Tottie's diary: 1890
Wednesday January 1st
Up early this morning & got everything in order & Belle Mr Galbraith & I started for St Georges Basin it was a lovely morning Mr Blackmore Geo Kate & Bert watched us start off we had a very nice drive to the Lake had lunch when we got there, slept & wandered about until about 6 oclock when we went to Mr Blacketts who was having a dancing party. There were about 20 after tea we dressed & dancing commenced about half past eight. First dance with Mr G. I danced a lot. Some very nice people there a Mr Horne specially nice kind & gentlemanly, we did not break up until about 3 oclock in the morning. It was a most enjoyable evening & one we wont forget for a good while, we had a nice drive home in the early morning.
[Dance at Blacketts (at Georges Basin?) after a day out, & got home at 6 next a.m]
Thursday 2
It was past six when we arrived this morning had breakfast & after helping a little with the work went to sleep for an hour or two. Talked in the afternoon long chat with Bert. In the evening Geo, Kate, Bert, Bruce & I drove home, & all the McGregors were here, had tea & all went home but Bert. We spent a quiet evening Dons last evening so we did not see much of Jess & Don. Rubbed Berts throats [sic] & then retired Great talk
Friday 3
Don & Uncle went to meet the coach Bert better, very warm morning, Bert helped me to do the beans & talked Ebbie came up in the afternoon, & we spent a pleasant time. Uncle Kenny gave Bert 2 sticks (wonder of the age), had to sing after that Jess played & sang a good part of the evening. Mother came up after the lecture Mr. Abramovitch (Jew) was the lecturer Uncle informed us that Mr. A. was coming to breakfast, went thro the usual process of rubbing B's throat we have a good long talk about things B. christened Mr. A McGillicuddy very much to my amusement. Eleven when we went to bed
Saturday 4
Rather warm again Mr. Abramovitch came up to breakfast, he does not seem a bad sort of a man, but our fun of the night before made me feel inclined to laugh. More talk Jess home for dinner. Belle came up in the afternoon to take Bert home. we had a nice tea then I went with them in the buggy past Heads & walked back Jess came home & wrote the childrens names in their books
Sunday 5
Up late no church until night lolled about talked & read in the morning, went to Sunday School & Uncle gave the prizes to the children, had a nice cool drink at Frasers. Came home had tea then went to hear Mr. Jackson, I was hot & sleepy & could not enjoy the service as I would have liked.
Monday 6
During the morning had a lovely southerly then rain. Mother stayed here & I went down to Nowra with Mr. Blackmore. Bert had not gone had some fun "Dream Faces".
Tuesday 7
Did some cooking. Auntie Ebb & Miss Blackmore come in the afternoon. Bert Kate Geo & I went to church in the evening.
Wednesday 8
Warm morning, in the afternoon Geo Bruce Bert Kate & I went out in the boat had a lovely peach Belle Mother Geo Uncle Bert & I went to the Prayer meeting to hear Mr. Abramovitch. We got tired & came out said goodbye to Bell & Bert, & Uncle & I had a nice drive home. Most beautiful night
Thursday 9 £ 2
Washing day therefore busy nothing particular happened
Friday 10
Up very early ironed 8 shirts wrapper collar & made scones before half past 7. Disapointed, telegram saying the Dymocks cant come until tomorrow
Saturday 11
Usual Saturday work. In the evening Jess & I went to meet Maggie & Nellie Dymock. All very pleased to meet again had a very merry drive home.
Sunday 12
All went to church Mr. Dobbie preached & we were very tired of the sermon went to Aunties for dinner. Mary came home with us after Sunday School. After tea went to hear Mr. Par & enjoyed the service very much. It was so nice to have a lot of girls together.
Monday 13
After I had done some cooking Maggie Nellie & I went to see Mrs Binks then to the Factory had a ride in the bullock dray. After dinner we went to Dr. Grants & enjoyed the afternoon there very much. Got to Nowra a little after six all very glad to see the Dymocks spent a quiet but pleasant evening
Tuesday 14
Two years today since Bobs Jessie died how time has flown I have thought often about her today & could not help longing to see her Nellie Maggie & Belle payed some calls & in the afternoon we came home After tea we sat on the verandah & talked a talk which no doubt we will remember in after years had a feast of music when Jess came home
Wednesday 15
Raining this morning. The girls read nearly all the morning & in the afternoon went over to McGregors & had tea with the them [sic] Maggie & Nellie were delighted with the place Brought Jess home from the Office with us. Sat up late packing singing talking & laughing
Thursday 16
Up early started for the coach at 8 oclock with Maggie & Nellie all sorry to part I enjoyed their visit very much & only wished it was longer & so did they, after seeing them in the coach went to Nowra & in the afternoon Geo & Bruce came home with me. I missed the girls
Friday 17
Lazy but got every thing done in plenty time. Uncle away. About 3 oclock Belle Kate came up & we had a nice bath in the creek and spent a most pleasant afternoon It was nice to be together Jess went to Nowra with them, & of course I missed her
Saturday 18
Same as other Saturdays only not so long, as Geo & Bruce were here Kate came up with Jess in the morning. Bruce & Geo came down to the office with me quite a pleasure to see Bruce enjoying himself so much
Sunday 19
Mr. Par preached this morning, he was so earnest & nice. Mr Jackson was splendid in the afternoon he always throws light upon something It is a great blessing to have a good minister
Monday 20
Up early & got through a lot of work took Nell & Bruce to the creek for a bath, how they did enjoy it, it was worth the trouble After dinner Geo Bruce & I went to see Mrs George Faulks from there to Nowra when we met Deb Richardson our old teacher, we were pleased to see her again. Mrs. McKay was there too
[Gives children pleasure & people shld do it often! I remember Aunty T. saying how easy to]
Tuesday 21
I got everything in good order. Mrs McKay came up in the evening to stay a week. Mother came too & Georgie & Bruce went to the Farm, I missed them. Nellie Hunt came up with Mrs McKay
Wednesday 22
Very warm so we stayed in the house & had a good chat. In the evening Mother & Mrs McKay went to Aunties for tea Very lively came home
Thursday 23
Another warm day We had a nice lively evening Scotch music
[Sometimes I remember Mrs KARL playing the March of the Cameron [UNCLEAR]” with great spirit [UNCLEAR] the Fairfield piano. This may have been the time]
Friday 24
Mother & Mrs McKay went to Frasers in the afternoon and I went to see Mrs Binks. Geo took a run over to see us. We are appreciating Mrs McKays company
Saturday 25
Went thro the usual work. Mrs McKay & Nellie went to the farm in the afternoon & Mother stayed here & I went with Geo & Bruce to Nowra. Letter from Tom from Cootamundra
Sunday 26
Went to hear Dr Grant rather dry I did not come home until evening as the girls were alone. Got home in time for Church. Mr. Dudley preached
Monday 27
Holiday Uncle went to a picnic Mrs McKay, Jess & I went down to the Factory & helped to make the Creek Mr, Dudley was there & we all enjoyed the morning. In the afternoon we went to see Mrs Binks & then Mr & Mrs Binks came to tea & Wesley Tom Jane & their cousin spent the evening with us & it was a most pleasant evening indeed
Tuesday 28
Stayed at home in the morning. In the afternoon Mrs McKay & I went to see Jessie McLaren & we stayed until evening. Had a nice walk in the moonlight
Wednesday 29
Up early & did a lot of cooking etc. washing day. but it rained Jess came home thru the rain
Thursday 30
Up early & got the clothes in & did the ironing very tired after it. Letter from Bert saying he would go to the dentist with me Letter from Sid. Mrs McKay, Uncle & I went to Nowra, Uncle stayed Mrs McKay gave me a nice Portmanteau. We enjoyed our drive home
Friday 31
Did up my black dress wrote letters etc Wet day. I went to the post, got some nice peaches
Saturday February 1st
In the afternoon Mrs McKay & I went to Nowra made all arrangements for my visit to Sydney. Nice letter from Florrie Mitchell. Got rain coming home but had a good time upon the whole.
Sunday 2
Wet so we stayed at home all day, went to Mrs Binks for an hour Enjoyed the day reading & talking together. What a blessing Sunday is one seems so refreshed after the rest & quiet & prepared for the week.
Monday 3
Still very wet did a lot of cooking. Cleared up in the afternoon so Mrs McKay & I gathered our goods together and went to Nowra I was sorry to loose Mrs McKay, but as I am to go to Sydney tomorrow it was better
Tuesday 4
Lovely morning. Mr. Galbraith drove me down to the coach Mrs Best got on board before we left Nowra the coach was quite full, we had rather a rough Passage to Kiama but upon the whole it was pleasant. No time in Kiama for dinner. Happened to get into a carriage with Mrs. Kinross & Mrs. Smith & Aleck. the train was delayed two hours & we did not get into Sydney until 8 oclock & no one to meet me Dr. Kinross got a cab for me & I arrived safely at Mitchells
Wednesday 5
Mrs. Mitchell went with me to the dentists & made arrangements for tomorrow, then we went to Balmain to see Mrs. McDonald & Mrs. Jeffreys we also saw & talked to some of the Islanders. After we left there I went to see Aleck Graham we talked for a good while then I called to see Sid. Home to Mitchells for tea
Thursday 6
Breakfast at half past seven only ate a small piece of bread, & a drink of water prepared to go to the dentists put my clothes on very loose met Bert at Mrs Patersons at eleven oclock, went straight upstairs & Mr Paterson commenced operations at once I took gas Bert enjoying the operation did not feel at all ill when I came too only gums very sore both Mr P & Bert were very kind. Bert & I went to the gardens & sat & talked for a long time. Got home at half past three & wrote to Kate & Jess. After tea we sat on the balcony for a good while Jeanetta & Mr Vance came. I was very glad to see them
Friday 7
Florrie & I went to town called to see Sid & left him some lunch then we did our shopping & went to see Mr Harley it was quite a pleasure to see him again, stayed with him a good while, then Florrie went Home & I went to the gardens & waited until 6 oclock when Sid came & we went to Neutral Bay felt rather nervous. Tom was very surprised to see me we stayed for tea. I did not care much about Mrs Stafford Got home a little after nine
Saturday 8
Went to May Tates in the morning & to Vances in the afternoon Mrs McKenzie & the children came & we spent a very pleasant afternoon I made scones for tea. Florrie & I got home at bed time
Sunday 9
Went to the Glebe church in the morning. Saw the Barnets. Mr. Fenwick preached then we went to, Mr. Inglis in the evening liked him well only rather long
Monday 10
Went to Hordens & did shopping then to see Sid had lunch in the Arcade & came home in good time. In the evening Florrie & I went for a walk in the University paddocks & met Alec & Sid at Ross Street they spent the evening with us & it was very pleasant
Tuesday 11
Stayed at home all the morning in the afternoon met Bert at the dentists & had two teeth drawn which was far from pleasant B went as far as the Art Gallery with me. In the evening we all went to Mrs. McKenzies.
