursions with horses, we would now consider a few miles in a buggy quite an undertaking - and how tiresome with children!!]Grandfather, Uncle & I went to Nowra early in the morning, then Belle Geo Kate Katie Lil & I went to the photographer & had our group taken home to dinner & then came the Goodbyes & last words rather a damp good bye, we were all very very sorry to part we waved each other quite out of sight, feeling “dumpy” partings are very sore & one can hardly imagine what Heaven will be no partings there we thought & spoke of the girls often, had a look thro their room almost expecting to see them there. In the afternoon Jess & ma came down so Kate, Jess, & I came up to Frasers [Cambewarra] to tennis & enjoyed ourselves thought of the girls bowling along in the coach. Kate Brucie & I had a nice drive home Tom & Mother were at the prayer meeting. [The roads through trees mostly, very pretty]
Thursday 8
Very warm morning in the afternoon Kate & Tom went for a drive & Belle took Mother & Grandfather [Thom must have been in his 90s!] down to Pyree & left Grandpa there [wish she had said who with] Miss Foster came up in the afternoon & I went with her to tennis Tom & Kate were there also Mr Storrier, we had some good games Miss Foster Mr. Storrier & Arthur came home with us to tea & spent a most enjoyable evening
Friday 9
Very warm so we did not exert ourselves beautiful southerly in the afternoon so Tom Georgie & I went for a drive to Mount & called at McArthurs & had tea, also pictured Katie & Lil sailing off in the steamer In the evening Tom Mother Kate & I went to the Prayer meeting in the Wesleyan Church but it was not very enjoyable none of us caring much for the ministers. Rained very heavily
Saturday 10
Still raining beautifully Kate & I went down town on business & then for a drive Had a talk to Tom when I came home about Miriam In the evening Tom & I went to meet Uncle comming [sic] from Sydney & we had a long talk about Tom prospects etc Uncle came home very jolly, Tom went to the farm [he had probably gone up to see them off at the boat] & Uncle told us a good deal about Katie & Lill seven years today since Mag was married
Sunday 11
Kates birthday damp morning. Tom is to preach but so few came out that he just expounded part of the 103 Psalm & 12 Chap. Of Roman, I enjoyed the service he is so earnest & seems to impart his earnestness to others Mother Belle & Tom went to Aunties for dinner Geo Bruce & I went to the farm I stayed until after tea Jess came home with me & we had a good talk
Monday 12
Wrote to Lil went down to Nowra (riding) in the afternoon Ebb went with me found the house full of visitors stayed until after tea Jess came home
Tuesday 13
Uncle & I went to Nowra & the Thorburn family got their group taken also one of the house. Tom left for Moree, we did not like him going, & feel rather dumpy Uncle & Jess & I enjoyed a nice melon Wrote to Katie Jess & I talked late Tom got a nice book from Jim Dick from England today
Wednesday 14
Lovely day three years today since Bobs Jessie died poor Bob. Mother & Kate came up to breakfast this morning & Mother stayed went to tennis in the afternoon & we presented Kate Fraser with a pair of pretty brooches for which she was exceedingly thankful Letter from Florrie
Thursday 15
Cleaned up in the morning, Jess came home at dinner time & had a half holiday Mother was with Grandfather so Jess Uncle & I went to Nowra to tennis The Grants Mrs. Stewart her daughter came while we were there Kate went to tennis with us , we enjoyed ourselves grandly. Jess & I went to Minnie Miller to tea, had a nice time with Minnie.
Friday 16
Rather a damp day Uncle went down to Dr Grants & brought Mrs Stewart an old friend of the family & her daughter. Mrs Clayton up to stay all night. I like Mrs Clayton very much indeed & it was such a pleasure to have them & Mother so so pleased. Jess came home & we had some nice music. Mrs C made herself so at home & I felt as tho we had know each other for years. [Often heard A. Kate speak of Claytons, also Jim Stewart a brother of Mrs C’s (also friend of J. A. D) Mrs C a very beautiful woman I used to hear, must have been some link with the Stewarts in the early days]
Saturday 17
Mrs Stewart & Mrs C stayed with us until after dinner the latter did not want to go away & we were sorry to part with them & felt lonely without them. Uncle drove them to Dr Grants. Mother & I read it’s so nice to have her here. Wrote to Nellie Dymock.
Sunday 18
Uncle & I went to Nowra to hear Mr Jackson as usual he was so nice he is a wonder to me, always has something new. Home for Sunday School [We are now at Cambewarra!] & Mr Jackson preached & if anything was nicer than in the morning, being a beautiful text - “The eternal God & thy dwelling place & underneath are the everlasting arms. [Must have been the interim between Dr Grants failing & his successor (Mr Bruce?) as Mr Jackson seemed to go to Cambe too, tho’ stationed at Berry to my recollection. He was very nice to children.]We all gathered as usual after church & discussed church matters with Mr Jackson Ebb & Mary came home with us to tea sat under the trees & ate peaches after tea sat on the stool inside & had a good edifying talk & I felt much the better of it & Mary enjoyed it too. It is so nice to be able to talk freely without being snubbed or laughed at, one feels afraid often to express an opinion Retired feeling thankful for such a good day
Monday 19
Busy in the morning in the afternoon Grandfather [who has evidently returned from Pyree] & I took Mother home to Nowra Kate & I had a game of tennis for practise came home in the moonlight.
Tuesday 20
Made an old shirt into quite a decent one & felt quite pleased with myself. Belle came up in the afternoon took a walk round & sat in the hay, reminding us of bygone day. Tom had a long letter from J. Dick his messages to us is just like what he used to say to us, he says he is looking old fat short, ugly! how glad we shall all be to see him again. After Belle left I payed the Binks a visit
Wednesday 21
Very busy, turned another old shirt & made it look very decent the day passed so quickly because I was interested & busy. Went to tennis at Frasers as usual. [Frasers very plain looking to my recollection, but married this late in life mostly] Kate & Minnie Miller were there & we had some splendid sets Glorious night after very hot day I wonder how Lil & Kate are I often think of them
Thursday 22
Grandfather Uncle & I went to a congregational Meeting in Nowra Which last from half past 11 until 2!! Mr Burgess & Mr. Jackson were there & Dr Grants resignation was accepted In the afternoon Uncle Kate & I went to tennis had a lovely moonlight drive home
Friday 23
Very busy in the evening Mary Kate Fraser Ebb Dubbs & I went for a ride to Meroogal it was lovely indeed had a regular scamper home I for one felt very very happy & contented. Geo & Bruce went to Berrima
Saturday 24
Did an extra bit of cooking today Belle came up in the evening for a drive & got some peaches Aleck came up for tea & stayed all night
Sunday 25
Uncle Grandfather & I went to Nowra morning & evening to church. Mr. Milne Mrs. Burgess brother preached & I liked him very much came home to Sunday School & went back to Nowra to church at night
Monday 26
Very warm day preserved peaches all the morning. Mr. Thompson [must have been a vet?]came to see Stella. In the evening Kate Fraser Uncle & I went to an amateur play in Nowra & enjoyed ourselves grandly.
Tuesday 27
Uncle started for the Kiama Show Pa & Grandfather went to Coolangatta Minnie Maggie & baby came & stayed with me we preserved more peaches Babies kept me busy [Elgin was a great stir about at that age]
Wednesday 28
Did more peaches. I went to tennis in the afternoon met Mr. Milne [v. handsome man] & liked him. Minnie & the babys waited at Binks for me Grandfather came home Shocked to hear of Mrs Nugents death
Thursday 29
More preserving peach jam the babies kept us from being lonely got them to bed early & had a good read
Friday 30
Min & I felt rather tired Kate & Minnie Miller came up in the evening & got peaches had a good time together Uncle came home Ma & Don came & took the children the place is so lonely without them. Grandfather not well
Saturday 31
Rained Grandfather would not go to Nowra I was so disappointed but it turned out for the best Uncle was at Nowra but as usual did not give me much news
Sunday February 1st
Lovely morning & I did enjoy the prospect of going to Nowra to church we all went Mr. Milne preached & I enjoyed his sermon so much Text "And I if I be lifted up will draw all men into me, he explained the subject so beautifully & indeed it was good to hear We came home to S. School Uncle & I (Grandfather stayed in Nowra) had tea at Matthews Mary & I had a nice talk & Kate & Mr. Galbraith came up & we had some nice grapes Mr. Jackson preached at night & stayed with us his visit was profatable & enjoyable
Monday 2
Up early as Mr Jackson had to go to Nowra early. Uncle Polly & I went to Nowra met Mr Jackson & Milne on the bridge at Nowra Mr. Galbraith took Belle Mary & me out for a lovely drive in the afternoon Mary went home with Uncle
Tuesday 3
Did some cooking for Kate, in the afternoon Mrs McKay & Mrs. Milne came & Belle Kate Mr. Milne Mr. Galbraith & I went for a lovely row in the boat up Nowra Creek, Enjoyed ourselves very much Bob came home in the evening & we had a lot of music Mr. Milne sings very nicely, Late when we retired
Wednesday 4
After work in the morning Mr. Milne Minnie & I went for a walk over the suspension bridge & to the [sic] see the impression of the sands, home for dinner after which Belle Mr M & I went up to McGregors & spent a very jolly time Mr. M is very nice & one thing I like about him he is not afraid to show & that he is not ashamed of his religion Belle & I drove him home after 8 oclock to McArthurs
Thursday 5
Spent a pleasant morning with Minnie Miller got tea for Kate & we went to bed early
Friday 6
Nellie Dymock & Jessie Kinross are comming [sic] on Tuesday. Grandfather & I came home before dinner & I set to & did a lot of work Polly took a run up to see us in the evening. My heart aches for the Nugents their Mother gone & Father just going a double bereavement which none but God can help them bear, oh how thankful we should be that we have not such sorrow.
Saturday 7
Very busy until afternoon Belle & Kate came up & Belle stayed. Uncle went for Mr. Milne but he was so late going that they did not get here until after dark we were sorry Mr. M did not get up earlier we all like him very much one think [sic] I like he is so sympathetic & one is not afraid to speak freely to him, we enjoyed the evening very much
Sunday 8
Beautiful morning & I enjoyed the good company we had a nice talk before going to church Belle Grandfather & Uncle went in the buggy & Mr Milne & I walked I had to play in church & felt very nervous Mr. Milne preached well & many enjoyed the service we all went to Uncle Matthews for dinner & had a nice time together. Then Uncle & Mr Milne went to Bolong Grandfather & I were left alone
Monday 9
Busy preparing for Jessie & Nellie coming. Walked down to see Jess & she came home with me to tea poor old Mr. Nugent died to day poor Jo wrote to Jo & Florrie
Tuesday 10
Did a lot of cooking heavy rain in the afternoon & it was wet when I had to start for Jessie Kinross & Nellie Dymock. Met them at the cross roads at 7 oclock & we all felt very glad & happy together Jess came home too
Wednesday 11
Lovely morning Jess Nell & I talked nearly all the morning. Mr. Dymock sent me "The greatest thing in the world" & I prize it much somehow when I am with the Dymocks I feel so happy In the afternoon we went to Uncle Matthews then to tennis at Frasers & had a great time then Mr. Galbraith came home with us & stayed all night
Thursday 12
Nell Jess & I went to the Berry show & had a glorious time was very glad to meet Florrie Mitchell there also Mr. Milne the show was good & it was one of the best days I have spent for a long time. Kate came as far as the cross roads with Jess & Nell & I with Mr. Milne, Mr M Kate & I had tea at Jacksons & it was a happy time I felt prouder of Mr. Jackson than ever. Jess was there when we came home & we girls had a grand long talk
Friday 13
Up in good time & got a lot of work done before breakfast after which we talked went to see Mrs Binks had dinner & drove over to the farm had tea & a very merry time got to Nowra about 6 & went out in the boat with Mr. Milne came home had some music Kate & I drove Mr M home went to bed I slept with Jess & Nell
Saturday 14
Late up passed the morning cooking talking, & music had an early dinner & took Jess & Nell to the coach all feeling very sorry that they had gone so soon I felt very sorry After seeing them off had a sleep then got tea ready for tennis & Kate Belle & I went to tennis Rather late returning thought often of the girls [I think we are now at Meroogal!]
