Shelter and Care: Hyde Park Asylum

Chapter 6

In 1862, the top floor of the Hyde Park Barracks was converted into an asylum. The immigration depot remained on the lower floors.

What does the word ‘asylum’ mean to you?

The Hyde Park Asylum provided accommodation and care for elderly and destitute women who could no longer look after themselves. It also took in younger women and girls with terminal illnesses, chronic diseases and a range of other physical afflictions.

Because of their age orhealth, these women were confined to the top floor of the Barracks for long periods. They were not allowed to interact with the female immigrants who occupied the lower floors.

Women who recovered were free to leave. But many, particularly those with disabilities or terminally ill women without family support, remained in the asylum. Some women may have found isolation from the bustling town of Sydney a blessing; others may have felt incredibly lonely.

In the gallery Shelter and Care: Hyde Park Asylum 1862–86, visitors are invited to view a large number of artefacts that relate to the asylum period. There are few surviving personal accounts of life in the Hyde Park Asylum, so we rely on the archaeology to tell us what life was like for the women who lived there.

Explore this gallery via the virtual tour below or click here to open in a new window.

Understanding lived experience through archaeology

Look at the images below. What do these objects found during the archaeological excavation tell us about daily life for women in the asylum? What were they doing?

Whose perspective is being shared in the ‘Shelter and Care: Hyde Park Asylum’ gallery? 

  • The British Government
  • First Nations people
  • Convicts sent to Australia by boat
  • Immigrant women
  • Asylum women
  • You

Alongside the archaeology displays are two reproduction asylum beds that visitors can sit or lie on. How does this element enable visitors to further engage with the space and its stories?

Further reading

Black and white image of a building

Hope 1848–1886

In 1848 the Hyde Park Barracks became an immigration depot and hiring office for unaccompanied women newly arrived in Sydney

Site study main page

Education program at Hyde Park Barracks.

Hyde Park Barracks site study

The Hyde Park Barracks is an important historical site. It has been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because of its significance to the convict History of Australia