Tottie's diary: 1889
[Inscribed inside front cover: Tottie ThorburnFairfield1/1/89
Tuesday January 1st
Up in fair time & got everything ready for going up the Mt to spend the day. Borrowed Pas buggy & horse Georgie Donald Jess Bert & I went off from here in high glee. The Boys dressed in their flannel shirt & trousers, When Bert & I walked through the town the folk all started & Bert said they had never seen anything like him, quite a treat for him then I took Bert & Don into the store & we weighed. I only 7 stone 8 never remember being so thin. Minnie Geo Don & Bert got in the buggy & Jess & I walked they waited for us above Bills but we walked on, then after a while Jess & I got into the buggy & they walked it was “orrible ot" as Bert says. We got up in the bush at Baldys in fair time, & the boys set to work to make the tea, & we got the dinner ready as none of us wanted to be disturbed by anyone however when we were nearly ready All the Matthews Halls & Mrs Blackmore & later on Mr. Blackmore met us we felt I wont say how however we made the best of it & enjoyed it after all, it rained a little & we all crept under umbrellas & had great fun we went into the bush after dinner & Don Jess & I sat beside a lovely cool stream & talked, we started for home early Geo Aleck & Jess & Bert together & I went with Donald we came home to get dressed as we were going to Uncle Sams for dinner, Don & I were first & Bert Geo & Jess were left to carry the luggage must to their disgust but we thought they were going to drive right home. The boys went for a bath & Jess & I dressed ourselves Geo would not go as her cold was bad we started off Jess & Don & Bert & I after we got to Uncle we went all round the garden Don piling us with flowers he is beginning to come out of his shell not so shy. We all went in to tea Mary putting Bert beside me & Jess & Donald together spent rather a pleasant time after tea we roamed round again & Jess & Don & I settled down to chat. Kate Bob Tom & Emily Cook & Alice Miller came & they had to get their tea after they were finished we had music & charades & did not get away until late Bert walked home with me he was awfully tired & done up we talked a little while & then went off to bed.
Wednesday 2
No so tired as I expected Bert promised last night to go home to Nowra today but he did not go. Mrs. McPaul came & I got her to wash all their dirty clothes & iron them & clean up & roasted 2 fowls to take Jervis Bay tomorrow, I also did some cooking. Bert & Don stayed about all day wrote some letters Jess came up to dinner we all tried to have a sleep in the afternoon as it was so “orrible ot". Then about five oclock I took Bert & Don down to Binks to see the cheese. Mrs. Binks showed them all round, then we went to the yard & Don tried to milk & Bert milked one cow we brought the milk home & had great fun about it (very sweet all cream of course) Then Geo Jess Don Bert & I took our tea down to the flat on the other side of the creek. Bert making the Billy tea at home we had a real jolly time & when 7 oclock came Jess had to go. Bert waved his feet at her & stood on his head, he was very lively. we sat for a while & Bert asked me to go with him up to see Polly, so we came home & shut up the house & Bert & I went to see Polly, while Don & Geo went to see Jess, Mary & Ebb came back a little way with Bert & me Jess met us at the corner Mother was here when we came she has been so bad with a boil on her back poor Mother we had more music of course we have been having regular feasts of music.
Thursday 3
Up in decent time as we were to get to Nowra early to go to Jervis Bay, we got everything packed & ready by 8 oclock & started off leaving Mother in charge Don & Bert sitting in the back & Geo Jess & I in front, me driving, we had some fun & got to Nowra just as the coach arrived got everything into the coach & started off. Bell Geo Emmie Cook Alice Miller & myself. Tom S. Bob Donald & Bert - all in good spirits Kate could not come & we were very sorry to leave her behind. We had some singing & clickety clack everyone to all appearance enjoying themselves, we set to work to get dinner as soon as we got there were very merry finished dinner washed up & started off along the beach. Don Jess Bert & I were together most of the time they took very little notice of Alice & Emmie which amused us not a little when we came to that memorable creek Donald & Tom took off their boots & carried us over Tom waltzing with Belle & Geo in the middle of the creek - Don let Bert fall into the water with his sandshoes on, created quite a sensation. Then the men went for a bath & we girls had a lovely paddle in the water when we had finished Jess & I walked along a bit & Bert & Don came & we walked a good bit along then turned for home Don carried Jess over the Creek & Bert carried me & waltzed with me in the middle of the water then Bert & I got some oysters, got to the place where we had dinner had something to eat & then started for home. Just as we got into the coach it poured rain all the way home we had great laughing & creeping under umberallas Jess looked very happy under Don's care, some of us were pretty well wet by the time we got home. Kate had a nice tea for us, after which we had music & Charades did not go to bed until late Bert gave Jess shell in memory of Jervis Bay & sent one to Mary M we said goodbye as Jess & I had to come home early. Bruce was very bad with croup through the night.
Friday 4
Jess & I got away all right found Aleck in the office when we came home Aleck drove me home & took Grandfather home with him Mother & I did• some cleaning up & washed our dirty dresses. After dinner I slept a little & then got up & went to see Jess she was very pleased to see me. Got a telegram from Uncle saying he was coming home tomorrow from Melbourne. Mother was at Aunties came home & did a little ironing & just as we were sitting to tea Grandfather Ma Pa & baby came & stayed until about 9 oclock we sang a little for them & as soon as they went Jess & I went to bed.
Saturday 5
I did a lot of cooking & cleaned up, in the afternoon Mary came up & we walked about & sat under the tree down the paddock, & a little after five Bert Bell Donald & Alice Miller came we were very glad to see them, we all went down & had our tea just beside where we had it before on the grass we all enjoyed it, Bert seemed to thing tea out grand After we had washed up & all Uncle & Jess came Uncle in high humour we got his tea & Mother & I talked to him. After tea Mother read the 23rd Psalm in Gaelic for Bert & Donald then we had music & at a ten oclock Alice Bell Mary Bert Don started for home.
Sunday 6
Went to church in the morning all had dinner at Aunties after Sunday School. Jess came home with me & we sat in the grass with Uncle & talked then I came to get tea ready & just as it was nearly ready Kate Bert Emmie Cook Donald Mr Blackmore & Alice Miller came. I attended on them while they had tea then they all went out for a stroll but Don Jess Bert & I. Don Jess & Bert washed up, then Bert asked me to go round with him & see the names he had carved on the aloes we all stay [sic] out until time to go to church. Mr. Jackson preached & I had to play he preached a splendid sermon & they were not disappointed in him, I was very glad. Then after Church Bert & I & Don & Jess walked home Mr Jackson & Uncle following up. Bert was very nice they got the horses in & we went down with them as far as the church, where the others got in & Don Jess & I came home. we had a nice talk together Mr Jackson & Don slept together it was late when we retired.
Monday 7
Got up early as Donald was to be in Nowra at 8 oclock got breakfast for him Jess & I had some with him we talked a little while & then he started off at a great pace Jess & I watched him out of sight felt sorry to see him go. We had a nice time at breakfast with Mr. Jackson both Uncle & he praised Don & we of course were very pleased. Uncle went to the farm & I went to Binks & borrowed horses for tomorrow morning as Bert & Kate said they would try & come up & we would go out for a ride Pa Dubs Bert & Don went to Greenwell point & Archie McLean took them out fishing they caught a good many. Jess got word from Kate that they cant get up in the morning. Jess & I went to bed early.
Tuesday 8
Up in decent time & Uncle & I decided to go to Nowra riding & Mother & Grandfather went to Gibson Jess borrowed Mrs Browns skirt for me & Uncle & I started out well mounted called to see Jess. had a very nice ride to Nowra when we passed Dillons saw Bert & Don Emmie & Alice coming down the path from Meroogal we went up to them & talked a few minutes, they were (the boys) very nice the girls rather silent then we cantered up to the house & caused quite a sensation, when we got there we planned that Bert Don & Uncle should ride to B. Creek instead of going in the coach. Uncle went off and brought them back & we got them mounted Don on my horse & Bert on Mr Blackmore they looked very nice especially Bert, started off in great style. Belle Geo Kate & I had great talk just as we were finishing tea the boys came home feeling pretty tired. After tea they went to the prayer meeting. Uncle asked them when they would be up & they said tomorrow. Uncle & I came home then & Jess & I went off to bed.
Wednesday 9
I did a lot of cooking & got everything in good order & just as I had got tea ready, Kate Bert & Donald came, Don brought us a pretty bunch of flowers. We had music but the evening did not go off as well as usual Uncle puts a damper on everything (nasty of me to say that) Bert Don & I went to meet Jess came home sat on the stool outside & talked.
Thursday 10
Very hot Bert drove Mother & Grandfather to Nowra & got the gim rode back in all the heat to dinner because he had promised to be home for dinner Don & I wrote letters in the morning after while Don went with Pa to West Cambe & in the evening went with Pa to the office & stayed with Jess until six we had afternoon tea, the boys enjoyed it immensely. Uncle was not in the best of humours. Kate Bert Don & I went down to Binks for tea, they had a grand tea laid out for us & we did enjoy it Mrs Binks sent for Uncle & he came down & Jess popped in when we were nearly finished then they had worship which I was very glad of after clearing up we went inside & had some music finishing up with “The Emperor Napolean” which caused great laughter came home & had a little music at home had nice cold drinks. Made Bert a hot drink & went to bed.
Friday 11
Kates birthday wished her many happy returns Jo Nugent came over before breakfast, gave me a great surprise was very glad to see her. Don shot a fowl for me I plucked it & Bert cut it up for me, & helped Kate to do the rhubarb. Uncle & Jo had a great chat Bert & I went to the garden & got some peaches I found Kate & went into the old dairy to eat them on the sly great fun. They were not very good. Don came at the last minute & we offered him some the boys went for their bath & we got dinner after dinner Don read poetry aloud then Uncle read. Bert said not for us but for Jo. Then we had afternoon tea & about six all went over to Uncle Matthews, had tea out on the grass. Bert got a telegram saying “to come home as soon as possible” it rather upset all of us & Bert too, spoilt all the evening, he decided to go by Monday morning coach We had some music & came home in fair time Uncle Jo & Kate together Bert & I & Don & Jess. Bert & I had a good talk best we have had since he came down, sorry when we had to stop I find Bert knows Uncle well
Saturday 12
Jo & Uncle started for the valley about half past five. I got the cooking done early. as it was so hot. Bert went down with Jess to send a telegram home gave him his egg flip when he came home. Then Don went down with a message & Jess & he came home to dinner. After dinner he went back with Jess & Bert Kate & had a sleep. then afternoon tea about 5 oclock Ma & baby & Nellie Don & Jess came up & a little while after Belle Bruce & Geo Don & Jess went back down to get tea for the Brennans & we all got ready & went down & had our tea on the grass, Mary Matthews was with us too after tea we came home & Belle & all went home & Don & Bert came to practise with us. Bert played the first time we got practise over before 9 & Bert Aleck McG . & I walked home together & Don & Jess great talk then we all & Kate sat in the stool at the kitchen & talked had a fair talk at last Kate Bert & I were left to ourselves. After a while we came inside & Bert shared. Aleck Jess played & sang & last of all Bert proposed we should have Old Lang syne ( & go to bed) as it was their last night, they both seem to feel going away, they say they have enjoyed themselves very much we were a long time Kate & I trying to sit Uncle out as he was watching us, at last he went & we said good night & went off to our beds Kate & I much amused at two people.
Sunday 13
Up at 7 oclock very hot had breakfast at 9 oclock. Went to church all but Kate Dr. Grant was very dry, I got on with the playing & singing fairly well, after church the boys spoke to Dr. Grant then we all drove home in the buggy Bob brought to take them home in. Fearfully hot we left the dinner dishes until night. Bert went to have a sleep & Don Jess Kate & I went down to the creek & sat on a rock & Don & Jess read to us, we stayed there for a long while then came home & after a little while they prepared to go (packed up after dinner) Bert & Don got ready. put their luggage in the buggy. then there was great exchanging of things Bert left his safety pin for us & hung the salt bottle & watched me put the cartridges away to be kept until they came back again, we were feeling very downhearted about them going & they were so nice when they were all ready asked us to go over to Uncle M to say goodbye so Jess & Don & Bert & I started off. Bert & I had a very nice talk & so had Jess & Don we got to Uncles had a cold drink the [sic] Bert looked at Mary pictures, then we saw the buggy waiting & we started off the usual way. at last we had to say good bye & a very warm one it was we waved each other out of sight, then Jess & I started home feeling better than we expected thankful & satisfied that we had had such a good time I feel that God has been very very good to us & I cannot thank him enough for this great goodness. Jess & I had a very nice talk & after we had washed up & done a few little things had worship & went to bed very sleepy.
Monday 14
Up at 7. Just twelve months today since dear Jessie died Dear dear Jessie The boys will be well on their way now I wonder how they feel Jess stayed as long as she could then I set to work & cleaned up after dinner had a rest & have been writing ever since. I feel better than I expected. God has been good Mary Matthews came up after tea we had a great chat & then went to meet Jessie. Jessie & I went to Binks to borrow a horse Jess had a telegram from Donald saying they arrived safely, Came home went to bed & talk for a while.
Tuesday 15
Late up, did a little work & then wrote to Tom missed the boys very much felt very lonely. Went down in the afternoon to see Jessie found the office upside down being enlarged Jess & I had a great talk about 4 oclock Kate & Pa came awfully glad to see Kate Mary m came up with us & we all had a great talk. Jess went out for a little ride. Kate had a letter from Jim Dick from Scotland this morning she bought it up for us to read, very nice letter indeed & we were all so pleased to hear from him Jess Kate & I slept together
Wednesday 16
Not up until past 7, cloudy & raining. Kate & I worked about a bit did a little singing & were just sitting down to an early lunch when Jess popped in for the day so we had a great day together Jess got tea all ready & went out in the wet to get some peaches for us. we ate them & talked about the operas we had heard. Had some music. The place seems so quiet without the boys. Went to bed & had a great talk Kate read some of my old letters one from Jim Dick & one from Bert reminding us of old times.
Thursday 17
Up in better time made frying pan scones. Jess came home again today Aleck at the office, plenty "clickety clack". Kate finished her muslin Jacket heavy hailstorm, after tea Jess Kate & I sat on the fence (very ladylike) talked about Barr Hill & Jim Dick (Just 12th today since Jim left for home) enjoyed the chat & wished much to see Jim, pictured how he would look if we popped in on him. Had some music. Jess & I lay on the sofa on the verandah & talked = lovely moonlight enjoyed it immensely.
Friday 18
Cleaned up as usual in the afternoon went down to the shop & Belle Geo & Bruce met us at the office Came home great “Clickety Clack”. Geo Belle & Bruce went home after tea Pa came home with Jess. & we had a little music
Saturday 19
Got our work done early felt very lonely & Kate & I missed Bert & Donald very much longed for someone to come both went to Binks came home & was tired looking for someone to come. Sat down to teas & Belle & Mr. Blackmore came so we spent not such a bad evening. Kate came to practise with me & we had two new tunes Aleck McG came home with us.