Sunday 15
Very hot morning Mr. Milne preached splendidly. Text What doest thou here Elija it was grand & I felt the better of the service & so glad to see how earnest he is in his work Phillip Morton & Mr Ewens had lunch with us Mr. M preached at night & was very good again
Monday 16
Up in good time helped to preserve peaches. In the afternoon Uncle & Mr Milne came. Kate Bob & I went to tennis & all the others went out in the boat Had tea together then I came home with Uncle
Tuesday 17
Preserved peaches tidied up read some of Addison, Polly came up & had tea with us Rev Mr King called we went to church. Belle & Mr. Galbraith came up Belle stayed all night
Wednesday 18
Very hot too hot for work. Uncle went to Berry. Belle & I went for a drive in the evening
Thursday 19
Up early Belle & I did a lot of cooking Uncle went to the Nowra show in the afternoon Belle & I went home. & Miss Foster, Alice McArthur Mr. Milne Mr. Galbraith & I went out in the boat & had tea out, had a very pleasant row.
Friday 20
Went to the show Florrie Mitchell was there, enjoyed ourselves fairly well Mr. Milne made the afternoon more enjoyable, Uncle & I came home in good time. [Mr M. very good company. He had Dr Matheson’s hymn in MSS form & was the first I heard sing it. Had a good voice]
Saturday 21
Usual Saturday work, Did some shopping Jess came up to tea & Kate came up & stayed all night for which I was very thankful
Sunday 22
Uncle & I went to West Cambe to hear Mr. Milne we had to do all the singing. Mr. Milne subject was Pauls conversion he explained so clearly what conversion is & was so earnest I enjoyed the service very much Don & Jess were here to dinner I went to Sunday School. After lunch Rev Mr. George preached but I did not enjoy his sermon so much after hearing Mr. Milne, Kate went home & Uncle & I had tea with Polly came home & had a read
Monday 23
Rained nearly all day had a good practise Uncle Polly & I were to have gone (riding) to Mr Jacksons lecture at Meroo, but it was too wet so I spent an hour or so with Mrs Binks instead Grandfather has been so well the last week
Tuesday 24
Uncle Mary & I went to Nowra, also Grandfather had a game of tennis then went to the Wesleyan anniversary meeting Many speeches were made but none to equal Mr Milnes, [!!] we enjoyed the meeting Grandfather & I stayed all night I had a nice jolly letter from Bert
Wednesday 25
Came home in the afternoon & went to Frasers to tennis Belle Kate Bob Mr Galbraith Miss Foster A Morton & Mr. Miller were there & we had a jolly time Kate & I went down to Nowra in time for the prayer meeting Mr Milne conducted it, I did like it so much
Thursday 26
Up early went with Mrs Miller to the Kangeroo Valley to see the Nugents & Florrie poor things. it makes one long to be able to help them in their sorrow & yet so little can be done We stayed all night they had visitors so we had some nice music
Friday 27
Mrs. Miller & I went to the show Bob was there & Florrie came later on we enjoyed ourselves S Morton was being thoughtful & kind Mr McCourt & Mr Galbraith were there too. Uncle came over & I came home with him Mother was just going to bed when we arrived
Saturday 28
Mother Uncle & I went to tennis in the afternoon & had a splendid game enjoyed myself very much. Had a letter from Miriam & liked it
Sunday March 1st
Uncle & I went down to Nowra to church Mr. Milne preached splendidly & the service was so enjoyable Came home to Sunday School. Mr Jackson preached at night splendidly he is a man in a hundred for goodness etc Jess came home with us
Monday 2
Rather rainy. Made jam & preserved some peaches letter from Georgie Feeling very lonely. Don & Jess came up at tea time
Tuesday 3
Uncle went to Sydney to the Assembly. I went to Nowra & brought Mother up. came home by the farm Then went for a ride with Polly Came home & went out again with Dubs
Wednesday 4
Tennis in the afternoon Minnie Miller & Arthur came from Nowra, & we had a fairly good game. Don & Jess stayed all night with us Note from Tom
Thursday 5
Took Mother & Grandfather to see a sick man. Very warm day
Friday 6
Did a lot of cooking today Met Uncle at the coach in the evening Mother Uncle & I had a good talk about the Assembly.
Saturday 7
Uncle & I went to Nowra in the afternoon & to tennis had a good time Mr. Milne came to Meroogal & had tea with us also H Morton after which Mr Milne Uncle & I came home had a good talk Mother was glad to be here
Sunday 8
Enjoyed a quiet time before lunch with Mr M & Mother too Nice morning Mr. Milne preached about Christ in the ship & the storm, the sermon was so good earnest & full of the truth, I enjoyed playing better than usual & the singing was very good. We all went to Matthews for dinner & had about 2 hours together Mr M gave us some good & helpful advice Uncle took him to Nowra & we went to S School then Mother Grandfather & I had tea at Aunties Came home read for a while & went to bed early.
Monday 9
Mother went to Nowra but came back again I had a fine practise Went to bed early to prepare for tomorrow wrote to Nellie Dymock.
Tuesday 10
[I remember this trip well]Up early. Lilly Billis birthday did some cooking & at one oclock started with our horse & buggy & met Mr. Galbraith Mr. Milne Miss Ceasar Belle Kate Nell & we all started for the Fitzroy Falls, walked a little up the Mt when we got to the top Mr. Milne got in with me & drove we had a very lovely drive the Mountains looking lovely. Mr M never saw anything so beautiful we talked & sang & passed the time very pleasantly got very hungry & arrived at the Falls an hour after the others & ate a most hearty tea, then proceeded to Mrs. Cunninghams [a boarding house. Grand old place] for the night had delicious bread & butter for supper Retired late feeling that we could never forget this lovely drive
Wednesday 11
Belle Nell Mr. Galbraith & I got up early & walked to the Falls. they were looking lovely came back to breakfast & enjoyed it immensely after which we all started out to the Falls. I had a good look round then as Mr. Milne leg was sore we left him alone & we went down to the foot of the Falls were away 2 hours. Back to lunch which was very nice had another look at the Falls a sight so beautiful that one could never forget it making one think of the Creator. started for home at 3 oclock Mr. Milne & Nell & I went in Mr. G. buggy & Belle & Kate in ours as it was more comfortable when we got near K Valley Mr M & I got out in our buggy after which it poured rain, we called to see Florrie & Jo for a few minutes it poured rain still harder & we were quite wet however we arrived at the top of the Mt safely Mr Milne went with the other to Nowra from Head corner & I came home had a nice hot supper & retired. Thankful for having such a good time & for the safe arrival of all at home.
Thursday 12
Rather a dull morning. After an early dinner Uncle & I started for Nowra & met Mr. Milne at the bridge with the buggy coming to take me to Nowra which was very kind of him. I came back & got him dinner & he had a chat with Mother about half past two we started for Nowra & had a nice drive stayed at Meroogal until half past five & had some fun Mr M & Kate & I went down to McArthurs to tea after which a good many people came & had a lively evening
Friday 13
Very hot morning, too hot for work after dinner Mr Milne rode up & when it got a little cool he drove me up to Frasers & had a game of croquet had tea & some music & at nine oclock saw him safely onto the road & then came home Jess coming with us. I had a great deal of pleasure & felt very thankful for it
Saturday 14
Wet all day worked sewed practised read & talked with Mother Am afraid Sunday will be wet
Sunday 15
Very wet day Jessie came up in the morning Mother & I had a good read we were very sorry to miss hearing Mr Milne
Monday 16
Rather damp. Mother & I did a lot of cooking. I did shopping in the afternoon Wesley Binks brought Jess home & Mr Milne & Uncle Kenny came & we had a jolly evening.
Tuesday 17
Up very early & Mr Milne Uncle Kate Fraser Mary & I started up the Mt before 8 oclock & had a grand time had an early tea with Mrs Baldy. Came home had more tea & Mr Milne Uncle Wesley Bink Mary & I went to hear Mr Jacksons lecture at Meroo all riding & we had a very jolly time Mr Milne & I had such a nice talk about doing ones duty. Heard from Sydney that Harold Hunt is very dangerously ill. Very very sorry to hear it, it seems so sad but it shows how little one can trust in life
Wednesday 18
Late up this morning. preserved pears after breakfast. Then Mother & I had a good talk with Mr. Milne after the work was finished & in the afternoon Uncle joined us & we had a good crack together All went to Frasers to tennis & enjoyed Mrs McKays & Mrs Miller company. Mr M Uncle & Mother went to the Prayer Meeting & Grandfather & I stayed at home
Thursday 19
Grandfather Uncle & I went to Nowra to church Mr Milne preached 2nd Chap. I Cor. Eye hath not seen etc his preaching seem to go straight to the people & I like his preaching very much Georgie & Brucie came up
Friday 20
Georgie & I made cakes & jam Bruce made us sit in the hay with him went for a stroll
Saturday 21
Uncle Grandpa & I went to Nowra to dinner Mr Burgess preached & we enjoyed the service Mr B came up to Meroogal for dinner & we spent a pleasant time together Belle went with me to Dr Kings rather a trying time for me
Sunday 22
Enjoyed the communion service very much oh to be living altogether for the Master, one gets so disheartened the sin within is hard to overcome Mr Burgess preached again at night
Monday 23
Church this morning I went with Mrs McKay to Mrs. Millers for dinner
Tuesday 24
Arthur Morton came up to Meroogal & measured the tennis court then drove me up to Frasers. Uncle Mr Milne & Mary were there & we had a game of tennis, Kate Fraser came up with me to tea & then we went to hear Mr King preach, Cambe cut off from Berry & Mr Jackson is no longer our minister & we are all very very sorry indeed [Evidently Cambe was [UNCLEAR] from Berry, didn’t know this]
Wednesday 25
Not many at tennis today Mr Jackson came over to see some of the people Mr Milne went to the farm with Jess & I had a good talk to Jo
Thursday 26 £1
Uncle & I went to Nowra I sang at the Silver reading. Judging by the applause the audience was pleased Nellie came home with us
Saturday 28
Busy all the morning Mary came up in the evening & I went for a walk with her Wrote to Katie Billis
Sunday 29
Went to hear Mr Milne in the morning enjoyed the service home for S. School Mr King preached in the afternoon we all went to Pollys for tea & Polly & I had a grand talk & I was very very thankful for the turn the conversation took, good for both of us. Mr. Jackson preached his farewell sermon & it was splendid he spoke very feelingly to us of leaving Cambe, I was completely upset, his leaving means to us many a good sermon lost he stayed with us all night his visits are always a pleasure
Monday 30
Monday morning Mr J & Uncle went out visiting Ma, Pa & Jess came, & Mr Milne & Kate we had a jolly time when Mr J & Uncle came Kate Fraser was also here. we spent a very pleasant time one [of] the most pleasant evenings we have had & one that I wont forget
Tuesday [Monday crossed out] 31
Mr Jackson left early then Kate & Mr. Milne Dubbs Jess & I went to Nowra in the evening Mr. M & Alice McArthur were there & we had a lively evening
Wednesday April 1st
Lovely drive to the office this morning Florrie came & we were very glad to have her we had a nice walk home had a cup of tea prepared dinner & took a walk round enjoying ourselves grandly went to tennis in the afternoon Florrie made a good attempt. Both pretty tired & retired early & enjoyed ourselves
Thursday 2
Wet day Uncle went to Berry Florrie & I had a grand day together made quince jelly & toffee had some music etc Jess came home in the evening [a pleasant old kitchen with open fireplace as well as stove]
Friday 3
Florrie & I went to Nowra had dinner at Minnie Millers then went to Meroogal for a little while then to the office to meet the coach as Florrie had to go back to the Valley we were very sorry to part with her & wished she could have stayed a long time with us poor Florrie she is a little brick
Saturday 4
Busy most of the day everything in good order. Mr Milne & Belle came up for tea it was very nice to have them. Aleck Jessie & Wes Binks came & we had rather a jolly evening. Mr Milne visits are always a pleasure he is always so happy & bright, one cannot help being influenced & made happy thro seeing him happy Very late to bed
Sunday 5
Enjoyed the service this morning Mr Milnes text was in Luke "And He set His face to go to Jerusalem" he brought it out so clearly about setting our faces towards Jerusalem as Christ did. oh what a priviledge it is to hear that truth brought out in all its simplicity. Had dinner at Aunties & spent a nice hour or so together Then Mr Milne addressed the S. School very nicely the[n] he came home & had tea with us & Uncle took him to Nowra Jess & I read until bed time
Monday 6
Up early made puff paste tartlets also cakes & felt very tired after went out in the afternoon to arrange about Mr Jackson farewell tea on Wednesday night met Bob at the office.