Wednesday 12
Florrie & I decided to go out for the day. Telegram from Tom & we met him at the Station at 12 oclock, he went to have a sleep & we went shopping called on Sid had lunch at the London tea rooms. then went round town & down to see Alec got home in time for tea. Then went to Mrs Vances. Tom & Bert were coming to Mitchells. heard me singing at Vances & came in. then we went back to Mitchells they stayed a while. then went back to the college
Thursday 13
Raining heavily in the morning Florrie went to the Station with me met Tom there Sid saw us off very pleasant ride to Kiama, the Jamberoo coach met ours so I got into it & went to Jamberoo gave the Dymocks a surprise & they said they were very pleased. Jessie & Lizzie Kinross were there & I was very glad to see them we had music in the evening
Friday 14
Mr. Dymock very kindly went to the coach with me it was a lovely morning & I arrived in Kiama safely stayed at Finlaysons a while then went to see Mrs. Thompson, then up to Mr. Burgess, I liked the Burgess family very much, one would soon feel at home with them. Back to Fins for dinner. Started for home at half past two. arrived in Nowra about half past 7 glad to have a rest at home
Saturday 15
Made scones in the morning In the afternoon Tom Mr. Galbraith Bell & I went to the boat but it was out so we contented ourselves with nice grapes & figs Kate came down & Tom Kate & I came home in the evening
Sunday 16
Went to hear Mr. Par in the morning saw Jess & Don etc in the afternoon Mr Jackson was good as usual Mary came home with Kate & me & all the others went to the farm, Tom came home after tea.
Monday 17
Rained. Tom stayed with us until evening then Pa Jess & Don came over & had ta & Tom went over to the farm with them
Tuesday 18
Still raining Pa took Mother & Tom home to Nowra & brought Jess & Don over in the evening. Kate & I returned in good time.
Wednesday 19
More rain. Don went home to Sydney Kate & I passed the day doing different things Jess came home at six Tom came up too by coach & we were very pleased to see him Jess made music for us while we sat around the fire
Thursday 20 Friday 21
Pouring. Kate & I preserved quinces & made grape jam. Tom went to the farm A Mr. Storrier came to see Uncle he is government geologist. We liked him very well he went back to Nowra after dinner
Saturday 22 5/6
Kate went home & I felt very lonely busy all morning cooking etc, went to see Mrs Binks. Ma kindly sent Min over in the evening company for me, after dark Uncle & Mr Storrier came, so we had plenty company
Sunday 23
Very wet all morning poured in the afternoon played & sung hymns & talked the day passed quickly
Monday 24
Mr Storrier went away before breakfast Min went after breakfast Jess came home at lunch & I went back with her & did some shopping. Tom & Belle came so I came home with them but they could not stay long. Jess & I went down to Binks & had nice roasters
Tuesday 25
Made quince jam, did some sewing practised well
Wednesday 26
Up very early & made scones etc. went to Nowra by coach Preserved damsons & made scones for the show everyone in the house was very busy. Torie Hall & Annie Miller came in the evening
Thursday 27
Show day, lovely morning, everybody seemed to be astir early. George got first prize for point lace & I got first for scones. Saw a good many old friends. Kate Mr Blackmore & I went to an entertainment at night & enjoyed it very well
Friday 28
Great crowd at the show, great crowd at Meroogal, we all felt tired in the evening & very glad that the show is over Mr Storrier was with us to tea
Saturday March 1st
Tom & Mr Storrier went to Barr Hill. Uncle came for me, had to turn to work when I came home soon got things into order Read after tea until bed time
Sunday 2
No church until night rather damp. Sunday School very nice today. Mr. Jackson preached & as usual very good Nellie & Dubbs stayed with me all night.
Monday 3
Pa came over to take me to Nowra to say good bye to Tom it poured rain, took Baby down. Poor Tom he does not look fit for work. I do wish he would get strong, but I suppose it must be best or he would not be so weak. I wonder when we will see him again. Sad thoughts will come into ones mind. Got home grandly thro the wet
Tuesday 4
Busy in the morning & went to see Mrs. Binks in the afternoon
Wednesday 5
Made quince jam & jelly & scones after dinner walked over to the farm & saw the new baby glad to find them so well helped a little & walked home after tea very tired
Thursday 6
Large washing. Made fig & passion fruit jam scones. Damped & folded the clothes. Uncle got some nice peaches.
Friday 7
Mrs McPaul & I ironed the greater part of the [sic]. very tired when evening came & very glad to have everything clean
Saturday 8
Made scones, pies, cakes quince jam & preserved rhubarb. Went to see Mrs, Binks. Belle came up in the evening & I was not sorry Finished “Holden with the cords” & like it very much
Sunday 9
Rained most of the day in the afternoon Belle & I went down to Aunties sang hymns & came home before dark. I read the account of the assembly. We all had a good Sunday rest & I was glad to think some of the ministers would have a rest too. Tom to preach in Armidale today
Monday 10
Lill Billis birthday. Belle made herself useful. I made apple jelly & did sewing & mending. Can always get on better when some one is with me More rain
Tuesday 11
More rain. Made quince jelly did more sewing Belle still with me Wrote to Tom
Wednesday 12
Rain. Made scones read most of the afternoon & did a little sewing. Belle having a good rest & read
Thursday 13
Belle went down to Aunties in the morning & I went down to the office in the afternoon. Belle met me there & we did some shopping stayed a while with Jess then went to Mrs Brenans & helped to make scones Jess came & we had tea at Mrs Brenans then a wet walk home in the dark
Friday 14
Fine lovely day Geo come up at dinner time I borrowed Binks horse & Belle Geo & I rode over to the Farm enjoyed ourselves well. grand to be able to go out again. Mother & all well at the Farm
Saturday 15
Beautiful morning & day Belle went home I missed her Finished my sewing & mending & went to the Factory & helped Wesley to brand the cheese & he was very thankful & so was I glad to be able to do something to help. They are so good & kind to us. & I dont seem able to do much for them
March 1890
Nowra it was quite a treat to me to get home again Kate Mary & I spent the evening at Mr. Flatts Mr Blackmore sprained his ankle said goodbye to Aleck.
Thursday 20
Aleck left for Sydney to College in the morning Georgie & I went to see Mrs. McKay home for dinner In the afternoon Mary & I came home
Friday 21
Did a lot of cleaning up. Belle came up in the evening Uncle brought a nice lot of grapes, he went for Jessie
Saturday 22 £1
Belle helped me a lot. Uncle went to Berry for Will & Mrs. Matthews Belle drove over to the farm & I rode very sorry to find Mother not well she will work too much for others & injure her health. She does a great deal for the Master I went to see Will & Mrs Matthews we were very glad to see each other Jessie came home with me no Aleck to relieve her now. Eleven years in Cambe today.
Sunday 23
Wet day. I went to Sunday School & had 8 scholars all to myself. I could not open school properly but heard their lesson & tried to do something for the Master but I felt it was little I could do, that I had the opportunity but could not use it properly. Made them say the Lords prayer after me, quite solemnly. Jess & I went to Uncle Sams after & Mary Will & Mrs. M. came up to tea with us we enjoyed their company. Went to church Mr. King preached such a good sermon about Dives & Lazarus. I felt it was a powerful sermon.
[I think Oliver King (Smeer) is his son. The daughter, Melvie, was a friend of mine]
Monday 24
More rain, poor Jess had to turn out in it she is a brave girl. I am afraid I could not do what she does Uncle Jess & Mr. Allan had tea & spent the evening at Aunties. I did not go as it was too wet read old letters which made me dwell in the happy past think of the still happier future Mr. Allan came home with Uncle
Tuesday 25
Cleared up & I went with Will & Mrs, Matthews & Polly to Nowra & stayed all night Bob was at home which made the evening more pleasant
Wednesday 26
Mrs Matthews & Will went away by coach & Polly & I came home before dinner I got dinner & tidied up, Jess came home & we had a good chat about Aleck etc More rain
Thursday 27
Fine day. Georgie & Minnie Miller rode up to see us & stayed to tea, we were very pleased to see them Went to G Templars, had a very successful [UNCLEAR] night Jess bad with neuralgia
Friday 28
Beautiful day, busy all the morning. Went down to Jessies in the afternoon. Joe Nugent & her little niece were there & Pa & Mother came Mother not at all well
Saturday 29
The usual work in the morning Uncle & I went to Nowra in the afternoon found Mr. Blackmore & Galbraith in full dress going to the laying of the foundation stone of Masonic Hall Nowra, so we all went & rather enjoyed the ceremony. Kate came home with Uncle & I stayed down
Sunday 30
Late up all went to hear Dr. Grant Mr. G. went with us I enjoyed the whole service very well the singing was good went for a walk in the afternoon played hymns & talked at night I felt it a great rest
Monday 31
Raining I made scones & a new pudding went to see Minnie Miller in the afternoon, Minnie came back with me to tea & spent the evening with us
Tuesday April 1st
Lovely morning I rode Mr G horse up to Cambe found Mrs McPaul washing after dinner Kate & I did some ironing & after Jess closed the office Jess & I rode down to Nowra Miss Flatt & Louie & Jack were there, I liked them very well after they left Mr. Galbraith dressed up in his soldier clothes & looked very great
Wed 2
Kate Billis birthday. Uncle & Kate came down in the morning & Uncle went out to De Mestre’s & got grapes for Meroogal & Fairfield I came home in the afternoon with Mr. Blackmore & his brother, all went up to Uncle Matthews I made crumpets for Mary then came home had tea & went to see Mrs. Binks & found her better
Thursday 3
Preserved grapes & made grape jam
Thursday 4
Nothing particular happened
Friday 4 Good Friday
Cleaned up in the morning Jess came home before dinner & in the afternoon Mary Jess & I went to the Farm Donald came Mary Dubbs & I met him, lively night. Came home from Uncle Sam gate by myself
Saturday 5
Did a lot of cooking very busy. Don & Jess came up to dinner in the afternoon Uncle & I went to Nowra & came home in the moonlight Don Jess & I went to see Mrs. Binks.