Sunday 20
Nice Morning. All went to church in the morning Mr. Par preached like him very well went to Aunties for dinner Mr. Jackson preached in the afternoon very good sermon as usual I think I am improving a little not so nervous playing the organ & leading the singing. Very short Sunday School, gave the Children the Union Cards. I do hope they will benefit by reading them. So nice to have Kate We had a good read & went to bed early
Monday 21
Up at half past five the morning seemed very long. I have not got properly interested in the place & work since the holiday, dont like being like this I think it is a splendid thing to be always ready to work & do good.
Tuesday 22
Kate worked at her dress. I cut out some sewing & did a good lot by hand. Jess came up for dinner & Mary M. came up for tea Jess came home before six & us four girls went down to the Chinamans & got a doz tomatoes & a melon enjoyed the melon when we got home.
Wednesday 23
Up early. washing morning. Very large washing. Kate & I helped & then Mrs McPaul did a lot of ironing. Kate & I ironed until bed time. Most beautiful day should make anyone feel happy & thankful I am afraid we are thankless mortals.
Thursday 24
Kate & I went over to the farm early. Baby was sick Kate nursed her nearly all day, poor little mite we stayed all day & Pa brought us home in the buggy "orrible ot” day Kate stayed with Mary all night.
Friday 25
I did a lot of cooking Kate came home early from Aunties we had our usual sleep & in the evening Mary Ebb. Auntie Uncle Mr. Blackmore Bell Mother Georgie Bruce Jessie & Jim Miles came up to tea & we all had our tea on the grass, enjoyed ourselves then the men folk went to hear Phillip Morton Speak. Belle Mr. Blackmore & I went to Nowra after the meeting was over.
Saturday 26
Not up until 8 oclock. very hot did some cooking. Mr. J. Walters came up to dinner Uncle got the buggy, just newly painted about 5 oclock Uncle & I drove home to Fairfield found Jess Geo Kate Bruce & Grandpa all right. Kate came to practise with me Learnt new tunes.
Sunday 27
No church this morning. Got on fairly well at S. School of I do wish I could teach better I wonder if I have done any good since I commenced teaching, Mr. Charles Boardman preached at night & we were sick of him & glad to get out.
Monday 28
Up half past five early breakfast, left for Barr Hill at about 7 oclock, had a pleasant drive over, very disappointed, no fruit everything looks very dilapidated ate some lunch under the old coral tree & then walked to Uncle Williams. Kate looked at her name on the pencil wood, which was cut by Donald Finlayson quite 10 years ago. Spent the day at Uncle Williams got a lot of lemons. came home by Nowra & left a lot there. Tired enough when we got home. Geo had a nice tea ready for us.
Tuesday 29
Up in good time. Kate cleaned up the house & I did a lot of cooking made a lot of cakes. Geo & Kate made a Jacket for Ma Got a very nice letter from Tom also Lil & a note from Alice Miller she intends coming to stay with me. a few days. Tom is having fine times in the Richmond & is now appointed to the Clarence. Kate & I went up to Shepherds after tea to see about pears, came home had a little practise & went to bed
Wednesday 30
Wet morning Uncle did not go to work, Bruce scampering in the wet. Geo altering her pink dress & Kate turning her silk. Kate had a very descriptive letter from Bert Dick from Broken Bay When Jess came home Geo Kate Jess & I had a great chat & a good laugh. Jess brought home her pistol to amuse the children & it has not failed to do so
Thursday 31
Raining again Kate & Geo finished there dresses. I went thro the usual work after dinner it was nice & clean so Geo Bruce & Kate went to Nowra & Alice Miller came back with Uncle Kate went over to the farm for tea came home as we were finished Poor baby is not keeping well her teeth are the cause. Short letter from Jim McKenzie Had some music & went to bed
Friday February 1st
Up at six oclock raining a little. Kate Alice & I went to Nowra after dinner. (Baby still the same) then to Mrs. Gibsons then home did not do anything in particular.
Saturday 2
Went thro the usual work after dinner Kate, Alice Miller & I drove to the top of the Mountain the drive was good & the view lovely. Had lunch sitting on a rock at the top of the Mt. After tea I went to practise & then to hear Mr. Lovegrove speak did not think much of his speaking not at all eloquent.
Sunday 3
No church this morning enjoyed Sunday School very well. Took Alice to Binks then Kate & I drove her to Nowra & had tea & spent half an hour pleasantly there then came back to hear Mr Jackson, who was splendid indeed (Absolam) he always has something new to say & gives everyone a rub up. I feel much the better of his sermon makes one wish & try to live better
Monday 4
Made lemon syrup. Kate & I had a great talk about old times at Barr Hill, laughed very much over my first ride (furious). Belle & Pa called after dinner on their way home. Baby has 2 teeth & is better Kate wrote to Bert Uncle in good humour.
Tuesday 5
More rain. commenced crochet petticoat Kate sewed. Min came in the evening talked about old times enjoyed ourselves grandly. My opinion is that girls can enjoy themselves better without boys.
Wednesday & Thursday 6 & 7
Fine morning Mrs. Binks Kate & I went to Broughton Village Kate & I to Tomkins enjoyed our visit very much (stayed all night) all were so kind & the girls very nice indeed, no nonsense got peaches at Binks called at Mr. Jacksons had cup of tea stayed 11/4 hours enjoyed ourselves greatly both Mr. & Miss Jackson are extremely kind & do one good. Arrived home safely about half past 7 Grandfather quite well
Friday 8
Preserved a few bottles of peaches Kate went to Aunties to tea & I spent the afternoon with Mrs. McLaren, Kate had letter & specks from Bert
Saturday 9
Went thro the usual work Kate doing a lot, after dinner I went to McGregors (Kate stayed at home) helped to preserve peaches. Had a very long, splendid, descriptive letter from Tom a description of his perilious trip to Brisbane We are glad he is having such a good time. Went to practise as usual
Sunday 10
Lovely morning Mr. Dobbie preached much the same as usual, went to Aunties for dinner, Sunday School very good today, but I feel that it is very little good I am doing there I do want to do something but it seems so hard. I know I cannot do any good myself, help must come from Him who never fails to give the needed grace, Mr. Par preached a good practical sermon in the evening on the blind man sight restored. All came home & went to bed.
Monday 11
How the days do fly. Kate & Belle went to Uncle Williams for peaches. I stayed at home & cleaned up. practised etc Kate stayed in Nowra all night Jess & I spent the evening at Brenans
Tuesday 12
Kate came home early & brought some peaches, Mrs. Binks & I went up to their farm on the Mt & got two bags of peaches each preserved some after we came home Kate & I went to Aunties after tea & pulled beans. then helped Uncle with his specimens of wood
Wednesday 13
Washing day we made jam & more preserves very hot day Phillip Morton got in nearly 700 votes ahead of Lovegrove, Free Trade carried the day. In the evening we all went to hear Mr. & Mrs. Tonga (exiles from Tonga) I enjoyed the meeting, hearing of the trials other have gone through makes one feel thankful for such free times as we enjoy Mrs. Richardson & Miss Neal were there
Thursday 14
Up at 4 oclock & got the ironing done before it got hot In the evening Mother Mrs. Richardson & Miss Neal came to tea & we spent a pleasant evening together Friday 15Uncle not at home. Mother & all of us just had a nice simple breakfast, men are often a bother I think they are all very selfish of course there are exceptions. Kate & I went down & had tea with Jessie McLaren it is a treat to go to see her, she enjoys so. A Mr. Thompson came up in the evening & we had a lot of Scotch music Uncle spent the evening with Miss Neal & all at Uncle Sams ("Jess slept on chairs”)
Saturday 16
Uncle went out Kate & I finished our work in good time & expected them up from Nowra for Kate, I am not sorry she is not going well I declare here are Belle & Jacky. so Kate had to trot off home Belle stayed & Mother too
Sunday 17
Belle Mother Grandpa & I went to church in the morning Mr Par preached a good encouraging sermon telling us that we are not to be troubled about our work in the vineyard not progressing if we do our best & leave it all in Gods hands Mr Jackson in the afternoon preached a very fine scientifical sermon Bob Mr Morrow Mr Blackmore Kate Geo & Bruce came up to church Belle Jess & I went home glad to see Mr Morrow had a good chat about when we were little children
Monday 18
Jess & I came to the crossroads in the coach & then walked nearly all the way home Minnie opened the office like a little brick. I found Mother had left everything very nice for me. Mothers are better than anyone Went to the store in the evening Mrs. Shepherd took me inside & (Jess & Min came after). We had a lovely melon & grapes then went to singing practise & had a fine practise Jess & [sic] talked pretty late!!
Tuesday 19
Up in decent time, raining did a few extras Mrs McLaren came up after dinner & stayed the afternoon. I wrote to Jim McKenzie Minnie & Mabel Noakes came about 9 oclock, & sewed their hardest trying to finish for the Show. Jess & Uncle away at Choral
Wednesday 20
Made grape Jam & baked a lot of scones. Went to Mrs. McLarens then to Aunties Mr. & Miss Jackson came when I was there but did not stay long. I like Miss Jackson very much, Finished up with tea at Mrs. McLarens Met a Mr. Head from Walcha who knew Tom
Thursday 21
Up early went down to Nowra to the Show. Ebb Cole & his wife came, she seems nice we went to the show in the afternoon but did not care much for it. Glad when bed time came.
Friday 22
Will Matthews came very glad to see him all went out after dinner (“orrible ot”) enjoyed ourselves fairly well got a lot of nice fruit people were very kind with their fruit Belle Kate Jess Uncle & I went to the silver reading in the evening, enjoyed it very well met N. Marriott
Saturday 23
Went thro the usual Saturday work. read Donnavan & liked what I read very much, it showed how careful we should be (if we profess to be Christians) to live a consistent life, so as not to give outsiders an impression that religion after all is false Will Matthews & Mary came up in the afternoon we had a good time together Letter from Tom, I read it out & all enjoyed especially where he compared the singing in the different churches “a few grades above a cat fight” All went to practise
Sunday 24
Very warm no church all day. Sunday School enjoyable, altho the feeling of failure was present Mr. Glasson at night, better sermon than usual Will & Mary came to the style with me and Will gave me a very pressing invitation to go with Mary to Cootamundra & I know he meant it & felt so thankful that I have found a good friend in him. I like him more everytime I see him.
Monday 25
Did some extras this morning Just when we were finishing lunch, Mag Cole & Stanley & Dave came. Dave & I had a great talk they went to Aunties in the afternoon Singing practise as usual Jim Miles & I had an argument about going to Church.
Tuesday 26
Up early wrote to Katie, Tom, Annabella had a good practise finished Donnavan & enjoyed it very much.
Wednesday 27
Work done early, (orrible ot) Jess & I had grapes went over to Mary Matthews for the afternoon, terribly hot day
Thursday 28
Met Geo & Bruce at the cross roads about 9 oclock, went to Uncle Williams got some nice peaches, & lovely melons came home by Nowra had tea there Mother sick in bed with a cold & neuralgia Went to Good Templars after we came home, had a very fair meeting
Friday March 1st
Preserved some peaches, made apple jelly & tomato sauce went to see Jessie McLaren in the evening & back to Marys for tea, Geo Bruce Grandfather & Jessie & Will Matthews were there so we had quite a nice family gathering. We managed to find our way home in the dark
Saturday 2
Made apple jam, cakes & scones tired after doing a lot of work. drizzling rain most of the day. Had a very good practise this evening.
Sunday 3
Very tired, lovely morning Mr. Par preached very nice sermon as usual. Got on fairly well at Sunday School Mr. James preached in the evening text from Mark “John have I beheaded" "Conscience" he preached a beautiful, impressive sermon, & one I hope we will never forget Mr. James stayed with us, & the evening was very enjoyable. I only wish there were more men like him He & His wife & child leave for Tonga on the 11th of April - Broughton Creek will miss him
Monday 4
Mr. James did not leave until about nine oclock we were sorry he could not stay longer, we all like him very much, Grandfather & I went to Nowra. met Mr. James coming from Nowra. I went in to see Mr. Blackmore's office Kate Fraser came up to tea, & we decided what Service of Song to have for the Sunday School, usual practise
Tuesday 5
Tired this morning, bur did a good mornings work wrote to Lil Billis for her birthday. Preserved some peaches Uncle & Jess went to choral as usual & had a fine meeting
Wednesday 6
Up early. made jam, & baked a lot & finished all work by half past 9. Grandfather Jess & I had dinner with Mary Auntie & Uncle were away at Tom Coles wedding. I stayed all day with Mary & it was dreadfully hot I wonder do others fail as I do when I had tried to do right, I am a poor helpless creature, not half doing the work that is given me to do.
Thursday 7
Up early very hot Mrs McPaul came in good time, Southerly buster about half past 3, so we got all the ironing done. Auntie came up & had tea with us Jess came home in good [sic] & we went straight to bed as we were tired
Friday 8
Lovely morning. did some extra cleaning this morning alone, Grandfather went to Bices sale I went to see Mrs. Binks, then paid a duty visit to Sinclair in the afternoon, they were extremely kind, had tea with them & Jane gave me a nice loaf of homemade bread, it is wonderful the kindness of people so many have been so kind & thoughtful of late, After tea I went for Jess then we went to Brennans to see Ma, Pa, Minnie & Baby. did not get home until past ten Had a nice letter from Tom with something for Jess & Mother
Saturday 9
Up early, rather an unusual day it rained & Uncle came home to dinner. I commenced "Weighed & Wanting. Wrote a long letter to Tom & again enjoyed his little sermon
Sunday 10
No rain, Dr Grant preached poor old gentleman is getting childish, his sermon was good but rather dry. all went to Aunties for dinner Enjoyed the Sunday School lessons. I dont find it easy to teach I seem to fail so often oh dear how far short I come Min stayed in my place & I went to the farm.
Monday 11
Up at six oclock (at the farm) helped a little with the work made pies & bread etc Jess did not come to the office until after dinner Ma & I were busy nearly all day. In the afternoon Pa Baby Dubs & I went up to see the new house the view is something grand, how very wonderful are the works of the Creator. After tea Ma Maggie & pa came part of the way home with me, I went to Jessie McLarens & waited there for Jessie she was over at Mrs Heads trying their new piano sent for me to sing we did not get home until late
Tuesday 12
Preserved some quinces I have 4 bottles of preserved fruit. I am enjoying "Weighed & Wanting," there is something in that book worth thinking about the Author C. McDonald (Mrs. McKays nephew) must be a good man & deep thinker & an experienced Christian
Wednesday 13
Mrs. Binks Grandfather & I went to Nowra Mrs. B. went shopping. met Mr Blackmore in town he was getting a buggy to take Belle Geo Bruce & Nell up to B. Creek to the cemetry they were taking poor little Brucie to see his mother grave. I went to Dr. Kings with Mrs. Binks. Mrs. King made me go in with her until Mrs. B. was ready. Dr. King made me promise to sing at the next Silver Reading. went up to Meroogal Kate & Mother at home we had to be home early, so had not much time with them. Went to singing practise & had great fun enjoyed ourselves splendidly Jessie Jim Miles & I had a nice moonlight walk & talk Jim is very true he surprises me sometimes I hope we have a good influence over him, I should be very sorry if our company was not a benefit to him. I hope he will turn out a good Christian man his Uncle being a Catholic goes against him.