Tuesday 8
[I think she was often anaemic tho’ there was also plenty of [UNCLEAR] to tire her & no fun was ever turned down!]Very tired, was longing for Mother, & she popped in with Geo & gave me a great surprise awfully glad to see her Went to the office & had a good talk [phone] with Florrie & said good bye as she is to go home tomorrow Jess & I had tea at Aunties.
Wednesday 9
Up in fair time Mother & I got the work done & I went down to the School of Arts & prepared everything for Mr. Jacksons tea Uncle gave me a new dress for which I was very grateful Came home & dressed & all of us went down Mrs Morton Min Ceasar & Arthur were at Frasers we had one game of tennis Then went to the School of Arts laid the table in great style everything look splendid Belle Geo & Mr Milne arrived in good time also Mr Jackson we got all seated at the table at 7 oclock sang grace after which all seemed to enjoy the good thing the tea was a great success Mr Milne was boss so we had some good music & very lively games & a few speeches to end up with we enjoyed ourselves very much & everything went off splendidly I feel so thankful Mr Jackson & Milne came home with us & we all sat talking at the fire until one oclock & regretting the night was so short as it was our last night together for sometime but we all felt that we had had a really good time
Thursday 10
[Uncle seemed very lenient about meal hours]We did not get to breakfast until nearly 9 oclock the talk at breakfast I enjoyed very very much in fact all seemed so happy together Mr M & I had a good sensible talk after breakfast then they all went away feeling sorry at having to go. It was very quiet for Grandfather & me that we got thro the day better than we expected & Jess came home at night Friday 10 I did all my Saturday work in the evening Jess & I went down to Nowra to see Miriam we were dreadfully disappointed all of us I cannot describe the feeling
Saturday 11
Went to tennis in the afternoon & had a jolly time Georgie came home with us
Sunday 12
Mr Waugh preached in the afternoon Text “Understandeth though what thou readest” I enjoyed the sermon very much it rained & Geo stayed on with us
Monday 13
Still raining I altered skirt of my black dress practised wrote to Florrie & the day passed well it is so nice to have Georgie here
Tuesday 14
Raining improved on the body of my dress also had a good read & practise This is Harold Hunts birthday I hope he is getting well. Tomorrow will be my birthday as I look back on the past year it seems crowded with blessing & also crowded with mistakes, I see so many places where I have failed, yet I seem to see an improvement & feel that I have grown in grace but not as I should have liked Birthdays are serious events [UNCLEAR] to be brought face to face with the swiftness of time & the need of improvement. Somehow I feel sad tonight
Wednesday 15
Today is my birthday how old I am getting & yet I dont feel a day older, I feel like a young girl. I have been very happy today Donald Auntie & Jess have been very kind & thoughtful Don gave me a nice pair of gloves. Auntie an apron Jess a very pretty glass jug. Oh how I have appreciated the thoughtfulness of each one, I hope the coming year will find me more earnest in the Masters work & more like him at the end. Georgie is with us still. Fine evening.
Thursday 16
Raining still did more sewing nothing particular happened
Friday 17
Still raining pretty fair in the afternoon so Geo & I rode over to the Farm met Tom in the coach going up to Yass, he looks very thin & worn.
Saturday 18
Fairly fine Georgie went home & Belle came up in the evening with Uncle
Sunday 19
Too wet for church I got a little lecture with [sic] made me very sorry I always seem to be doing something wrong, oh if I could only live like the Master, words cannot express the longing within to do right Mr Galbraith & Aleck came in the afternoon & took Belle home I had a nice letter from Mr. Milne it came just at the right time we were pleased to see he had not forgotten us.
Monday 20
Not very fine but Miriam came up With Uncle in the evening we had a profitable conversation
Tuesday 21
Tom came this morning we were glad to see him poor fellow we stayed at home all day Tom made me a birthday present of a sovereign he is altogether too good too [sic] me Uncle robbed the bees & got a nice lot of honey.
Wednesday 22
Tom & Uncle went to Nowra Miriam & I stayed at home they came about four oclock & Uncle & I went to tennis. Sat a long time at tea & had a very nice talk.
Thursday 23
Uncle, Tom, Miriam went up the Mt in the morning back for dinner poor Miriam I do feel sorry for her Tom had to go to Moss Vale by coach & Uncle Miriam & I went to Nowra Sorry Miriam felt saying goodbye so much poor girl Came home by Aunties. Lorrie Hall Mr Bowie & Mr McDonald were there
Friday 24
Troubled with bronchitis last night rather shaky this morning. Troubled much for M & Tom.
Saturday 25
Uncle & I went to tennis & had a splendid game Wrote to James
Sunday 26
Grandfather & I went to Nowra to church Mr Anson Smith preached, but I did not care much for him he is so dry after Mr Milne. Enjoyed S School Mr King preached in the afternoon liked him very well.
Monday 27
Busy all the morning Did some shopping in the afternoon Kate, & Minnie Miller came up & stayed to tea & we had a jolly time. Wrote to Florrie Belle & I intend going to Sydney Saturday or Monday great rejoicings
Tuesday 28
Went down to Nowra in the afternoon Georgie & Mother [‘Mother’ crossed out] came up in my place
Wednesday 29
Kate & Belle started my dress & got on splendidly I did the cooking, had a good game of tennis in the afternoon
Thursday 30
Did some cooking Kate getting on grandly with the dress we went to tennis in the afternoon Retired early
Friday May 1st
All hands busy in the morning Mr. Galbraith Nell & I drove up to Cambe Georgie went home & I stayed
Saturday 2 £2
Very busy all the morning packed up everything ready for going to town on Monday Had a good game of tennis in the afternoon.
Sunday 3
Damp morning Mr Blackmore & I drove up to Cambe to church enjoyed the service very much went up home with Kate Howe to Nowra in the evening Too wet to go out
Monday 4
Up early packed up & Belle Bob & I started off for Sydney had a nice drive in the coach I called to see Mr Burgess for a few minutes Had a splendid ride up in the train Nellie Dymock & Mr Waugh came a short way with us we were very glad to meet Got into Sydney at 6 Donald & Bert met us, saw Mr Hewlett Got to Florries in good time
Tuesday 5
Tom came in the morning to see us After lunch Belle & I went down town saw Mr Blackmore Banfield & Alf then went to see Aleck Graham & gave him a great surprise he was very glad to see us. After that we went to the Coffee Palace Bob came & we sat down to tea Tom Davies there Mr Hewlett & Mr Alcorn & we had a very jolly time Bob Tom Belle & I started for Mr Milnes welcome meeting to Chalmers church met Rev Mr Cosh in the bus, Don joined us at the church Mr Milne soon recognised us but could not come from the platform to speak. The speeches were very fair Mr Collies the best of the evening. The welcome given to Mr Milne was very hearty. Singing very good After the speeches we had refreshments & closed. Then Bob introduced us to many people, Lamonds asked us to dinner on Sunday. I spoke to Jessie & Jack Kinross Then Mr Milne made his way to us & gave us a very hearty welcome introduced us to Mr Cragie & others we also spoke to Mr Colley. Mr. Milne enquired about all the Nowra friends asked us to go to see him & made arrangements to come & see us tomorrow. Then Don came home with us & we were well pleased with our day, it was very good
Wednesday 6
Belle & I went to Horden [sic] in the morning called at Sids Bank and gave him a surprise then went to the Coffee Palace & Bob Tom Don Miriam & Belle & me had dinner together After which Bob Don Belle & I went to Lassaters & bought some things then Don took us up the post office tower & we enjoyed the view very much then we went to the York Street Centenary Hall then to the Centennial Hall, which is a lovely Hall. Home at 6 oclock after tea Mr Milne came & we had a lively time & enjoyed his company, then a little while after Bert dropt in & we were very glad to see him & enjoyed the evening very much After Mr M went Bert examined my teeth & decided to draw them for me we also had a good chat at 11 he went home & Florrie & I had a good talk before going to bed, it did me good & Florrie too I believe
Thursday 7
Stayed at home all the morning went with Donald to the station & saw Tom off then to the Coffee Palace met Rev Mr & Mrs smith & Bob had tea & Bob took us to hear Elijah at the Centennial Hall Madame Patley sang. I enjoyed the musical part very much Belle got sick & we had to come home, she was so ill I felt alarmed.
Friday 8
Belle was not well enough to go out in the morning so we stayed in until nearly 4 oclock & went over to see Bert he wrapped her up & gave her some hot whisky which made her feel very much better then he proceeded to draw two teeth for me & did them very well indeed, he was exceedingly kind to us, we stayed until about 6 & he came home with us & had tea & stayed very late we enjoyed having him very much best of the lot we say
Saturday 9
Very cold morning Belle & I did some shopping at Hordens saw Mrs & Miss Whittel home for dinner Don came round a half past three & we went to see Mr Milne found him out, so went to the gardens. Home for tea at Sam Vance Florrie Ida & I went down Glebe Road to do a little shopping met Sid & he came home with us but would not stay.
