- Record series in the index: NRS 12918, NRS 12919, NRS 12920
- Index contains over: 10,600+ entries
- A Volunteer Project.
Please note the volumes in these series of records have sustained water damage. This has made transcription in some cases difficult.
What has been indexed?
The following staff registers are all indexed:
- Tramways staff register, c.1879 to 1890 (NRS 12918)
Information includes: name and position; date of first appointment to the service; date of present appointment; rate of pay; promotions; increases; fines, reprimands, and dismissals, [7/8203]. - Registers of tramway employees in the Locomotive, Traffic, Permanent Way and Stores Branches, c.1891 to 1911 (NRS 12919)
These registers give: name; position and station; date of birth; date of entry into service; insurance; staff or Board of Examiners certificate number; annual, weekly or daily rate; and remarks, [7/8107-08]. - Tramways extra staff register, c.1892 to 1904 (NRS 12920)
A note in the front of the volume states that the register includes: men employed to fill vacancies on the permanent staff; men employed to fill permanent positions authorised by the commissioners; and temporary men (other than casual) employed for specific periods, sanctioned by the commissioners. The register is arranged alphabetically and provides the following information for each entry: number on wages sheet; date of first entry into service; name in full; date of birth; duties; station; rate of pay; date of engagement; details of engagement and extension to engagement; and how dealt with, [7/8106].
Related records
Some tramway employees are included in NRS 12922 Railways Personal History Cards - Employees born before 1900.