Thursday 14
After I finished my work went down to Mrs Binks & helped her to preserve quinces, & made a little jelly, had a rest in the afternoon Uncle in good humour at tea, it was quite pleasant & a treat. Went to Good Templars Aleck McGregor initiated, very fair meeting, rather too much talk "we" the opposition party beat Dibbs ministery
Friday 15
Cleaned out our little bedroom, made quince jelly, & did a lot of other work went down town in the afternoon Grandfather not very well & caught a cold oh dear what a lot I have to be thankful for, I have very many good things in this life, oh I do come very short of what I ought to be, why dont I live a better life & try to do more good. I wish so much to be a real Christian
Saturday 16
Went thro the usual work made a cake for Mrs. Binks, killed a little snake in the workshop. went to Nowra in the afternoon Mrs. Blackmore & Dottie came to stay a week or so Kate came home with me in the evening.
Sunday 17
Mr. Par preached his farewell sermon before going to England for a few months. I liked the way he spoke of Unity. Mr Jackson preached in the afternoon on the faith of Abraham he seems always to give such light to everything. one never gets tired of listening to him. Jess did not go home.
Monday 18
Did a lot of cooking Kate helping me for Mrs. Binks for Mr Pars farewell tea, very hot day. Kate & I went down to Nowra after tea they were glad to see us. & we enjoyed ourselves, had a play with Brucie
Tuesday 19
Bob went to Sydney. I took Mrs. Blackmore Dot & Bruce out for a drive round Nowra & Terrara, in the afternoon Belle came home with me, Uncle & Mary Matthews went to B. Creek to Mr James concert & enjoyed it grandly Mr. Glasson preached, a very nice sermon from the first 3 verses of the first Psalm after church we practiced for Mr James lecture at West Cambe tomorrow night
Wednesday 20
Up at the usual time Jane Binks & I made a lot of sponge rolls & they were very nice, then I made a cake for Jess & Kate to take to town Mr Blackmore came to tea then Uncle Belle Mr Blackmore & I went to Mr. James lecture at West Cambe Jess went with Brennans. We enjoyed the lecture very much, I dont think I shall ever forget it, “My schools & school days" Mr. James is a born actor & is a good happy Christian, Just my idea of what a Christian ought to be we are sorry he is leaving for the Friendly Islands so soon, Jess & I sang at the lecture
Thursday 21
Busy preparing for Mr Pars farewell tea which was a very great success. Mr. Par Mr. Jackson & Mr. Phillip Morton sat at our table. the after meeting was very good. Mr Jackson made a good speech of course & Mr Morton spoke well & earnestly too. The Orangeman & a few friends presented Mr. Par with a purse of soverigns for which he was very thankful our choir sang as usual we all said goodbye to Mr. Par & wished him well & hoped to see him again
Friday 22
Just 10 years since I came to Cambe to live, what changes there has been since then, Jess busy preparing to go to Sydney. Mary Dot Blackmore, Nell Pa Ma Baby came up & had tea with us, after tea Belle & I & Jess went to Nowra had a telegram from Tom Cole saying his Mother is very ill & for Mother to go at once, poor Auntie I hope it will not be a very serious illness we did not get to bed until 11 oclock.
Saturday 23
Jess Kate & Bruce left for Sydney this morning Geo for Kiama & Mother for Jamberoo, poor Mother had to leave at 2 oclock in the morning we did not like parting with poor little Brucie poor Geo I pity her, I wonder when we shall see him again. Jess & Kate will be tired tonight I have been missing Jess all day & feeling lonely sometimes but I must not be foolish. I sent a telegram to Donald Barnet to tell him they were coming. Mary Nellie Dottie Mrs. Blackmore Auntie & Uncle came up to tea Mary & I went to practise got home early. felt very lonely without Jess. pictured them in Neutral Bay.
Sunday 24
No church until afternoon. Mr. Glasson preached his farewell sermon. Belle & Mr. Blackmore came to church they went up to Auntie & so did I & had tea played & sang a few hymns. Came home read, & went to bed early. Wondered what Jess was at in Sydney
Monday 25
Up very early washing got on very well most of the ironing done Missed Jess dreadfully went to Singing practise, enjoyed it very much Jim Miles made plenty fun & Wesley was very good Jim came home with me Mary M has a bad cold
Tuesday 26
Not up early. Mary came up & we went to Binks for dinner Mr. & Mrs. Glasson were there & we spent a most pleasant time I was very glad of Marys company. Went to Frasers for tea, & not a very desirable company then after tea went to Mr. Glasson lecture on Women Work, & enjoyed it grandly. if we women would only live the way we were intend [sic] to live, the world would be much better I would like so much to be a true woman, & I mean to try my best altho I know I can not be as good as many women
Wednesday 27
Tired & sleepy after last night dissappation I sometimes wonder if it is so right to go out to spend the evening & come home late, & next day not feel able to do much it is often very hard to know what to do or to know right from wrong. Jess is lazy not a scrap from her since she left, I wonder how are they enjoying themselves Kate & Jess Commenced a letter for Katie Billis to get on her birthday.
Thursday 28
Auntie Matthews & I went to B. Creek Uncle on to Kiama to the meeting about Mr. Wilson, we went to Rev. Mr. James farewell tea which was a success, very sorry to say good bye to Mr. James & he felt parting with the people very much, oh he is a good man if ever there was one & I hope he will have great success on the Islands. Auntie & I were home in time for tea then went to Good Templars & had a fair meeting Mary came home with me
Friday 29
After I finished work Grandfather & I started for Nowra & Mary went home a letter from Jess which we were very glad to get they had been to Mr Barnetts for tea Belle was busy making jam & preserving grapes, I stayed with her until after five oclock, then we came to meet the coach Uncle did not come but has gone to Jamberoo as Auntie Cole does not seem to be improving. Mother will be anxious. Grandfather & I are alone tonight.
Saturday 30
Went thro the usual Saturday work, Uncle came home from Kiama in the evening. Auntie Cole is better, Mother & Georgie, are well. & the Rev. Mr. Wilson has resigned Belle & Aleck Miller came up in the evening. Aleck does not look nice because he has let his whiskers grow. Aleck McGregor stayed at Brennans all night. It has been raining a little.
Sunday 31
Raining all day so they was no church, it does not seem like Sunday without church, yet we all had a good rest & I feel that we have very much to be thankful for the rain is just what we need. Aleck Miller read 2 sermons for us also some of Whittiers poems. Sunday night we had an argument about men & women, which does the most good in the world. One thing I know neither of us do as much as we ought
Monday April 1st
Still raining beautifully. Aleck & Belle went home I set to sewing made a jacket for morning out of an old polanaise . Uncle was at home all day. after tea I went to the store, then to see Aleck in the office after 8 oclock we held a meeting & arranged for a Good Templars tea, It seems weeks since Jess left & it is only a week & two days
Tuesday 2
Many happy returns of the day Katie Billis I hope you will have a very happy birthday. Still raining Uncle went to work & I set up to sew again & altered two old dresses for morning. I am quite pleased to have them done Finished reading "Weighed & Wanting" & like it very much, wish I could remember all the good that is in it it is so hard to remember things. I wish I was better, I seem to make so little progress in the Christian live, often wondering if I really know what it is to be a Christian. Father of Lights do thou open our eyes. Little note from Jess. Kate was to have her teeth drawn today. Auntie came up in the afternoon stayed to tea & helped me to wind some wool, I went to see Jane Binks, had some nice hot scones & butter J is very Kind
Wednesday 3
Auntie Matthews went down to Nowra, to be ready to go to Jamberoo by the morning coach to see Auntie Cole I worked about until dinner time practised after dinner then went to see Mary, from there to Mrs. Brennans then home got tea, worked at my wollen petticoat then went to bed
Thursday 4
Fine morning cleaned the place had an early lunch & Grandfather & I went to Nowra & Jess opened the door, was’nt I surprised & glad to see her, & Kate too, both look thin Kate has had a great shaking getting so many teeth out, Jess looks better our tongues went “Clickety Clack”. In the afternoon Jess Belle & I drove down to Nowra Belle & I went in to Mrs. Whittle she is a very nice person indeed we practised my songs & then came home to Meroogal, made scones & cakes for tea, Belle Jess Mr. Blackmore Aleck Miller & I went to the silver reading. I sang Smile again Bonny Lassie & the Brook the audience clapped & encored violently & I had to go back & sing "Robin Adair". I felt thankful but not proud I trust then it would useless for me to sing. anything done with vanity cant do good. Jess & I slept together & talked until the small hours.
Friday 5
Wrote a scrap to Tom also to Donald to let him know how Jess & Kate got home. After which Jess Grandfather & I came home after lunch all went to the office store, Mrs. Brennans & School, all were very glad to see Jess again. Ma Pa Nell Baby came over Bell Kate Aleck Miller came up & stayed for tea brought a nice melon. Jess & I went to Bed early its so nice to have Jess again
Saturday 6
Very glad that Bert & Donald intend coming down at June & Sy & Aleck at Easter Very sorry to hear that Auntie Cole is not improving how solemn it makes one feel when one is brought to think of death entering the circle of relations or friends, how careful we should be to be always ready, if our call should come unexpectedly. Poor Mother I hope she wont be worn out, Jess went home
Sunday 7
Damp morning Mr. Dobbie gave us a very short service. Aleck Miller & I went to Frasers for dinner had a very small Sunday School, but is was nice Kate Fraser came home with us then Uncle Aleck Kate F went to evening church I stayed at home & read & enjoyed being alone.
Monday 8
Up half past five did a good days work gave the little bedroom a thorough cleaning for the Winter Aleck Miller & I went to practise in the evening Jess came home it is so nice to have her we talked late Mrs. Brown came up in the afternoon & I enjoyed her visit. Beautiful night moonlight & cold. Winter is lovely one can work much better.
Tuesday 9 Up early did a good cooking made melon jam had a nice letter from Donald Barnet & a pretty song from Bert very kind of him indeed Wrote to Mother Went to the church & we practised "Immanuel"
Wednesday 10
Busy all the morning took Mrs. Brennan down to Nowra then Mrs. B Kate & I went out to Andrew De Mestres's & got some grape home at dark. Kate Fraser & Jim Miles came up with Jess & we enjoyed the evening
Thursday 11
Rev. Mr. James leaves for Tonga today Good Templars we had a little tea sandwiches & buns. & also some music The evening passed off very well Had a letter from Virgie glad to hear she bas a little son
Friday 12
Made 21/2 lbs of Gooseberry Jam put it away for Bert Mrs. Binks gave me the gooseberries All away but myself work away cleaned windows etc Went to the open meeting at the School of Arts sang “Love Not” & a Duet with Jess also one with Kate Fraser Belle & Mr Blackmore were up Tired & late to bed
Saturday 13
Had melon ginger went down to Nowra after dinner called at Dr Kings & went for a drive round Nowra with Kate then Belle came home with me, Practise as usual Letter from Tom & a doz. stamps which were very acceptable.
Sunday 14
The new C of E Minister preached & we all liked him, he seems a very earnest man Mr Jackson preached in the afternoon. Very good Sunday School Uncle went to Gibsons with Mr. Jackson Kate Fraser came home with us This is the last day of the old year tomorrow if spared I will enter upon a new year when I look back. I see very many mistakes & not very much good done surely this is a warning that should make me more faithful in the coming year
Monday 15
This is my birthday. I got up early it was cloudy but turned out a lovely day I wonder if this is a emblem of what the coming year will bring cloud & sunshine sure enough, all is in Gods hands I know, so it must be well it is a very precious truth to know that over the past the blood red hand has been placed, for if we ask forgiveness, we are told that we shall be forgiven. Busy washing day & I cleaned up the big room Jess came up at dinner time to see me Jess gave me a piece of very nice ribbon & ruffling. Jo Nugent sent me two nice frames just what I have been wishing for Georgie Nugent a pretty card people are so kind Mr Dobbie preached but I could not enjoy the service only some of the hymns he was so long & dry.
Tuesday 16
Grandfather up about 3 oclock woke me at a quarter to 4 & I could not go to sleep again, got up feeling worn out & have been so tired all day. Grandfather went to Jamberoo but the half past 8 coach had started off to meet it very early. poor old man he is like a child I have been ironing all the afternoon Only Uncle & I for tea I do miss Grandfather; the place is so quiet without him, Uncle & I talked for a long time, it was too wet for him to go to choral
Wednesday 17
Aleck McGregors & Kate Frasers birthdays Jess & I got to bed in good time.
Thursday 18
Did a lot of cooking. prepared for the boys coming Aleck Graham & Sid Skipper. Got everything nice & clean & tidy A telegram from Jamberoo came at dinner time saying that Auntie Cole died this morning & is to be buried at 2 oclock tomorrow we felt sorry & glad, glad for her, sorry for those who are left behind. I went down to Nowra & Belle came back in my place. Kate & I were picturing the boys travelling in high spirits
Friday 19
Up at five oclock, made the fire & at half past six the boys came I felt a bit nervous, as Kate was not up, we were very glad to meet sent Alex to bed Sid would not go so we had breakfast Sid & I went out for a walk down the rocks, enjoyed it immensely then Alex got up & we went to the same place with him & we had a nice talk sitting on the rocks. Jess & Belle came & in the afternoon Alex Jess Sid & I went for a walk over the suspension bridge enjoyed it Mary Matthews & Kate came to meet us. Uncle & Mary stayed for tea then Alex Kate Jess went in Uncles buggy Mary Sid & I in our buggy we enjoyed the drive & got home safely. The boys had a good look round & we had some music then supper It was a pleasure to see how Alex & Sid enjoyed everything, Alec McGregor got a cap stuck in his nose
Saturday 20
I was up before six went down to Binks & got some milk & cream, had breakfast about half past seven Jess had to go we were all sorry. Alex & Sid were lamenting all day that Jess had to be at her work. Kate washed up & got the lunch ready Alex Sid & I went down to Binks they had whey curds home made bread, butter & jam & salt meat, & did’nt they appreciate it. Then Jane & the children got 2 horses ready for us. & Sid jumped on & had a nice canter round the paddock, laughing of course, Aleck had to ride the side saddle home, then we got the buggy ready & Aleck & Kate started, Sid & I following riding, we went to the top of the Mt, it was just beautiful, Sid & Alex exchanged coming home we laughed plenty. They are so innocent & light hearted, real boys. After we came home had a look at the jams & preserves then got ready (amidst much laughter) & went over to Uncle Matthews & Ebbie drove us down to the bridge The boys waved to Kate Jess & Mary until they were out of sight We walked from the bridge home Sid & I got tea (sour milk) Geo & Jean Finlayson popped in after tea Sid Aleck & I went down round Nowra came home & had music & went to bed satisfied with the day.
