Archives behind the scenes - gaol photos
In this episode of Archives Behind the Scenes we show you the very popular Gaol Photo Description Books.
The photos (or mugshots) of prisoners are from gaols right across NSW and date from 1870-1930.
They include criminals from all walks of life. From those who were perhaps murderers down to someone who literally was in prison for five minutes for making a false registration on a birth certificate.
More Mugshots content

A dubious defence
On 19 October 1921 Herbert Burridge was listed in the New South Wales Police Gazette as a deserter from HMAS Cerberus

Barbara Turner Taylor: Plotter
Described by police as the cleverest magswoman and confidence trickster in New South Wales, Barbara Turner Taylor was a master in manipulation

Behind the scenes: How to read a ‘special’
Around the world, police forces followed established conventions when taking mugshots. But Sydney police in the 1920s did things differently
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