Sunday 10
Went to Chalmers Church to hear Mr Milne enjoyed the service very much Jimmie looked very nice after church we had a lovely drive home with the Lamonds they made us very welcome & we enjoyed ourselves very much. After dinner I went to S. School with the girls & took a class Jimmie was very surprised to see me. Belle came after us & when we were going home Marion Lockyer saw us & made us go in to see her for a few minutes. Had tea & came to church with the Lammonds. enjoyed night service fairly well. Tired & glad to get home.
Monday 11
Lovely morning Jessies birthday Did a little work in the morning then went down, met Mr Blackmore quite unexpectedly had some grapes & the three of us went down to the Circular Quay to see Miss Ceasar [sic] off for England Met Arthur & Phillip Morton & Jessie Saunders saw the Halls & Stubbons. We had a good while with Miss Ceasar felt very sorry to see her go said a rather damp goodbye waiting on the wharf & waved her out of sight I feel quite sad when I think of her poor girl Mr Blackmore took us to the Metropole for dinner After which we went to see Mr Phillip & Mr Darley did some shopping came home. About eight oclock Sid came & shortly after Aleck we had the usual jolly time with them & felt the better of their visit we retired tired & sleepy but all in good humour
Tuesday 12
Letter from Kate this morning She seemed in good spirits Belle & I started for Hordens at 10 oclock & did a splendid mornings shopping had lunch & did more shopping while we were buying books Annie Bennet & Mrs. Kellet came in & we were very delighted to meet & we promised to go out for a few days. Met Hugh Blackmore & he walked home with us about half past seven Bert came to see us & we enjoyed his company as much as usual his throat was sore & Florrie treated him to some gruel we all seem to like him best of all Very late going to bed
Wednesday 13
Cold morning Belle & I went out in the morning shopping. Met Mr & Mrs Whittel at Hordern had lunch down town & ran against Mr Blackmore met Florrie & Jimmie at the Circular Quay & went round the gardens & Art Gallery, & had a very good time Florrie & Jimmie had to go home so we had tea at the Fresh Food & ice Co & then went to the Coffee Palace & met Mr Hewlett had a good talk with him Went to Jimmies prayer meeting met the Lamond Aleck met us there & walked home to Florries with us found Don there, had a jolly time together
Thursday 14
Went shopping in the morning got back to Florries about half past four packed up & a little after five started for Blackmores where we received a warm welcome I retired early Got a nice cigar case for Bert. Friday 15 Had a lovely sleep after breakfast did a little work & read & wrote home In the afternoon we walked over to Kinrosses & found Jessie & Lizzie at home & was nice as ever about 4 Mr Milne came in as jolly as usual we had afternoon tea & Belle Mr Milne & I went into Berts rooms but he had not arrived & Mr. Milne could not wait long so he went back in Kinrosses shortly after Bert came in & drew my teeth & painted my throat we stayed with him for a little While & then went back to Kinrosses & had dinner with them Mr Milne stayed until 8 oclock & we had some nice music I enjoyed myself very much indeed Jessie, Lizzie & Jack came part of the way with us & we got home to Blackmores in good time I retired in good time
Saturday 16
Stayed at home all the morning in the afternoon called for Florrie & went to Mr Barnets to tennis. There were two Miss Duckers Miss Little Bert Don Tom Barnet Mr Little Rose Pulman & her brother Mr Milne Mr Barnet & Dolly & another lady & gentleman. Bert & I played Tom Barnet & Miss Little Bert & I won 6+2 & of course we were very pleased with ourselves, none of the ladys could play well we all stayed for tea which was very nice then we had some music then supper, we enjoyed ourselves very well Bert came with Belle & me to Missenden Road when we sat & talked waiting for the tram Bert very pleased with his cigar case we got home about 10 has [sic] supper & retired
Sunday 17
Rather tired this morning we went with the Blackmores to hear their minister enjoyed the service fairly well. I went to S. School after dinner had an early tea sang some hymns for Hugh then Belle & I went to the Glebe Church & heard W Dill Mackey & I enjoyed the service very much Don & Bert met us outside also saw Aleck Graham, Bert came to Missenden Road too tired to go father [sic] Don came to Johnstone street we got home safely sat talking for a while had supper & cleared to bed
Monday 18
Stayed in & rested all the morning, afternoon went to Kinrosses had a chat for a while & Maggie Gardiner came & we had a jolly time Belle Jessie Maggie G & I started for the Hospital at half past 3 I went thro the wards with the girls & Belle waited to meet Bert but he could not come so we went back to Kinrosses & had some fun. Belle & I went to Berts room found him at home & stayed for half an hour talking had fine fun Bert was sorry he could not get to the Hospital with us. However we arranged to go on Saturday. Went back to Kinrosses & had dinner Anna Gardiner was there & we had a very jolly dinner. We girls went up stairs after & had some music & gay talk Left for home at half past 8 very pleased with our day Got home in good time
Tuesday 19
Went into town in the morning & did some shopping went to the Arcade & had a rest in Mr Blackmores office Mr Hall came in for a few minutes then Mr B took us to lunch at Quong Tarts & introduced us to Q.T. showed us thro his drawing room met Mr & Mrs Kellet on our way back so we spent the afternoon with them looking for Kates cloak got a nice one at last. Went to the Coffee Palace had a wash & a rest & proceeded to the F F & Ice Co & had tea walked up to the train & met Mr Sullivan had a talk with him got up to the Railway Station at 6 met Miriam while she was having tea Jessie & Lizzie Kinross came they had a good look at M but thought with us that she is too old for T. After seeing her off in the train we 4 girls came as far as Newtown in the train there was company when we got home we rather enjoyed the evening, had a grand supper & some fun after all the visitors cleared out
Wednesday 20
Wet day did a little cooking in the morning in the afternoon Belle & I went to Lamonds in spite of the rain had a jolly time there returned home at 9 & found Mr & Mrs Stevens here
Thursday 21
Rather damp morning made some lollies for Dottie in the afternoon went out to Kellets for the night got some medicine from a chemist for billiousness
Friday 22
Helped Mrs Kellet with the work & in the afternoon the three of us went to see Jessie Bice, found everything very nice had afternoon tea & walked home to Blackmores I spent a jolly evening they are so kind & good to us
Saturday 23
Made scones & gingerbread in the morning in the afternoon Mr Blackmore Belle & I went to the Hospital left Mr Blackmore then & we went to Berts room & found him waiting for us, then we started for the Hospital & he took us all thro then walked to the Deaf & Dumb institution with us but would not come in stood talking for some time said goodbye & Belle & I went to see Mrs McLeod Bonnie was there & we had tea in the large room with the children After tea some of the blind children sang & played for us very nicely & I sang for them poor things it is so sad to see them & makes me feel how thankful we should be for having all our senses. After leaving Mrs McLeod we went to Kinrosses Jessie Lizzie & the two Miss Gardiners were there we spent a very nice hour there & got home in decent time had supper & retired
Sunday 24
Went to Church in the morning with the Blackmores, & also to their S. School in the afternoon. In the evening Belle & I went in to Chalmers Church met Bert standing on the steps, so we went in together & sat together I enjoyed the service very well but my thought wandered a bit met the Lamonds, Bert came with us walked to the Newtown road & found the train full walked back to the next place & waiting for a while & got plenty of room Bert left us there we got home safely glad for having such a good time [NB- loose sheet of note paper inserted between these pages: Mr Storrier (Govt. Geologist) “Virgie”, who was she? Her name has cropped up at various times, once in a book she had given to Aunt Belle - but can’t now remember wh. Book - no surname either I think.“Minnie Miller” I remember, admired her very much as a small child - they were at Forest Lodge (Meroo) before the Giles - Mrs Miller fair & tall, v. stylish.The Hayes, [UNCLEAR] Marriott, Mortons also often mentioned, the latter always popping to meals, staying a night etc. They then lived at Numbaa.Stewarts & Claytons? Ask Miss Evans (stayed with Grants)Dymocks, Kinrosses Often mentions singing at the “Silver Reading” at Nowra]
Monday 25
Up in good time made scones & cakes before breakfast Belle & Alf went to the service & the Blackmore family & I went to the Gardens where Belle & Alf met us & also the Wraggs we had lunch together & some of us went to the Art Gallery, saw several we knew came home at 5 oclock & had some fun all to ourselves retired very early.
Tuesday 26
Started out early & shopped at Hordens until half past 12 then walked down George St & called in to see Sid then met Mr Kellet at the Arcade & had lunch together met Mr Hall from Omega. Sat a while in Mr B office then went into some of the warehouses & other shops. Started for Florries about 5 had nice tea together Florrie & I went up to Mr J. Vances for an hour then came back to Florries & Sid came & of course we had a jolly time Belle Sid & I walked to Newtown Road for a train had a jolly time. Late retiring.
Wednesday 27
Stayed home in the morning after lunch went down town saw J Walters walked round a bit to try & see Bob but failed at 3 Mr Milne met us at the Neutral Bay Jetty & we went over to see Bruce, all enjoyed the walk, after being at Toms, [Stafford] for a while we went to see their church Mr Milne played & sang he plays the organ very well we all sang some hymns had a hurried tea & went for the boat & was just in time we had a good talk coming over in the boat got a tram & came to the Railway station where Mr Milne insisted on getting us tickets to take us home & made us go home with him he said it was the most pleasant afternoon he had had since he came to town & we enjoyed his company very much. Belle & I got home in good time & I retired early being very tired.
Thursday 28
Stayed at home all the morning in the afternoon with Miss Blackmore to Balmain to see Mrs. Stephens Mrs. Wragg & Miss Anthonies were there we spent a pleasant time & we had a lovely row home in the moonlight Very tired
Friday 29
Donald came out on his bicycle before breakfast to see us After breakfast Belle & I went down town shopping had lunch with Mr Blackmore then finished our shopping & went to Kinrosses met Bud Dick there & fell very much in love with her went in to see Bert found him in grand humour stayed half an hour then had dinner with the Kinrosses & a jolly one it was, helped the girls & left for home in good time feeling very sorry to leave enjoyed our day so much
Saturday 30
Alf & Addie Blackmore & I went to the Synagogue in the morning. The service was almost all in Hebrew there seemed such a want of veneration all thought & to us the service was not at all impressive. Met Dr Kinross after we came out. I went to Kinrosses before lunch after which we girls went upstairs & I watched Bert & another student playing tennis. About 3 Belle came & we went to Berts tooth [sic] to get another tooth drawn it was very hard to draw no doubt both of us felt a bit exhausted & very thankful to see it out. Jessie Kinross came for us we talked for a while & then Belle Jessie Lizzie & I started for Hordens to do some shopping but we had not much time Belle & Lizzie went to one department & Jess & I to another Jess & I finished first & hurried to the Railway Station to see Bud Dick off to Windsor when we got to the station Bud was the first person we saw she was very glad to see us & we had a nice little chat before the train left, she seems very lively & free & I like her very much I met Jack Dick also, he is very like Jim & I liked his face, much, seems shy like J. we took train for Newtown Belle & Lizzie went home & Jess & I did more shopping in Newtown & enjoyed ourselves well together talking of different things. Came home & the whole family were in for tea which was very enjoyable After tea Jess Belle Lizzie & I went upstairs & Jess & I treated them to music but they did not seem to appreciate our kind efforts, we did not retire until after 10 Jess & I slept together & talked until about 1 oclock about many things not nonsense I like Jessie & Lizzie very much indeed & feel the better of their society
[NB- loose sheet of note paper inserted between these pages: The strait-laced Victorian era seemed to have some freedoms! Young ladies called to see friends, (even occasionally men friends), quite freely. Perhaps this was just in Australia? Also good life long friendships between the sexes. What a good time seemed to be had by all who figure in these simple chronicles, scarcely a day without its social diversions. The casual way in which people in large numbers dropped in to meals amazes us in these days! As for Fairfield, Uncle K. was never niggardly in providing, always full and plenty, as you can see from the cooking that went on. What is amazing is how much was done, two kinds of jam, jelly, preserving, a few cakes and things, all in the one morning then tennis or something (even a walk up the mountain!) in the afternoon.Granny and Grandfather had the warm hospitality of the Highlands (friends always welcome, and one was bound to be polite even to enemies if they came as guests) so I suppose this set the atmosphere at Fairfield and Meroogal, as Grandma was the same. So many guests that they often had to share beds, one very large four poster at Fairfield held 3 comfortably!]