Sunday 6
Beautiful day. (new black dress) Mr Dobbie preached could not enjoy the service very much dinner at Aunties after Sunday School went for a walk with Min & Nell along the flat Had a chat to Mr Sullivan coming home Good read & retired early. Lovely night
Easter Monday 7
Had a splendid sleep last night rose early. Most beautiful morning & day Uncle went out Grandpa & I stayed at home. Finished a cloud for Mrs. Mitchell. Wrote to Florrie Mitchell & Aleck McGregor Don & Jess came to tea & I went over to the farm with them. Had plenty grapes. Great fun, Don & I had a dance on the verandah Min & I up to mischief
Tuesday 8
Up before six Dubs drove me to the road Uncle away all day. Did some sewing Minnie, Nellie Maggie Jessie came for dinner also Theresa & Louie Binks so I had quite a family. Maggie & Nellie stayed all night & were very good Kate started for Sydney & Hunter
Wednesday 9
I took Maggie & Nellie to Nowra for a drive Mrs McKay was there so I took her part of the way home Pa took the children home Jess & I retired early & had a little talk as usual
Thursday 10
Uncle got to Berry, raining all day got some mending & sewing done & preserved some pears. Grandfather & I had a great talk Jess did not come home
Friday 11
Beautiful day Dubbs & I went to Nowra for a ride. Went to see Mrs Binks in the evening. Jess came home
Saturday 12
Most beautiful morning, got a lot of work done before breakfast had a walk in the afternoon Went to church practice & enjoyed it Jess home with me
Sunday 13
Lovely morning. enjoyed Mr. Par in the morning & Mr. Jackson was splendid in the afternoon. Mother Geo & Alf Blackmore were up to church all went to aunties for tea I read after tea & retired in good time
Monday 14
Had a grand sleep last night. University Commemoration today & Harold Hunts birthday Uncle went out shooting Grandfather & I went to the Farm & stayed all night had a very nice time enjoyed ourselves
Tuesday 15
My birthday & it has been a happy one people have been so kind to me & so thoughtful more than I deserved. God has been so good to me & I am thankful but not nearly so much as I would like to be. Jo Nugent sent me lovely scent & ruffling & a box of lovely flowers. Mrs Binks sent me a nice big sponge cake. Harold Hunt wrote to me & so did Jo. Mother gave me some money Jess has something for me & so has Don. Don sent me two cards one lovely one & his photo. I started to Nowra walking met Mr. Fraser & he drove me nearly to Nowra. I thought it so kind of him when I think of all the kindness I have met with it make me feel unspeakably thankful. Mr. Galbraith came home from the Easter Encampment & we talked late retired well pleased with the day & longing to live better in the coming year.
Wednesday 16
Made scones also grape jam for Mrs. Binks Georgie came home with me & when Jess came home our tongues went for a time it was so nice to be all together
Thursday 17
Aleck McGregors birthday. I made an apron went to Binks & did a little sewing for Jane Wrote to Tom & Donald
Friday 18
Did some extra cleaning, & sewing spent two hours at the Factory helping Mr. Binks to brand cheese answered Harold Hunts & Jo’s letters.
Saturday 19
Belle brought Kates & Toms letters up. Mr. Galbraith sent Grandfather & I chocolates creams. Had a good church practise
Sunday 20
No church all day Mr. Galbraith came up before dinner. In the afternoon Uncle Mr. G. & I walked over to the farm Grandpa went to Aunties, he had tea at the farm & Jess Min Dubbs came with us to church Mr. King preached a good sermon we sat up pretty late. I am no good at writing a diary
Monday 21
Mr. G. went home after breakfast. Uncle went duck shooting I did a lot of cooking & in the evening went over to the Valley had a lovely drive over in the coach & all at Nugents were glad to see me
Tuesday 22
Jo & I talked a good deal in the morning & in the afternoon rode over to see Mrs. Joyce & had tea with her, had some music when we came home & retired late Our Kate went to the Hunter Letter from Katie
Wednesday 23
No up very early, was a good deal with Sarah in the morning, made some scones Jim took me for a ride in the evening as far as Bendela, [sic] it was very nice & I enjoyed the ride well, it seems so nice just to go out for pleasure & feel that nothing was being neglected Jo & I talked until 3 in the morning & felt the better of the talk
Thursday 24
Up early Sarah had a nice breakfast for me. She is so kind & thoughtful & I left in the coach a little after seven after spending a very enjoyable holiday. Was glad Mother was here when I came home Went to Good Templars at night & felt ready for bed when Jess & I returned
Friday 25
Mother troubled with bronchitis so I took her home after dinner sorry we could not keep her. Mrs. Binks went with us for a drive, all well at Nowra. Letter from Kate & I had one from Tom
Saturday 26
Beautiful day. Uncle walked to Nowra, I was busy all the morning & felt tired Polly came up in the afternoon & time soon passed. we had some fun catching a fowl wrote to Kate to the Hunter
Sunday 27
No church until night Mary & Auntie came up & had dinner with us. After Sunday School we all went up to Aunties for tea. Mr. Blackmore & Mr. Galbraith also came to tea & to hear Mr. Jackson & as usual we were far from being disapointed with Mr Jackson he stayed with us all night
Monday 28
Nothing in particular happened, wet as usual
Tuesday 29
Did some sewing in the morning & in the afternoon went to see Mrs. Brown, then Jess & I went by Binks to church after church had a practise for Mr. Pars lecture
Wednesday 30
Altered my red dress & made it very tidy sewed all day. Georgie rode up in the evening & stayed all night
Thursday May 1st
Damp morning. Grandfather & Uncle drove down to church, Geo & I rode Mr. Burgess from Kiama preached a splendid sermon "If we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship one with another & the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin" he made it so plain & simple Geo & I went to see Mr. Blackmore & in the afternoon to see Mrs. Moss. at night to the Silver Reading. I stayed all night in Nowra
Friday 2
Came home at eight oclock this morning did my Saturday work as we go to Nowra on Saturday Went to the Church of England tea meeting in the School of Arts & enjoyed Mr. Pars lecture about his trip home to England
Saturday 3
Jo Nugents birthday. Uncle & I went to Nowra to church Dr. Gilchrist preached he was pretty dry, In the afternoon Georgie & I drove over to see Mrs. Buchanan & had tea with her, her company is always pleasant. Called at Minnie Miller met Artie Morton there & liked him, all went to hear Mr. Langley preached I enjoyed the service. Had supper at Millers & came home & retired
Sunday 4
Rather a wet morning. All went to church. Dr. Gilchrist preaches & the whole service was very precious, it seemed such a priviledge to sit once more at the Lords table. May He help us & keep us ever near him. Too wet to go out at night so Mr. Blackmore read us a sermon poor old Grandfather enjoyed it very much
Monday 5
Damp day. I wrote to Kate & Bert & in the afternoon Geo & I walked over to see Mrs. McKay enjoyed the walk & Mrs. McKay's company Geo Belle & I went to hear Mr. Langley preach nice service Mr. Langley spoke to Minnie Miller & I & I was thankful to be able to answer his question. Went in with Miss Noel who wished to speak to Mr. Langley
[Miss Noel gave me a nice [UNCLEAR] of linen. I think she was companion to old Miss [UNCLEAR] & Miss Brigstock]
Tuesday 6
Up early & went for a nice ride with Minnie Miller home to breakfast rained heavily wrote to Maggie Dymock, Uncle came for Grandfather & I came home thankful to have had such a good time & such a rest. Found the washing done, damped the clothes ready for ironing.
Wednesday 7
Letter from J McK Ironed all the morning went to see Mrs. Binks in the afternoon after giving Uncle & Grandpa their tea went down to Frasers to tea. Mary & Auntie there Jess came later on & we spent a nice cosy time together
Thursday 8
Ironed & washed ties & handkerchiefs for Uncle quite tired & had a rest in the afternoon. Went to Good Templars & had a jolly meeting
Friday 9
Cleaned windows etc great cleaning day. Letter from Tom. very good; & a long one from Bert enjoyed both very much. Went down & did some shopping
Saturday 10
Uncle went to Nowra & I went down to Frasers & played lawn tennis for the first time & enjoyed it very much Did not go out to practise as it rained had a good read instead
Sunday 11
Jessies & Nellies birthday, I hope they will live to see many very happy birthdays, it rained all the morning cleared in the afternoon. Jess got many nice presents. Don sent her a ring with her name on it. In the afternoon Mr. Jackson came & Uncle Kate Fraser & I walked over thro the mud to the farm & were present at the christening of little Elgin Mother was there also & Geo & Mary Matthews We had a very "damp" walk home J but felt none the worse
Monday 12
Showery. I did some cleaning up as usual & took a run down to see Mrs. Binks Uncle went to Nowra in the afternoon & will not be back until Wednesday. Wesley Binks brought Jess home we enjoyed being alone.