Sunday 21
All went to church but Geo & I, we got the dinner after dinner Sid Alex & I sang hymns & about 4 oclock Alex Sid Belle & I went for a walk, went down to the gap & sat beside the water, everything look lovely. Just a real lovely Sunday we sat & talked for a while then came home & had tea & went to hear Mr Best Alex Sid Belle & I, they enjoyed the service very much I enjoyed it but not so much & [sic] I often do Alex & I had a nice talk coming home we talked a great deal after we came home. sat up until 11 as Mr. Blackmore was to go by the 12 oclock coach we were sleepy & tired thankful to have had such a lovely day Aleck & I had a very profatable & enjoyable talk.
Monday 22
Just 3 years today since Bob was married poor fellow. It is a lovely day. Sid helped to wash up Alex went down town to see if Jess & Kate were coming down then they watched me making scones Then Kate & Jess came & we prepared lunch & went over the Suspension bridge & had it there it was splendid, coming home was grand, leaving the baskets & running away Jess had to come home by coach so Aleck Sid & I went with her over the bridge they waved her out of sight & wished she could come back, we walked home & talked of course they enjoying all as usual, lamenting that they had to go soon. Got home Sid harnessed up & Aleck Sid & I drove to Numba one driving each way, they say it was lovely & wished they could often get out driving, Came home had tea. Aleck went down to talk to Jess. Sid & I played & sang & talked. Then Alex & I talked & packed his luggage then Sid & I had an attack & put some rubbish amongst Alex things. Loud lamentation from all because they had to go so soon, weeping etc I got lunch for them, then we had supper & at half past 11 they had to go, said good bye about a doz times & went off They enjoyed themselves very very much & said they would not talk of anything else for months & we all enjoyed their stay, they were not trouble & seemed to be satisfied with everything We heard their coach going over the bridge.
Tuesday 23
Not up until late, got home at 12 oclock found Uncle Kenny Uncle Tommy & Grandfather. We all miss the boys & it is so quiet Mary Matthews came up & had tea with us, then Uncles & Mr Mcgregor went to Nowra leaving Grandfather & I alone Jess came home & we went to bed early.
Wednesday 24
No up until nearly 8 oclock, it is so nice not to have to hurry up. I intend enjoying the rest Uncle Kenny & Pa went to Sydney this morning. I spent the afternoon with Jess, we felt very lonely. Geo came up to Ma’s I came home Grandfather & I had tea I practised then wrote to Aleck Graham. Jess came home & we went to bed early.
Thursday 25
Went to Nowra Kate & I went out for a drive got a new hat & left my dress to be made went to McArthurs for tea. Went to bed early
Friday 26
Had a grand rest went out for a long walk round the rocks in the afternoon, took Jean out for a short drive decided to give up tea drinking for a time, Nice to be at home Mother bad with bronchitis.
Saturday 27
Did a little work letter from Sid Skipper & a photo, they got home safely Mother Grandfather & I came home & we were deeply grieved to hear that Aleck Miller has lost his Mother & brother thro Tyhpoid [sic] fever Wrote to poor Aleck Georgie came over from the farm & stayed here.
Sunday 28
Damp morning Mother & Georgie could not go out. Mothers bronchitis no better Mr. Holden preached & I liked him very much I enjoyed Sunday School What a priviledge it is to be allowed to teach the children, altho I feel my weakness & inability to teach them, I feel it a very precious time, Mr. Jackson preached at night a most eloquent & earnest sermon on the lost sheep. I am sure that sermon will do much good Jess came home Mother still bad, Geo & Jess doctered her
Monday 29
Lovely morning poor Mother not better, but had a good nights sleep. After dinner I took Mother & Georgie home Mother was to go to the Dr. As she was no better Jean Finlayson came home with me & Aleck McGregor stayed all night too
Tuesday 30
Jess up first, lovely morning almost perfect day Jean, did not get up until late, I enjoyed her company, she is such a good little thing & shows such a good example. Did a lot of cooking. Took Jeanie back to Nowra in the afternoon. Mother little better but looks ill still. Kate & Bell came back to the office with me Jess & I had a letter each from Sid very nice lively ones, I feel sorry for poor Siddie. Jess one from Aleck & I had two they were very nice & well appreciated, how they enjoyed their trip, it is a pleasure to know that it did them good They seem so free from all quite [guile?] & nonsense I had a letter from Donald Barnet telling us when to expect Bert & him, we ought to be very thankful that God has given us such friends.
Wednesday May 1st
In the afternoon I went shopping. I stayed a good while with Jessie then Pa & Uncle Kenny came & we drove home & Pa stayed to tea then went & brought Jess home. Uncle started reading so Jess & I retired & Jess was late last night
Thursday 2
Very busy cleaning up & burning rubbish all the morning after dinner I did some repairing & reading then took my crochet & went to see Mrs. Binks as she was alone. Mary came up & had tea with us. took her home Jess was home when I came. Had an argument with J Miles about the evils of horseracing, Jess gave us some music
Friday 3
Up early went up with Mr. Binks to his farm rode his horse. Mary & Annie came too & we gathered some gooseberries, & had our dinner in the paddock with Mr Binks & the boys, & enjoyed ourselves immensely Came home at 5 oclock feeling very tired Uncle & I had to go out to a practise
Saturday 4
Very warm, made some gooseberry jam & of course the usual cooking & Saturday work. Grandfather & I went to Nowra after dinner. Mother much better. Mary Baby Nellie & Pa were down & Mary Matthews & Auntie, never rains but it pours. Went to Mrs Patersons & got my dress fitted. Mary & Baby came as far as the Office with us. Then Grandpa & I had a dirty drive from there, it is raining away steadily.
Sunday 5
Dull morning. Mr Dobbie preached, did not enjoy his service much, enjoyed the singing. Mary Young at Auntie, we all went to dinner. I enjoyed the Sunday School very much, it does seem a priviledge to be allowed to teach the children, Jess & Nell came up in the evening & Auntie & Mary Young, we all had tea together. Jess & I had a good read & went to bed early.
Monday 6
Most beautiful day after the rain. I did some extra cleaning up. Jess & I had a practise wrote to Sid. Pa came in the evening & had tea with us.
Tuesday 7
Lovely morning. Did some washing & ironing. Answered Aleck’s letter had dinner at Binks. Grandfather & I went to hear the new Wesleyan Minister, Mr King. He preached a beautiful service, Text “Work out your own Salvation, with fear and trembling.” I like him altogether. It was so nice to listen to him, once could not tire hearing such precious truths.
Wednesday 8
Up early washing day & a very large ironing. Min had dinner with us & we enjoyed ourselves. In the evening Jess Uncle & I had some music, it was so pleasant & so homelike & I could not help feeling thankful for the evening. Oh why is it not so always, what a happy united home this might be. I long for peace & harmony. Posted my letter to Aleck.
Thursday 9
Grandfather & I went to Nowra to church Mr. Jackson preached a splendid sermon After church Mary & I went to Meroogal did not stay long Uncle Jess & I had a happy evening I finished the ironing
Friday 10 Did nearly all the Saturday work also some sewing & went to practise “Immanuel” at night
Saturday 11
Uncle Grandfather & I went to Nowra to church Mr. Walker preached Text "What think ye of Christ." the whole service was beautiful indeed. I spoke to Mr & Mrs. Walker, & had dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Hewlett, then came home got my new black hat & dress both very nice went to practise at night. Jessies birthday & she got a nice lot of presents
Sunday 12
Lovely morning Uncle Grandfather & I went to Nowra Sacrament Sunday. Mr. Walker preached “He saved others Himself He cannot save”. I never enjoyed a communion sermon so much, his prayers & everything he did was so earnest & loving, Words cannot express the enjoyment of the service. We came home in time to hear Mr Jackson preach on the first few verses of the 14 Chap of John "Let not your heart be troubled he was very good even to be better each time we hear him. In the evening Jess Uncle Grandpa Mary Auntie & I went down to hear Mr Walker again he preached from the text "He showed unto them His hand & His feet". very very nice We are having such a good time.
Monday 13
Uncle Grandfather & I went down again Mr. Walker preached again "I beseech you brethren present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service how he brought out the love in this text, it was beautiful indeed. How good God is to his people. The portion of the Lord is His people Came home & had tea went to practise Immanuel Mr. & Mrs. Whittle were up & Mr. W. put us through well
Tuesday 14
I am looking forward to tonight did up the window curtains & a lot of little things. Went with Kate Fraser to hear Mr. Walker who was holding an evangelestic [sic] service in Nowra it was a beautiful service & I enjoyed it so much, I am sure there was a lot of good done Text. Georgie came home with us we have been having a good time, this has indeed been a precious communion season & I am thankful that we have enjoyed so many priviledges
Wednesday 15
Cooking today. Pa Mr. H. McKenzie & his little boys from Sydney came & stayed all night Uncle & I had to go in to the rehearsal & got on very well
Thursday 16
Lovely morning. I drove Mr McKenzie & Harold out to the coach saw dear Mr Walker & Mrs. Walker & had a chat to them Mr Walker said he would come down oftener now Georgie finished Jessies body & in the evening Mr. & Mrs. Hewlett & Mrs H Miller came to tea & we went to the Cantata it was a lovely night everything passed off very well & we are very thankful also that it is all over Got 8£ to get books for the Sunday School Tired & sleepy
Friday 17
Took Georgie home. Bob better but looking very thin got up in the afternoon Jeanie Finlayson came home with me we were so sleepy went to bed early. Got a paper saying that Jim Dick passed his exam & is now MDGM very glad indeed
Saturday 18
After finishing work. Tom Grandfather & I went to Aunties for dinner then to Nowra found Bob much better Kate came home with me Both tired went to bed early.
Sunday 19
Beautiful morning Uncle & Grandfather went to Nowra to church I enjoyed the morning at home went to Sunday School & tried to do better Mr King preached & I liked him very well Belle & Mr. Blackmore came to church & Kate went home with them. I did not feel lonely read a good bit & went to bed early & enjoyed a good sleep. I am glad that Sunday does come once a week it is such a rest.
Monday 20
Up early & finished all my work went over to the farm & spent the day. Pa & Grandfather went to Nowra had a look at the new house which is progressing slowly came over with Aleck to singing class. Uncle commenced staying at the farm all night
Tuesday 21
It was so nice not to have to get up very early. Jess & Grandpa & I had breakfast together Jess went to the office & Grandfather to McLeans after I had finished up took my sewing & went to Mrs. Binks & had dinner with them Came home had a good practise, finished a letter to Tom had another practise at night & did many odd jobs. Jess got a new hat
Wednesday 22
Up early washed my wrapper & did up my old dresses & made them almost new again. Jess and I were at home tonight quite a treat, we got to bed in good time.
Thursday 23
Up in good time did the kitchen fireplace after finishing up went to Nowra Got the saddle & the harness prepared. Kate came home with me & she has a cold so we doctored her up & sent her to bed
Friday 24
(Kate no better) gave her a hot bath, & she did not get up until half past ten Jess did a lot of work it was nice to have her home. I made about 24 dozen cakes some for Nowra, preparing for the boys coming. It has been raining nearly all day Jess came home in spite of the rain
Saturday 25
Raining still Kate better & able to get up Kate commenced my blue dress & it was a great bother to her. I made the skirt by hand & we nearly finished it Jess did not come home as it was so wet
Sunday 26
Rained all day. late breakfast Kate not very well read a good deal & did not feel the day really long, it was nice to have a good rest Jess came home in the afternoon very glad to see her We doctored Kate up a bit
Monday 27
Rained very heavily Kate did not get up all day Grandfather nasty cold great work with the leaky fireplaces. Uncle busy all the morning getting things into order Mrs Binks sent us lovely scones & soup for tea, she makes me feel ashamed, she is so kind a good & I seem to do so little for her Made crumpets for tea & they were very nice, did a good sew at Jessies grey dress not quite such heavy rain this evening I feel like getting a cold
Tuesday 27
Still rained I was in bed all day, cold & billious attack not very pleasant, Kate managed everything well & we passed the evening very well
Wednesday 28
Breaking up this morning. After dinner Kate & I decided to go to Nowra to see “The Local". we waded through the mud, we found them all well in Nowra, Kate had a note from Bert saying he could not come, we were very sorry as we were looking forward to his coming but Donald intends coming Jess & I had a nice letter from Siddie Mother came home with me
Thursday 28
Almost cleared up to day. I cleaned up part of the house after the rain Jess & I went down to Nowra in the evening & stayed all night, spent a most enjoyable evening they have so many comforts & all seems so homelike. Mr Blackmore brother was there we liked him he looks so good This time twelve months Tom & Bert were down Came on to rain thro the night
Friday 29
Jess & I came home first thing. Bob Mr. Blackmore & Mr Galbraith were very kind & thoughtful & I did everything for us. Mrs. McPaul came & did the washing & Mother did some of the ironing, Mother is such a help & so ready & pleased to give one a rest Jess came home thro the mud she is a regular brick.
Saturday June 1st
Maggie McGregor twelve months old today dull all day came on rain again in the evening. Wrote to Vergie & did a good lot to Mothers cloud
Sunday 2
Fine morning turned out a lovely day & it was a treat Mr. Grant preached in the morning it was nice to get to church again Uncle Sam had a bad head so Kate Fraser had to open & close the School Mary came home with me & went with Uncle to church at night
Monday 3
Up early nice morning did the last of the ironing in the afternoon went to Mrs. Brennans in the afternoon & she took me into the school & I quite enjoyed seeing the children & they behaved well had a cup of tea & Ma & Baby came then I came home Mother was here. After tea wrote to Sid
Tuesday 4
Still raining. In the afternoon I went to Nowra & Jess & Uncle came later we had a practise with the Whittels for Thursday night I stayed at Meroogal Mr. Blacket was there & I liked him very much so nice to be home for a night
Wednesday 5
Fine morning. Three years today since our dear sister died, how long & yet how short it seems. Aye but it was a good think for her when she was called home from sin & sorrow, how we have missed her In the evening Belle Kate & Mrs. Hewlett brought me home
Thursday 6
Nice day I cleaned up a bit & Jess Uncle & I went to Nowra to the Concert in which we took an active part & all passed off well Donald Barnet came & went to the Concert with us & he sang one song very nicely All went to Whittels to tea Very late home & tired
Friday 7
Did some cooking & went to Nowra for Donald in the afternoon, he got home safely & enjoyed the evening commenced fires in the parlor
Saturday 8
Up in good time Donald helped with the work it is nice to have Mother. Don watched me making scones then went down to the office after dinner Don & I went up to Boyds old place for a walk. Uncle came home & Mr & Mrs Binks came up for tea Don brought Jess home & we had some nice music
Sunday 9
Lovely morning All went to church Don Jess Uncle & I went to Uncle for dinner then in the afternoon Mr. Richard Miller preached Belle Geo & Jacky came up from Nowra Mr Miller came home with us & it was just lovely to have him. God is oh so good to us We all enjoyed ourselves so much
Monday 10
Up early had a very merry happy breakfast Don Jess Mr Miller & I had a jolly time together wrote their names on the aloes then Mr. Miller & Don washed up, Don swept the kitchen & Mr Miller cleaned the knives then they went with me to get Maiden hair ferns for bunches after which we went to Uncle Matthews Mary came back with us Jess came up to dinner We sang & played some hymns about 3 oclock Mr Miller had to go we all felt that we had had a very good time indeed Don Mary & I went for a drive round by Gibsons & thro the Cambe bush grand drive, Jess came home for tea & for the evening. I was much amused at two people very much amused
Tuesday 11
Donald went out shooting. Mother & I cleaned up the place Donald only got one bird a little after five we went down to Mr. Binks to tea Jess came too, & we had a very nice tea then we went to a missionary meeting, & enjoyed it oh so much, how we should prize our priviledges & help the missionaries by prayer & also by giving liberally, we cannot be too thankful that one lot is cast in such pleasant places while others are in the dark, & many lives being taken thro this darkness. We had a little music after we came home & then enjoyed a quiet chat round the fire
Wednesday 12
Up in good time, Donald went down with Jessie & I made scones & cleared up. Mother helps me such a lot, she is so good to me, I am afraid I dont appreciate her goodness as much as I ought Mrs. Binks & I went to Mr Binks farm on the Mt after dinner climbed up to Mrs. McKays & enjoyed the lovely view. Don & I sat on a stone for three quarters of an hour & enjoyed the scenery. Started for home a little after three felt rather tired very glad to get home Jim Miles came up & gave me one lesson in playing chess. Don Jess Jim & I spent a very pleasant evening.