Sunday 31
Wet morning. Jess & I woke early, very sorry to see it raining at [sic] is was Mr Milne first Communion we were up at half past 7 ready for worship at the usual hour but one of the students turned up at [sic] is was holiday time for them & most of them were away so we had worship in the study. After breakfast Bob Kinross & Belle & I talked for a good while Jack drove his father to Kogarah to preach. Jess & I got ready for Church, I had Mrs K boots & mackintosh, Belle & Lizzie were not very well & they stayed at home We went down in the tram to Chalmers Church there was a good congregation in spite of the rain & a great many communicants, which was good to see Mr. Milne got on very well & we enjoyed the service very much. Jess & I paddled home in the wet After dinner we had a little sleep & a chat then we all helped to get tea as the girl was out. Jack attending to the eggs. After tea Lizzie Bob & the Dr went to Chalmer Church & we helped Jessie & enjoyed a last talk Bert came in to take us to the Glebe so we said good bye to Jack & Jess feeling sorry to leave them. Belle Bert & I had rather a muddy walk I enjoyed Mr Clouston sermon very much (Martha & Mary) After church we spoke to Florrie & said goodbye. Donald joined us so we said goodbye to Bert & Don came with us to get a bus arrived at Blackmores in good time & retired as soon as possible.
Monday June 1st
Beautiful morning up early had a hurried breakfast Alf & Hugh went part of the way with us. I took a good look round the city & felt sorry in a way to be leaving we arrived at the station in good time while we were standing waiting Aleck turned up beside me & gave us a great surprise we were very glad to see him also looking very well, shortly after Don came & then Mr Milne & we had a lively time at half past 9 we said good bye & started for home with Mrs & two Miss Lamonds for company it poured rain before we got far & when we reached Kiama the weather was wild, I ran up to Mrs Burgess with a parcel & found her very well came back to Finlayson had lunch & we started for home in the coach it was rather cold & wild but we arrived home safely glad to see them All say I looked well & fat It seems very quiet after the noise & bustle of the town Belle & I enjoyed our trip very much. It was the most enjoyable trip I have ever had to Sydney & am very thankful for it
Tuesday 2
We did not do much all the morning in the afternoon Kate & I went to tennis & had a very good time went home with Minnie Miller to tea Practised a little after we came home Bob came home early so I did not retire very early it was nice to have him home
Wednesday 3
Geo & I came up to Cambe, found Mother well but not very fat. Grandfather looking much the same, Jess came up to dinner & our tongues wagged I had to go back to Nowra much against my will & Kate & I went to Mrs. Whittles to have a practise for a concert tomorrow night
Thursday 4
Pottered about a bit had a rest after dinner in the afternoon watched the tennis players, Kate & I went to the concert all passed off well & we were thankful when all was over
Friday [Wednesday crossed out] 5
Worked in the morning, Miss McKay came in the afternoon & we were very glad to see her but she did not stay long Martha & Mr Finlayson came in the evening to stay until Monday
Saturday 6
Did some cooking etc Mother came home after dinner & brought a note from Lindsay Dymock saying he & his Mother would be over to Fairfield in the afternoon so I cleared home as fast as possible delighted at the thought of seeing them so soon waited at the office until they came Geo had tea nearly ready when we came which was very nice of her we were all glad to be together & our tongues did not rest we all enjoyed ourselves very much. I always feel the Dymocks are real friends & am always glad to see them.
Sunday 7
Rather damp & we did not got to church but enjoyed the morning at home in the afternoon we took the two buggies & all went to Meroo to hear Mr Jackson I went with Mrs D & Lin Bob & Kate were there also I enjoyed the service very much it was a treat to hear Mr J again after service we had a few words with Mr Jackson & then started for home we all enjoyed Our tea after which Mrs D Geo Lin & I sat at the kitchen fire talking for a good while poor Lin enjoying himself very much & retired in good time as we had to get up early
Monday 8
Rather wet morning up at 6, got a cup of tea for Lin & he started for Berry at half past 6, After dinner Mrs. Dymock & I took Uncle to Nowra & then went to Dr Grants they were much surprised & delighted to see Mrs Dymock & we felt well rewared [sic] for going out in the rain, we stay & [sic] hour or so & enjoyed ourselves well. Mrs. McKay was there we got home safely & spent a very pleasant evening at home.
Tuesday 9
Rained heavily & we could not go out but enjoyed ourselves at home very much Mrs Dymock is having a good rest.
Wednesday 10
Looking better so we hurried with the work & Mrs. Dymock Georgie & I went to Nowra, after dinner I took Mrs D to the coach & she went to Berry I was sorry to see her go, it is a treat to have such a friend Geo & I came home
Thursday 11
Very wet today time past very pleasantly with Georgie here.
Friday 12
Cleared up to day & it was a treat to be able to walk out Geo & I went to see Mrs. Binks in the afternoon found her looking well.
Saturday 13
Uncle gone to Sydney. Very busy in the morning Geo & I went to Nowra in the afternoon Kate & I went to tennis Miss Foster & Minnie Miller came to Meroogal & had tea with us & Minnie came home with me for the night we enjoyed the drive in the moonlight Aleck stayed all night with us.
Sunday 14
Took Minnie home & went to church enjoyed Mr Ogilvie very well, but not so well as Mr Milne Mother came home with me I dont know what we would do without Sunday, one should be thankful for the priviledges of Sunday. Had a small class of boys in S School found them rather restless Mr Hewlett preached at night fairly well.
Monday 15
Bought a dress at Uncle Sams, took Belle to Nowra Kate cut out my dress & we had it nearly finished at 4 oclock & was I not thankful; I often think how good my sister [sic] are to me & I hope to be able to repay them some day. Came home in time to bring Jess, wrote to Maggie Dymock.
Tuesday 16
Finished my dress & had it on in the evening when Belle & Mr Ogilvie came. Had tea with us Mr O seems very nice & it was a pleasure to have him Jess came home to tea Mother Belle Jess went down to Church in the buggy Mr O & I walked & had a profitable talk enjoyed the hymns better than for a long time not too nervous playing. The service was very nice & I like Mr O.
Wednesday 17
Made melon jam Mother troubled with bronchitis Had a grand game of tennis at Frasers stayed to tea came home with Jess, Mother better
Thursday 18
Did a lot of work in the morning tennis & tea again said good bye to Aleck he is leaving for St Andrews College tomorrow, Mother better today
Friday 19
Poling [sic] day Phillip Morton member for Shoalhaven again great excitement Mother & I went over to the Farm got some grammas & melons, took Jess home in the buggy & Jess & I went to see Mrs. Binks.
Saturday 20
Mother & I busy all the morning we went to Nowra in the afternoon it rained, Uncle & I came home & he gave me some town news. Jess came home at night.
Sunday 21
Shortest day, poured rain all day, Jess came home in the afternoon & I read my diary to her (Sydney trip) we enjoyed today & felt thankful & happy retired early.
Monday 22
Very wet again Did a lot of mending etc & spent the day very happily wrote to Lil Billis, Jess home Mr Binks came up for a little while
Tuesday 23
Still raining Uncle at home
Wednesday 24
Raining away as hard as ever but we are very comfortable & thankful
Thursday 25
More rain kept busy all day
Friday 26
10/- woodFlood last night river over the banks in some parts Uncle & I went to Nowra, Uncle stayed & Kate came home with me
Saturday 27
Flood higher last night & today many people had to leave their homes. I do pity the people who live near the river & are in danger oh how thankful we should be to be so safe & comfortable rained ceased today for which we are all very thankful not very much damage done by the flood Had a letter from Tom which made me feel miserable poor fellow
Sunday 28
Beautiful day. Mr Kay preached in the afternoon & it was a treat to be out
Monday 29
Kate & I were busy all the morning went to Nowra in the afternoon Mr Kay was there & we liked him very much arranged to take him up the Mt on Thursday
Tuesday 30
We were kept going pretty well all day went to see Mrs Binks in the afternoon
Wednesday July 1st
Did some cooking in the morning & Kate & I went to tennis at Frasers in the afternoon Maggie McArthur Alice & Mr Kay were there & we had a very jolly time indeed Had some work to do when we came home
Thursday 2
Up in good time & started with Mr Kay & Jack McArthur for the Mt at an early hour, we enjoyed the drive to the top made billy tea & had lunch then walked nearly to Mt. McIntyre & had a most lovely glorious view Mr Kay was very delighted indeed & the day was very pleasantly spent, they came home & had tea with us.
Friday 3
Kate walked over to the Farm I was busy until after dinner went down to the store & met Aleck Graham & Mr Booth they we were very glad to meet again & after chatting for some time we went to Frasers & had a jolly game of tennis then they came home with us for the night After tea Frank went with Jess Aleck Kate & I had a good talk, music after Jess came back supper & then to rest we enjoyed ourselves together & felt sorry poor Sid was not here
Saturday 4
After breakfast the boys cut some wood for me then went down to Uncle Sams & after dinner we called for them & took them to the coach, we had a very jolly drive & were sorry to part after they left Kate & I went to Nowra to tennis I got a black eye Mr Galbraith hit it with a ball Uncle & I went home with Minnie Miller for tea
Sunday 5
No church all the morning Uncle went to the farm in the morning. Mr. King preached in the afternoon & it was sacrament several of us stay & I am glad we did for it is a priviledge
Monday 6
Took Uncle to Nowra early came home before dinner Nellie & Maggie Dymock came we went to see Mrs. Binks & spent the evening quietly
Tuesday 7
Did a lot of cooking in the morning the girls helped me a bit which was nice in the afternoon went to Dr Grants met Dr Brereton & Dr Griffis [sic] there enjoyed ourselves went to Meroogal for tea felt tired when we came home
Wednesday 8
Usual work enjoyed ourselves in the early part of the day just before dinner I received a letter from Aleck saying Sids Mother is dead it gave me quite a shock & I do feel so sorry for Sid wish I could help him to bear this is first & greatest trial, wrote to him but felt I could not half express the sympathy I felt for him God alone can help him, oh how we should always be prepared for death, hearing of sudden deaths makes one think of the uncertainty of life & the great need of being ready when the call does come, poor Sid is continually in my thoughts wrote to Aleck in the evening Met Mrs McKay & her neice [sic] Miss Blackmore & Minnie stayed all night with us.