Tuesday 13
Jess & I did ase liked this morning, had breakfast all to ourselves & had much enjoyment Grandfather also had a good rest & was later than usual in getting up. In the morning I did a lot of extra cleaning as it was such a beautiful day. Sewed in the afternoon. Belle & Geo took a ride up to see us, we were very pleased we had an early tea so they could get home before dark, I went to the factory & branded a few cheeses for Mr. Binks also had a practise & wrote to Katie Billis Grandfather & I are very happy alone & its very nice when Jess comes home
Wednesday 14
Another fine day. wrote to Bert & Sid Uncle at Uncle Sams for tea
Thursday 15
Another good day. I did some sewing am getting house & all in good order also did a lot of cooking tired, Uncle went to Nowra & Grandpa Jess & I enjoyed being alone we have been so happy alone & Grandfather says we dont want anyone we are so content
Friday 16
Up early Finished work early went to Nowra for a ride Mrs. Walters was there came home in the afternoon & left tea ready for Grandpa & Uncle & went down to Fraser to play tennis. Minnie Miller Miss Noel & McArthur Polly Mr & Mrs. Brennan. Jess later on were there, we enjoyed tennis, spent a very lively evening, played consequences etc. Artie Kate & I had a lively tramp after the horses round the paddock. very much to our amusement. Past ten when Jess & I got home. I felt quite satisfied with the evening, nothing came to mar the pleasure felt very thankful
Saturday 17
Extra cleaning in the morning afternoon sewed & read. Raining again. Wrote a long letter to Kate Read until ten oclock
Sunday 18
Fine morning grand westerly wind, bracing. Mr. Shepherd (local) preached & we like him very well Sunday School was small but very nice, dont know what I would do without S School. Minnie came home with me & stayed all night
Monday 19
Up before five & did the washing (as Mrs McPaul cant come any more). got it all done by 8 oclock, rather tired afterwards, dont want to do it again, Minnies face aching all day poor girl. Ironed in the afternoon only a small ironing. Felt not “at all
Fresh” at night
Tuesday 20
Made cakes scones soda bread, tarts & puddings Melon ginger & melon jam, afternoon read some of "The Last days of Pompei", [sic] sewed awhile went to the office for a walk. Saw Bob in the coach. Home about 5 Mary Matthews here for tea Uncle Sam not well
Wednesday 21
I drove Polly Matthews & Mrs Binks to Nowra called at Mrs Millers (much amused) had dinner at Meroogal In the afternoon Geo Polly & I drove to Mosses met Arthur Morton & had a laugh over the runaway horses. After tea Polly & Mr. Galbraith came to Cambe I stayed all night with Miss Noel
Thursday 22
Miss Noel & I had breakfast at 9 oclock after which I went to Nowra to do some shopping met Artie & had a chat met many friends this morning I went back to Miss Noels & made scones & cakes for her. home to Meroogal for dinner Uncle came for me Belle & Geo very busy sewing. We came home at 5 oclock. Had to go to Good Templars very fair meeting, Wesley does very well in the chair
Friday 23
Made citron jam etc. busy all the morning Uncle went up the river After dinner went down to Jessies & wrote a note to Don & Aleck
Saturday 24
Fine morning, after finishing work, rode over to the Farm with Jess & enjoyed the ride grandly. Came back to Fraser & spent the evening there. Polly Jess & Arthur Morton were there Arthur brought me home & Jess went with Polly roads dreadfully muddy
Sunday 25
Mr. Par preached a very churchy sermon dinner as usual at Uncle Matthews. Sunday School very nice after which Mary & I had a walk & a long talk. Uncle & I had tea at Aunties & Mr Jackson preached at night. I have never heard him so earnest & eloquent.
Monday 26
Grandfather & I went to Nowra. It was nice to get home again. Georgie & I had a nice ride down to McArthurs home to tea went to the post after tea. Mr. Galbraith came home from Sydney so we talked late
Tuesday 27
Commenced my dress it is such a rest not to have much work to do & no care Mother came home, better, but not well yet. Geo & I went out for a drive & took Eliza with us. Called at Mrs. H Hodgkinsons & at Mrs. Dobbies. After tea the Captain & I went to the Post, then he went to his Office & I to Minnie Millers Arthur Morton came, & they all came up to Meroogal with us, Jess & Dubbs rode down, so we had a merry evening
Wednesday 28
Georgie Minnie Miller & I got up early & went for a ride with Jess lovely morning & the ride was glorious, dont think I ever enjoyed a ride more. Did more to my dress & in the afternoon Mr. G. showed us thro his office & we called on Mrs Mariott Mrs Hays & Mrs Quick
Thursday 29
Geo Alice Matthews Minnie Millie & I went for a ride & in the afternoon Geo & I drove down to McArthurs, played tennis & spent a pleasant evening. Polly K Fraser Mrs Miller Miss Noel Mr. Galbraith Arthur & Harry Morton were there the drive home in the moonlight was delightful
Friday 30
Finished my dress. Polly came in the morning we went round the town on business, then Poll went home. Mrs Green & Mrs Mills spent the afternoon with us & I went nearly home with them to carry the baby. Called at Minnie Millers Arthur was there & they made me stay to tea & brought me home. Mother & I went to Mrs. J. McArthur
Saturday June 1st
Aleck & Donald came home last night Geo & I drove up to Cambe in the afternoon & saw Aleck. After tea the Captain & I went for the post & did some shopping. Had a great laugh over "Two men in a boat" about which Mr. Blackmore read to us. Then Mr. G. & Mr. B. went to the Catholic Bazaar for a little while
Sunday 2
Church in the morning fairly enjoyable. Grandfather & Mother enjoyed the service. Rained in the afternoon so we all stayed at home. Disappointed I did not get out to church at night. Read the Presbyterian & retired early
Monday 2
Wet morning. went on a message for Geo Grandpa & Mother have had a fine time & Grandpa seems quite contented Geo & I went to see Mrs. McLean & enjoyed the afternoon with her very much indeed Mr. McLean very kindly drove us home In the evening we had more about the "two men in a boat"
Tuesday 3
Beautiful day. Uncle came for us so we had to come home, well satisfied with our stay at Nowra sorry to leave them all but thankful for having such a good time Don Aleck Jess Min, Mr. Blackmore Uncle K Fraser Arthur Morton & I spent the evening at Aunties. Don Jess Aleck stayed the night with me
Wednesday 4
Busy all the morning getting things into order after being away. It is 4 years today since dear Mag died, how the time has flown & it all seems like a dream. I trust our last end may be like hers. Feeling a bit sad & lonely Don & Jess had dinner & tea with us
Thursday 5
Did an extra lot of cooking preparing for going to Sydney Aleck came to dinner & tea Jess & Don came for tea & all stayed the night we spent a pleasant time
Friday 6
Don & Jess stayed until after dinner & did a lot of work Aleck went to the office. Mary & I went to Sinclair collecting. Finished St Elmo
Saturday 7
After dinner went to the farm with Don & jess in the buggy, we spent a very happy evening
Sunday 8
Rather damp walked over to S School after dinner. Mr. Jackson did not come so we had a prayer meeting instead went to Binks to say goodbye
Monday 9
After getting everything in order Grandpa & I went to Nowra as I had to get ready to go to Sydney on Wednesday
Tuesday 10
Very busy all day cooking etc. & packing up. drove Mrs. Walters down to see Mrs. Moss
Wednesday 11
Beautiful morning started in the coach for Kiama Don & Aleck got in at the cross roads & we had a very lively & pleasant trip to Kiama I stayed at Finlaysons until it was time to go to the train. We had a splendid ride in the train, very pleasant to have Don & Aleck for company arrived in Sydney at 6 oclock Kate met me & we got to Taits in time for tea. Bob & Tom Stafford came to see us during the evening.
Thursday 12
Kate & I Started out early & did our shopping, then Aleck came & we did his shopping, got all for his room at the College with little trouble. After shopping Kate & I went to the dentists. Fairly tired when evening came
Friday 13
Dentist in the morning In the afternoon Kate & I went over to the College to get Alecks room ready Bert was not back we did all that we could & returned home. Met Mrs Tom Barnet, Aleck stayed with Don until Monday.
Saturday l4
In the afternoon Don took Kate & I to Manly we enjoyed the trip very much indeed came home by Mitchells & had tea there. Florrie came back to Taits with us & then I returned with her to stay until Sunday night.