Thursday 13
Rained in the morning. Donald was writing all the morning after dinner Don & I went to Nowra Don & Kate went out for a ride & at 7 oclock Don drove up for Jess it was a lovely night & they got home a little after nine we had a nice evening Mr. Galbraith & Mr. Blackmore were at home it was so nice to know that Mother was with Grandfather how good she is to me
Friday 14
Blowing very hard, I stayed in all the morning & cooked made puff paste Two people went out for ferns & did not come home until dinner ah many a time I had no gim. Happy times In the evening Mr Campbell came up & we had a lively evening Music & charades all seemed to enjoy it
Saturday 15
Don Jess & I left home early in time for opening the office. Don prepared his lessons for Sunday School & I did a lot of cooking. Don went part way with Jess then after we finished our work Don & I went for a long walk came home by the office & met Uncle, we both did our share of teasing. After tea I went to practise & Don brought Jess home no gim
Sunday 16
This is a lovely day & a day to be remembered Jess Don & I went for a walk. I came home & got dinner (“late for dinner”) then Jess Don & I went to Sunday School & enjoyed the lessons so much, Belle came up after School & we all went for a walk two of us had a treat. keep dark my diary lay low! I feel so peaceful & thankful today. After tea we all went to church (Ma Baby Min Dubs too) enjoyed the service & the walk home & the talk at the kitchen door (no gim again) This is Donalds last night sorry he is going but we have had a good time & are very thankful for it, we do not deserve help that we get
Monday 17
Up very early breakfast ¼ to 7 Uncle got the horse ready & Don & Jess got other things ready & we started at a few minutes to 8 Jess came to the end of the top of the hill at Heads corner had to say good bye very sorry. (picture amusing) Don & I had a nice talk & I promised to write to him once a week, the coach came & we had to say good bye poor Donald we waved out of sight, I talked a long time at the office with Jess then Jess came home to dinner. We all miss Donald. Wrote letter after dinner & Mother & I had a chat Went down to with Jess after tea then to practise & enjoyed it well. Jess & I talked late & I dout we will forget that talk God is oh so good to us
Tuesday 18
Went with Jess part of the way came home & worked about all the morning after dinner went down to Jess & wrote to Donald Went to Nowra in the evening to stay until Saturday Mother staying in my place
Wednesday 19
It was very nice not to have to hurry up this morning did some work, after dinner Kate & I walked down to see Mrs. Ross & enjoyed the company Mrs. Moss & the girls they were so Kind home in plenty time for tea Mr Blackmore & Mr Galbraith both out all the evening went to bed early. I wrote to Tom & gave him an account of Donalds visit. Bob came home from town & brought dear Mags & Brucies pictures they are splendid & we are so glad to have them
Thursday 20
Up early got breakfast for Mr. Blackmore as he went to the Valley early got a great teasing from Mr. Galbraith did some cooking. Mr. & Mrs. Hewlett called in the afternoon Mr. G came home early to do some carpentering for Bell After tea the Miss Hayes & Nelson Mariott came we had music & charades & the evening passed very pleasantly
Friday 21
I got the dinner & let Kate sew in the afternoon Geo Kate Miss Moss & I went for a long walk to see the "Devils handprints" (it is called) in a rock several prints are very clear we enjoyed the walk it was very beautiful all about. dear me how wonderful nature is, how wondrous are the works of God We spent just a quiet evening Shortest day
Saturday 22
I made scones & cakes for Kate & helped a bit with the work. Belle brought Geo & I home in the afternoon. Mother had everything nice & clean & tidy, how Mothers love to do thing for their children, we cannot be too thankful for good Mothers. Geo went to Aunties for the night Mother came with me to the practise then went to Aunties came back & brought me home
Sunday 23
Had a splendid sleep cold windy morning letter from Donald Mr Holden preached in the morning & was very nice Some of the children in S School were very naughty, Mother Grandfather Uncle & I for tea, small family to what we had last Sunday evening Mr. Jackson preached at night & as usual had something new to tell us. he came home with us (& Geo too) we had a nice talk for two hours he is so intelectual [sic] & has the way of bringing everyone into the conversation Jess & I talked rather late
Monday 24
Uncle had his breakfast early & went to work. Mr Jackson Mother Geo grandfather Jess & I had ours together spent a profatable time. I took Mother home to Nowra awfully cold & windy little Ally went with me for company. Geo came to meet me, we had some fruit at the office. Rained at night & Jess could not get home, so we just had a good sleep, to make up for the loss
Tuesday 25
Cold morning all the morning in the kitchen Jess came up to dinner had a practise after dinner it is very nice to have Geo here Went to Nowra to practise Maritana very cold coming home
Wednesday 26
Showery Geo Mary & I went down to see Jessie McLaren & found her out Mary came home with us & stayed all night Jess Uncle & I had a practise & got to bed in decent time.
Thursday 27
Mary made some cakes for me & we made a currant cake for her. Geo & I went down to Jessies after dinner & Dubs came & we started with him for a drive to Nowra Met Belle coming for me so I came up with her got my dress & went home with her had a lively tea they all seem so happy & agreeable at Meroogal went to practise in the Hall for a while then Kate Mary Mr. Galbraith & I went to Mrs. Flatts for the evening. 26 there, spent rather a lively evening, but not so nice as our quiet little evenings at home. Mary & I stayed at Meroogal all night
Friday 28
Came home about 11 oclock had dinner & then had a little sleep & a little read commenced “We two” & liked it very much it teaches us not to be hard on unbelievers. I believe that many are made infidels thro Christians being too strict. we cant be too careful because our example makes the world either better or worse (oh I cant express myself) Geo & I went to Uncle Sams for tea Kate Belle Jess Mr. Galbraith & Mr Blackmore were there, we enjoyed ourselves very much.
Saturday 29
No up "berry" early Geo helped me a lot & we got our work done in good time Letter from Donald Geo went to the farm & left me by myself Harry Fraser & Kate came up to tea
Sunday 30
Fine morning very cold Mr Dobbie preached but I could not enjoy the service much it must have been the evil in me Nice Sunday School its hard to know how to teach the children great need of the Holy Spirit to guide. Good letter from Jim McKenzie. Read in the evening & retired early.
Monday July 1st
[Snow on Cambewarra Mt]Very cold, little snow on Cambewarra Mt. Ironed all the morning Geo came back we had a nice talk in the evening. Then I had to go to practise Awfully cold
Tuesday 2
Geo went home by the morning coach I was busy until after dinner Jess came to dinner I had a nice letter from Donald, Rev Mr. King (Wes) & Mr. Binks called in the afternoon Mr. King seems nice Went to see Mrs. Binks she is so motherly & careful of me more than I deserve Pa & Uncle came at 4 oclock Jess Uncle & I went to Nowra
Wednesday 3
I sewed nearly all day. Piano tuner came Wrote to Jim Dick & felt the letter was a real failure not a bit newsy. After Jess came home I wrote to Donald & read some of Edna Lyalls “We Two”. I enjoyed it but not so well as Donnavan. Rained
Thursday 4
It is so nice not to have to get up in a hurry Jess & I enjoyed a nice quiet breakfast. I finished turning my drab dress did some other sewing & reading It rained but Jess came home she is a brick
Friday 5
Cleaned up & did some sewing went to hear Mr. Temple. In the School of Arts he lectured on Temperance & was very good only I am getting tired of these lectures. Very cold Jim Miles & Mr. Binks brought us home safely
Saturday 6
Lovely day finished all my work before dinner, sewed after dinner & took a run down to Mrs. Binks, & she had a basin of nice soup for me her extreme kindness makes me feel ashamed I am so selfish beside her I just hate myself & all these evil ways it seems so easy or natural for some people to be good. Went to practise as usual Saw by the Presbyterian that Tom is sent to Armidale when will he get home again!
Sunday 7
Uncle went to Nowra Mr. Holden preached in the morning the best sermon I have heard from him for a while Text “Lead us not into Temptation”, Sunday School not very large but all my girls were there & the Lesson was very nice Rev A Miller from Sydney preached Text "For we must all stand before the judgement seat of Christ" A very nice sermon indeed full of lessons & precious truths After church Jess & I went part of the way with Belle & Kate, Jess went home after & Ebb Matthews came back with me Had tea read a little & went to bed in good time very sleepy & glad of a good rest, Sunday is a precious day
Monday 8
Had a good nights rest up early finished work early, did some sewing for Jess, Jess came home to dinner, I went back with her did some shopping wrote to Don, came home made scones got tea & pottered about a few Jess came home in good time
Tuesday 9
Up early trotted around & got everything done in time to go with Jess to Nowra by coach all glad to see us, we dressed ourselves & set to work at once & worked all day had plenty fun went for a long walk in the evening & Jess & I had to put up with a fair amount of teasing. Jess bad with toothache Jess & Belle got a green dress for Jess
Wednesday 10
Up & to work early Jess worked well, the girls went to Jess dress [sic] at once, I made a lot of cakes & some scones very busy all the morning having great fun In the afternoon saddled Stella & went for a nice ride; called in to see Mrs. McKay & she was very glad to see me so was Miss Cooper & want me to go again soon. I felt sorry for them & glad that I did go I passed the gate several times before I decided to go in feel ashamed for my negligence. Came home, just before tea Mr. Galbraith attended to my horse dress nearly finished Mr. Blackmore's cousin Mr Banfield came in the evening & we had rather a lively time
Thursday 11
Jess & I at work again Jess got her clothes ready to go to town, made scones & cake for Mrs. McKay also made a currant cake raining nearly all day Jess dress finished, all packed ready for a start Mr. Galbraith & Mr Banfield were at home at night & we had a little dance, the former seemed to enjoy it very much, great teasing, Jess & Kate had new dresses on
Friday 12
Still showery but we hurried round & got Jess & Kate ready for the roads, all lending a helping hand we managed to get them off by the half past eight coach It was rather silent after they left but we were busy pictured them many times today, Mr Galbraith left for Moss Vale in the afternoon & at night Mr. Blackmore & cousin were out. Geo & I went down to Whittels for my music Bob came home after tea & we had a nice quiet evening retired early
Saturday 13
Lovely morning went down to Whittles in the morning & had a good practise Ma Baby Dubs & Nell came past after dinner & Mr. Banfield took us all out for a row up the river great work getting the boat started all hands helping All had a row, great laughter got some bread & marmalade on the way which was delicious Got home about six well pleased with the day. After tea Nellie wanted to go down town to hear the Band I did not want to go but went for Nells sake Mr. Blackmore & cousin went with us & Mr. Banfield saw us home safely. Very tired to night, Wonder what Kate & Jess are at
Sunday 14
I stayed at home & got dinner all the others went to church then I drove home in time for Sunday School came home & found everything nice & Mother & Grandfather pretty well then went to Aunties for tea so there was only Uncle & I. Went to church to hear Mr. King the church was nearly full it was a treat to see it so. Tired & sleepy,
Monday 15
Awake early - Mother & I talked for a good while then go up & went thro the usual work Gave Sarah Head her lesson (for Jess) then went on to Nowra & it poured rain it was nice to get in again
Tuesday 16
I got the dinner ready & worked about a few. Raining. Uncle came down & we went down to practise in the Hall not home until late Mr Galbraith teased me
Wednesday 17
Showery a few [UNCLEAR] Belle got my white dress ready for the concert Mr Galbraith Geo Belle & I went out in the boat up the Nowra Creek enjoyed ourselves well Geo & Belle pulled a lot Had a nice quiet tea & a very nice talk.
Thursday 18
A little showery. Mary Auntie & Ebb came & had tea with us. then we all went to Maritana Mr. Blackmore & Galbraith teased me about my white dress & blue ribbon. Concert passed off well Mr Blackmore & Galbraith say they went just to clap me Terrible teasing
Being away I have forgotten what has happened
[No entries until Aug 1st]
August 1st
Mr. Blackmore & Mr. Galbraith had a holiday so they took Mary Matthews Mother Belle Geo & I up to Bangely [sic] in the boat we had a grand row & all learnt to pull. It was really a splendid day. Mr. G. lit the fire & boiled the kettle when we came home then after tea we had a little dance its very nice staying in Nowra.
August 2
Raining Mary went home & Mr. Galbraith went to Berrima Jess came home she looks well with her new teeth we had a great talk slept in Bobs room & he came home late with a stranger Mr Harley & we had them locked out however they got in & had a bed each [?? & B - arrived with a stranger very late - they got in & got a bed each!]
August 3
All met Mr. Harley Ma Pa & baby came down & took Jess home Nell Geo & I went out for a drive after tea Mr. Harley Belle Geo Uncle & I went to the Scotch concert by Mr. Hamilton Wilson Mr Wallace from Braidwood met us & we all went together & enjoyed it very very much both Mr Wallace & Harley are married & are extremely nice We had a nice talk after we came home [Mr Wallace from Braidwood]
August 4
Raining Bob Mr Harley went to church sang some hymns, after dinner sang more hymns & talked, went out for a little walk after tea Mr Harley Mr. Blackmore & I went to Church & enjoyed the service. Had a nice talk after we came home from church
August 5
Mr. Harley left he says he enjoyed his stay with us & says we must not loose sight of each other & I am sure we will be glad to see him at any time Kate came home from Sydney looking pretty tired all glad to see her
Tuesday 6
Talked a good “few” & did some extra cooking
Wednesday 7
Mary Matthews came down in the morning. Did a good lot of cooking Belle & I went to Greys in the afternoon. Came home after tea & dressed & did a little practise while practising Sid Skipper & Aleck Graham popped in & we were very pleased to see them, had great laughing & chattering they are just the same boyish lighthearted boys as fond of fun as ever.