Thursday 9
Took the Miss Blackmores to Nowra. Had a little game of tennis & only Grandfather & I at home. I have been wondering all day how Sid is & feeling sorry for him & Aleck also
Friday 10
Usual Work went to see Mrs. Binks long day
Saturday 11
Went to Nowra for Uncle Minnie came in my place & I stayed at Meroogal Mr G took us for a nice drive
Sunday 12
Very windy & boisterous went to hear Mr Bruce preach, liked him very well, it was too cold to go out at night it was very nice to be at home comfortable & well, how thankful we should be for so many mercies
Monday 13
Georgie came home with me this morning I rode & it was splendid had a letter from poor old Sid, poor fellow his sorrow is great for his Mother.
Tuesday 14
Just the usual day Geo & I went for a stroll in the evening.
Wednesday 15
Made Jam Geo & I went to tennis in the afternoon Had word from Aleck that he & Frank are comming [sic] to Cambe we are all so glad wrote to Aleck at night
Thursday 16
Made preserved oranges Geo took Mrs. Binks to Nowra to have a tooth drawn & in the afternoon we went to McGregors.
Friday 17
Very busy all the morning did some sewing in the afternoon read & sewed in the evening.
Saturday 18
Geo went home this morning. I went for Uncle in the afternoon also to tennis Great calamity Mr Galbraith going to Armidale we shall miss him very much indeed Arthur Morton is going away also & he will be greatly missed at tennis especially so many seem to be going away, & everything is changing it just shows us the uncertainty of everything in this world one never knows what a day will bring forth I stayed all night at home & Minnie took care of Grandfather
Sunday 19
Went to hear Mr Bruce in the morning & liked him very well it turned out a very stormy day & I could not get home to Sunday School nor did we get out to church at night, for which I was sorry. but we enjoyed to comforts of home & felt thankful for them many mercies showered upon us.[Above entry crossed through] Local preacher today the service was nice went with J McLaren for dinner Uncle & I at home alone at night Grandpa in Nowra
Monday 20
Up early & put everything in order & went to Nowra with Uncle drove back to Cambe with Mr Galbraith went to Frasers & arranged to give Mr G a social in the School of Arts on Thursday evening then Jess & I went back with him to Nowra getting a nasty cold
Tuesday 21
Not very lively this morning, did a lot of cooking for Kate & Grandpa & I came home in the afternoon got tea ready & went to meet Aleck Graham & Frank Booth lovely night Uncle Sam was to have met them also as Mr Stephens was with them but Uncle did not get away. So Aleck & I drove & the others walked we were so glad to think Aleck & Frank are to live amongst us, & knowing their characters are thoroughly Christian expect much good to come with them we spent a happy & thankful evening together.
Wednesday 22
Toms birthday poor old fellow busy morning went to tennis in the afternoon met Mr Bruce & had a grand game. Jess & I came home to tea & I went back with her & Kate Fraser Polly & all of us helped the boys to unpack some things then went to the School of Arts & they helped us to arrange the place for tomorrow night
Thursday 23
About 11 went down to School of Arts & Kate Mrs. B & I laid the supper for the night in the afternoon I had a little sleep. The boys did not get home to tea until after 7 & before we got dressed it was late did not arrive at the Hall until 9 I felt I did not want to go & did not expect much enjoyment but we all enjoyed ourselves very much indeed, it was a happy night & I felt no harm had been done, but that all were happy together we danced a lot & enjoyed it so much Came home feeling thankful for such happy evening What happiness God gives us & how very good He is to us
Friday 24
Not tired this morning, did a lot of work went for a ride to the Farm in the afternoon Dubs came home with me Aleck & Frank came home with Jess all feeling pretty ready for bed
Saturday 25
Rained in the afternoon I went to Nowra Frank came with me on business but did not stay I went to Meroogal & waited for Uncle & Mr Bruce they did not come until late but we enjoyed ourselves Mother, the girls & Mr G., together we all hate to think of Mr G leaving us & he dreads it also. We were late getting home, I like Mr Bruce very well, All sorry the night was so short.
Sunday 26
Very sorry to find it wet this morning but we all went out & had a fair gathering I enjoyed the service very much Mr Bruce preached a good sermon Frank Jess Aleck & I came home to dinner all very happy Mr G & Belle came up in the afternoon & we had a nice time together retired late Grandfather was so happy to have so many good friends round him, he sang far us.
Monday 27
Belle & Mr G went home after an early breakfast Jess & the boys turned out in the wet, I worked away all the morning & got everything in good order had a grand sleep in the afternoon then sat at the fire until tea time sewing & thinking Grandfather & I sat down to our tea together very contented & happy. God has been so good to us had a lively evening when the boys came back home
Tuesday 28
Still inclined to be wet in the evening Frank & I rode to Nowra it was grand to get on a horse again came home after tea Jess Aleck & I had along talk (not rubbish)
Wednesday 29
Aleck drove Frank to the coach brought Jess home in the evening & went back to sleep at the store it seemed strange to see him going away from here to stay any where else. Jess & I had a good nights sleep Letter from Florrie
Thursday 30
Busy in the morning rode to Nowra in the afternoon to be present at the dinner at Meroogal for Mr Galbraith (it was a great success) Miss Foster Mr & Mrs. Miller Mr Mariott Mr Mark Harry & Arthur Morton & later on Jess & Aleck, we had singing also a little dance & enjoyed the evening very much indeed. We were late getting home Letter from Jessie Kinross
Friday 31
Mother sleepy this morning but got up in good time & did a lot of cooking Ma Nell Maggie & Elgin came over & spent a few hours with me, About 5 o'clock Minnie Miller Kate & Arthur Morton rode up had afternoon tea & went back Jess & I retired early.
Saturday August 1st
Bank holiday Mr Galbraith & the girls went up the river I went down to tennis rained at night & Jess did not get home
Sunday 2
Very wet. no church Aleck & Jess came up in the afternoon & stayed all night I had a good read sang a few hymns dont like wet Sundays
Monday 3
All up early. Aleck had an early breakfast with us, went to Nowra with Uncle, Mother came home with me, we went down to the house (Alecks & Franks) & helped Aleck to set it in order Kate came up & stayed all night, Jess & I started practise for the Berry concert.
Tuesday 4
Did lots of little things Aleck came up in the afternoon & got my order, we were wishing Sid was here to enjoy himself Jess did not come home
Wednesday 5
Rather fine today usual work went to Aunties & Frasers also had a look round Aleck house to see if things were in order Grandfathers leg very sore poor old man I feel so sorry for him Aleck came home with Jess & stayed all night
Thursday 6
Very busy covered Grandpa chair Mrs Binks & Pa & Jess had dinner with us Aleck came up & we had an early tea & he went to meet his sister Frank & his father & sister at the coach, Jess & I got a nice tea ready felt rather nervous at meeting Miss Graham & Miss Booth but got on all right & like Miss G. Aleck & Frank saw us home safely
Friday 7
Got on well with my work Grandpa better Jess came up at dinner time & I went down with her to see how the girls were getting on it seemed so strange to see Aleck in his own home. Miss G & I had a good talk & I like her better
Saturday 8
Went to Nowra as usual & to tennis, Jess went home retired early had a letter from Lil & Florrie & enjoyed them dear old Lilian
Sunday 9
Not very fine no Sunday School I rode to church Mr Ferguson preached liked him fairly well rode home with Jess & Geo, & Mr Galbraith, I came back at 6 & retired early.
Monday 10 1£
Up at 6 went to Nowra with Uncle did some shopping at Booths & Grahams on my way home when Jess came home we had a good practise & a good laugh, & were remarking how happy we are together
Tuesday 11
Belles birthday. Grand sleep last night made doughnuts & took some to Binks darned & practised in the afternoon. The boys came up in the evening with Jess & stayed all night.
Wednesday 12
Had tennis in the afternoon did some shopping Mr Galbraith & Georgie came up & stayed all night
Thursday 13
Grandfather & I went down to Nowra to a church meeting gave Mr Bruce a call in the evening. Mr G drove Jess Belle Ma & I to Berry to a concert where Jess & I had to sing. Mr Jackson & Mr Milne were there we were jolly glad to get home
Friday 14
I had a good rest in the morning came home in the afternoon & Miss Graham & Miss Booth Aleck & Frank came up in the evening & we had a lively time Letter from Tom
Saturday 15
Did a lot of cooking & sent a basket of scones to the girls, went to tennis as usual retired early.
Sunday 16
Sunday School in the afternoon Mr King preached I enjoyed the service Aleck came home with us to tea & we had such a nice talk Uncle went for Mr Milne & they arrived a little after 10 it was nice to have him again his company seems to do everyone good
Monday 17
Uncle went to Nowra Mr Milne & I went to Binks Uncle Matthews (store) & walked to the farm & back felt pretty tired the girls came home with us & the boys followed & all seemed to enjoy the evening which was very jolly
Tuesday 18
Mr Milne Uncle & I went to Nowra & stayed at Meroogal until half past three Kate came home with me. Went to hear Dr Patten lecture & enjoyed it very much
Wednesday 19
Very blowy Kate & I felt very lazy in the afternoon Minnie Miller & Arthur Morton came up to tea & stayed for the evening Mr Galbraith came for the night & we all enjoyed ourselves.
Thursday 20
Kate & Mr G went home in the morning I took Miss Graham down to Nowra in the afternoon went to see the suspension bridge & the river. I read Bobs letters from Jim Dick it was such a fine letter went to Mr Ferguson lecture at night I sang. Miss Graham & I had a lovely drive in the moonlight Aleck came from the store with me
Friday 21
Aleck had breakfast with us I gave him a good brushing as it was his birthday Jess & I gave him the neckties in the afternoon Miss Graham & I went up the Mt & it was beautiful Jess & I retired in good time
Saturday 22
Went to tennis as usual & had a good time Uncle finished Mrs McKay house & came home for good.
Sunday 23
No church in the morning enjoyed S School after which Frank & I went for a walk & a talk Aleck his sister & Miss Booth went to McGregors. Rev Mr Robertson & his daughter were here to tea he preached at night & we enjoyed the service very much Don came down on Sat so I dont see Jess
Monday 24
Miss Graham went home nothing unusual happened
Tuesday 25
Uncle went to Nowra, I did a lot of cooking in the evening went to see Miss Booth Aleck had to go to a meeting
Wednesday 26
Had a grand game of tennis Miss Booth came up to tea, we like her. Aleck McGregor & Aleck & Frank came later on the two Alecks stayed all night I felt rather miserable somehow
Thursday 27
Raining today went to see Mrs Binks found her very bad with neuralgia
Friday 28
Mary came up in the afternoon & Don brought up his bicycle for Uncle to have a ride we had a great laugh at Uncle I went down with Mary & we went to see Miss Booth
Saturday 29
Went to Nowra early & did some cooking had a letter from Effie Miss Booth came to tennis & we had a fine afternoon I went with her to tea
Sunday 30
Lovely lovely day Mr Par preached & I liked him well Grandfather walked to church & we went to Uncle Matthews for dinner, Uncle went to Meroo to hear Mr Jackson after Sunday School Mary Eve Frank Aleck & I went for a walk Aleck came home with me for tea & stayed all night had a great argument about riding to Church on Sunday
Monday 31
Grandfather not well today altered one of my skirts Uncle went out shooting & got 11 pigeons Mr Galbraith went away for good today he just came up to say goodbye it was so hard to say good bye both felt it very much I felt so depressed it seemed to me to foretell more trouble no doubt it was foolish of me but I could not help it
Tuesday September 1st
Uncle went to Nowra this morning Grandfather took a bad turn & I was alone but sent word to Mother & Auntie, he was very ill & we thought it was his last & sent for the Dr towards night he improved & looked much better oh I dont know what we would do without him, I cannot bear the thought of him going Thank God he has spared him so long, we are all thankful
Wednesday 2
Grandfather much better today, stayed in bed until about 4 oclock & the rest (has done him good) Tonight he looks fine Don & Uncle came from Berry all tired & glad to go to rest. Wrote to Mr Dymock
Thursday 3
Busy all the morning a good many people came in to see Grandfather, he looks better today, but seems weak yet he has had a good shaking Don & I rode over to the farm for butter Eve Booth came up to tea Aleck Graham came with Jess & Don
Friday 4
Very hot feeling sad & a bit anxious about Grandfather. I cannot help feeling that he may not be long with us, & I dont want him to go yet oh why am I so selfish. What a poor poor Christian I am I feel so disgusted at myself Saturday 5 Went down & stayed with Eve instead of going to tennis Aleck McGregor came home with me & stayed all night.