Sunday 15
Nice day. Mrs Mitchell & I went to church Mr Fenwick preached in the afternoon I went with Don & Aleck to Bay St Sunday School & enjoyed it the children behaved better than I expected Mr Livingstone spoke in very warm terms of Tom & informed the School (much to my discomfort) that I was Toms Sister Don Aleck & I went for a good walk called at Taits to see Kate, then they went with me to Mitchells, then home to tea Kate Florrie Mrs M & I went to church at night
Monday 16
In the afternoon we went over to see Aleck & to see Kinrosses, had tea with the Kinrosses after when I went to see Bert & Aleck the former looked well stayed a while with them & they came home with us & had some cakes & jam Bert made himself comfortable on the rug & would not move out until late
Tuesday 17
Kate & I went down town at night
Wednesday 18
[no entry]
Thursday 19
Kate went in Blackmores & I to Mitchells Don & Aleck Florrie & I went out for a long walk to Annandale & round by the college to see Bert who came back with us & he & Aleck had tea with Bert had to go back to work while we went in the prayer meeting
Friday 20
Kate & I back to Taits again. Kate & I met at the Steamer & went to see Bruce & he looked well & very pleased, poor boy we would like to have taken him home with us
Saturday 21
Rained in the morning pretty fine in the afternoon Kate & I went over to the college & Bert took us through Prince Alfreds Hospital, we enjoyed it very much indeed. Bert saw us home safely
Sunday 22
Went with Mrs Mitchell to church. Kate went to Church of England Mr Fenwick preached again In the afternoon Jessie Kinross Kate Florrie & I went with Don & Aleck to Bay street Bert also turned up Went for a walk nearly home with Jessie Kinross. All went to church again at night
Monday 23
Went to Kinrosses for lunch helped Jessie to make bunches of flowers, to take to the hospital then Jessie & I went thro the womens wards at the hospital giving each a bunch of flowers & a text, it was very enjoyable to me & Jessie was glad to have me. I had tea with Kinrosses, stayed with Bert for a while & Aleck took me to Mitchells about eight oclock
Tuesday 24
Kate went to Blackmore yesterday to stay for two nights. Aleck Florrie Don & I went for a long walk thro Wentworth Park as far as Pyrmont Bridge. In the evening Aleck & Sid came up to Mitchells & we spent a very happy evening, they seemed to enjoy the singing so much making it a pleasure to me to sing for them Late when we returned
Wednesday 25
Met Kate at the Dentists & go [sic] my teeth which are very nice indeed we came to Florries in good time & Bert & Aleck came to tea & we had a lively & enjoyable time Music which was appreciated they stayed late Kate & I stayed all night
Thursday 26
Back to Taits again nothing particular happened
Friday 27
Kate went into town got her photo taken then got everything ready to start home next morning Kate & I had tea & spent the evening at Barnets
Saturday 28
Poured rain Kate could not go so we read & slept all day. Aleck took a run round to see us
Sunday 29
Still raining Kate & I started for church but it rained & we had to go into Mitchells had dinner & tea with them, went to see Mrs McKenzie in the afternoon
Monday 30
Kate went home I felt lonely without her I got flowers from Barnets & Florrie & I went over to Kinrosses & from there with Jessie to the Hospital I feel greatly interested in the hospital work, felt nervous at first but getting quite used to it now Aleck & Bert came nearly home with us
Tuesday July 1st
Went to Mrs Petersons from there to Polly Staffords & to see Bruce who had had a bad cold found him better again From there I went to see Aleck Graham & Mr Blackmore No place like home
Wednesday 2
Made melon ginger Went with Mrs Mitchell to the Cyclorama & enjoyed the sight very much. Came home & helped Florrie to get the tea Bert & Aleck came to tea, & Bert helped to wash up & had a good look around Had music & bagatelle until late nearly 12 when the boys left.
Thursday 3
Rained, so we did not go out to the prayer meeting. Florrie & I went to Mrs McKenzies to look after the children while she went out.
Friday 4
Up early still raining went to Mr Patersons at half past eight Bert met me I took gas & had 4 teeth drawn did not feel at all nervous & enjoyed the process. Felt well when it was all over, Bert came as far as the Medical School with me, got home all right & had a nice breakfast. Florrie & I met a Mr Barnes who knows many of our friends Aleck & Sid came
Saturday 5
Walked out to Mr Blackmores very glad to see me felt pretty tired. Addie & I went for a walk
Sunday 6
Went with the Blackmores to the Wesleyan Church in the morning enjoyed the service fairly well blamed myself a good deal for not enjoying it more. Had a rest in the afternoon & heard Mr Inglis in the Town Hall at night & liked him very much
Monday 7
Stayed until after lunch then met Florrie & we went to see Aleck & then to the hospital with Jessie Kinross had a long chat with Mrs Nelson (one of the patients) Miss Gardiner & I also had a chat When we came back to the college Aleck was not there. Bert came nearly home with us. We spent the evening at home
Tuesday 8
[no entry]
Wednesday 9
[no entry]
Thursday 10
Went to see Aleck Graham & from there to the Gardens Art Gallery where we saw some lovely pictures "Anatomy" much admired. Enjoyed the visit to the Technalogical [sic] Museum saw many specimens wood etc from Cambe & Illawarra In the evening Aleck & Sid came & Florrie & I went to the college with them to see Aleck but Aleck was not there so we spent the time with Bert they (the boys) seemed to enjoy the talk together of course I had to put up with a little teasing
Friday 11
Florrie & I went into town got my photo taken, called to see Sid had a walk round Came home in the train with Mr Barnes.
Saturday 12
Stayed at home all the morning Don took me in the afternoon to an organ recital in the University Music rather high flown but some parts very enjoyable from there we passed the Medical School which is a splendid building. Watched a football match at the University ground great shouting. Don & I finished the afternoon by having a good walk & good talk.
Sunday 13
We went to hear Mr Fraser preach in the morning & I like him very well Florrie & I went to see Mrs Vance in the afternoon & I dont suppose we will forget our visit Bert & Aleck came for tea & we went to church & enjoyed the service very much Text “A bruised reed He will not break” a favorite text of mine therefore I enjoyed the service all the more. The Boys came home and had supper with us.
Monday 14
Florrie & I walked out to Jeanettes found her out came back to the College. We got my bottles from Bert. Bert bad with cold & sore throat. Florrie brought Aleck & him some cakes & soda bread which were duly appreciated. Stayed a good while & Aleck came part of the way home with us. Bert was not well enough to come out. We enjoyed a sit round the fire.
Tuesday 15
More rain. Aleck & I walked out to Blackmores in the afternoon, poor Aleck still troubled with face ache Addie Blackmore was the only one away. It rained so we did not go out anywhere.
Wednesday 16
Read greater part of the morning. Too wet to go out at all finished Brucies comforter. Mr Banfield came out to tea. Just the same old boast Hugh Miss Blackmore & I went to hear Mr Charles Clark lecture ( in the Pitt Street School of Arts) on the Tower of London, it was a most enjoyable lecture, the lecturer being very humorous. The Blackmores have been very kind indeed.
Thursday 17
Rather a dull morning. I came in to Mitchells early to help Florrie prepare for our evening. I made puff paste & helped Florrie as much as possible. We had plenty of fun over the preparation. About half past 7 the guests began to arrive. Two Miss McIntyres, Miss Hanken Ida Vance Miss Graham Mr Barnes Mr Pettett Sid Mr Vance Aleck & Bert. We had music & games then a charade which was very good indeed about half past ten we had supper, the evening seems to be passing very quickly. Some had to leave before we were finished supper. B & I sat at the table & talked for a long time while the others had a dance & some games. The evening passed off well & all seemed to enjoy themselves well Bert was the last to go not far from morning Bert gave me so nice musk (Upstairs) Some person very kindly made my bed hard for me so that my rest was disturbed Florrie Mrs Mitchell & I made things a bit straight & had a talk over the success of our evening. Florrie & I have become great friends. It has been a relief to each of us we feel that we can trust each other It is a great comfort to have someone to whom we can tell things that trouble & worry one, it make the burden easier to bear when shared, if we would only remember that, Jesus is able & willing to carry all our burdens & cares
Friday 18
Felt a bit depressed & no wonder after such late hours Florrie & I went down town in the afternoon, it poured rain for some time called at the Bank & Alecks office & stayed a good while. Had to come home as it was raining again. Made a lovely fire & had a read & chat also
Saturday 19
Grand Did not do anything much until afternoon Don came for me & we went to the college to do some mending for Aleck. Bert came in & we all had a talk together the time passed quickly Did little mending for Bert & took some of Alecks home Bert let me hear my own heart beating with an instrument Jim had sent him I did not finish the mending until 6 oclock the tea bell rung before Don & I left Bert was in very good spirits his cold much the same. I retired early in good spirits.
Sunday 20
Turned out a lovely morning Mrs M & I went to hear Mr McIntosh I liked him fairly well. Afternoon went to see Mrs Vance who has been ill for sometime then came back to Florries & had a read Aleck came to tea & Bert shortly after & we went to church together & sat in our usual seat Mr McIntosh preached on temptation which was a most appropriate text we liked him very well Bert came home with us & Aleck later on we talked until late & before supper was over it was not early by any means. Said goodbye to the boys as I would not see them again. Very thankful for having such a happy holiday.
Monday 21
Florrie & I had an early lunch & walked down town. Called to see Sid & did some shopping then walked about to see what was to be seen. After tea we went to say goodbye to the Vances as I am to leave for home in the morning Florrie & I felt sad at heart, we have become great friends & dont like parting Florrie & Mrs M have been exceedingly kind to me.
Tuesday 22
Lovely morning Don came for me felt sorry to say goodbye to Florrie & all & took me to the station Sid & Aleck were there to see me off. Alice Matthews was waiting for me We had a good trip in •the train Roads very bad coming home but we arrived safely All at home say I look splendid after the change There is no doubt but what I feel very fat. I felt I could not thank Mrs M & Florrie half enough for their many kindnesses to me.
Wednesday 23
Wrote to Florrie I had a good rest in the afternoon Kate & I went for a drive it was lovely. Seemed so free after town went to see Mrs Buchanan glad to see us looking so well played & sang Scotch Music for her & had tea drove home in the moonlight. Tired so we retired early I thought I would like town life but find now that the country is more enjoyable & a country life better than a town life, not so many temptations to lead one astray & there seems such freedom & an abundance of everything, which I dont think I ever felt more.
Thursday 24
Bell drove Georgie & I home to Cambe. Uncle & Grandpa both out, we found things better than we expected very glad to see Jess again & we talked very late Grandpa very glad to see me home.
Friday 25
Did some cleaning up. Plenty of dust soon felt tired after not being used to it to much work. Geo & I went to see Mr & Mrs Binks in the afternoon. They thought I look splendid & said they were very glad to see me home. It is very pleasant to find than one has been missed, & it has made me feel more contented & happy & thankful, that so many missed me & were glad to see me again it has made me feel also that I am of some use to someone, the home people said they felt there was no place to lay their head while I was away I have much to be thankful for indeed. Raining again.
Saturday 26
Raining. Georgie & I managed to get things a bit ship shape. After dinner we had a rest then sat at the fire & enjoyed a good talk I went over many parts of my trip, which was a very very pleasant one, it gives me great pleasure to look back upon it. Had a nice letter from Jim McKenzie Jess came home thro the rain.
