Surveyors' field books 1794-1860

NameSurnamePlaceDateItem NoPrevious System NoReel No
-GallowaySurvey of Allotments - Parish of Coolingwood - County King. Allotments at Sydney, Parramatta, Liverpool, Cabramatta and Penrith County of Cumberland. Parish Wilberforce - County Cook. Reserve at Picton - County Camden. Wide Index in Field Book.567[2/8066.10]Details
TEvansSurveys of Farms at Sutton Forest - Mittagong &c. in Parishes of Belanglo, Burrawang, Yarrunga. Allotments Village of Murrimba - Subdivision of Police Paddock Reserve at Bargo. Surveys for connections - County Camden. Vide Index in Field Book.1859-1859861[2/8087.2]Details
MLewisIndex to Grants City of Sydney and various Counties.435[2/5054]Details
-WenerTraverses - Armidale towards Boorolong, McInture to Bundarra and towards Armidale. Township of Armidale and Dumarerque Creek - County Sandon &c. (Wide index to F.B.).1848-1848607[2/8068.10]Details
-GallowayMiscellaneous Surveys of Sites &c. Church, School, Burial Grounds, Roads &c. Cities of Sydney and Parramatta and County Cumberland. Wide index in F.B.1845-1845577[2/8067.3]Details
-Hosie, Nicholson & TressMiscellaneous Surveys in Counties Blaxland, Dowling, Bathurst, Wellington, Roxburgh, Rankin, Barrona and Landsborough. Wide Index in Field Book.842[2/8085.13]Details
TEvansSurvey of Farms Parish of Burragorang &c. County Camden. Farms in Parishes of Wingecarribee, Speedwell, Bimlow (on Cox River) &c. and other Surveys - County Westmoreland. Vide index to Field Book.1859-1859863[2/8087.4]Details
CArthurSurvey of large and small farms. Traverse of Isabella River, Thompson's and other Creeks - Ranges, Roads &c. County of Georgiana. Vide Index to F.B.1858-1858837[2/8085.12]Details
-DavidsonIndex to Mr. W.R. Davidson's Field Books of the Wellington District.603[2/8068.7]Details
-LarmerSurvey of Farms, Grants, Town Allotments, Rivers, Creeks, Roads &c. Counties of Argyle, Camden, Murray, St. Vincent, and King. (Vide index in Field Book).497[2/5108]Details

Showing 1 - 10 of 813 results

of  82

The index records surveyor's name, date and locality covered and gives book number, item number and reel number (if available on microfilm).

Sketch of Kissing Point Ferry

Surveyor General's crown plans 1792-1886

A complete listing of the Surveyor General's Crown Plans from the Select List of Maps and Plans (and Supplement), 1792-1886