Sunday 6
No church until night Aleck & I had tea with Eve as Frank was not well
Monday 7
Rained very heavily so I set to sewing Mother still here. it is grand to have her
Tuesday 8
Went to Nowra with Uncle & nearly finished my wrapper Mrs McKay came home with us for the night we did enjoy her company did Grandfather & all good Mr & Mrs Bruce came to see us somehow I dont feel drawn to them Mr Bruce preached at night I enjoyed the service pretty well
Wednesday 9
We had a nice morning with Mrs McKay in the afternoon took her to see Auntie & Fraser, & had very good tennis went to hear ‘Gardell versus Pickwick’ at night it was just fairly good
Thursday 10
Mother went out visiting I stayed at home & finished my wrapper
Friday 11
Mother & I did a lot of work lifted carpets etc & the place looks so clean. Don & Jess came to tea & I went down with them to see Eve & we had a great talk.
Saturday 12
Nice day, went to tennis & enjoyed it spent the evening with the Booths & Grahams. Eve Graham came today dont know how I will like her
Sunday 13
Enjoyed today & felt better than for sometime Pa & Maggie came to see Grandfather Mother & Uncle went to Meroo to church, enjoyed Mr King very well in the afternoon Eve & Aleck came home with me to tea after which we sang some hymns.
Monday 14
Lovely rain today so Uncle did not go to Nowra
Tuesday 15
Went to Nowra with Uncle in the morning did some cooking for Belle came home in the afternoon & left the buggy to go & meet Mr Graham (Alecks father) Went to church & enjoyed the service met Mr G & liked him Aleck & Ebb came home with me
Wednesday 16
Rained today so we spent the day at home
Thursday 17
Mother & I took Grandfather for a short drive & it did him good then Don Jess & I went over to Torresdale & Frank came in the evening we enjoyed ourselves & got home late
Friday 18
Busy in the morning making cakes for Mt bazaar Grandfather & I took Mother home & we were left by ourselves but Frank kindly stayed the night with us Saturday 19 Auntie stayed with Grandfather while I went for Uncle, Geo came home with us also Jess
Sunday 20
Rather damp Mr Bruce preached & I liked him better than any time I had heard him letter from Florrie we spent the afternoon at home as it was wet
Monday 21
Took uncle to Nowra Mr Gibson came to see Grandfather Mary stayed all night with me & we had a good talk I am so glad Mary is so serious
Tuesday 22
Mary & I had a very happy evening together Grandfather not at all strong today poor old man seems quite dazed I hardly care for being left alone with him. It is a pleasure to me to be able to do anything to help him & to be of use to him I feel anxious about him & would like to see him better Belle & Geo came up & stay a while I was very glad to see them after they went Mr Jackson came it was such a pleasure to have him he came to see Grandfather he was in bed but after Mr J had had a cup of tea he had a chat with him which we enjoyed as well Jess came & then Mr J prayed & it was beautiful & did us all good, what a good man he is & how humble, if we only had more like him he seems to do one so much good I dont think I shall forget the hour he spent with us & I am so thankful for Grandfather sake he was so glad to see him.
Wednesday 23
Auntie came up in the afternoon & let me go to tennis. Mr Graham came up & had tea with us
Thursday 24
Alone with Grandfather Kate Fraser came up & had tea with us
Friday 25
Very tired. Mother came up to stay very glad to see her.
Saturday 26
Mr Graham went to Nowra with me we did not come home until eight oclock had a good game of tennis
Sunday 27
Nice morning Mr Par preached enjoyed the service pretty well enjoyed Sunday School Mother & Uncle went to Meroo to hear Mr Jackson
Monday 28
Went to Nowra with Uncle in the afternoon Miss Graham Mr Graham Aleck & I went up the Mt, it was lovely had tea with Eve Booth
Tuesday 29
Hurt my neck very painful Mr Brown Auntie Mrs Brennan Eve & Frank Booth were up today Eve & I made a lot of cakes & scones
Wednesday 30
Belle & Geo were up today went to tennis had tea with K Fraser Jess & I came home together
Thursday 1 September [September crossed out] O
Very quiet all the morning Mother & I busy in the afternoon Mr Bruce came & asked me to go to McGregors with him, we had a lovely ride he came back & had tea with us K Fraser Miss & Mr Graham Eve had tea with us & spent the evening Grandfather looking well & happy
Friday 2
Very warm did the usual Fridays work
[NB- end of this book. Back page has list and addresses:
Monday 8 June
£12/3 shoeing horse1s medicine for Mother
Church Praise 4
Gloves 4”6
Boots 7”6
Tennis shoes 8-6
Parasol 9”6
Print 5”8 “ 3”6
Scent 1”3
Turkey Quill 1-9
Envelopes 4
Paper 1-6
Stockings 1-
Hanky “-6
Hat 5-6
Dress 1-4-0
Mrs Berriman
18 Glover St East
N. Adelaide
Miss Leslie
Victoria StreetWarragul
Miss Macgillivray
Via Stanthorpe Queensland
C o Mrs Perry
[NB- new book started]
Saturday 3 [October 1891]
Georgie birthday I went to Nowra for Uncle & Had a good game of tennis
Sunday 4
Mr Par preached in the morning & Mr Robertson in the evening I enjoyed the evening service very much
Monday 5
Went to Nowra with Uncle called to see Mrs McKay After coming home Mother rode Bess to the farm & got on very well
Tuesday 6
Grandfather & I alone all day very quiet Mother came home in time for me to go to meet Jess, Eve Booth had her first ride
Wednesday 7
Lovely day. Mother & I did some washing went to tennis at Frasers in the afternoon & had a very good time, had tea with Eve Booth
Thursday 8
Jess & I got up early & had a lovely ride to Nowra, Tom came by the Moss Vale coach it was so nice to have him, he came up to see Mother & in the afternoon I took him home it was so nice to be together & reminded me of old times Mrs. Bruce came to Meroogal & I took her for a drive & was home in time for Jess
Friday 9
Up very early & made puff paste Eve Booth came up, & we did a lot of cooking for her & had a good talk Eve Graham came later on & both had a ride & enjoyed it the boys came up later Aleck stayed all night
Saturday 10
Very warm Mother Grandfather & I went to Nowra the drive did Grandfather good Tom came up and stayed all night & did'nt we enjoy his visit he always does me good & makes me feel that I want to live better & more nobly.
Sunday 11
No church in the morning Aleck came up & we all spent a profitable morning, Tom Uncle & Jess went to Meroo, Aleck & I to hear Mr King but I was sleepy & could not enjoy the service & I should have done
Monday 12
This is Mags birthday After dinner I went to see Eve & had a good talk which I hoped will do us both good Tom Belle & Geo came & our talk was of such a nature as to make me feel I must live better, oh how I wish I could express all that I feel & the great longing to be better. I cannot help feeling ashamed of the little I have done & the profession made
Tuesday 13
Up early & made puff paste for the tea meeting went to Brown in the evening & made sandwiches
Wednesday 14
Grandfather Uncle & I went down to Mr Bruces induction it rained so heavily that Grandfather had to go to Meroogal we were so glad to see Mr & Mrs Dymock there, we went to the induction in the rain the Church was decorated for the first time & it was beautiful, the service very impressive & nice Mr Bruce seemed to feel the responsibility After service was the tea meeting which was a great success most of the Minister were at the Meroogal table, I enjoyed the day so much Aleck came to the tea & very kindly came home with Grandfather & me
Thursday 15
Mr & Mrs. Dymock came up to dinner it was so nice to have them, after dinner we went to Browns Frasers & Matthews, home for tea & spent such a pleasant evening together it reminded us of old times, how nice it is to have congenial company.
Friday 16
Mr & Mrs Dymock went to the farm & then to Berry. Tom came up in the coach had a long talk not at all happy today Berts birthday sent him flowers
Saturday 17
Had our Sunday School picnic today & it was a great success altho it blew gales we were all very tired in the evening Geo came up Miss Londem came
Sunday 18
We all went to Nowra as it was communion day. Mr Ross preached I enjoyed the service but not so much as sometimes enjoyed the afternoon as all were at home. Kate Geo Tom & I went for a walk. Then to church at night liked Mr Ross
Monday 19
1£ 4/ for [UNCLEAR]
After church I went with Alice McArthur to dinner had tea at Meroogal & Grandfather & I came home after having a good time in Nowra.
Tuesday 20
Not well stayed home all day & had a good rest & a good read. Jess came home in the evening.
Wednesday 21
Went to tennis Mother & Kate came up. Kate went to the farm as Ma was not well Eve Frank & I had a chat together about many things.
Thursday 22
Kate & I went to Meroogal & we had tennis Arthur Morton Miss Foster Mr Williamson Ebb & Mr Banfield were there & we had splendid games. how happy & contented & thankful we should be having so many good things. How very kind our Creator is to us. Belle brought me home
Friday 23
Jess is to go to Cootamundra today & I feel lonely without her Belle & Mother went home Eve came up & stayed all night with me
Saturday 24
Grandfather & I went to Nowra for Uncle as usual
Sunday 25
Mr Par preached in the morning enjoy the service fairly well I cant enter into the lessons somehow had dinner at Marys. Felt so lonely this evening sang hymns for a long time & retired early.
Monday 26
Went to Nowra with Uncle Grandfather & Georgie & I came home in the evening it was so nice to have Geo, letter from Mrs. Dymock I feel happier tonight been so depressed lately at times
Tuesday 27
Geo went to Nowra to see Bob, who was bad with influenza, found him better Mary stayed all night with us we talked late & enjoyed the talk.
Wednesday 28
Poor Geo had influenza & I took her home, I feel so sorry for her she is not at all strong, hope she will soon be better Eve stayed with me tonight Belle & Kate had tea with us it was nice to have them I have been feeling how thankful I should be for having such good brothers & sisters.