Sunday 27
Wet day again had breakfast at 10 dinner & tea at 4 splendid only 2 meals a day. I enjoyed the day reading, thinking etc & Geo Jess & I talked after tea, I dont know what we would do without Sunday, it is such a day of rest no worry about anything, body & mind have a rest.
Monday 28
More rain. Just did the usual work. Quiet after the Sydney bustle. Practised read, & sewed.
Tuesday 29
Geo & Uncle went to Nowra after dinner I went to the office & had a talk to Jo which Jo & I enjoyed very much. Belle came up with Uncle in the evening. Wesley Binks came home with Jess & we had a talk about our Sydney trip.
Wednesday 30
Feel tired tonight. Belle commenced Jessie dress. Still raining.
Thursday 31
Much the same as usual had a letter from Florrie which was very acceptable.
Friday August 1st
Belle & I very happy together Kate came for us in the afternoon to go to Nowra as Bob & Geo expected to go to Melbourne but they did not go Found I have to appear in court on Tuesday
Saturday 2
As the day was not at all fine Belle & I stayed at Nowra. Went to see Minnie Miller.
Sunday 3
Kate drove Belle & I up to hear Mr Jackson, it was very nice to hear him again Retired early.
Monday 4
Lovely day did a lot of cleaning etc went to see Mrs Binks in the afternoon; Belle & Uncle had a long talk about old times I wrote to Florrie.
Tuesday 5
Washing morning I had to go to Nowra & appeared in the court for the first time & hope it will be the last, Uncle very kind and thoughtful.
Wednesday 6
Georgie went to Melbourne by herself Bob went yesterday Jess went to Nowra Uncle to Moss Vale Belle stayed with me a general clearing out.
Thursday 7
Jess went to Sydney. Mother & Kate came up. Mother stayed with me & Belle went to the farm Mrs Binks had tea with us & stayed a while. Blowing westerly looking fine.
Friday 8
Mother & I had a day of clearing out rubbish. Did some sewing after dinner Mother Grandpa & I very happy & contented.
Saturday 9
More cleaning up Walked to the farm in the afternoon they were very glad to see me, it was very nice to see that they were really glad to see me, one often feel that they are of no use to anybody.
Sunday 10
Had tea & toast in bed grand, lovely morning Ma, Nellie & I walked over to church, a local preached & very well. I had to play & sing felt a wee bit nervous Mr King at night
Monday 11
Uncle home again, nice day did the usual work.
Tuesday 12
Mother & I did some extra cleaning, I read a good deal, & in the evening we went to Binks & had tea with them.
Wednesday 13
More cleaning & more reading nothing of any consequence happened.
Thursday l4
Mother & I walked up to see Mrs Camps it was so nice to be among the Mt. & we enjoyed our visit both felt rather tired.
Friday 15
In the morning we did some cleaning & in the afternoon Rev. Mr King came to see us we spent a pleasant hour together then I went to Binks with him & from there to where his horse got loose the talk we had did me good went with him to Uncle Sam to see Mrs King Letter from Maggie Dymock.
Saturday 16
Did a lot of cooking, made yeast bread for the first time in 4 or 5 years Uncle says it is good better than the bakers, Went to poor Mrs Binks who is very bad with neuralgia Finished my antimacassar Very tired tonight.
Sunday 17
No church Kate & Mr Blackmore came up & stayed all day & Kate all night. Went to hear Mr Jackson at night & enjoyed the service he stayed all night with us
Monday 18
Kate Uncle & I went to Nowra. Mother stayed with Grandfather, Belle & I went to see Mrs Miller.
Tuesday 19
Sewing all the morning Kate & I went with Mr Galbraith & Blackmore to a social at night but did not enjoy it much would have enjoyed a good sleep better.
Wednesday 20
Kate came home with me & in the afternoon went to Frasers & had a good game of tennis. Mother went over to the farm.
Thursday 21
Alecks birthday busy all the morning Kate went home at 5 oclock. I got a telegram from the Valley from Sid & Aleck saying they would be over at 7 oclock we were much surprised & pleased they walked from Moss Vale we felt it quite a treat to have them after such quiet times.
Friday 22
The boys & Uncle out shooting all the morning in the afternoon we went to see Mrs Binks & in the evening to Uncle Matthews, had a very lively time.
Saturday 23
Boys shooting again very busy all the morning cooking etc in the afternoon Sid Aleck & I drove to Nowra & stayed until late & spent a very happy time.
Sunday 24
Aleck Don & Jess at church. Mr Dobbie preached better than usual all went to PolIys for dinner I enjoyed Sunday school very much after which Aleck Sid Uncle Polly & I went to the farm had tea & sang hymns, came home in good time sponge cake for supper.
Monday 25
Beautiful morning, wrote to Effie Uncle & the boys went for a walk & in the afternoon we all went to Frasers & had a good game of tennis, also had tea & spent a very jolly evening.
Tuesday 26
Uncle Don Dubbs Aleck & Sid went up the Mt. & were away all day Mother & I did a lot of cooking etc, Kate came in the evening & we had a nice tea together Uncle went to a concert the boys went out & shot a squirrel Had some music boy skinned the squirrel supper & went to bed
Wednesday 27
All McGregors Kate Fraser Mary Mathews & all of us went up the Mt, it was lovely going up, but it rained & we got nice & wet in the Mt, but we enjoyed ourselves in spite of the rain had tea at Mrs Baldys Got home safely Uncle went to a lecture we sat & talked at the fire until nearly bed time preserved grapes & sponge cake for supper
Thursday 28
The boys went the rounds saying goodbye. Kate & I took them to Nowra In the afternoon Aleck & Sid Belle Kate & I went out in the boat & had a lovely row, had our tea in a lovely spot & came home in the moonlight which was lovely. Stayed at the echo for a long time & arrived home well pleased & satisfied with our outing
Friday 29
Aleck & Sid Kate & I went back to Back Forest two rode & two drove had our lunch on the top of a hill commanding a beautiful view, we enjoyed ourselves very much indeed, home in time for tea Aleck & Sid went down town & bought us fruit & lollies, we sat until pretty late talking as it was the boys last night The boys did not like Nowra so well as Cambe
Saturday 30
Up in good time, left Meroogal at eight oclock Aleck & Sid came in the buggy with me as far as the crossroads, & walked down there to Kiama. When I got home Mother had most of the work done Mother is altogether too good to me, I feel I dont deserve it In the afternoon Mother & Grandfather went to see Mrs Binks I went to see Jess then to Marys Wrote a letter at night.
Sunday 31
Beautiful morning. Mr Par preached but I did not care for him as much as usual I had no class at Sunday School Donald preached for Mr Jackson & got on very well Mother & I sat at the fire & talked until tea time
Monday September 1st
Lovely day. Mother went to farm & I felt it very quiet, had a game of tennis in the afternoon, & all went to Brennans to tea
Tuesday 2
Uncle away all day. Don Jess & I went to Binks for tea. Came home early & Aleck came for the night & we had some music
Wednesday 3
Auntie Matthews birthday, Don & Jess came to dinner had a game of tennis at Frasers in the afternoon best I have had yet. Aleck stayed all night.
Thursday 4
Washing & ironing done by 4 oclock rather tired Had a good read.
Friday 5
Did some of my Saturday work Mother came over & sent me over to the farm with Jess & Don as it was Alecks & Dons last night Belle was there also & we all enjoyed ourselves.
Saturday 6
All astir early. Jess & I went over the first hill when [sic them Jess & Don looking rather sad. When I got home found mother busy before dinner Uncle took Mother & Grandfather to Nowra Pa & Jess came to dinner, the afternoon I had to myself. Wrote to Tom Geo, & Aleck Graham.
Sunday 7
Local preacher morning & evening & it did not seem at all like church. Went over to the farm after Sunday School Jess & I walked back to church.
Monday 8
Very busy all day Mr & Mrs Bennett Mr & Mrs Brenan Kate Fraser Mary Matthews Jim Miles & Mr Oston came to tea & spent the evening with us, we all enjoyed ourselves & had some nice music etc.
Tuesday 9
After tidying up went to see John McLaren from there to see farm stayed there all night had a lesson in grammar & enjoyed it we spent a happy time at the farm.
Wednesday 10
Had breakfast in bed about half past six quite a novelty, it was a lovely morning & the view glorious. Came home early & took three little Binks to Nowra to get their photos taken had dinner at home. Back to Cambe about half past four next to Frasers had a nice game of tennis then all went to Uncle M. & spent a nice evening.
Thursday 11
Kate brought Grandfather home, he looks well had a long jolly letter from Aleck. Went as far as the office with Kate had a good game of tennis & tea at Brenans. Mr Oston & Jim Miles came with us to Good Templars & we had a good meeting.
Friday 12
Rather tired & sleepy but did my usual Friday work. In the afternoon helped Mrs Binks with the cheese made one for Aleck Thinking a little of old times, when looking back I cannot think I am the same girl things seems so changed sometimes I long for more active work other times feel quite satisfied, upon the whole I am very happy & have no wish to mix much with the outer world, in a quiet place like this one does not meet with so many temptations & the gossip of the outer world does not reach up what a tremendous lot we have to be thankful for.
Saturday 13
Had a game of tennis in the afternoon Kate came up for me at 4 oclock & we went to Nowra. Mrs Galbraith & Mr McCourt were there I liked them very much indeed Bob was home early & we had some singing.
Sunday 14
Went to hear Mr Best in the morning In the afternoon Mr Blackmore drove me up we all had tea at Uncle Sams Fred Matthews was there Mr Jackson preached at night & then stayed with us.
Monday 15
Did some cooking & had a houseful to tea as it was Uncles birthday Mother came up to stay for a few days.