Thursday 8
After breakfast & most of the work done. Alec Sid Mary & I went for a walk out, onto the rocks lovely day & we enjoyed it very much after dinner Belle went to Cambe. Sid & I down town then we all went out in the boat up the river had our tea in a lovely spot & then rowed home in the moonlight we did enjoy it all so much had a little dance after we came home Mary Aleck & Sid between them taught me how to waltz.
Friday 9
Sid & Aleck went for a walk round Nowra after dinner Sid had a ride round the paddock on Stella Then Alec Sid Mary & I packed up & came by coach (which was packed) to Cambe Sid & Alec walked, from the bridge to the office & gave Jess a great surprise great rejoicing. I came home & left them to come with Jess. All gathered in to tea & Alec & Sid met Mother for the first time. Sid went back with Jess after eight we had a look around & also some music After washing up Aleck & I popped down to Binks & gave them a great surprise then Jess & Sid popped in & there was great rejoicing. It is nice to see Alec & Sid so happy & enjoying themselves without giving trouble, they are as thoughtful & kind & no nonsense about them.
August 10
Sid Alec went out shooting early & got a curlew Then Sid cut wood Aleck went down with Jess & Mother & I did the work. Then Sid went out & shot three parrots Jess came home to dinner after dinner Sid Alec & I went for a walk up near Baldys had a lovely view & a happy time. Came home I they met Uncle then shot 7 parrots after tea went down to practise & to the shop had great laughing coming home. The boys merry as usual.
Sunday 11
Belle’s birthday I has [sic] wished her many good things. Sid Alec & I had a little walk. then Uncle & Sid went for a walk after they came back we four went to Uncle Sams for dinner After which Mary Uncle & I went to Sunday School, Sid Aleck & Uncle Kenny went for a walk at 4 oclock they came home & we sang hymns had tea & went to church. A Mr. Shepherd preached & we enjoyed the service Jessie came home with us, it was lovely moonlight peaches & cream
Monday 12
Had breakfast at half past six boys went out shooting & we did the work & prepared lunch & at 10 oclock started with Mother & Mrs Binks for their farm on the Mt. had a very pleasant walk & were heartily welcomed by Mr Binks the boys had a look at the cheese, then we sat down to a most sumptuous dinner then Mr. Binks Aleck Sid & I walked to the top of the pigeon house. Mr B. had to come home then, so we arranged to find our way down got stung very much with stinging nettles but arrived safely at the foot of the Mt where Sid cut our names on a tree we ran down the Mt Mrs Binks & Mother had a cup of tea ready for us, after that we came home found Belle here the boys had a ride round an her horse. Mary came up & got tea ready for me then we all went to practise very merry. had a good practise boys pretending very frightened of the cows on the way home Jess & I tired of laughing.
Tuesday 13
Aleck Sid Janey Binks & I started out after nine for a ramble in the Mt great teasing on the way. Went to see Mrs Baldy had lunch there (very glad we went to see her poor woman) then proceeded to the top of the Mt had an awful scramble but managed to get to the top had more lunch then had a rest & proceeded down the side of the Mt which was very steep we enjoyed the scramble but were very thankful to get to the bottom. Got home at six feeling a bit tired Jess came home & brought me two letters from Bert Dick telling me to expect him in a weeks time & of course we were very pleased Alec & Sid went back with Jess had some singing & then retired.
Wednesday 14
Great lamenting Aleck & Sid had to go to Nowra. After getting the horse & packing up we started for Nowra well satisfied with their visit said good bye to Binks Mrs. B. gave them some good parting advise Went to Mary Frasers & Shepherds had dinner at Shepherds then the boys began to weep? because they had to say goodbye to Jess managed to say good bye & we trotted off to Nowra. Found them all well Geo & Sid asked Mr Galbraith for the boat & we went up Mina Creek got home just in time for tea after a very pleasant row, had another waltz looked at some views.
Thursday 15
Up in fair time Sid & Aleck got horses from the stable & Kate & I went with them to Coolangatta Aleck & I drove going down & had a nice long sensible talk. Kate had great laughing at Sid fooling? he enjoyed himself immensely. We all had a lovely ride & drive, left our horses in the stables at Coolangatta & proceeded up the Mt. Kate & I got nearly to the top felt too tired to go further so we got the lunch while the boys went to the top. Found ourselves ready for dinner had great fun got to the foot of the Mt & started for home about 4 oclock Sid drove home Kate & Aleck rode the evening was lovely. Aleck had a gallop we got home in time for tea, had to put up with an awful lot of teasing. Had some music & a little dance [attempt to climb Coolangatta!]
Friday 16
Up early Sid Aleck Geo & I caught the steamer at half past eight at the bridge & went up the river it was very cold but we enjoyed a quiet chat & admired the scenery very much had lunch near Hugh McKenzies. It was lovely & we had a good talk coming home again Alec & Sid lamenting because they had to go home tomorrow got out at Spain & walked home then Kate Aleck & Sid drove to Cambe to say goodbye to Jess I went down town & got a nice booklet for Aleck birthday next Wed. Great laughing over tea Alec thanked me for the book & for our kindness to Sid & he seem so thankful for anything that we do for him. It has really been a pleasure for us to see them enjoy themselves so much & so unselfishly. More music. Sat up late as it was their last night. [Trip by steamer up the River]
Saturday 17
Up early got lunch for the boys then they had their breakfast at a quarter to eight gathered everything together & had to say goodbye many time, they sorry to go & we sorry to loose them, waved them out of sight They were blessed with lovely weather all the time today is showery. Geo came home to Cambe with me we miss the boys suppose they are home. Hope it will be fine tomorrow, longing for a good sermon. Had a Letter from Katie
Sunday 18
Raining went to church. Mr Holden preached & it was a treat to hear a good sermon. Geo Uncle & I went to Aunties for dinner & stayed all day. Mr. Jackson preached at night then stayed with us all night & we had a nice time together.
Monday 19
Up in good time lovely morning. Mother & I very busy all the morning. Ma Nellie & baby came & stayed all day & Pa came & they all stayed the night Mother & Georgie went home to Nowra.
Tuesday 20
Ma up first & made the fire & the porridge for me it was nice, enjoyed our breakfast together & then they went away with Jess. I set to work and was very busy until dinner time. Went down to Jessies in the afternoon. Stayed a while then came home & did many little things. Jess & Uncle gone to Choral & I have felt so lonely. Had a good practise. Lovely weather I hope it will keep so. God is so good to us how can we complain, it often seems wonderful that he allows us to live[Father, Mother, “baby” & Nell, spent day & a night at Fairfield]
Wednesday 21
Up early Mrs McPaul came & washed etc. I made cakes & scones & iced. Jess brought a letter from Bert saying he intends coming on Saturday Very tired tonight. Aleck Grahams birthday 21 today.[Alec Graham’s 21st birthday]
Thursday 22
Up early & did a lot of work. Belle came just at dinner time (Little Bash from Uncle few shillings) after dinner a while, we went down to see Mrs Binks then to aunties. Pollie gave me some nice flowers. Telegram from Bert saying he intends coming on Friday. What a fine surprise for Belle, Mary & all the Cambe folk. I am enjoying the prospects. Did a lot of extras this evening. Looks rainy. Letter from Maggie Cole.
Friday 23
Up early & did a real lot of work. Had a nice letter from Sid. After dinner went to Nowra. Mrs Scott & Mrs Hayes were there & we enjoyed their company very much. Went & met Bert at the crossroads very cold Bert looks thin & weak. We spent a quiet evening It’s so lovely to have such nice weather we should be very thankful.[One of Bert Dick’s visits. Very thin, he was not strong]
Saturday 24
Up early. Belle came up from Aunties early for a walk & met Bert at the gate she got a great surprise. Bert looks very thin. I feel very sorry to see him so delicate. Helped me with the cooking. After dinner Belle came up again & Kate rode up in the evening & just when we had tea ready nearly dark Mary came. Bert put his arms up over his head so she could not know him & of course she got a great surprise. We went to practise Bert & I came home & sat at the fire talking for a good while.
Sunday 25
Fine morning had to hurry to be in time for church Dr Grant preached the hymns were very nice & the sermon very fair. The Dr made a great fuss with Bert All went to Aunties for dinner went to Sunday School & enjoyed it so much after that Mary Belle Jess Bert & I went for a walk had a quiet tea then sat at the fire talking for a good while.
Monday 26
Bert took a walk down to see Belle & brought me some nice flowers, after dinner drove down to see them in Nowra had a nice drive & brought Jessie home to tea Bert Jess & I went to practise Belle was there & they had great fun. Jess Bert & I sat over the fire again & talked & enjoyed ourselves.
Tuesday 27
Bert went down to the shop & got a broom for me & carried it home on his shoulder, he helped me all the morning he is so good Mary & Belle came up to dinner In the afternoon Bert & I went down to Nowra after tea Geo Kate Bert Mr. Galbraith & I went to Mrs. Scotts & spent rather a pleasant evening Bert slept on the floor for old acquaintances sake.
Wednesday 28
We pottered about all the morning & after dinner Bert & I came home Mary & Belle were here also Dr. Grant the Dr stayed a long while & actually had a cup of tea we were all pleased to have him Mary went home after tea Bert was very tired & slept until bed time in the chair.
Thursday 29
Belle went home early & after Bert & I finished the work we went down to Uncle Sams for dinner, in the afternoon to Jessies then home Bert & I got lemons & eggs & B. hung up a skull on the buggy house we made poached eggs & toast for tea after washing up we sat & talked & it was the best evening of all
Friday 30
We did a lot of cooking Belle came up in the afternoon & of course we talked I practised Katie came up to tea & we all went to practise & they had some more fun.
Saturday 31
Kate & Uncle went to Nowra in the morning after dinner Bert & I went down Uncle Sam & from there to Nowra with Mary & Belle came on rain while there. Mother came home with us. Bert gave me the song "Dear Heart Had a nice long letter from Alec. Miss Bert the place is so very quiet
Sunday Sept 1st
Nice fine Sunday Mr. Holden preached a very nice sermon in the morning Had nice Sunday School (1/8 missionary box) Mr. Jackson in the afternoon & I enjoyed his sermon very much Kate & Bert came up to church we all had tea at Uncle Sams. Came home read the Presbyterian & went early to bed How miserably I do my duty I am afraid I am far from being a faithful servant I want to be more earnest
Monday 2
Up early, lovely morning cleaned up took Mother to Nowra & Grandfather to McLeans. Made scones for them in Nowra Bert looks so well today Kate Belle Bert & I went up the river in the boat it was very enjoyable I came home in time to take Jessie. Went to practise & rather enjoyed it Jess & I alone all night but we were not afraid
Tuesday 3
Up in good time Jess & I enjoy being alone had a practise I was busy until after dinner & did not feel lonely, it rained had a good practise after dinner Grandpa not home yet I wrote to Sid about six Bert & Kate ( & Jess) came up in all the rain & I was very pleased to see them we went down to Binks to tea it was nice to see them all gathered in & so agreeable amongst each other. After tea we sat at the fire & talked & the children sang “The Protestant Boys”. Came home after [UNCLEAR] Uncle put a damper on things as usual Jess & I had a little practise All tired & ready for bed Bert last night here. [Dr Bert D. & all the others at Fairfield, had tea at Binks]
Wednesday 4
Nice morning Uncle & I Bert & Kate went to Nowra sorry to leave Jess behind. Got lunch ready & Kate Geo Bert & I & Uncle went out in the boat Bert & Uncle pulled all the way had our lunch at Barney Wharf we spent a pleasant day. Belle had a nice tea ready for us Bert & Kate did not think I should come home so Uncle stayed we had some music & some played Vauhoutian [?]Bert & I had a little waltz in the hall
[Hymns/poetry upside down on remainder of page see over]
[“Lord Help Me!”By Katharine Tent Stevenson
Father how oft Thou hearest this our cry!Humanity’s one prayer breathed in thine ear,When all our hearts hold dearest cannot hear,Or cannot comprehend the print-drawn sigh.
Lord, help me! - thus we call when danger’s nigh;Thus, when stern grief turns all our gladness drear;Or when earth’s joys make us forget they fear - “Lord, help me!” else I falter, faint and die.
And art thou weary, then of this our prayer,Oh, Thou, to Whom, in helplessness we plead?Having Thy help, we have the gift most rare - Thyself, Thy very fulness for our need.
Enough: Thou biddest us boldly ask of Thee;We ask “Lord help us!” ‘tis our only plea.
Friendship, Love and Truth
Friendship doth bind with pleasant tiesThe heart of man to man, and ageBut strengthens it; it never diesTill finished is life’s final page.
Love is the sacred link which bindsHearts joined by friendship firmer still;Who one has felt it, in it findsJoys which his soul with pleasure fill.
Truth only can complete the chain,It’s links enduring strength can give;With this unbroken ‘twill remainWhile ere the human soul shall live.
Nature and FaithFrom T. S. 13/12/86
We wept - twas nature wept, but FaithCan pierce beyond the gloom of deathAnd in you would so fair and brightBehold thee in refulgent light;We miss thee here, yet faith would ratherKnow thou art with the Heavenly Father.
Nature sees the body dead - Faith beholds the spirit fled.Nature stops at Jordans tide, Faith beholds the other side.That but hears farewells and sighs, This thy welcome to the skiesNature mourns a cruel blow, Faith assures it is not so,Nature never sees the more - Faith but sees thee gone before,Nature tells a dismal story - Faith has visions full of glory, Nature views the change with sadness, Faith contemplates it with gladness,Nature murmurs - Faith gives meekness,Strength is perfected in weakness.
Nature writhes & hates the rod - Faith looks up & blesses GodSense looks downwards, Faith above -That sees hardness - This sees love.Oh let Faith victorious be, Let it reign triumphantly.
But thou art gone! Not lost but flown, Shall I ask thee back my own?Back - & leave thy spirit brightness?Back - & leave thy robe of brightness?Back - & leave thy angel sword?Back - & leave those streets of gold?Back - & leave the lamb who feeds thee?Back - from founts to which He leads thee?Back - & leave they Heavenly Father?Back - to earth and sin? Nay, ratherWould I live in solitude?I would not ask thee if I couldBut, patient, wait the high decree,That calls my spirit home to thee!
True Living
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I think God sometimes sends what we have cried for,Year after year in vainTo prove to us how poor the things we’ve sighed for,And how beset with pain.The human heart can know no greater trialThan comes with this confession,That the continuous sorrow of denialWas better than possession
We are like children in our poor unreason,As we reach after joysThat at the best can please but for a season,And then are broken toys.If we would only walk the paths of duty,Humbly and with thanksgivingOur hearts would learn in lessons full of beauty,The secret of true living.]
