We are thrilled and so pleased to be able to provide online access to the Colonial Secretary: Index to Letters Received, 1826-94 (the Joan Reese Index).
The index is an extraordinary achievement and has been a real labour of love for three people.
The first is Joan Reese. Joan was an avid family historian and researcher who started her involvement with the State Archives Collection in the 1980s. Like so many other people, she was captivated by the Collection and commenced various indexing projects of key records. The Colonial Secretary’s Letters Received was her largest project and one which she spent one day per week, every week compiling. This was in the days before any significant technology such as laptops so Joan would spend her time going through box after box of correspondence and handwriting index entries.

Joan’s 'Convict and Others’ index was first published on microfiche in five year spans as she completed the work for each period.
To this day, Joan’s work is deeply valued and appreciated by researchers around the country. The index is not complete, Joan never intended it to be, but is a fine entry point to arguably the most valuable area of the State Archives Collection.
In 1999, we were so pleased to successfully nominate Joan for a Premier’s Seniors Achievement Award for her ‘contribution to history and genealogy’ by compiling indexes to material’ held by us. Her work was even more widely recognised in 2009 when, posthumously, she was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her ‘service to the study of early Australian history and genealogy through research and indexing’.
Following her passing in 2009, at her request, her daughter Linda Bowman commenced carrying on with the indexing work. Linda had to pick up where Joan left off and ‘learn the ropes’, a not insignificant challenge! Linda continued this work but, inevitably, had other life commitments that took priority including the arrival of grandchildren – triplets!

In Linda’s own words, then along came a ‘saving grace’ in the person of Aileen Trinder. Aileen is known to researchers the world over for her work on Pastkeys indexes. This includes indexes of some of our most popular records in the State Archives Collection, particularly immigration records. Over a number of years, Aileen has continued Joan and Linda’s work bringing to it her fine attention to detail and determination to correctly interpret and present 19th century records. This resulted in Aileen publishing the first and second editions of Joan’s index in electronic form, increasing its appeal and usefulness.

To all three, Joan, Linda and Aileen, our great thanks and appreciation for all the work that has been done on this extraordinary finding aid to this most valuable part of the State Archives Collection.
While we have the index on our website, the CD/USB version is available for sale. All enquiries should be directed to pastkeys@tpg.com.au