Tuesday 16
Went over to the farm had my lesson Mr & Mrs Brennan Jim Miles & Mr Ostan [sic] came to tea & stayed late.
Wednesday 17
Came home with Jess this morning Mrs Brown Aggie Tomlin & Janey Binks came in the afternoon had tea with us & I went home with them had a little tennis Jim & Mr Ostan came home with Jess & me & we had music I am getting tired of this continual dissapation
[card inside diary: ‘Greetings’ on cover. Inside cover: ‘A bright and happy Christmas to you.’ Handwritten message: To dear old Tot with love From Alec 1895. Alec Graham I think]
Thursday 18
Mother & I were busy all the morning Uncle got some lovely wild flowers. Went to see Uncle Sam & Mary in the afternoon Then to Jessie Nice letter from Vergie Jess & I called home to tea.
Friday 19
Usual work Grandfather & Mother went over to the farm. Uncle got a lot of wild currant I had a splendid game of tennis, Kate & Mr Galbraith came up to tea & stayed all night.
Saturday 20
Made currant jam played tennis in the afternoon, had tea at Brenans & went to see Mrs Binks.
Sunday 21
Dr Grant gave us a good sermon this morning. Mr Osten addressed the S School Jess & I went to see Annie Richard in the afternoon I did not care for going on Sunday but Jess had no other day it rained beautifully so we read I retired early thankful to see such rain.
Monday 22
Damp all day, everything look lovely I did some shopping in the afternoon wrote to Jessie Kinross Maggie Dymock Jess stayed with Mary all night.
Tuesday 23
Sewing all morning & in the afternoon had a game of tennis Mother & Ma came over from the farm & Jess & I went home with Ma.
Wednesday 24
Up in fair time Pa gave me a lesson in Algebra, Grammar & arithmetic which I enjoyed very much indeed I walked home called at Mrs Gibsons Mother & Uncle went to Nowra, while I was away Mother had done a lot of work for me & she is so good & always helps me & I would rather have her than any with me Mrs Richards came & Jim & Mr Osten & we had music.
Thursday 25
Mrs. R stayed with me until after dinner then J & I went out for a ride to West Cambe & to Nowra, which was very enjoyable Good Templars in the evening but the meeting was too rowdy therefore not enjoyable
Friday 26
Up early & swept & dusted before breakfast. Everything about looks lovely making one feel the goodness of the Creator to us unworthy creatures
Saturday 27
Uncle & I went to Nowra in the morning to see Tom he looks rather thin. Tom & Mother came home with us, its grand to have Tom Jess played & sang for us
Sunday 28
Tom Jess & I stayed home in the morning had some hymns. Tom went to S School & addressed the children. Mr Burgess preached in the afternoon & he was so nice Mr Gardiner & Mr Burgess came home & had tea with us & we enjoyed their company so much. Tom Jess & I stayed at home at night & had a long talk Talked about Jim & Bert Dick & old times at Barr Hill. Mother & Uncle did not enjoy Mr King much
Monday 29
Tom went over to the Farm in the morning. Uncle was collecting. Mother went to see Mrs Binks & in the afternoon to Mrs Brown & Fraser then Uncle took her home. I went to see Mrs Binks & found her very poorly I feel very anxious about her
Tuesday 30
Mrs Binks looking better nothing particular happened today
Wednesday October 1st
Busy in the morning went to tennis In the afternoon, a good many came up from Nowra had tea at Frasers
Thursday 2
Grandfather & I went over to the farm Min Dubbs & I had a good lesson
Friday 3
Geo birthday went to see Mrs Brown in the evening & came home with Jess
Saturday 4
Uncle Grandpa & I went to Nowra Grandpa & I stayed down with Belle & I went to McArthurs for Mother I made fresh bunches for Mrs McA Their garden is lovely if I had one like it I would keep the house full of flowers Called to see Mrs Moss.
Sunday 5
Dr Grant preached & altho the sermon was mixed, I enjoyed being in the church after church Eliza drove me up to S School, then back to Nowra. Tom preached in the evening & we all went out & enjoyed the service very much. I have felt ever since as tho I had taken a step higher Tom has improved greatly & is so earnest.
Monday 6
Tom & I came home in the coach before leaving Nowra I signed a paper for Mr Blackmore agreeing to sell Barr Hill I wonder how it will all end. Kate Fraser Uncle Tom & I had a good game of tennis Tom played well Music in the evening.
Tuesday 7
Tom & I went to the farm & Min & I had our lesson. I feel awfully stupid and ignorant. Minnie & Dubbs brought me home.
Wednesday 8
Up early & did the usual work. Then went to see Mrs Binks & found her much improved after dinner went to see Uncle Matthews then to Frasers & had a good game of tennis. Letter from Florrie.
Thursday 9
Did some dressmaking & got on well Went to see Mrs Binks.
Friday 10
Lifted the parlor carpet & gave it a good cleaning in the afternoon did some shopping after which we had a game of tennis at Frasers Minnie Miller Miss Noel & A Morton came from Nowra to play.
Saturday 11
Did a lot of cooking etc went to see Mrs Binks & found her still improving. Finished reading Donal Grant in the evening.
Sunday 12
Rather a windy day Pa came over & read for Grandfather, I enjoyed Sunday School. Came home & was just settling down to have a good read, when Kate & Mr Blackmore came, was very glad to see them, stayed all night Mr Jackson preached such a nice sermon the night was very wild & Grandpa & I found it very difficult to get home.
Monday 13
Letter from Geo yesterday, we all had a great race after Jennie (the horse) this morning. Kate & Mr B went home. I made 4 aprons & took a walk out in the evening to see Eth & Bessie. The night was wild & there was some dangerous fires about.
Tuesday 14
Went to the farm had great batteling [sic] against the wind found them pretty well Mothers face was a little sore & she looked a little pale, but she was busy as usual, I often think how good she is to the others & how ready to help. Many a time I feel I am nearly so kind & thoughtful of her as I used to be, I feel ashamed of my self, we got on very well with our lessons today.
Wednesday 15
Busy in the morning Took Mrs Binks out for a drive in the afternoon then had a game of tennis after tea Wesley Binks went to Nowra with me to see Tom before going to Albury. The night was very wild but I could not stay at home knowing Tom was going in the morning we got rather wet coming home but I did not care, felt satisfied at seeing Tom.
Thursday 16
Very windy Uncle went to Berry I just did the usual work. Bert birthday 21, sent him flowers.
Friday 17
Busy cleaning up all the morning read & sewing part of the afternoon then went to see Mrs Binks, feeling rather sad this evening. Hope Jess comes home
Saturday 18
Mrs Dymock came before dinner & very pleased we were to have her, it seems like a little bit of the old times she is so nice & such a warm hearted friend, we had a good talk & in the afternoon went to Uncle Matthews Frasers & Brown but found them out came home by Mrs Binks. Mother & Ma came to see Mrs D & later on Polly came we all felt so glad & happy together.
Sunday 19
Mother Mrs Dymock & I went to Nowra to church it blew very hard & there was a fire near us, which gave us all a fright but the men kept it down I did feel thankful to God that he took care of us all & spared all when there was such danger It calmed in the evening & we came home & talked long in Mrs D room.
Monday 20
Dull close morning Kate came over early to see Mrs Dymock about Ten oclock. Mr Tomlin came for Mrs D & we had to part with her but we all felt thankful for having such a happy time together. Mrs Brown & I went to the farm Mary Bessie & Will later on & we had tea together & came back in the buggy, Mother was there when I came home, its nice to have her here.
Tuesday 21
Beautiful rain all day, did some cooking etc & enjoyed the rain.
Wednesday 22
Cleared up. Uncle Mother & Grandpa went to Nowra. I went to see Bessie also had a game of tennis Kate & Nell came up & I went to Nowra with them as it is sacrament week. Kate Mr Miller Mr Galbraith Belle & I went to the Bazaar.
Thursday 23
Went to church this morning Mr Waugh preached & we liked him he is so earnest, in the afternoon Kate & I & a few others had a good game of tennis on the tennis club court.
Friday 24
I took Mrs Binks to Terara did some sewing after coming home. We went to see where our tennis court is to be made.
Saturday 25
Went to church this morning Mr Clouston (Moderator) preached & I liked him very well. I (am) so glad tomorrow is Sacrament Sunday. We had a nice game of tennis in the afternoon & at night Kate & I went to see Mrs McArthur.
Sunday 26
Cold morning very good congregation this morning what a priviledge it is to be allowed once more to sit at the Lords table on earth, when I look back I feel ashamed of the selfish life I have been living & feel that I have not made the best use of my time, how very unlike Christ I have been I am afraid no one would know by my life that I am a Christian, I am longing to get away from self & life all for Jesus. The whole service was nice & helpful Mr. Clouston preached at night again & was very nice Oh how thankful we should be for the many priviledges we enjoy, ungrateful creature I am.
Monday 27
Church again this morning I have enjoyed this communion season [UNCLEAR] Grandfather & I came some (sic) in the afternoon Belle & Kate gave me a tennis racket they are so kind & unselfish & I often feel they are to good to me & make me feel ashamed of my own selfishness
Tuesday 28
Sent the washing to Mrs McPaul. Grandpa & I alone went out for a walk a little way
Wednesday 29
Very hot day, had an early tea and went to Uncle Matthews then to tennis & did some shopping
Thursday 30
Went to the farm & had our lesson I feel very stupid & am afraid wont make much progress. First lesson in French Kate & Mr Galbraith came in the evening & stayed all night I also stayed at the farm
Friday 31
Rode home early this morning went to Binks & got lemons, read & practised Uncle away
Saturday November 1st
Grandfather & I went to a school picnic at West Cambe enjoyed it fairly well did some of my lessons Jess came home
Sunday 2
Very nice day no church in the morning. Had only 3 girls in my class at Sunday School how much I felt my own weakness in trying to teach them I so often feel that I do not know how to instruct them properly I have been feeling depressed for a good while & nothing seems to rouse me thoroughly out of that depression. Mr. King preached in the afternoon & I enjoyed the service fairly well After tea went to see how Mrs Binks is & sang some hymns
Monday 3
Up very early, lovely morning, cleaned up the house & did a lot of cooking ready for Mother. Went to Nowra to stay while Belle & Kate go to Sydney to do the summer shopping.