Thursday 5
Not up very early but we soon got the work done I went down to Mrs. Scotts on a message Came back & made scones & soda bread (knots) Then had a practise with Bert "Dear Heart" I like it very much In the afternoon I took Mother nearly to the farm Bert & Kate drove up as far as Jessies, stayed a little while B very lazy we said good bye to Bert as he intend going home tomorrow. Jess came home with us & we read Sids original poetry "Auburn Hair” very much amused at it Went to the rehearsal for tomorrow night
Friday 6
Very nice morning I was busy all the morning felt the day a wee bit long. Geo came up in the afternoon Bert went home this morning Dressed & went to the concert, the concert was not much good, & we were glad to have it over met J Morton Jess & I came home feeling very tired & sleepy & ready for bed
Saturday 7
Beautiful morning & a most beautiful day. Geo had a regular picnic here. Went thro the usual Saturday work feeling it easier (& very nice) having Geo. Jess came up to dinner she had a letter from Aleck. Geo & I went down to see Mrs. Binks. Mr. Binks came up & had tea with us I stayed at home tonight quite a treat
Sunday 8
Beautiful morning, a real Sunday. Geo & I sat down near the creek nearly all the morning reading Pa came over & read for Grandfather I went to Sunday School very tired in the afternoon All went to Church at night Mr King preached a very nice sermon I am not satisfied with this diary somehow I cannot express my thoughts. I dont feel at all pleased
Monday 9
I rode Bess to Nowra & Geo stayed in my place very hot day so we all had a sleep & after tea Bell Kate Mr. Galbraith Mr. Blackmore & I went down the river in the boat it was lovely moonlight it was splendid What a lot of beautiful things we have why are we not better people
Tuesday 10
Belle came up to Cambe & went to see the confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church The service was not impressing & I felt sorry for the poor darkened people the priests teach them such things & the poor children just brought up in darkness & ignorance. What priviledges we protestants enjoy one can appreciate them more after seeing the errors of the R. Catholic Church. Aleck McGregor came down in the evening & Nelson Marriott & the Miss Hayes, we spent rather a pleasant evening Tom letter as usual today very nice one We are looking forward to seeing him again soon [N. Marriott & Miss Hayes]
Wednesday 11
[Torresdale]Georgie brought the buggy down in the morning so I just drove from Nowra to the farm & helped them a little with their moving the new house is very comfortable & nice & the view is something splendid Jess & I went to bed in good time Tired
Thursday 12
Did some cooking for Good Templars tea tonight Jess came up to dinner I am always so glad to see her at dinner time The tea passed off very well but it was late Jess & I slept in the big room & had a bit of a chat about some thing both came to the conclusion that bed is the best place because there we forget all the worries & trials of the day & have rest not only of body but also of mind
Friday 13
How the months seem to be flying. Washing day. Jess & Uncle went to Nowra Grandfather & I are by ourselves. Commenced answering some of my letters & passed the evening well Saturday 14 Uncle Kenny at home all day. I went down with Jess after dinner & stayed until dark then the buggy came & we went over to the farm & to the new house it is so nice to see them comfortably settled there had some music & some chatting. [night at Torresdale]
Sunday 15
I walked over from the farm in time to get breakfast Pa made me breakfast before I left they I thought it so kind & good of him, it is wonderful the kindness one meets with. No Church all day. Pa & Dubs were over to tea & Mr Jackson preached at night & was splendid his sermon was about the five loaves & two fishes & he showed how Jesus is always able to supply more than we need altho we perhaps cannot see how it is to be done as the deciples [sic] did not see how the multitude could be fed it is so nice to hear such original sermons
Monday 16
Up early got the work done early went down with Jess In the afternoon did some sewing & practised Went to Uncle Matthews for tea & had a talk about what books to select for Sunday School prizes
Tuesday 17
[Native roses from friends, picked at Middle Harbour]Busy all the morning Went to see Mrs. Binks in the afternoon & took my sewing got a lovely bunch of native roses from Aleck & Sid they got them at Middle Harbor for us. First time Jess & I had seen them & we thought them very beautiful. Jess Uncle & I went to Nowra in the evening to a rehearsal for Mr. Westbrooks complimentary concert had to leave Grandfather alone & I dont like doing that make me anxious & uncomfortable all well & jolly at Meroogal. Minnie got on fairly well at the University Exam thinks she will pass Very late when we got home [Min sat for exam]
Wednesday 18
Lovely rain this morning Jess look a cure starting out in it. I have been doing up my dresses & practising Mary came up in the evening after tea I wrote letters Jess & I had great fun over them when she came home.
Thursday 19
More rain. Uncle came home this morning he has finished work at the farm. I went down & stay with Mary nearly all the afternoon & said good bye as she was going to Sydney in the morning. Went down to see Jess & we had great fun over a box of rubbish for Sid & Aleck.
Friday 20
Uncle went out collecting, I did a lot of tidying up & made a plum pudding for Jess, Jess came up to dinner & I went back with her & sat sewing with her about 3 o'clock Ma Mother baby & Belle & Kate came. I came up with Belle & Kate & not long after they came Mr. Dobbie popped in. After tea Uncle Kate & Belle went to Nowra. Mr Dobbie had worship & I enjoyed it very much. After he went Grandfather dried the dishes for me then I wrote to Jim McKenzie & when I had just finished Jess popped in & we went to bed
Saturday 21
Wet morning did some cooking. Jess came up to dinner & I was very glad to see her too wet to go to Nowra for Uncle spent a good part of the afternoon with Mrs Binks sewing. came home had a practise then tea after that wrote along letter to Katie Billis & enjoyed writing it Jess came home thro all the rain she brave girl
Sunday 22
Raining Jess went to the office. I read nearly all the morning went for a short walk then to Sunday School & enjoyed it. Jess & Min were here when I came home, Min went home. Jess & I went to church at night but the Minister did not come
Monday 23
[Grandfather & A. Tot visit Torresdale]Up very early & Jess helped with the work then I set to work to clean the garden & got one bed cleaned Grandfather went to the farm, I put everything in order & followed him. Nell came running down the hill to meet me, reminded me of old days at Barr Hill when they used to come out to meet me when I would come home the recollection was sweet, all seemed glad to see me & we spent a nice time together. It rained after I got home & Jess could not get home Jess trimmed a hat for herself & one for me
Tuesday 24
Up at six after breakfast & all was over. I cleaned another bed in the garden felt very tired So I read a bit I was very glad to see Jess at dinner time & she brought a letter from Mary Aleck & Tom Toms letter I enjoyed & felt deeply for him, in express he felt about his work it has done me good & drawn me nearer to God. Mr. Berry died last night poor old man what a commotion there will be I gathered a lovely bunch of wild flowers down at the creek, it is lovely all about now, everything speaking of the greatness & goodness of the Creator.
Wednesday 25
Did another bed in the garden helped Uncle to get ready for his trip Spent the afternoon with Uncle Matthews, went down to see Jess, got a grand letter from Siddie Belle came up & had tea with us after she went I answered Sids letter so as to send it by Uncle.
Thursday 26
Up at 5 oclock Grandfather Uncle & I went to meet the coach, Uncle started off to Sydney then to Bega. Grandfather & I stayed all night at Nowra
Friday 27
Mr. Berry buried today a very large funeral one of the richest men in New South Wales yet his riches could not keep him here, however he was prepared for death. Grandfather & I came home Jess very glad to see us & we ditto
Saturday 28
After dinner Mrs. Binks & I went to Nowra, & Mother came home with us went out to practise as usual
Sunday 29
Nice morning but very windy Mr Holden preached a funeral sermon for Mr. Berry & so did Mr Jackson Mr. Holden was very nice but Mr. Jackson was splendid I enjoyed the service so much Mr Berry was a good man & his good deed are only beginning to be know now he has gone. Stayed at Aunties as Miss Brian was there & had no company. We sang hymns & about 8 oclock I came home.
Monday 30
Very blowy again had a grand nights rest Mother Grandfather & I went to Nowra. In the evening Kate & I rode down to Mrs. Moss’s & had tea & spent a pleasant hour or so, then had a delightful ride home in the moonlight.
Tuesday October 1st
I did some cooking for Belle. Belle went to Kiama by the afternoon coach. Geo Mother Grandfather went to Pyree & after Geo came back, we rode over to see Mr & Mrs Buchanan, they were very glad to see us & made us stay for tea I sang Scotch songs for them & it was a pleasure because they enjoyed them so. How much more pleasant it is to go [sic] other pleasure, instead of only seeking ones own pleasure. Belle went on to Sydney.
Wednesday 2
All away but Kate Geo & myself, so we had a real holiday & enjoyed it, in the evening Kate & I came to Cambe & took Jess down. Very pleasant.
Thursday 3
Geo birthday & I made a plum pudding for her & in the evening Mr Blackmore got a buggy & pair & took Geo Jess & I out to Nowra Hill, we had a beautiful drive. After tea Jess had to go to a practise Kate & I went to Dr Kings.
Friday 4
Very hot day. Cooked for Kate & in the evening Grandfather & I came home & found everything right, it is nice to be home again, everything is so lovely & makes home much more pleasant.
Saturday 5
Very warm again Jess came up to dinner, she is a real brick. Grandfather went to Aunties in the afternoon & I stayed a good while with Jess (“apricots a failure”) then went to Aunties for a while marked some handkerchiefs for her. First I ever did. Read Donalds first sermon, it is very good.
Sunday 6
Went to Aunties to dinner then Sunday School back to Aunties again read a good while & Auntie read out of the Presbyterian that Tom is sent to Brewarrina 520 miles from Sydney. we wont see him now & I am very sorry but it must be best Mr King practised at night. [Uncle Tom appointed to Brewarrina]
Monday 7
Went down to see Jess after I finished my work very cold & windy. In the evening Jess Grandfather & I went to Nowra to the annual meeting of the Bible Society Jess played the Organ the meeting was very fair Tom Stafford married again on Friday poor man
Tuesday 8 Brought Jess up to the office then took Mrs. Binks back all but Kate went to a thanksgiving meeting in Dr Grant church all the Nowra ministers were there & it was a treat to see all so united. the meeting was very good & I hope much good will come of it Mr Galbraith Bob Mr Blackmore Geo & I went out in the boat very rough but we enjoyed it Grandfather & I came home in the moonlight brought Jess home with us, I got a bonnet each for Jess & self.[United service in our church]
Wednesday 9
Washing day we got washing & ironing done. Auntie came up to tea, then we went to see Mrs. Binks then for Jess & Auntie went home we retired in good time
Thursday 10
I made cakes all morning & in the afternoon rode over to the Kangeroo Valley Mrs. Manning & her boy look very well Jo & I talked very late, poor Jess & Grandfather are alone [Mrs Manning was a Nugent]
Friday 11
Mr. & Mrs. Hanning went away in the morning & about 4 oclock I started for home Georgie Nugent Jennie White & Mr. Wittycombe came to the top of the Mt. it rained & we got a bit wet met Mr. Riley & had a little chat to him very glad to see him. Got home safely & had a good nights sleep
Saturday 12
This is our sister Mag birthday she is having a happy birthday in heaven. Busy all the morning Nice showers have fallen today Geo Kate & Mr. Galbraith came up to tea (Jess too) I was very glad to have them Geo stayed all night & so did Jess
Sunday 13
All went out to church & liked Mr. Holden well. Jess & I went to Uncle Sams for dinner Geo went home to the farm with the McGregors. went to Sunday School as usual then Jess Nell Minnie & I came to Binks then home for tea. Mr. Jackson preached at night ( & Jess played) & as usual, we enjoyed this service. What a blessing Sunday is, how often I wish to spend it better
Monday 14
Jess took Geo to Nowra early & I set to cooking for the picnic finished all the cooking & after dinner rode over to the farm & home by Jessie McLarens
Tuesday 15
Did some sewing & in the evening Jess & I went to Mrs Binks for tea as it was Mrs Binks birthday, she got a good many present & was very much surprised it was a pleasure to see how she enjoyed it all we were really sorry when it was time to come home.
Wednesday 16
Up bright & early nice morning started for the picnic about half past eight, got safely to Nowra & the [sic] was a great success. abundance of eatables as usual had a good talk with Maggie McArthur & saw a good many friends Stayed all night in Nowra
(Nowra) Thursday 17
Did a lot of cooking & in the afternoon Jess came down & Mr. Galbraith took Geo Kate Jess & I out in the boat it was very nice. we bought fish from the fisherman just caught. After we came home Tom popped in & we were very very pleased to see him he looks thin & a little older nearly twelve months since he was home Jess & I had to go to sing at Mr. Westkings complimentary concert, did not like leaving Tom the concert passed off very well & we were not sorry to have it over.
Friday 18
Mr. Blackmore brought Jess & Grandfather home early Tom & all of us had a good chat & in the afternoon Tom drove up with me to Aunties he had to go home to tea Jess & I wished we could go too. Jess & I went to Brenans for tea, had some fun with Jim? Tom Binks bought us home & told us funny stories.
Saturday 19
Lovely rain all day. Grandfather & I by ourselves enjoyed a good practise Jess came home through all the rain very glad to see her
Sunday 20
Cleared up pretty well. Dr. Grant preached. Kate & Mr. Blackmore came up as usual we went to Aunties for dinner. After Sunday School Kate Jess & Mr Blackmore came home with me & stayed all night
Monday 21
Wet morning but Kate & Johnny went home. I went down to Binks Mary ill & helped to do some of her work sewed all the afternoon.