Thursday 29
Very warm got Brucies photo today it is so good had a good game of tennis wrote to Minnie Miller Tom Stafford & Aleck McGregor
Friday 30
Usual work, one of the Binks stayed with us all night
Saturday November 1st
Grandfather & I went to Nowra for Uncle, Geo & Bob both better
Sunday 2
Enjoyed Sunday School Eve & Frank had tea with us & we went to church Mr Bruce was ill, so we had a local
Monday 3
Grandfather Uncle & I went to Nowra I drove Georgie to Terrara had dinner with Mrs McArthur Mr Black laid up with influenza
Tuesday 4
Drove Geo to see Dr Pickburn at Terrara & Belle to Mrs. Mortons Arthur & Mrs M better Belle stayed to nurse them, Dr Pickburn showed us round his garden & it is lovely I went to see Mr & Mrs Bruce in the afternoon & found them both ill stayed a while with Mrs McKay
Wednesday 5
Made a lot of lemon syrup. Mother came home with us in the afternoon & at night got influenza
Thursday 6
Mother feverish & sick Eve & I went to Nowra for medicine I feel it a great responsibility having Mother ill & no one with me
Friday 7
Mother slightly better but has a nasty pain in her side Mary & Eve came up
Saturday 8
[sic]Mother in great pain today I feel very anxious poulticed her well but hot flannel & turpentine was all that eased the pain better tonight & I am oh so thankful, I dont know how I should have got thro the day without getting help from above oh what a comfort it is in times of trouble to be able to tell the one who can help & relieve Mary & Martha stayed with me
Sunday 8
Mother much better & I am oh so thankful Georgie came up to stay I did not get out all day Jess & Ma came Aleck Frank & Eve came to tea & we sang hymns
Monday 9
Mother much better & Georgie made me go up the Mt with Uncle Eve Kate Fraser Miss F Auntie Polly Frank & Aleck & we enjoyed the day very much.
Tuesday 10
Raining beautifully wrote to Mr G Mother up today she looks thin but so very weak. Geo & I did some shopping in the evening.
Wednesday 11
Mother still improving Uncle still in Nowra
Thursday 12
Same as usual Mr Bruce was to come but was too wet & we were sorry
Friday 13
Mr Bruce & Kate came & we were so glad Mother enjoyed their company so much. I went to Nowra with them & we enjoyed the drive so much Mr Binks & I came home together.
Saturday 14
Mary came & stayed with Mother while I went for Uncle
Sunday 15
Very warm I enjoyed Mr Par's service so much we all went down to Aleck I came home for tea & we sang hymns.
Monday 16
Eve Mary Ebb Dubbs & Aleck & I went to Nowra riding, beautiful moonlight & the ride was very enjoyable Alec & I went onto Meroogal
Tuesday 17
Auntie came up & stayed to tea I went for Jess
Wednesday 18
Raining no tennis Mary & I went to Nowra with Mrs. Binks to the Wesleyan tea meeting we waited on her table, called to see the Bruces. got home about 10 oclock
Thursday 19
Went to Nowra in the afternoon to tennis Mary Hunt came home with us
Friday 20
Did some extra cleaning etc also some sewing went for Jess Ebb Kate F & Uncle were at Eve's & we had a lively time
Saturday 21
Too wet for tennis went down & helped Eve to make some cakes in the afternoon & did some sewing.
Sunday 22
Wet today, went to church & no minister came so Eve made me go home with her to dinner Home for tea
Monday 23
Went to Nowra with Uncle Mother went to the Farm Kate came home with me
Tuesday 24
Went to Nowra in the morning & in the afternoon Belle Geo Minnie Miller & I Arthur Morton Bob Uncle, went out in the boat & had our tea out, it was a perfect afternoon & we enjoyed ourselves so much leaving all the cares & worries of life behind us & taking the full enjoyment as I believe we were meant to do
Wednesday 25
I took Mrs McKay over to Dr Grant & we had a good time, Belle went to Mortons with Minnie Miller
Thursday 26
Tennis at Meroogal very enjoyable Arthur home & Mr Banfield stayed to tea
Friday 27
I am sure this diary of mine will not do anyone good & I often think perhaps it is a waste of time keeping it yet I like it & wish I could give utterance to my thoughts Came home early this morning & Kate went home
Saturday 28
Went to Nowra & tennis as usual enjoyed tea with Minnie Aleck Hunt came home with us
Sunday 29
No church all day Jess was with us today after Sunday School we went to see poor old Mrs Jordan she seemed very pleased Mr Robertson preached at night the service was enjoyable, I often long to hear Mr Jackson, or Mr Milne, they seem always to give one something new to think of
Monday 30
To Nowra with Uncle stayed all day & did some sewing. After & early tea went to the Cambe tennis court & had a very good enjoyable game, & those there said I made the tennis lively & I felt thankful that I had even in such a small way given anyone pleasure
Tuesday December 1st
Mother says it is 22 years today since Father died, I often wonder what it would be like to have a Father. Eve came up in the afternoon also Mary & Mrs Bruce, After tea Eve & I went to Nowra for a ride & enjoyed it so much Eve stayed all night with us.
Wednesday 2
Had tennis at Fraser in the afternoon Mary & I took afternoon tea as Kate is away. Arthur & Kate & Min came home with me to tea
Thursday 3
Rained all day so Minnie stayed Alec came up to tea with Jess & stayed all night we were so glad to see him & he was glad to be here, we had music in the evening.
Friday 4
Dull today. Jess came up at tea time & I went with her for a walk
Saturday 5
Mary Grandfather & I went to Nowra took Mrs. Bruce & Miss Kemp up to tennis then Mary & I went home with them to tea & spent the evening very pleasantly Mr Bruce was home, Sir Henry Parkes was in Nowra, but we did not go to hear him
Sunday 6
Beautiful day Jess & I spent the morning together enjoyed Mr Kings service in the afternoon Ebb Alec etc. came up in the evening & we sang hymns.
Monday 7
Busy all the morning went to tennis in the afternoon met Mr Bruce Ebb came home with us
Tuesday 8
Mr Bruce came up to tea & Mary & I went to him to Brown Mt, the ride was very nice & the view glorious beyond description had a cup of tea at Mr McLelands, they were exceedingly kind went to the School & had a very nice service the place was nearly full, the ride home in the moonlight was so lovely & I dont think one of us will forget that ride & I enjoyed so very much the outline of Mr Bruces service on Sunday which he gave me he stayed with us all night & his company did us good one oclock when we retired
Wednesday 9
Very warm. Mr Bruce & I went round the orchard sat under the trees & had a profitable talk about what was right for a Christian, he left for Nowra about half past 11 In the afternoon Mr Bruce Miss Kemp & Mary came I enjoyed the company very much after they left Grandfather & I went to Nowra
Thursday 10
Sewed all the morning made a skirt for myself took Miss Kemp for a drive in the afternoon then had tennis Miss Kemp & Mr Bruce were there & we had some very lively games they stayed to tea, Miss Kemp & I looked over the albums & talked then we went home with them & I enjoyed the walk & the talk with Miss Kemp, she seems such a real woman & her society is congenial & profitable.
Friday 11
Nearly finished my dress Geo & I went to Dr Grants & had such a nice time Belle Mrs. Bruce Miss Kemp & I went out in the boat it was lovely moonlight & the row was delightful
Saturday 12
Finished my dress did some cooking went to tennis in the afternoon Belle & Miss Kemp drove round to tennis & I went with Miss K to see the suspension bridge & then to Mr Bruces for tea, I enjoyed it all so much & am so thankful for so many blessings.
Sunday 13
Mr Bruce preached splendidly this morning we all had dinner at Uncle Sams Mr Par preached in the afternoon but I was too sleepy to enjoy it in the evening Wesley took me down to Nowra to hear Mr Bruce, & to say good bye to Miss Kemp we were both sorry to say goodbye perhaps we may never meet again as she is going home to her parents in Scotland soon.
Monday 14
Uncle went to Nowra, I was very busy had a good game of tennis in the evening.
Tuesday 15
Jess & I were up very early & did some Christmas washing. very hotty day.
Wednesday 16
Exceedingly hot to day, I went down to Eves & we mixed up our Xmas cakes & got the baker to cook them. Eve came home with me & we had a lovely bathe in the creek & Uncle brought us a grand melon afterwards in the evening we all went to see Mrs Camp & felt awfully tired
Thursday 17
Grandfather & I went to Nowra & had splendid tennis, came home in time for Jess.
Friday 18
Did some Christmas cleaning. went to see Eve in the afternoon
Saturday 19
More cleaning went to tennis Uncle & I had tea at Eves & Aleck came home with us for the night Alec Jess & I talked late Alec gave me a nice gold brooch from Sid & himself as a memento of their last trip here, I shall prize it very much
Sunday 20
Went to church enjoyed Mr Par very well, home to dinner after Sunday School Alec & I talked until tea which he helped to get after tea Ebb & Eve came & we went down near the Creek levee & all of us & sat there for along time then sang a few hymns & they went home.
Monday 21
Eve went to Sydney today, I did a lot of cooking wrote to Jim McKenzie
Tuesday 22
Very hot, [‘Mr Bruce preached at 8 oclock & ten’ crossed out] so I stayed at home all day Alec came up in the morning.
Wednesday 23
Exceedingly hot after sunset we had a game of tennis said goodbye to Alec Ken Matthews came home with us & we had some music
Thursday 24
Nice cool day Alec went to Sydney Grandfather & I went to Nowra in the afternoon & came home late
Friday 25
Xmas day lovely morning I thought of Katie & Lil & what we did this day 12 months ago Bob Belle Geo Grandfather & I went to Mas for Xmas Mother & Kate stayed at home Alec came home this morning very windy we enjoyed ourselves fairly well
Saturday 26
Mother & Geo came up in the morning to see us & Grandpa & Uncle & all of us went to Nowra I went to tennis & we had a splendid afternoon best for a long time Arthur Belle & Kate went to visit Bert, & drove round by the tennis for me Bert looks thin but is very lively Uncle & G & I came home late
Sunday 27
Not at all well, no church all day. Jess sick Mr Bruce preached at night & I had to play but Kate was there to help with the singing I enjoyed the service I like Mr Bruce so much Kate stayed all night
Monday 28
Very warm Kate went home at dinner time Jess better Watched the club playing tennis for a while got a memo from Nowra saying to come down in the morning
Tuesday 29
Grandfather & I went to Nowra this morning it was dreadfully hot Bert was enjoying himself on the sofa I altered my dress & we all chatted together After tea Belle Gee Kate Bert & I sat out on the grass in the garden until 11 oclock it was so hot it was nice we are all so glad to have Bert, & he is so kind & “nice.”
Wednesday 30
Very warm Bert & I brought Uncles buggy home Bert drove Lottie and their buggy for one to go home got cool when before we arrived at Fairfield no one at home we both had forty winks, had a look at the albums etc & enjoyed ourselves had a very modest dinner & in the afternoon drove to Nowra. Bert had a smoke & I drove & he enjoyed himself Mrs Bruce came up in the evening. Bert Kate & I went home with her & got some nice fruit on our way home.
Thursday 31
Nice & cool Bert was teaching us to play cards in the morning & part of the afternoon, I was horribly stupid Minnie Miller came in the afternoon & I went for a nice drive with her & Bert & Kate also went for a drive it rained a little After tea we had some music & played cards & talked until after 11 then retired wishing each other a happy New Year

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
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