Tuesday 4
Belle & Kate started early. I had a little girl to help me & Mrs McKay for company. In the afternoon Mrs McKay & I went to Dr Grants & enjoyed our visit very much.
Wednesday 5
In the evening Mr Galbraith & I came up to Frasers had a game of tennis & Kate Fraser came home with us.
Thursday 6
Kate & I went to tennis & had a very nice game.
Friday 7
Busy in the morning in the afternoon Kate F Mrs McKay & I went to see Mrs Moss & were nearly talked to death.
Saturday 8
Kate helped me a great deal went to tennis again in the afternoon felt very stupid & shy.
Sunday 9
All went to hear Dr Grant after church Mr Blackmore drove Kate F home to S School. Mother & Uncle came from Cambe to church & stayed all day. Bob & I went to church together.
Monday 10
Holiday, The gentlemen went to the Bay & I was very glad Bob stayed at home. Mrs McKay & I went down to McArthurs in the afternoon & had a good game of tennis.
Tuesday 11
Nothing in particular to day.
Wednesday 12
Kate came home with Bruce in the afternoon Ma & Baby were with us Mrs McKay & I went to a concert & enjoyed ourselves.
Thursday 13
Plenty of talk Minnie & Maggie came down & it rained so they stayed all night.
Friday 14
Ma & family went home early, it rained nearly all day.
Saturday 15
Fine day Kate Mrs McKay & I went to tennis & took afternoon tea many seemed to enjoy the tea & praised & appreciated the good things.
Sunday 16
Went to hear Dr Grant in the morning rained in the afternoon & I could not get up to Sunday School. Went to hear Mr Best at night.
Monday 17
I altered one of my dresses & succeeded very well. More rain Williams Bauerlin came to see us.
Tuesday 18
Kate & I had a grand game of tennis Belle & Geo came home in the evening looking fairly well, & of course there was more talk.
Wednesday 19
Intended going home today but it rained, beautifully, felt some what worried about Mother
Thursday 20
Lovely day Uncle came down for me & I was not sorry to get home again
Friday 21
I went to Dr Grants for Mrs McKay also to Meroogal & Bruce & Mrs McKay came home with me & we had a lively house
Saturday 22
Mrs McKay made me a present of a very nice bridle which was exceedingly kind of her. I rode down to see a tennis match & enjoyed myself grandly Uncle & I had a nice ride home at night
Sunday 23
No church in the morning enjoyed S School. Mr Hill preached in the afternoon. I enjoyed the service Mr Bauerlin came up after tea & we had a very interesting conversation
Monday 24
Mother still with us, it is so nice to have her she spoils me dreadfully She is so good to me, Went to the Valley in the evening for Florrie Mitchell we talked very late.
Tuesday 25
Florrie & I were up very early & came over in the coach. Mother went out to pay a visit & Uncle was away so we had all our own way in the evening we went for Jessie.
Wednesday 26
Mother stayed with Grandfather & Mr McKay Florrie Uncle & I went to Nowra to a S. School picnic enjoyed ourselves fairly went [sic] went in the Show at night & enjoyed ourselves grandly
Thursday 27
Mother left us & went to the farm to day & we do miss her. The place seems so quiet. Florrie went to the Valley in the evening I felt she should not go. Mr Corrie popped into the office to see Jess, Mrs McKay & I went out for a stroll after tea, & it was lovely, everything speaking so clearly & wonderfully of the greatness & power of the creator.
Friday 28
Very warm day, Mrs M McKay & I at home all day sewing etc
Saturday 29
Usual work went to Nowra in the afternoon, had my dress fitted also two games of tennis, Bruce got his finger hurt.
Sunday 30
Lovely day, no church, great comfort to have S School when there is no church, wish we had a good stirring Minister today. K Fraser came for a walk with me Oh how I wish I was a better girl. There seems so much evil in my heart, & it often [sic] very hard to do right
Monday December 1st
Lovely shower in the morning, little extra work in the morning. Mrs McLaren came after dinner I went part of the way home with her had a meeting about a Christmas tree for the children & choose some of the presents
Tuesday 2
Lovely day. did a lot of sewing etc, Mary M came up in the evening. Wrote to Bert
Wednesday 3
Drove Grandfather down to Aunties & went to Frasers & had a grand game of tennis
Thursday 4
Grandfather Mrs McKay & I went to see Mrs Buchanan The Captain was at home & the worse of drink, oh if people could only see how low they bring themselves thro drink, surely they would cease drinking.
Friday 5
We went to see Mrs McLaren in the evening & took her out for a drive which all enjoyed, had some music after we came home
Saturday 6
Very hot so we stayed at home all day & went thro the usual work
Sunday 7
No church until afternoon & it was so hot we could not enjoy the service drove Mrs McKay & Grandfather out in the evening to hear Mr Jackson it poured rain & we had a little difficulty in getting home after which we felt very thankful
Monday 8
I took Mrs McKay to McArthurs to stay much against my will, it is so lonely without her
Tuesday 9
Uncle Kate Fraser & Mary went to Dr Kings housewarming I felt very lonely & miss Mrs McKay very very much, the Binks girls came up at night & we had a jolly time.
Wednesday 10
Uncle gave me the news of the party in the afternoon Grandpa & I went to Aunties, then I went to Frasers & we all enjoyed tennis well poor Grandfather is weak after his walk. I feel it is not safe to leave him alone now
Thursday 11
Did some extra Xmas cleaning, & read a lot of old letter, which brought back old times I kept me from feeling lonely. I get so lonely now at times & long for a little company
Friday 12
Made a lot of cakes. Uncle away Grandfather very weak, & in bed poor man he is failing fast & I cant do much for him, it is so quiet for him I often long to be more of a comfort to him. Lonely this evening, raining wrote to Sid
Saturday 13
Raining Kate Bruce & Georgie came up in the evening Jess came home thro all the rain
Sunday 14
Wet again, not very well read & rested all day
Monday 15
Georgie & Bruce went home & Uncle went out too & got some nice peaches which we enjoyed very much
Tuesday 16
Lovely day Kate & Uncle went up the Mt & go some nice ferns
Wednesday 17
Washing day. Mrs McPaul finished the ironing for me Kate & I went to tennis in the afternoon after which Kate went home & we had a practise for the concert
Thursday 18
Busy all day preparing for Xmas
Friday 19
Turned out a nice day & a still nicer night. Jess Kate F & I had a good practise in the afternoon very glad the concert is over, & very successfully too,
Saturday 20
Mother here Uncle & I went down to tennis at Nowra & had a grand game
Sunday 21
Mother Grandfather & I went to Berry to hear Mr Dymock. Sacrament
Sunday. Bell Geo Bruce & Mr Galbraith also went from Nowra & it was so nice to hear Mr Dymock preach again & how pleased he was to see us all & we him. Tired when we got home.
Monday 22
Not well getting La Grippe went to bed in the afternoon feeling very sick. Mr Galbraith & Kate came up to see us
Tuesday 23
Very sick last night but better this morning, poor Mother has her hands full looking after me stayed in bed all day Belle & Geo came up to see us in the evening
Wednesday 24
Better this morning able to get up but not strong retired early & about 12 oclock at night Katie Billis came with Uncle from Nowra & were we not glad to meet again, & find each other the same our tongues went hard indeed
Thursday 25
Christmas morning, very warm it was very nice to have Katie & we had time for a chat before the McGregors & Thorburn. Tom & Bert came. Bert gave me a surprise did not know he was down. Lillie Billis came too & I was so glad to see her again she looks more sedate & older we had dinner under the trees & tea too. Mrs McKay & Mr McArthur came up in the evening & we all had tea together & nearly everyone went home K T Lill & Uncle went to Uncle Matthews. Tom & Bert stayed until nearly nine oclock & washed up for me then some of us enjoyed a nice chat. Went to bed feeling tired and done
Friday 26
Kate Lill & I drove to Nowra Uncle walked, all went out in the boat but Kate Bert & me & we had a good day at home & enjoyed ourselves well we spent just a quiet night.
Saturday 27
Slept & lolled about all morning had a chat with - [sic] after dinner & Belle Katie Aleck McGregor Kate & Bert came home with me had a grand & smart drive home, then a nice tea in the kitchen, after that a good talk ending with real fun
Sunday 28
No church not well yet Bert & Kate made me stay inside & rest. Uncle went to Nowra to hear Tom in the evening we had a good talk & read at home & the usual “performance” Bert & Kate made a poultice for me, awful hot.
Monday 29
Better, damp day Uncle went to Nowra Kate & Bert stayed at home & we enjoyed ourselves retired late.
Tuesday 30
Warm day The girls & Uncle went up the Mt Bert Kate & I spent most of the time under the trees & in the orchard & had a real good time B said he enjoyed the visit grandly. Kate & Bert had to go home about 6 oclock I was very sorry they had to go & felt lonely. Katie & Lil came up in the evening
Wednesday 31
Katie, Lil & I stayed all morning talked & worked, in the afternoon Lil went to Nowra for a drive Katie & I lay on the bed & talked a long time about many very interesting things. Katie also told me that Tom is engaged & of course I felt pleased for him altho the feeling would come that he is done for us now Lil & Tom came up had tea & we all went to tennis & enjoyed ourselves had more tea when we came home I went & had a sleep & Lil woke me in time for the New Year. Just before the year passed away we had a worship & after sang a hymn. Oh God of Bethel. The night was beautifully clear & the moon shining & we took it for a good omen of the coming year, wished each other a happy New Year etc. I wonder what the N. year has in store for us one cannot help wondering, but God know & that is enough

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
Published on