Tuesday 22
Busy all the morning tidying up & cooking Tom & Jess came up at dinner. after which Grandfather Tom & I went to the farm. Came home at dark & talked until Tom had to go for Jess
Wednesday 23
Tom & I went down in the morning to see Mr. & Mrs. Binks Tom had a long talk with Mr. Binks Then we all went to Nowra & Grandfather & I did not come home until Jess came
Thursday 24
Made some ginger nuts for Mr. Dymock & set everything in order went to Good Templars at night & rather enjoyed the meeting
Friday 25
[Visit to Dymocks at Jamberoo]Up early to meet the coach at the bridge, went [sic] Tom to Kiama had rather a pleasant drive up dinner at Finlaysons they were very kind indeed. Went by coach to Jamberoo & when we got their found Mr. Dymock waiting for us at the post office, he gave us a welcome that would make any one feel happy & at home, went [sic] we got near the house Mrs. Dymock came to meet us & her welcome was as warm as Mr. Dymock Charlie & Lindsay very nice too Maggie & Nellie had to go to Lindburn [sic] to tea. We enjoyed our tea & chat & while Tom & Mr D were talking Mrs. Dymock took me round the house a little after Maggie & Nellie came & oh how glad we were to see each other This has been a happy evening amongst real friends & I feel very thankful for such friends God is so good to us & all so undeserved
Saturday 26
Up in good time, plenty talking & laughing I helped a little with the work happy as could be. In the afternoon Tom Mr Dymock walked over to Grahams. Nellie Maggie & I went in the buggy we stayed a little while then went down to see Jacks [Dymocks] new house & to Miss Ann Waugh's House to tea. Jack & Mr. Corrie came after tea had a little music (Tom went to see Mrs Lindsay Dymock) then after Jack & Mr. Corrie left we had a talk, it is so nice to go over old times, so enjoyable to all Had worship & retired
Sunday 27
Feeling nervous as Tom is to preach this morning we all went to church together I sat with Mr. & Mrs. Dymock Felt nervous & could not enjoy the service as I would have liked Tom preached well, earnestly & boldly & all the Dymock were delighted, & cannot say too much about the service it was a pleasure to know how much they appreciated the service & they said they had got good. After dinner Tom had to go to Jamberoo Mr. Dymock drove him, after we had washed up we had a rest & a read & a good profitable talk, then Mrs. Dymock & I went for a little walk & when we came back Maggie introduced me to her cousin Willie Dymock Jack & Mr. Corrie had tea with us & then we went to the Wesleyan Church [Uncle Tom preached at Jamberoo]
Monday 28
Mrs. Dymock & Nellie had a large washing, so I helped with the work inside. After dinner Mary Graham came & stayed until five oclock. Maggie & Lindsay went for a ride & Nellie & I for a walk. Mr & Mrs. Dymock went out for tea, so we had rather a lively time with Charles & Lindsay. Had some music & read a little & talked Oh how I am enjoying my stay here all are so Kind & glad to have me
Tuesday 29
Nellie busy. Mrs. Dymock not very well. Nice peas for dinner. After dinner Mrs. Dymock. Maggie Nellie & I went to see Mag Cole [a cousin] had a lovely drive talking & laughing nearly all the time Mag was glad to see us & the place looked lovely inside & out I never saw a place so clean, we rambled about then had a nice tea (Raspberry tart & one to take home) we went away feeling glad that we had gone to see Mag also feeling that we had thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon Mrs. D. & I called at Tom Coles. Charlie had tea ready when we came home had more Raspberry tart. Mr. Dymock & I did some joking. After tea Maggie Lindsay & I went to Linburn met all the Dymock & liked them had to sing Afton Water, Willie Dymock seems the nicest Rather tired & ready for bed.
Wednesday 30
Up in good time made scones & cakes & had plenty fun in the afternoon Maggie Nellie & I went to Grahams for tea which was very nice Came back to the Bible Societies Meeting & Mr Stewart told me that a telegram had come for me to go home. Not any of them wanted me to come but of course I had too but I was very sorry to leave them, but then I had] a very good time
Thursday 31
Mr. Dymock got up early & pulled a lot of peas for me to take home because I was so fond of them I durst not tell how I felt his kindness, but I fully appreciated his genuine friendship, I had to go by the early coach & said goodbye each of us feeling very sorry. Charlie & Maggie came down & saw me off by coach The drive to Kiama was very nice - went to see Mrs Thompson & enjoyed her company for [sic] there I went to Finlaysons & they were so good & kind it is surprising the kindness one meets with Came home by the afternoon coach & found them at tea in Nowra
Friday November 1st
Did not do anything in particular Uncle came home in the evening & I met him with the buggy. Jessie stayed in Nowra all night
Saturday 2
Went through the usual work Mrs Binks ill in bed very sorry. Wrote to Nellie & Maggie Dymock
Sunday 3
No church until evening went to see Mrs Binks in the morning, Sunday School in the afternoon Mr Shepherd preached a splendid sermon in the evening
Monday 4
Mrs Binks still ill Did Some shopping in the afternoon
Tuesday 5
Helped Janie Binks a little after dinner went down to see Jessie McLaren
Wednesday 6
Went to see Mrs. Binks in the morning from there with Uncle to Nowra to see Maggie McArthur's marriage, everything passed of well & it was a pretty wedding. Stayed at the farm all night with Minnie Aleck & Dubbs
Thursday 7
Minnie & I drove to Nowra after dinner & Kate came back with us in the evening Good Templars at night very good meeting Mrs. Binks improving.
Friday 8
Made cakes one for Dymocks. Very warm stayed with Janie & helped a little in the afternoon. Mrs. Binks looking stronger. Binks came up & we had a practise
Saturday 9
Got my work done early & we all went down to Nowra (Jess too) to Church Mr. Ross preached & I liked him very well after service we spoke to him & he was glad to see us Went to Meroogal for dinner, then Auntie & I came home & I went to the farm & stayed with Kate all night
Sunday l0
Met Auntie & Uncle at Mrs. McLarens & went to church to Nowra Sacrament Sunday they were a great many Communicants the service was long but very nice & I felt strengthened altho having many regrets for such unfaithful service what poor selfish creatures we are & oh how sinful & God goodness to us how wonderful it is, we got caught in a heavy storm coming home to Aunties. I stayed there until evening & then had to race the storm home & just got in in time. Tom & Uncle just got it too & Tom was very glad we were home & we were glad to see him. Too wet for Tom to preach to night so many will be disappointed
Monday 11
Raining a little Geo came up early in the morning & we all went down to church again Mr Ross was very nice again. We stayed to go to a meeting in the evening which was good Very late home. [must have been Thanksgiving service after communion]
Tuesday 12
Tidied up well & Nellie came up to stay with me for a few days, went to see Mrs. Binks & found her up & much better Nellie is good company Jess came home & got very wet [I must have been about Margaret’s age then]
Wednesday 13
[Uncle T. going to Murrumburrah]Sewing nearly all the morning, raining just as I was getting the dinner Tom & Geo popped in Tom came to say goodbye as he was appointed to go to Murimburra we spent a good time together & I did not like to see him go, but we should be satisfied that we have had him so long, indeed we have very very much to be thankful for
Thursday 14
Nice morning for Tom to go away, rained again in the evening. I was with Mrs. Binks a good while she is still improving
Friday 15
Nothing particular happened. Jess came home at night
Saturday 16
Uncle Kenny made J.P. Letter from Virgie Belle came up for a ride glad to see her Jessie & Nell here all night, Pa & Ma came home from town
Sunday 17
Fine day Mr. Dobbie gave us a fine short service I tried to do my duty in Sunday School, but it is not Very easy to do Jess & I went over to the farm & stayed all night Min staying in my place
Monday 18
Busy day. Very nice to have Minnie all day I find it very hard to do right I try to show a good example but often feel as tho I was very little good but God knows all our weaknesses our feeble attempts to do right
Tuesday 19
Up very early & did the ironing Uncle went to Nowra, sewed in the afternoon
Wednesday 20
After being busy all the morning Theresa Binks & I went to Nowra & Bell came up in my place which was very kind of her. Kate & I went to a cricket match & enjoyed ourselves. Quiet evening with a little music. Letter from Tom most welcome.
Thursday 21
Kate Geo & I did a good lot of cooking & I sent a box of cakes & things to Dymocks Belle came in the afternoon & Mother came home with me Went to Good Templars & had a very good meeting (very nervous)
Friday 22
Mother & Uncle went to Nowra, wish Mother could have stayed longer so nice to have her. Read, sewed & practised went for a walk to Binks, Jane had very kindly kept me some nice preserved peaches, the kindness of all the Binks is surprising. I only wish I was as generous.
Saturday 23
Done work early. Read a good bit of Shiloh & enjoyed it very much. Jess came home as it was raining.
Sunday 24
Mr Holden preached in the morning but I could not be as attentive as I would like, so many evil things seem to come into mankind just when we want to fix his or her attention on what is good & right. Sunday School was nice. I tried to speak plainly to the children Oh I do hope my poor weak efforts will not be in vain. Rev. Mr Bruce preached in the afternoon rather dry but seems a nice man. I was very nervous playing. It was so nice to have Jess on Sunday night.
Monday 25
Did some extra cleaning up & helped Uncle a little in the afternoon.
Tuesday 26
Uncle went to Nowra to stay to do some work. Grandfather & I stayed at the Farm. Bell & Kate came too & helped greatly to put things straight. We enjoyed all being together. Poor Jess alone, she stayed with Uncle Matthews.
Wednesday 27
Beautiful view here (The farm). Busy nearly all day & all stayed another night, heavy storm in the evening.
Thursday 28
Came home today, letter from “Bacon” [some joke about Bacon, think it means Bert D] & Maggie Dymock. Jess came up at dinner time & told us that Uncle William is dead. I am sorry & yet glad. Sorry because those who love him will be grieved, glad because we hope that he has gone home & is now with Jesus & all those he loved. What a solemn thing death is, the thought makes one feel so weak & helpless & also makes me feel their great [UNCLEAR] of a Saviour. There is a storm coming, all feels so solemn & still oh how the greatness of the Creator shines forth how wonderful are all His works, the elements obeys his commands & He rules everything.
Friday 29
Lovely day. Janie Binks & I made their Christmas cakes. Jess came up for dinner & tea, I spent the afternoon with Auntie Matthews.
Saturday 30
Another beautiful day. I went to Nowra for Uncle. Kate & I had a great chat. KARL told me so amusing things would like ot have stayed at Nowra all night but had to come home to look after the two elderly men.
Sunday December 1st
No church until night. I enjoyed the morning at home reading etc. then Sunday School was very enjoyable in the afternoon. Mr King preached a very nice sermon at night. Jess had a note from Donald saying his Mother died on Saturday. Poor Mr Barnet & poor Donald & all, they will miss her very much. What a blessing that they do not [UNCLEAR] as those without hope as she has only gone before.
Monday 2
Grandfather Uncle & I went to Nowra, left Jess at the office. Kate & I went for a long drive in the afternoon all the others but Belle & Mother went out in the boat, Kate & I slept on the opossum rugs.
Tuesday 3
Did some sewing, came home after dinner, very glad to see Jess at tea time & both glad to be home again. Answered J McKenzies letter.
Wednesday 4
Jess & I dusted the bedroom carpet & made the room nice & clean.
Thursday 5
Sewed most of the day. G Templars at night very nice meeting.
Friday 6
Washing day, busy all day, very hot.
Saturday 7
The cheese factory opened this morning with a big picnic, very stirring to hear the whistle & see the milk carts coming & going. Picnic was very good. Tired at night. Tom Binks & I went to the church to practice.
Sunday 8
Mother with us. Mr Holden preached but did not enjoy the service much, my own fault I suppose. Sunday School as usual. Mr Jackson preached in the evening a funeral sermon for Uncle William, which was very nice & the splendid character he gave Uncle was all quite true. The service was very enjoyable. Hymns nice. Mr Jackson stayed with us & we enjoyed his company very much.[Uncle William Thorburn, Grandfather T’s brother, ?? Th father]
Monday 9
After Mr Jackson went away Uncle Mother & I went to Nowra. Kate & I went to the dressmakers then to try & hunt up a servant, went to house about 4 [UNCLEAR] out of Nowra, they were exceedingly kind & made us a cup of tea, their servant was gone, so we just had to trot back & the drive was very enjoyable. Georgie came home with me. Jess not well home at six. £1
Tuesday 10
Up early, preserved three bottles of apricots then Grandfather Geo & I went over to the farm for the day. Geo staying until Saturday. Grandfather & I got into the storm but got home safely.
Wednesday 11
Janie Binks came up & helped me to make our Christmas cake, it rained heavily & Jess did not get home.
Thursday 12
Had a grand sleep last night, did some extra cleaning up read a good bit & practised well. Jess came home.
Friday 13
Made Ma’s Christmas cake, in the evening went to see Jess.
Saturday 14
Finished work early & went to Nowra with Uncle stayed all day Jess came down in the afternoon & we came home together Orrible ot
Sunday 15
Very nice sermon in the morning Mr McArthur preached in the evening Hugh Anderson (the Missionary to the Blacks) preached & we enjoyed the service very much he spoke so simple & earnestly his simplicity would do one good I played for him an aboriginal friend of his spoke & we were much taken with his way of expressing himself
Monday 16
Lovely cool day & I did a good many little things Went to hear Hugh Anderson lecture & it was splendid an instructive interesting & amusing lecture At the close a good collection was taken for the blacks to start them & help them to have a place of their own & teach them to earn their own living
Tuesday 17
Did a lot of cooking commenced a letter to Kate & Lil I went to see Jane Sinclair Belle & Geo came up & just at tea time Pa & Ma came so we had a big family
Wednesday 18
Jess & I cleaned windows lifted the parlor carpet etc gave the parlor a Xmas shine Raining heavily in the evening Jess paddled home in spite of the rain
Thursday 19
Very very busy all day until time to retire
Friday 20
Busy all the morning in the afternoon went to Nowra then to meet Donald Barnet who was coming in the coach Belle came with me & we had a long wait but were rewarded when he did come just came in time to take Jess home from the office Came on a heavy storm just as we got home. Got our new dresses.
Saturday 21
Cooking most of the morning. Don doing a little to help me. Don went down with Jess after dinner Jess & Don came home early & got tea ready for me
Sunday 22
All went to church in the morning “great marchers" Sunday School in the afternoon Mr Jackson preached a temperance sermon & it was splendid Don Jess & I went to McGregors for tea
Monday 23
Don had to go to Sydney so I took him to the coach, then went to Meroogal saw Bert he looks better but very thin stayed all night Geo Bruce Mr Galbraith & Bert & I went out in the boat
Tuesday 24
Tom & I came home in the afternoon & I went to the Farm & stayed the night. Don came back late at night
Wed 25
Xmas day up early & was busy decorating & cooking all the morning Belle Geo Kate Mother Tom Bert Jess & Don all were there for dinner everything passed off very well only poor Bert was not at all well this put a damper on things we left for home after tea tired & ready for rest [Must have been the Christmas dinner at Torresdale][Often wish there were a few more details. Also “home” for Jess meant both Torresdale and Fairfield, & F & Meroogal for Auntie T. This causes some confusion]
Thursday 26
Tom Don Pa & Aleck went to the point fishing. I stayed all night at Nowra Bert not well
Friday 27
Very hot day we passed the morning lolling about & talking in the afternoon it got cool & Tom & I came home by coach. Tom has left for Murrimburrah & I feel lonely knowing he has gone
Saturday 28
Cleaned up & did some cooking went down to the office after dinner with Jess & Don then they went to the Farm I went to see Uncle Sam they home. Bert Belle & Kate came & we had great fun laughed until tired they went home after tea. I went for a little drive with them Bert was better but far from well
Sunday 29
No church until night Kate Fraser had to open Sunday School as Uncle was not well enough (gave 8 Bible cards)? Mary Ethel Hilda & Edie came home with me for a walk. Mr. King preached a very nice sermon at night
Monday 30
Worked away all the morning & got things into good order After dinner Jess Don & I went to Nowra Bert & I went out for a little drive had some music tea etc & spent rather a good time Mary & Kate came for tea
Tuesday 31
This is the last day of the old year Don Uncle & the McGregors went up the Mt I stayed at home & did the work, & in the evening Pa drove me to Nowra Bert was better Had a nice lot of cherries. This night twelve months Bert Don Jess Geo & I sat up to see the new year

Tottie Thorburn's diary
This diary was hand-written between 1888–1893 and 1895–1896 by the youngest member of the family for whom Meroogal was built, Kennina Fanny Thorburn (1865–1956), known to her family as Tottie
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