Kids in the kitchen
Get the kids cooking with recipes that have delighted families for generations! Foraged from the history books of our houses these recipes are sure to delight the young mind.
Hot cross buns
Make delicious hot cross buns using our recipe based on Mrs Beeton's original recipe, published in 1861.
Anzac biscuits
Try this recipe provided by culinary historian Allison Reynolds, author of 'Anzac Biscuits, the power and spirit of a national icon'
Apple hedgehogs
Make this playful meringue recipe, said to be created by French chef Antonine Careme around 200 years ago.
Easy butter
Children will be surprised how easy it is to make fresh butter.
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Gingerbread biscuits
This gingerbread biscuit recipe has been adapted from a handwritten recipe found at Rouse Hill Estate