Archives behind the scenes – mental hospital records
In this episode Emily shows us a medical case book from Gladesville hospital.
The featured medical case book details patient information such as native place, occupation, physical description, how the patient came to be in a mental hospital as well as the treatment, if a patient was cured, died or transferred to another hospital.
These records are closed for 110 years.
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Behind the scenes
Browse all![View of the Australian Ballet 'The sleeping beauty (detail)' [right] and the Opera Australia 'Mariana Hong in Falstaff (detail) ' and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra 'People's choice concert (detail) [left] stairwell banners - The People's House marketing & installation photoshoot](
Sydney Opera House: inspired design
Kieran Larkin, Senior 3D Designer at Museums of History NSW, talked to us about some of the highlights and challenges of designing the landmark exhibition The People’s House: Sydney Opera House at 50, on display at the Museum of Sydney until March 2024

Archives behind the scenes - bubonic plague
Did you know there was an outbreak of plague, in Sydney, at The Rocks, in 1900?

Archives behind the scenes - bankruptcy files
The bankruptcy files in our Collection - dating from 1888 to 1928 - contain lists of creditors that the bankrupt person owed money to and debtors that owed money to the bankrupt person

Archives behind the scenes - school files
We hold NSW School Files from 1876 to 1979. They are an amazing source of information, not only for school history but also for the history of a local community